THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Baja 1000 Pre-run Condition Reports

Baja 1000 Official Map


Mardian Castro Von Borstel In 2000, by fín Mardian Castro it was decided to man as copilot car 5/1600 of his husband Enrique Zazueta and this marked for her the beginning of an exciting experience, that he transmits to us in the following interview: As it is decided to participate? "... I wanted to know what felt my husband when running, and suddenly I saw myself surrounded in a great emotion caused by the speed when the adrenalin crossed my body..." As it is its experience? "... I have or several participation, mainly in the track races, but also I have run long routes like Coyote 300, Two DEAD 500 and Baja 1000..." "... Leaves a time to run, was during the pregnancy and birth of my Leonardo son Enrique, but or I am ready to continue enjoying this exciting and pretty sport again..." That plans have for 2007? "... So far I continue training because for the 2007 already I will be able to make debut later like pilot in the track races, and we will see that it happens but my intention is to participate most possible looking for to be in the first places..."

TEAM BRADLEY REPORTS: READY TO GO As they are going away to distribute the route? From Cove to San Ignacio it handles Lupito Abaroa and Tom Bradley from San Ignacio to La Paz Whichever experience has in this competition? This equipment has run 27 races Baja 1000 As they hope that the route? We know that you complete rains have left in badly been the route, mainly in the section of San Ignacio to Loreto, are bad parts and good parts, but have much experience already and that does not worry to us, we know that that is part of all route outside the way. As the routes go? The North part already the conemos affluent and this weekend we will cross from San Ignacio to La Paz.

HOLMOS LOOKS FOR TO REPEAT THE FEAT With a designed car, armed and prepared to the 100% in earth cabeña, Rolando Holmos sends to the adventure of Thousands Loss along with another ace of the breaches like is it Adrian Diaz, now in the class 1600 that is one of but competed. Adrian Diaz put the talent to arm to the first tubular picture piece by piece and later with the aid of Abraham the Tingo Espinoza and collaborating demas of factory DIAZ WELDING OFF ROAD, went inlaying and completing each one to one the mecanicas pieces. Rolando Holmos took in Cove in place 21 with Abraham the Tingo Espinoza like right arm handling until the Cruise where it changes dupla taking the steering wheel Adrian Diaz with his copilot Jesus Galaviz, with the charge out of danger to weigh the unit until Loreto where again the Holmos-Espinoza combination until the limit of exploitation installed in La Paz Rolando Holmos already probo the honeys of the victory in this competition when obtaining the first place in class 9 of Loss Thousands edition 2004, by that one is with confidence to obtain now of new the difficult objective although competing in a category different and many a route to say of but but difficult. Adrián Diaz, type of great experience in the local and international competiones, and main shipbuilder of the unit, reason why contributed the eyetooth touch that is required to resolve the average part of the race and to give the unit to Holmos in an encouraging position for the final closing. In the support equipment you would estaran Oscar Monge, Sergio Chaidez, Franc Rocks, Ramon Márquez, Hermes Gastelum, Alfredo Aripez, Bladimir of the Rock, Rubén Orbiz Agúndez, Rafael Carpet, Jorge Green, Andrés Bataglia and Cesar Dawn among others, with 8 cars of support following the passage of #1621 by all the Loss, receiving ademas the support of Pits Loss, ademas of the support Federico Mounts.

LEVEL GUERRERO VILLAGOMEZ: THE EXPLOSIVE TRIPLETA OF Baja 1000 Ruben Level Silly thing to say with copilot Banay, Rigoberto Guerrero taking to its right to Sandoval Robert, Francisco Villagomez with Santiago Grove the Diver, is another one of the favorite equipment of the liking cabeña, by its great experience in the local competitions, although with little experience in Loss 1000, but counting on a prepared affluent car, the confidence exists to obtain a good result in difficult class 16. Francisco Villagomez has 2 bajamileras participation, one with Mike Quade and another one with Mateo Pabloff, Ruben Level has run San Felipe and a Loss Thousands, and Rigoberto Guerrero has not run any race of SCORE. Interviewed person Francisco Villagomez comments to us about the strategy to follow: "... pimer pilot who took the first 325 miles, Rigo takes the car to the height from the Crucerito to take it to mile 724 where he will take I to make it arrive hard at La Paz closing, the strategy to follow is that Ruben Level maintaining reliable a preservative and rendidor step 1ra part doing to arrive the car until the crucerito, where Rigo tried to tighten to obtain a position cofashion before giving it to me to finish hard..." Villagomez Adds: "... I feel that this experience is going to be very hard, by competed of the category and the bad thing that this the breach, but I believe that it is going to be a good race and that we have possibility of taking the triumph to us..." The equipment estara supported Maniacos Racing, Danilo Ceseña, Toño Manríquez, Abraham Manríquez and Jesus Villagómez among others.

NACHO MONROY: WE GO BY THE FIRST PLACE Who are the members of the equipment? As official copilot and mecanico official is Martín Espinoza, Tony pilots my son, I, copilots Martín, Miky, Fernando and Armando Famania, the 16 we started from Cove to La Paz firstly and God if everything comes out well we will be here the 17 in the course of the day. That experience has each one of them? Martín has the sufficient experience is many years old already running with me even Baja 1000 and Baja 2000, we have 4 second places in Baja 1000 and 2do place in Baja 2000, we have not obtained first but we hoped that this is done to us As it is the strategy to follow? Tony along with takes Martín until San Felipe, follows Martín of copilot with me until San Ignacio, a section by highway rests Martin rises Miki until Loreto and takes the car Tony de Loreto to La Paz again along with Fernando for the closing. As it hopes that it is this route? This is the worse route of loss 100 because before the North part was but the heavy one, but now the South part this equal one, mainly the part of the Mountain range of the Giganta, that seems that stones rained, this much very difficult one, but it is necessary to throw to him and it is necessary to surpass this challenge very ademas of streams and sloughs dificiles.. Something that wishes to add. Because a greeting to the liking, that confian in us, who esten insurances that we are going to give the best thing of us for now if to share the first place with all.

JUAN CARLOS PINALES COURSE To LOSS 1000 Who are the teammates? They are arming Macias, Felipe Gracidas, Benito Aguirre and Samuel Araiza. Mil?Si has already run, we have the experience of to have run like copilot with Rescuing Level the Viejon, later in 2004 with the equipment of Arming to Macias at that time corrio like ér pilot Pablo Level. As they distribute the route? It starts Arming to Macias the owner of the car later in of the Cruise I take hold I until the 59 and ahi takes Samuel Araiza to arrive at the goal. As it hopes that it is this race? Very dificil, we finished making the route the parts that nonconociamos, are very pretty the route by the things that there are to see but it is going to be a dificil race, is much stone, very batalloso, is necessary to run it with much intelligence. Since they have been the routes? The routes every one crosses the part that are going to touch to him and despues we make the logistica of the distribution of pits, the question of the distribution of the gasoline and the strategy in general.

THE EQUIPMENT MUD WALL IS REPORTED READY TO CONFRONT LOSS 1000 In which categoria is going to compete and whereupon I number? We competed in class 12 with I number 1216 and we are going to leave atras Hector Twig. Who are the members of the equipment? Like pilots the brothers Noe, Tito its servant, and Arming Mud wall in addition to Ramon I castrate, like copilots Jaime and Rene Mandujano, Arturo and Raul Castile, David Abaroa, Felipe Martinez and Roberto Valdes de Mazatlán Sinaloa, the preinn is Ramon I castrate together in its factory of Cove with Ruben Acevedo, Alfonso Fig tree the Cousin, the Charly and with Pits Loss. As it is the experience of the equipment in this competition? We already have much experience, we have participated already in 15 editions of Loss Thousands, we obtained ér place in 2005, have 4 races without finishing and the others being between the 10 first places. As they are going away to distribute the route? It initiates Noe Mud wall leaving Cove and until San Felipe it passes the car to him to Ramon I castrate that conducira until San Ignacio, where it takes Tito Mud wall to take it to it until Loreto where it waits for it Arming Mud wall for the closing. The strategy is to handle preservative the 3 first parts of the route and to close hard from Loreto to La Paz. As they hope that it is this route? We waited for a fast race but with difficult parts. In the north very hard parts exist, rocky surfaces with fast stages, and in the south she becomes light except the part from the Purest one to Ejido 1 where with rains of hurricanes they have made damage in the way. We have obtained good places, already we arrived in 3ro the last time, but now we think that applying and handling to a same rate and something to us in such a way that also it is required because we think that we can and we go yet to manage the objective to cross the goal in the first place. As the routes go? Well, we know or the route, we have crossed him or several times and we closed this weekend crossing the part from Loreto to La Paz. 5+ OF

SERIAL COPPEL RED DUCK CLASS 11. Martin Horacio Garciglia remains commanding to class 11 accumulating 644, followed of Gabriel Garci'a with 559 points this in 2do. In ér place this Humberto Stolen with 519. In 4to place comes to all steam Lorenzo Raul González who has 483 and closes this list Sergio Chaidez Ortiz who accumulates 439 already. CLASS 9. Rolando Holmos is the leader in this class with 667 and closely together Collins comes with 642 Abraham points. In ér place also close comes the seasoned Crazy Monge, Juan Monge Marks that have to their favor 629 points, completes this cuarteta of terror Jossio Agúndez adding at the moment 614 points. Noel Orchard is 5to place with 442 points and will look for in the Loreto-La Peace to do the hombrada one and to put to first. CLASS 6. The Big Brothers Ricardo and Herminio Betancourt do not cede territory and with good performances they stay in the end of the competition with 647 points always followed close by by the Italian Andrea Tomba with 640 points could give the surprise in the closing of the serial. In ér place comes Norman Ceseña Jr with 521 points. But moved away, in 4ta position this Reginaldo Ojeda with 364 points. It closes east group of 5, Abraham Careaga that just by 2 participation has 242 points. CLASS 8S. Samir Creek already almost festeja the championship when accumulating 648. To Felix Gonzalez place with 502 points remains in 2do. Agustin Agúndez comes far in 3ro accumulating 228, whereas Juan Peralta with a single participation that was flag of pictures has 160. In 5to place this Jorge Borrayo with 114. CLASS 5/1600. Bill Ballester continues commanding this seasoned group with its 687 obtained points to surpass Enrique Zazueta who has obtained 654 reason why a great final duel between these two soldiers of terracería is augured. The short one of Cove, Javier Yee will have to improve its position coming in 3ro with 595 points. Héctor Bejarano Twig also approaches you lead them with its 556 points whereas Bernardine Barraza with 400 will have to put chancla if it is that it wants to be in the podium. CLASS 1600. Santiago and Alexander Diaz follow in great plan and with 702 points they conserve the leadership, although followed very close by by dupla Robert Arámburo and Luis Caves that with car 1601 come estimating the empowered closing of the serial from 690 points. Ér place this bitter conserving it at the moment Paul Clark who has 631 units by the 621 of Jesus Rafael Manríquez. Romeo Gamboa in 5to place with 596 points that allow him so far to aspire to fight 3ro. CLASS 5 FREES. The Pedro Velazquez 628 points hold fast in the leadership adding already. To Victor Ceseña Angulo it has 608 points reason why an excellent closing between these two good pilots is foretold. In 3ro the Tingo Espinoza comes Abraham 386 points. Jose Maria Aguilar with 251 and Carlos Ramirez Snows also seem to remain. CLASS 7. Rody Amaya Zamorano, the young genius of off road local, already seems to assure the championship moving away with 701 points its but near pursuer who is professor Miguel Carballo Angel that has 586 points. In ér place comes Rescuing Gonzalez that accumulates at the moment 459 creditos, atras come the brothers Alexander and Luis Abaroa threatening its 411 obtained in 4to place, and 5to the always dangerous Calderon brothers harvesting at the moment 407 points that are worth 5to to them sitio.CLASE 12. Pepe Cervantes who follows in champion plan and maintains very in the leadership with 670 points although followed close by by the 1204 of the Osuna brothers who bring 649. Victor Hugo Ceseña Sanchez positions in ér site with 645. Francisco the Villagomez Boy recovers land and has 605 points already leaving atras to Eduardo Dominguez who has 599 now. CLASS 8. Mister Tom Bradley profit to take finally the advantage and surpasses to all its adversaries adding 690 points. Jose Antonio Cazarez has 669 who reaches single after 2do place to him. White Humberto far comes in ér place with 329. Jesus Mamoyas Castle aspires to 3ro since at the moment he counts on 267 and is 4to. He closes this class Olegario Gonzalez with 216. CLASS 1. Andres Ruffo prevails accumulating 681 points. Mike Quade 650 points. In ér place rear guard Alberto Coppola is remained now with 578. Juan Level comes in 4to place with 480 points. Luis Ramirez Payen who continues having to them his followers with 279 points. TROPHY TRUCK. Martin Avendaño now is to lider of categoria maximum with 702 points. Francisco Monroy had to leave the last competition but they stay todavia in 2do close place with 672 points. Valerio Gonzalez comes in ér place with 653. Enrique Murillo Shot counts on 650 points. Ernesto Cervantes is already placed in 5to place despues of one season irregular but it continues being of the allowed ones of I publish fan to trophys has 546 points.

ERNESTO CERVANTES CHAMPION TROPHY 2006 AEABCS Without a doubt which this season was dificil for you Sir, because we saw it battle in several races. Thus it is, it watches, as in all type of sport, is bumps we began bad and we finished well, gaining the nocturnal one and second overall now ganandonos Martin by very just a short time, the goal in this event was to assure the state championship with sights to the following championship and to forget to us this season that did not give the awaited results us. That projects have for the 2007? Because it watches the objective era beforehand to gain the championship firstly because not habia given to us in the 3 years that we have running in trophy, luckyly we have it already in stock-market and on the other hand, to continue participating, we are awaiting which they give new trophy to us to begin championship 2007 to all steam. For Loreto that we can hope of you? We go yet, since in the championship we do not have anything already to do and by the same we have by ahi that espinita nailed of which we have not been able to gain no race of the serial Coppel, and hoped that this is the good one. It looked for in 2007 to authenticate I title? Clear that if, that is the intention, we hoped that there is more competition and than there is unification in the sport hear very positive commentaries and the intention is to conserve in I number 1 with favorable results for all my liking, my people, my equipment, my family, NAPA my main patrocinador that will follow with us in next year. Denos a message for its followers. Then to say to them that we are here of return, I believe that 2do place is good, the best thing had been to win, but we made an intelligent race with a view to obtaining the championship and to have the end the year that enters and I guarantee better results to them in the 2007.

STEVE BARRY WITH NEW PATROCINADOR Steve Barry, present champion class 9, correra proxima Low 1000 under the REAL sponsorship of SNELL REAL ESTATE for its new unit class 10, ademas that also counted on is sponsorship for local seriales 2007. "... I wait for a difficult race, by the rustic thing of the breach and by the quality of the rival competitors as they are the tijuanense Lobsam Yee, John Cooley and Darren Hardesty but other 17 competitors who tried to gain the event..."."... in my unica experience of loss 1000, it obtains ér place, venia in 1ro already near the goal, but a ponchadura permitio that escaped to me and no longer I had land to recover the position..." "... is going to take Andrew Wehe, knows the car well since he was one of his previous proprietors and handled until Bahia of Los Angeles, where I am going it to take and to try to arrive at the goal first... ""... for the 2007 I want to be the one of the protagonists of the class 1 premises, not still the calendars of competitions, but we are going to try to run most of the competitions and to obtain the first places... "

RUFFO + MIHAL: AN INTELLIGENT CONNECTION? Members of the equipment pilots, copilots, mecanicos, support, patrocinadores. The equipment this integrated by the following personnel, Jim Mihal that is the one that made the invitation us run Loss 1000, my Pope Jorge Ruffo. The pilots serian Jim Mihal and a servant, the copilots, Betim Berisha, that is running of a serious one of Street Cars de Mazda, copilots with me from Cove to San Ignacio, Robert Lozano is 2do copilot who estara on board of the car along with Jim Mihal from San Ignacio to La Paz, of the mecanico side, also is these two person who you meciono, the equipment of support this with formed by but of 20 people that would estaran to us covering throughout all the route, the patrocinadores, is Toyo Tires, NAPA, Columbia Export, Swiss, JTD, Hazarduos. Experience of each one of them. Jim competed Mihal to in races of BITD in U.S.A, Betim is running of Mazda and mecanico, Robert Lozano is Copilot and mecanico of Juan Fields of the Team Piolin Racing aqui in the state, My Pope and I, present you lead of the serial 50 years Low South Off Road. As they are going away to distribute the route. The route we divided it in 2 parts, is called on to me to take it, we left in 5ta position and we are but of 25 runners in class 1, as it mentions touches all the North part to me until San Ignacio who ahi is where it will give the steering wheel to Jim Mihal, Jim corresponds to handle the South part to him, of San Ignacio until the goal in La Paz As it is the strategy to follow: The strategy I believe that sera like the one of all the pilots, to conserve the car in the part of above, that in my point of view this something bad in certain points, ahi others in where if this to run, I believe that the haria race of this side of the south, although also our lands have adopted something similar to lands of the north, with the damage that caused rains, inclusively was changed a piece of the route in San Ignacio. but we hoped to arrive between the first places and to count on the support of the sudcaliforniana liking. As the routes go: The routes go very well, this weekend you would seran the ultimos days of route, I am called on myself to cross of San Felipe to San Ignacio, and already go by the second trip of Black Eyes to San Felipe, Jim Mihal on the other hand recorrio from Loreto to La Paz, and in these days it crosses from San Ignacio to La Paz.


Tony Telliers List
(we're not worthy, we're not worthy)

2006 Tecate SCORE "BAJA 1000"

Revision G

112 Brian Collins"Peak" skills pay off
2121 Troy HerbstMost successful car, ever?
3100 Mark McMillinNo mistakes
41 Bob ShepardSolid support
5112 Gary WeyhrichHermanos Rapido
6102 Dale EbbertsDark Horse
73 Mark PostLong night for Curt
897 B.J. BaldwinRobbie makes it happen
9125 Richard BoyleWaits for no one
1028 Alan PfluegerEager -- overly so?
11108 Martin ChristensenUltimate Driving Machine
1238 Garron CadienteGood for "night novice"
1319 Ed HerbstAWD advantage top half
141049 Darren Hardesty"Narrow" a plus
15801 Nick VanderweyNot easily cowed
164 Gus VildosolaExpect tranny change …
171004 Will HigmanHungry
1880 Chad RaglandSteady
191200 Tim NoeQuick in lower half
20236 Rick L. JohnsonToys with trees


*Tropical Storm Paul is keeping the dust down in Southern Baja. Showers and light tropical breezes are just what the race Gods ordered!

*Here are the breaks in the course south of Loreto, 34.7 km, 36.2 km, 54.8 km.* More loading...

*Steve Barry, a local Baja Sur champion, is racing the Baja 1000 in a Class 10, sponsored by Los Cabos SNELL REAL ESTATE.

*The local race organizer in La Paz is calling on racers to offer the ranches on the race course food stuffs and canned food as gifts.

*As reported EXCLUSIVELY for weeks by the
Baja Racing News, the southern Baja 1000 for 2006, 39th Edition, will run directly over the same course as the local Loreto to La
Paz race.

*Course details surrounding Loreto are being documented and reported every day! Special Thanks to the Loreto Racing Club Cimorones for all the work.

*Baja 1000 2006 course details south of Loreto and out of the mountains...Here are some details: South of Piedras Paradas, near Ciudad Insurgentes, the access roads and race course are clear and fast. The access roads and support to know are:

Piedras Paradas, 12 km West to the pavement.

Red Cross Medical at the small hamlet of
Los Llanitos, 7 km North of the crossing of HWY 1,

Ciudad Constitution 9 km East to the course. Clear-fast
Red Cross Medical in town.

Marker KM 190 is 30 km, East to the course. Clear-fast

Marker 128, Course crosses HWY 1, Red Cross Medical.

Marker KM 80 is 12 km, West to the course. Clear-fast

Marker KM 55 is 30 km, West to the course. Clear-fast

Marker KM 35, Red Cross Medical.

More details loading until the race...

**The route from Loreto to La Paz is open for pre-running! Some spots must be stopped at, but, is marked with yellow, and yellow & pink listings, with orange arrows. The route is marked with yellow strips in the Loreto section. At Insurgantes, the course is marked with yellow and pink strips The course south of Loreto is also marked with orange strips with Green / Black arrows and also "W" (wrong way signs) in sections that are off course. In some sections south of Loreto now, ther are some SCORE white markings.


"When using Weatherman to expand your range, make sure you are on a legal frequency. I will not relay on between-band frequencies. Remember the principles of good communication: who, why, where, what, and when.

Who: The first words you speak should be the car number you?re referring to, then your vehicle number if different, then your name. ?1625, chase 3, Jimmy?.
  • Why: Clearly and briefly state why you?re calling Weatherman. ?I need a relay? or ?Our car is stuck?.Where: Identify where you need assistance or the location (frequency) of the person you need to contact. ?To 1625, Chase 1, Bob,? or ?Race mile 52.5 (or GPS coordinates)?.
  • What: State specifically what you need. ?I need two tires,? or ?I need a tow strap.?
  • When: The answer to this should be ?Right now?. If it isn?t urgent and necessary, you shouldn?t be calling Weatherman.

  • NEW REPORT, Thanks TT, 10.14.2006

    SUNDAY: Ojos to SF
    Tres Hermanos pila to “Dizney Silt Beds” – will deteriorate. Wise Men will walk options the week prior .. or not!
    Uphill five miles further could be a bottleneck for small cars, e.g., 7SX, Sportsoids, Tucson Class 8s, etc.
    Jamau outlet pretty soft/choppy
    San Matias downhill leads to Laguna Salada (off-line slick!) past José’s Tienda: buy a 15-oz Tecate!

    MONDAY” SF to BoLA
    SF to Puertocitos (I did not take the OPR past Percebu exit after we marked to Chanate pila)
    Does not use the Police Station bypass
    Road to Coco’s same-O Same-O = RV destroyer

    Calamajué dryer than usual. Listen to hand-wringers! Follow our arrows!

    Road from El Crucero is whoop-****. Pee first!
    Stayed at Los Vientos north of BoLA (La Gringa road = endos and accidents). Pemex in BoLA has what you need.

    TUESDAY: BoLA to Mulege
    BoLA to Vizcaino fast, fast, and, well, faster.

    San Ig To San Juanico turnoff = “speed-o-sound”
    Course takes the eastern “SILT BED” route
    Added crushed granites stabilize surface
    Might last
    Or not
    After inland turn, many, many-square-edged vado culverts = cuidado
    Road S from San Juanico after the 8Km paved portion bladed and smooooth!
    La Purisima to Hwy 1 rough (!!!) but passable in any sensible vehicle (which excludes prerunners)
    Loads of detours: prerunning worthwhile

    WEDNESDAY: Transit to San Ig (Rice n Beans)

    THURSDAY: Transit to Pete’s (Got stuck at Alfonsina’s!)

    No lines
    Gas everywhere
    Diesel at SF, Zaga, VJM, San Ig, Sat Ros, Mulege, Loreto (3 stations)

    Bettern Phx city streets
    Lotsa cows near San Ig
    Army interested in “1000”
    Population ecstatic about “1000”
    [Bring Steekers!] BRN added*

    October 5, 2006

    There was an announcement made in La Paz over the weekend that, because a local race being held prior to the B1000, it will be using the same course. Prerunning for the local race (marked Loreto-La Paz) will start October 13.

    It's probable that because of the big job they all have down there, the southern Baja dates would get pushed back at least one week. But, its fortunate the local race is scheduled as it is, it adds more push for the job getting done. For sure, because the local race is scheduled Oct. 28-29, the southern Baja section will be busy Oct. 20 (preruns for local race)to the 27th [Race Oct. 28-29] and Nov.3 through Nov. 10 (B 1000 preruns).

    October 6, 2006

    Report from La Paz, local racers report the Loreto section to San Javier to San Isidro, will not be ready for the authorized prerunning for the local race by the 7th and 8th of October. The section is being described as impassable in as many as ten spots, including chase access roads. Prerunning from La Paz north into the base of the Sierra de la Gigantas, south of the damaged section is being suggested until the damaged section is repaired.

    The local Loreto to La Paz race scheduled for Oct 28, 29 announced the days for its authorized prerunning are Oct. 7, 8, 14 and 21st. Trying to keep non-local non-raceday traffic to a minimum. Most of the prerunning will happen just days prior to the race, Oct. 20 -27, when teams are based in Loreto. Contingency in Loreto on the Malecon is scheduled for Friday Oct 28, 3 PM to 10 PM. The race, 300 miles, is on Saturday, Oct. 29th with up to 12 hours to finish the course.


    UPDATE: Things have dried out and no more reports of Dengue have surfaced.
    Five cases of Dengue fever have been reported in La Paz, by the State Department of Health for Baja Sur. The cases were reported in Cd. Constitution and Cabo San Lucas.
    Put simply, if you plan on travel in the storm impact area, be prepared to use your best anti-mosquito strategies. Hopefully, as things dry out, the risk of mosquito bites will lessen.
    Please see this link to the CDC for more information.

    The areas on the map in gold and red are heavily damaged by wind, rain and flood damage.




    The roads in are passable but dicey. A couple of guys got through from
    loreto yesterday (9/6). They said that there were many washouts between
    Loreto and Cd. Insurgents and that between Cd. Insurgentes and La
    Purisima there were a couple of areas with running water that required
    carefull attention. Low clearance vehicles were getting stuck. The
    causeway near La Purisima is under-flowing water but again with careful
    approach it is doable.

    I drove from Loreto on Wednesday and arrived at Scorpion Bay through
    some deep water, in a our 2 wheel drive Ford van. Took 5 hours. There
    are a few places where the road is completely washed out between Loreto
    and Insurgentes, but all were passable via dirt paths beside the road.
    Between Insurgentes and La Purisima there was one major deep wet spot
    in an arroyo, which we drove through after seeing 2 cars die in a hole in
    the middle, pulled out by a tractor. You need a high car to pass this one.

    Then after turning onto the dirt road, the first arroyo, La Purisima, was in
    bad shape, but after seeing a truck come the opposite way through it, we
    drove through. It wasn’t as deep as the other one, but the water was
    flowing fast, and it was rocky and bumpy.

    There were a few more washes on the dirt road, but all were passable.

    I would only recommend that vehicles with high clearance do the south
    road drive. 4 wheel drive wasn’t necessary though. No trailers yet, the
    water is too deep.

    Apparently there is more water in the arroyos today, due to rain
    yesterday. This info is from surfers who tried to drive out of SB today,
    some went through fine, and others returned to SB deciding it wasn’t
    worth the risk.

    I heard from some surfers that got stuck on the East road during the
    hurricane (evacuated by horse back) that there are long sections of that
    road completely destroyed, just boulders left. And big wash outs. I
    wouldn’t recommend the East road for at least 2 more weeks. These guys
    are flying back down to retrieve their truck whenever the road gets
    repaired. They left their truck at a ranch.

    North mountain road impassible.

    Salt flats very difficult. Three running arroyos to cross. Few people stuck for days. Super sketchy and very very wet. Rivers were a bit lower yesterday (9-9-06) when we crossed but still sketchy. Now (9-10-06 10 AM PST) heard rivers running full blast again.

    It rained more in the mountains yesterday (9-9-06).
    Supposedly cadeje and ballena full again today.
    Ballena is the worst - major wash out, high running water, problems with
    big boulders in middle of river - walk it first carefully - only high clearance
    powerful 4whd vehicles with exprienced drivers - otherwise wait at least a
    few more days...and best to wait for a rancher to cross with - they know
    where all the big rocks are.

    Part of the road to La Laguna from San Ignacio was washed out too and
    also slowly being fixed.

    Thanks Chris, good to have you back!

    All in our group have safely returned and we got the prerunners home today.

    Man I love Baja, never a dull moment! Met lots of great people down there and came home with some wild stories.

    The caballeros that guided us out via hiking and horseback were willing to go back in to deliver a load of food and staples we paid for to the ranch we holed up at two days after the storm. As it dries out, the locals are all ready rolling boulders and shoveling dirt to open access to all the local ranches.

    Those hardest hit were in the washes such as Mulege and La Purisima. Unbelievable amounts of water. Remote valleys had 15 ft of flowing water over 1/4 mile wide. Even 4 days after the storm, we had to drive through several 3 ft deep flowing rivers once we got off the mtn. For example the big wash just south of Santa Rosalia had a high water mark 60 ft above the valley floor. This is a 1/4 mile wide wash. The valley floor is scoured clean, no soil, no trees, nothing but huge boulders - all else is in the sea.

    Sometimes the best prerunner in the world is just a horse.

    Special thanks to Sal Fish and Oscar Ramos for providing local contacts we used to arrange for the heavy equipment we brought in to open access to the ranches and extract our trucks.

    Lesson learned? Never trust the storm track of these big storms. Last we saw via internet at San Ignacio should have had the storm missing our route by 175 miles. Instead we were cut off by water and took a direct hit on top of the mountains at 11pm. The next day we spent a full day to move 3 serious 4x4's about 2 miles to a rancho with a working well so we had unlimited drinking water.

    For those curious where we were, it was a little rancho called Calagua on what used to be the road from La Purisima straight east to hwy 1. This road comes into hwy 1 about 10 miles south of Bahia Conception. Calagua is about 28km into this road from hwy 1. It's were the map shows a little S-bend in the road. This spot is up high overlooking a wash with 500ft high cliffs. It looked to me exactly like looking down at the Colorado or Green River from canyonlands. You could of white water rafted from there to La Purisima 2 days after the storm.

    Gonzaga Bay road is washed out.

    Baja Racing News Live! New Report from the area:

    Hi all, i just returned today from surviving the hurricane. This was a truely humbling experience for me, my wife and brother & sister in law.

    This is my account (Jerrod Claypool) of what we experienced in Hurricane John from Friday September 1, 2006 thru Wednesday (my birthday) September 6, 2006.

    My wife (Ronelle) and I (Jerrod Claypool) and our dog Daisy (in my white 4x4 toyota tundra dbl cab) and my brother in law (Vinay) & sister in law (Tanya) and their dog Naya in a grey 4x4 ford expedition arrived in scorpion bay on Friday september 1, 2006 at 5pm. We came in on the north road where it was in okay shape, same as it had been for the last couple years. The Ford popped a tire at the middle of the north road, had to use the spare. After putting the spare on, we were scared that we didnt have another tire incase another popped, so vinay drove at a snails pace and took about 4.5 hours overall to get in on the north road. We surfed that night, small surf, but extremely warm water - 75 degrees at least. We were camped out right at the driveway to second. We went to bed at 10pm - weather extremely hot and humid - it felt as if we all had yellow fever or something. We were awakened at 3 am by pounding rain, nasty winds of 40-50 mph. We tried best we could to pack up camp and stay in our cars. At 5am, i called my friend Sam in San Diego(via my satellite phone) and had him check the storm path. He confirmed it was over La Paz and heading directly to scorpion bay. We decided at that point to get out while we could.

    We left Scorpion Bay at 5:30 am and headed out the south road towards La Purisima. We passed a grey toyota 4runner, and a white ford f350 crew cab with a motor bike in the back with some long boards strapped down. I confirmed with them what the weather was doing and we all drove like bandits to get off the road. We reached the town of Ciudad Insurgentes, gassed up, and procedded to get on mex 1 north to loreto. By this time, it was raining extremely heavy, with gusty winds of 50 mph - at least. We drove 25 miles up the road and were stopped by a local family driving southbound. They said the road was gone up ahead and we had to turn back. Meanwhile, the guyes in the 4runner and ford decided to continue north. We followed them a couple miles but the rain was coming down soo hard we couldnt see 100 feet in front of us. So we stopped, turned around and made it back to Ciudad Insurgentes, then on to Ciudad Constitution, where we found shelter at the hotel "EL TESORO". The owner, Marcelo, is truely a great man and helped us out alot. We stayed there all day saturday, saturday night, thru sunday mid day. After pulling into the hotel on saturday tho, we noticed that the Ford had another flat tire. Now stranded without another spare, we had to go searching for a tire shop. Marcelo put vinay and I into his Chevy Tahoe and drove us around during the hurricane for a tire shop. The town was pretty much locked up for the day, except for the one big Goodyear tire shop in the middle of town. We went inside and they were already closed, although the door was open, and told them of our situation. We looked through thier entire tire selection hoping they had the 17" rim size the ford needed. To my surprise and complete delight, they had a brand new set of BFG All Terrains in a 265-70-17. I pointed at those and he gave us a price of $780 for all four, and he had an extra one for the spare rim for a price of $90. That price was exactly in line for what i just paid for my BFG's for my Tundra i had put on just before we came down to baja for this trip. So price being good and us being up Shiat creek needing tires, we told em to put em on. Only thing was, he was closed and had to find a tire installer. Within 10 minutes, we brought the Ford back to the tire shop and the installers wiere there right after us. Within 30 minutes, they were mounted balanced, and on the Ford. Talk about quick service. We tipped the installers and were on our way with a great sense of security knowing that we had some good meats under the ford now. We went back to the hotel where we hunkered down for the night.

    Having a feeling that we could all be stranded in Baja for many days or weeks to come, we decided to try and make it to either Loreto Airport or La Paz airport where the girls could get a flight out, and maybe vinay and i as well.

    After repacking our stuff sunday morning, the bulk of the hurricane had passed and the rain had stopped and sun came out, we decided to leave the hotel. We tried to get out of ciudad constitution via the north, but the arroyos had taken out the road in 3 sections and the bridge towards Insurgentes. The arroyo was 30 ft deep at the bridge, and took out the road on either sides of the bridge leaving it standing by itself. (I will post pics soon). Other spots between there, and Constition we had to forge thru mud/water in to get thru.

    We decided to head southbound to La Paz to get our wives Ronelle & Tanya to the airport so they could fly out to get to work by Tuesday. This is where the real adventure began. We drove about 50-60 miles south where we came upon a bridge that is about 400 feet long which goes over an arroyo normally completley dry. The arroyo was full of water - 15' deep and took out the north side slope (onramp) to the bridge. We waited (2nd vehicle in line) 3-4 hours while the tractors dumped sand/dirt/rocks to fill up the missing roadway to get up onto the bridge. (again, pics soon) Once on the bridge, we continued south another 10 miles where we came upon another arroyo that was full of water. There was a federale (mexican cop) that didnt want people to cross. This time the road was gone, but few trucks decided to tempt their fate and cross. A couple vehicles crossed but ended up hydrolocked (sucking water in the engine) and were seized. Others continued and made it. At this point, we decided to go for it being we had more capable and higher vehicles than most. I dipped into the rio first, water up to the headlights, 4wd locked low 2nd gear and plowed right through. The bottom was silty mud and sand. My truck made it and up onto the other side. We watched my brother/sister inlaw go for it and it was the same for them. They made it and up onto our side.

    After a quick visual check of the vehicles to make sure we were okay, we continued south another 4 miles or so to the next arroyo. This one was 300 ft across and was filled with mud. Some locals already carved a path thru for vehiles, but was by no means good. With our truck in 4low agian, we procedded thru slipping and slidding to the other side. The mud thick, with water still running down the arroyo. We conitued another few miles where there was another Arroyo. This was the same as the last 2 and made it thru this one as well. We continued south passing some more arroyos but at this point, there were soo many they all just seem to blend together. We were past the worst ones, but not out of danger.

    We arrived at La Paz around 8pm. IT took us 8 hours to drive 130 miles. Usually that distance is done in 2 hours max. We arrived at the airport tired, pretty stressed out, hungry, but with a sense of relief. We checked for flights, but didnt find anything less than $700 without 3 stops. At this point we decided to drive to cabo airport because there were plenty of non stop flights to LAX from there for $200.

    We got back on the road and headed south. The roads were in pretty good shape, but you could see where the mud had filled the road and tractors had cleared a path. We arrived in Todos Santos where the streets were full of mud - Full of Mud! It was pretty packed down alredy from people driving on it. We continued to Cabo. By this time it was about midnight, roads were in pretty good shape except for the washouts on the roads where we drove thru slowly. We arrived in cabo, at 12:30am at the burger king because thats all that was open, ate some burgers, and drove to the community of Cabo Bello where we own a couple lots of land and crashed for the night.

    Monday morning we woke up to a beautiful day, warm, sunny, humid, just like paradise should be. Took the dogs down to the beach and let them run around cause they too had been cooped up in the cars the whole time we were. Got the wives off to the airport, and then Vinay and i went to the beach for a surf. We went surfing at Old Mans in San Jose Del Cabo, and chilled for a while, and ate some food before heading north again.

    We stopped at Costco and Soriana for supplies like meat, water, essentials like donuts and beer, etc... and were on our way north at 5pm. Passed thru Todos Santos fine, La Paz fine, and continued north. We came upon the arroyo crossings that i mentioned above, and the tractors had cleared paths thru the mud, the water had recedded for the most part except for a few areas, and made our way back to the hotel in Constitution at 11:30pm where Marcelo didnt have any rooms available, but was kind enough to open his garage area to let us park and sleep there.

    Tuesday morning came, ate breakfast and were on our way. Said our thanks to marcelo and family and continued north to Insurgentes. The arroyos that were impassable on Sunday, had recedded enough to allow tractors to clear a path. The main bridge had managed to survive, but the road on either side of it had washed away. Tractors had dumped dirt to allow passage of vehicles north/south bound.

    We got to Insurgentes, and made a right turn on Mex 1 towards Loreto. This is when the real aftermath of the hurricane came apparent. We drove 10 miles and came upon a bridge that is approx 70 feet off the ground, and the north side had the road completley washed away. Imagine driving over the bridge and not having a road on the other side - whew, scary. The tractors had managed to fill enough dirt so that vehicles could pass over it. We continued another 5 miles where the road had washed away again - in 4 different sections in maybe 1000 feet long road section. People had made a bypass on the side where you drove in the dirt/mud to get around it. We continued on untill we got to the section of road near Jusus Maria. This is where we had turned around on Saturday because the brunt of the Hurricane was coming down. Just past this area, the cliff faces crumbled onto the hwy complely covering it. This was the scenario for the next 15 miles or so. the tractors, or maybe people, had moved enough rocks/debris to make way. When i say rocks, i dont mean small. I mean rocks of all sizes, some double the size of my Toyota Tundra. Driving along the cliff, i couldnt help but think of what could have happened if we got stuck here in the hurricane. The road was undermined on the right side, no dirt holding it up, just sitting there, waiting to crumble.

    South of loreto there is this little beach cove called Playa Santispac where we stopped to let the dogs out. There were boats washed up on the beach, coral had washed up the beach, and the ground was almost clean, like after you wash your garage driveway down. We talked to the beach keeper and gave him a ride to loreto where he needed to get gas/food to power generators and feed his family. He said power had been out for a few days.

    We made it to loreto where we came upon a giant arroyo that had washed out a section of road about 2000 feet wide. There was a big Semi Truck - Tractor Trailer - that was washed down the arroyo and buried up to its doors in debris. Everything was smashed out, rocks in the cab, and all the contents of the trailer were gone. The arroyo still had water running through it, but only axle deep. Picture in your mind a straight road with nothing around, then picture the same road washed out 10 feet deep, then filled with rocks from the mountains 20 feet high. Thats what the destructive force of water does. It literally moves mountains. Its hard to put it in words to really get what it looked like in person. I cant imagine what the volume and force of the water was to move this kind and quanity of rock and debris out of the mountains towards the sea of cortez. We passed atleast another dozen or so more arroyos that had the same type of destruction as well.

    We made it to Mulege where clearly this was the most destroyed part of the baja penninsula. Mulege used to be this little desert oasis filled with palms, greenery, etc... with houses along the lagoon/river/oasis. The river, or maybe it was more of a lagoon, had swollen 30 feet above its normal level completley destroying the town. All the houses are just shells now. The Palm trees had a water line that reached all the way up to the palms, maybe 30 feet high, or higher. Cars got washed into the ocean, along with several americans and several locals who died. IT took the towns power lines, everything with it. Amazingly enough, Mex 1 has a bridge that is built over it, and the water was up to the bottom of the bridge. This was like driving through a war zone. You could just feel the vibe of sadness on people as we drove through. The town had been without power since the hurricane hit, and probably will be without for some time as all the lines are gone / down.

    We made our way north to Santa Rosalia where all the water that drained out of the mountains, drianed out of this town in several areas. There was mud a few feet deep in the main town center area, the arroyos had washed a lot of debris through out the whole town area. A lot of garbage was strewn everywhere.

    From here, Mex 1 turns inland and we continued to San Ignacio, where the north road to Scorpion bay leads from. All was fine from here north. Reports i have gotten are that the north road is severly damaged, undriveable, washed out in many areas, and full of mud. The east road to LA Purisima is worse, if not gone. The arroyos have carved a ditch very wide and deep all the way from loreto where it starts, to La Purisima. I imagine the south road is washed out in many areas as well.

    To get back to my story, we drove into Guerrero Negro Tuesday night where we found that there was no gas. Guerrero Negro is part of baja sur, which gets all of its gas from Mulege or Loreto. Since no semi trucks could get through, they were out of gas. We found one small station on the west side of town where there was a line of 30 cars waiting for gas - from 1 working pump. We waited and moved slowly to the front. We were about 5 cars from the front and all the power went out in the whole of Guerrero Negro. Here we were, having gone through all we went through and now stuck in the middle of baja without gas. The next town that had gas was 220miles north - El Rosario. We almost wanted to cry. We waited an hour or so, and finally the power came back on and we made it to the pump. The gas man didnt want to pump a full tank because they were rationing, but after telling the manager our story and pleading with him, they filled our tanks full and we were on our way north 220 miles to the next town of El Rosario.

    We made it to El Rosario by 2:30 am and filled up. At this point we were so tired we could barely stay awake. We pounded some red bull and snacks and continued to Shipwreks - Punta San Jacinto and arrived at 4am. We pulled off at the break and slept 3 hours where we barbequed some steaks for breakfast.

    Now wednesday morning, we were on a mission for home and continued on to the border and made it to Los Angeles at 4:30pm.

    I am glad we all made it alive. I am thankful that we made some key decisions that led to our safe return. I have been truly humbled by baja now. I have been going down for many years, and this trip has taught me a great lesson on soo many levels its hard to begin to explain them. My heart goes out to the people that lost their lives, lost their houses, belongings, vehicles, etc...

    A few things that for me that are essentials i will never travel without in baja: A very reliable 4x4 vehicle with good ground clearance (toyota preferably) equipped with 32" BFG All terrains, a satellite phone, food, emergency supplies, water and extra fuel.

    I am not a person of religion, in fact anyone will tell you that i am the furthest thing from it, but after experiencing this hurricane from inside it and seeing what it did to the southern baja peninsula, things could have gone terribly wrong for us at many different times and i know that something was looking over us helping guide our family group safely along the way.

    When in baja, expect the unexpected. Be physically, mentally, emotionally, and morally ready for anything. You never know when something adverse will happen. It will happen eventually and you must take it in stride and know that the people of baja are some of the most wonderful, humble, helpful, simple, loving people on the planet. Anytime you travel into baja, i suggest taking some things that you no longer want or need and giving it to the locals somehow. We in the US are spoiled with soo many "things," that it wont cost us anything to bring down something for the people of baja.

    Thanks to all for reading, and i can't wait to get back down to baja for my next adventure. This has only strengthened my desire to see more of it while making sure that i'm as prepared as i can be and knowing that staying up to date on weather is a priority.

    The Southern Baja race-route will run from Vizcaino, San Ignacio, La Purisima, Loreto, (through town) San Javier, KM 105, Conejo to La Paz.


    Highway 1 Road Reports (3) More Road reports loading...


    After driving all the way up the Baja, we can confidently report that the
    entire Highway 1 is drivable in a 2 wheel drive vehicle. There were some
    washouts, rough spots and bypasses, but nothing major and we made pretty
    good time. The Mexican government and its citizens had done an amazing job
    of clearing the roads quickly, but there were a lot of signs that it took a
    major effort. In Loreto Friday night, we heard from someone traveling South
    that, as recently as last Thursday, the road had been cut below Guerrero
    Negro due to flooding in the desert. Loreto still had water across the road
    just South of town.

    The entire Ejido #1 bridge east of Constitucion and Insurentes on the road
    to Loreto was wiped out, with huge squares of concrete flipped up like
    playing cards. It will be months before it is replaced. Be careful of the
    bypass through the washout if it's raining. Same caution for the roads all
    the up through Santa Rosalia. The ground is wet and the arroyos can fill
    quickly. Slow down for "nature's topes" left in the vados and watch for the
    orange cones indicating spots where the roadway has collapsed.

    Mulege was devastated along the river. The water had apparently risen to
    within a few feet of the bridge and you could see the brown stain of the
    water line up about 12 feet into the palm trees lining the river. Buildings
    and structures on both sides of the river are gutted. Hope they don't build
    there again. Life had mostly returned to normal in downtown. The people were
    grateful for the food we delivered on behalf of Todos Santos.


    The major Baja Highway 1 from Tijuana to San Jose del Cabo is OPEN. Don't make this trip

    unless you absolutely have to. There are rock slides and washouts everywhere from Santa Rosalia south. (and one major rockslide north of S.R.) It looks as if Santa Rosalia has major damage from mud and rockslides, although Rt. 1 is passable through town. The square is covered with feet of mud and the benches are torn up and scattered on top...possibly 5 ft. high.

    From there to Mulege the road is a mess and very slow going. Trailer trucks are stopped everywhere and the majority of vehicles getting through are SUV's and light trucks. Occasionally a small car will make it, but with a push now and then over some of the rock piles. Every vado is washed out, with only makeshift detours. We saw only one place where repairs were being made by a lone front-loader.

    Mulege was dark and filled with trucks, so we just drove through to Loreto. That trip was harrowing in the dark, but a few of the washouts had been marked, and cars kept an eye on each other. We also found soldiers at one point who hopped out of a truck to put up a better barracade at a washout.

    We got the last room in a little hotel in Loreto, and this morning the drive was much easier. There was more evidence of work being done on the roads, and much more equipment and manpower in use. After Ciudad Constitución there was no highway damage until the road from Todos Santos to Cabo, where there were a couple of small washouts.

    The amazing thing was that yesterday no one knew anything about the condition of the roads i

    n front of us. Only one soldier at a checkpoint warned us of the rockslide before Santa Rosalia; other than that no police officer, soldier, or gas station attendant had any idea if we could get through or not. It was only the fact that cars were driving toward us on the roads that led us to think we might get through. This morning in Ciudad Constitución a station attendant told us the road to La Paz was passable.

    Fortunately, trucks are getting through from La Paz south. I don't know how long it will be before Mulege is going to get supplies, there are just so many places that are impassable for trucks on both sides of the town.
    Kilometer 15 of the road between Insurgentes and Loreto has major damage.


    On 09/05/06 we traveled south from Guerro Negro to Santa Rosalia and found the highway very clear and passable. Workers had cleared most of the washes. There were no dangerous washouts but there are some single lane areas.

    We were turned around in Santa Rosalia by the Policia. They were not letting through any vehicles. I believe they were stopping us

    to clear up some of the vehicles that had tried to pass earlier.

    There are no accomodations available between Guerro Negro and Santa Rosalia. Nor are there any rooms available in Santa Rosalia. There is gas but little else along the way. We have heard that there are no services in Mulege as well but believe, as of today's news, that there are services in Loreto. Accomodations are likely to be hard to get until La Paz.

    Santa Rosalia is still struggling to get electricity and water. There was no ice OR cerveza...There is one restaurant open on the highway just before the road block.

    We hear from a family that made it from Cabo to Guerro Negro that the road is clear from Constitution to La Paz. Many washouts and stuck vehicles along the way, however. We are currently trying to get info on the road closing at Santa Rosalia.

    If you are considering this trip watch for cattle along the road due to the grass from the rain also to those that have recently made this trip. The boulder is being removed on the road between Guerro Negro and Santa Rosalia.

    Weather Reporting courtesy of Baja Weather Service.