THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Baja 1000 Course Notes


67 Cross HWY 3 @ KM 39 at Ojos Negros 0.00 34.34
68 Hard right turn 0.89 35.23
69 Hard left turn 0.63 35.86
70 Cattle guard 2.04 37.90
71 Stay straight at Y 0.63 38.53
72 Cross water 1.64 40.17
73 Left down drop off 3.03 43.20
74 Stay straight at road on left 7.14 50.34
75 Through gate at water tank at Tres Hermanos 0.90 51.24
76 Stay left at Y 0.02 51.26
77 Straight through gate 1.57 52.83
78 Either/ or cross wash 0.04 52.87
79 Caution!!! Begin silt area 1.64 54.51
80 Top of hill 4.23 58.74
81 Stay left at gold mine 2.12 60.86
82 Stay left at Y 0.20 61.06
83 Shack on right 0.11 61.17
84 Through gate 1.23 62.40
85 Stay at hard to see Y 1.46 63.86
86 Left turn 0.48 64.34
87 Hard left at houses 0.10 64.44
88 Stay left at Y - rancho on right 1.20 65.64
89 Straight through gate 0.60 66.24
90 Straight through another gate 1.10 67.34
91 Stay left 0.90 68.24
92 Cross cattle guard 0.34 68.58
93 Go right at Y 0.40 68.98
94 Stay right 2.67 71.65
95 Stay left at Y 2.32 73.97
96 Stay straight at road on left 1.63 75.60
97 Through gate and turn right on HWY 3 @ KM 77 0.23 75.83
98 Turn left off of HWY 3 at KM 78 + 1.19 77.02
98 CHECKPOINT 1 - HWY 3 @ KM 78 Turnoff CHECK 77.02
99 Either / OR - if you go right you will miss VW on next note 0.42 77.44
100 Right at up side down VW 0.49 77.93
101 Right turn at Y 0.45 78.38
102 Right turn at Y 0.47 78.85
103 Stay straight at four-way intersection 1.05 79.90
104 Stay right at Y 0.19 80.09
105 Straight through gate 0.50 80.59
106 Stay left at Y - fence on right 0.57 81.16
107 Straight through fence then turn right 0.16 81.32
108 Straight through fence 0.27 81.59
2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000
Revised on 10/31/06 - See Line # 251
109 Straight through fence 0.11 81.70
110 Straight through gate 0.45 82.15
111 Stay left at Y 0.26 82.41
112 Stay straight 0.46 82.87
113 Right turn at four way intersection 0.51 83.38
114 Left turn at four way intersection 0.58 83.96
115 Right turn through cattle guard 1.32 85.28
116 Left turn at Y - very important 0.19 85.47
117 Go right at Y 0.71 86.18
118 Straight at four way intersection 0.46 86.64
119 Go right at Y 0.73 87.37
120 Veer right at Y - gate on left 0.86 88.23
121 Go left at Y 1.28 89.51
122 Straight through gate 0.08 89.59
123 Go right at Y 4.33 93.92
124 Hard right then through cattle guard 1.02 94.94
125 Stay straight at four-way intersection / Nuevo Junction 1.83 96.77
126 Go left at Y 1.02 97.79
127 Go left at Y - Jamau 4.67 102.46
128 Cross Jamau graded road 0.34 102.80
129 Go left at Y 1.85 104.65
130 Go left at Y 3.36 108.01
131 Merge onto HWY 3 Southbound @ KM117 + 1.65 109.66
132 Stay on HWY 3 - Valle de Trinidad Turnoff / Pemex 1.55 111.21
133 Stay on HWY 3 - Kiliwas turnoff 4.01 115.22
134 HWY 3 KM 136 Sign 5.79 121.01
135 Stay on HWY 3 at Mike's Road Turnoff 0.86 121.87
136 San Matias Pemex on left 2.40 124.27
137 HWY 3 @ KM 150 sign 5.52 129.79
138 Right turn into San Matias Wash & pass thru gate 0.56 130.35
139 Through gate, then immediate right 1.01 131.36
140 Through gate, then immediate left 0.02 131.38
141 Y - stay right side of wash 0.50 131.88
142 Y - stay right away from powerlines 0.27 132.15
143 Several either or - stay left side of wash 2.80 134.95
144 Y near fenceline - stay right and follow alongside fence 3.30 138.25
145 Cross Road 0.43 138.68
146 Hard right @ end of fenceline 0.39 139.07
146 CHECKPOINT 2 - North of Diablo Dry Lake CHECK 139.07
147 Stay straight on main trail onto Diablo Dry Lake 2.04 141.11
148 Turn to right and merge onto main trail across dry lake 1.77 142.88
149 Stay straight at Y - stay on main trail southbound 6.16 149.04
150 Y - stay straight / left takes you over to house 1.89 150.93
151 Stay straight - Chinalito on left 0.22 151.15
152 Y - stay straight or right on main road across lakebed 0.44 151.59
153 Pass dead car on right on lakebed 1.14 152.73
154 Either/Or - best road is on right 0.21 152.94
155 Y - left at San Felipe sign 0.64 153.58
156 Dead car on left then cross road 0.37 153.95
157 Cross road 0.24 154.19
158 Y - either/or 0.27 154.46
159 Cattle guard with alto sign 0.55 155.01
160 Left turn at San Felipe sign 0.77 155.78
161 Y - either/or 3.29 159.07
162 Y - stay left 2.24 161.31
163 Merge onto Zoo Road at Morelia Junction 0.58 161.89
164 Right off Zoo Road onto Dump Road before the Powerline Road 7.94 169.83
165 Pass dump entrance 5.00 174.83
166 Right turn just past white house and before new white posts 2.51 177.34
167 Right then left around white posts 0.35 177.69
168 Left turn at water tank 1.30 178.99
169 Right turn 0.25 179.24
170 Left turn 0.61 179.85
171 Right Turn at four way intersection 0.32 180.17
172 Cross road - Caution 2.24 182.41
173 Y - stay right before tree 0.80 183.21
174 Y - stay left / hard to see / comes up fast 1.05 184.26
175 Y - stay left 0.58 184.84
176 Right onto Old Puertecitos Road at four way intersection 0.53 185.37
177 Water tank on left 6.51 191.88
178 Stay straight - Powerline Road on left 1.39 193.27
179 Stay straight 0.42 193.69
180 Stay straight 6.49 200.18
181 Stay straight 1.87 202.05
182 Stay straight 2.64 204.69
183 Turn right onto pavement @ KM 52.5 10.85 215.54
183 CHECKPOINT 3 - Pavement South of San Felipe CHECK 215.54
184 Matomi Sign 3.09 218.63
185 Pavement ends at vado sign 8.94 227.57
186 Stay straight and go through town at Municipal building 2.00 229.57
187 Sign on left - San Juan Del Mar 19.96 249.53
188 Sign on left - Punta Bufeo 19.40 268.93
189 Military Checkpoint 6.59 275.52
190 Stay straight at Gozaga Bay intersection / Pemex on left 1.45 276.97
191 Left at Coco's Corner onto Calamajue Road 22.93 299.90
191 CHECKPOINT 4 - Coco's Corner CHECK 299.90
192 Straight through gate 1.02 300.92
193 Right off graded road toward Calamajue Wash 5.51 306.43
194 Drop into Calamajue wash and turn right 6.82 313.25
195 Crest hill stay straight 8.30 321.55
196 Stay straight 1.54 323.09
197 El Crucero Junction 5.40 328.49
198 Cross road 5.15 333.64
199 Merge with road from Rancho San Ysidro 1.46 335.10
200 Blue & white van on left 4.80 339.90
201 El Desengano ruins on left 1.64 341.54
202 Bear left 1.00 342.54
203 Turn left onto Bay of Los Angeles HWY @ KM 15.5 3.39 345.93
204 Bay of Los Angeles 31.32 377.25
204 CHECKPOINT 5 - Bay of Los Angeles CHECK 377.25
205 Turn right at sign - Tecate Casa Diaz 0.10 377.35
206 Left turn at tire shop / Café Internet on right 0.08 377.43
207 Campo Gecko on left 4.05 381.48
208 Gold mine on right 5.60 387.08
209 White post with KM 31 10.06 397.14
210 Caution hard left down hill 3.42 400.56
211 Caution bad vado 4.60 405.16
212 Hard left 17.44 422.60
213 Vado then hard right up hill / Caution sign on right 17.24 439.84
214 Hard right turn at El Arco / San Francisquito Junction 6.79 446.63
215 Right turn onto good graded road 3.95 450.58
216 Abandoned car on left as you go up hill 2.40 452.98
217 Stay left on good road 1.98 454.96
218 Rock Corral on right 6.83 461.79
219 Very IMPORTANT. Left turn off main road. 3.76 465.55
220 CAUTION - Major wash out 1.06 466.61
221 Right just past second intersection / Santo Gertradis sign 11.37 477.98
222 Sharp left then go through fence 2.60 480.58
223 Straight at four way intersection 3.82 484.40
224 Stay straight between two white houses / Caution 7.21 491.61
225 Turn right at T intersection / white water tank 0.30 491.91
226 Turn left at four way intersection / white cistern on left 0.07 491.98
227 Turn right at T intersection on good graded road 0.51 492.49
228 Left turn off graded road at Rancho Elena 4.67 497.16
229 Windmill on right 0.50 497.66
230 Stay straight through gate 1.54 499.20
231 Stay straight at four way intersection / Rancho Progreso sign 3.03 502.23
232 Turn left and drop into wash and cross wash 3.83 506.06
233 Right turn at 4-way intersection 0.54 506.60
234 Straight thru gate and enter dump 1.67 508.27
235 Stay straight 0.06 508.33
236 Turn left 1.57 509.90
237 Straight at four way intersection 0.32 510.22
238 Right turn at T intersection 1.73 511.95
239 Turn left onto HWY 1 @ KM 137 0.30 512.25
240 Military Checkpoint 37.34 549.59
241 Right turn off HWY 1 @ KM 73 at San Ignacio turnoff 2.47 552.06
242 San Ignacio Hotel La Pinta 1.24 553.30
242 CHECKPOINT 6 - San Ignacio La Pinta Hotel CHECK 553.30
243 In village stay right along Mission rock wall then turn left 0.35 553.65
244 Turn right uphill at yellow brick building 0.40 554.05
245 Left turn at large dish in fence enclosure 0.04 554.09
246 Rancho on right before left curve 5.49 559.58
247 Church on left at village 6.70 566.28
248 Stay straight at La Laguna sign 6.27 572.55
249 Road bends left / tide pool on right 7.08 579.63
250 Turn left off main road at Spray Paint sign 9.05 588.68
251 Course now goes right at Y off main road towards beach 9.79 598.47
252 Water crossing 12.38 610.85
253 Stay straight at four way intersection 0.20 611.05
254 El Datil fish camps 7.73 619.80
255 Left by shack with trailer and tire fence under powerline 0.43 620.23
256 Shells on left and junk truck on right 0.26 620.49
257 Ranch with windmill on left 13.50 633.99
258 Go right at Y 0.32 634.31
259 Right turn at T intersection onto main graded road 6.53 640.84
261 CAUTION - sharp left on downhill to cross wash xxx 641.50
262 Cross wash - El Tular sign on right / stay on main road uphill 0.42 641.92
263 CAUTION - sharp left down hill and vado 3.53 645.45
264 CAUTION - sharp left down hill / concrete shrine on right 2.07 647.52
265 Town of Cadaje - CAUTION 0.65 648.17
266 Turn right at intersection to cross wash / weather station on left 0.24 648.41
267 Military Checkpoint 0.55 648.96
268 Road curves left just before town of San Juanico 7.87 656.83
269 New pavement starts after left turn / Las Barrancas sign 0.16 656.99
270 Pavement ends. 5.10 662.09
271 Danger !!! Downhill with sharp curves 11.88 673.97
272 Cross wash 1.28 675.25
273 Start downhill curves 6.58 681.83
274 Wash Crossing / under repair 2.24 684.07
275 Left onto pavement @ KM 107 - To La Purisima/ & San Isidro 0.74 684.81
276 Pavement ends in La Purisima 3.71 688.52
277 Road construction 0.15 688.67
278 Left at Y - school on right 0.04 688.71
279 End of pavement - aquaduct on right 2.74 691.45
280 Turn left out of town / Carambuche sign 0.95 692.40
281 Stay left at Y - Caution playground on right 0.51 692.91
282 Left at Rosarito & Comondu sign 0.97 693.88
283 Go left around major washout. Many washouts next 15 miles 7.67 701.55
284 Go left around washout 1.66 703.21
285 Go right around washout 3.85 707.06
286 Go left around washout then at Y stay right to rejoin road 5.92 712.98
287 Left around washout 2.12 715.10
288 Stay left at Y 0.69 715.79
289 Right around washout 6.75 722.54
290 Right turn / Straight is access HWY 1 @ KM 59 2.22 724.76
291 Turn right 3.15 727.91
292 Right turn at T intersection 0.25 728.16
293 Right turn at T intersection 1.17 729.33
294 Left at Y 0.50 729.83
295 Stay right at Y 1.90 731.73
296 Stay right at Y 0.20 731.93
297 Stay right at Y 0.51 732.44
298 Stay left around wood corral - water tank on left 2.13 734.57
299 Stay left at Y 2.18 736.75
300 Stay straight 0.96 737.71
301 Go right at Y 0.17 737.88
302 Straight thru gate 1.37 739.25
303 Thru gate, merge right onto good road 1.59 740.84
304 Stay straight 0.57 741.41
305 Go left thru fence 0.13 741.54
306 Caution - hard to see washout 0.53 742.07
307 Straight thru cattle guard 1.18 743.25
308 Right at T intersection 1.40 744.65
309 Go left and stay between fences 1.13 745.78
310 Right turn into silty/soft area 1.10 746.88
311 Merge left and go thru rancho 0.64 747.52
312 Go right at Y 0.23 747.75
313 Go right at Y 0.69 748.44
314 Go right at Y 0.61 749.05
315 Merge right onto road 0.41 749.46
316 Go left at Y 1.82 751.28
317 Stay right at Rancho Poza 1.22 752.50
319 Right turn into wash 2.61 755.11
320 Go right at Y 0.61 755.72
321 Stay straight - climb out of wash 0.53 756.25
322 Cross rough wash 0.50 756.75
323 Cross another rough wash 2.11 758.86
324 Right turn out of wash and go up hill 1.60 760.46
325 Drop into sandy wash 0.87 761.33
326 Go left at Y 0.62 761.95
327 Right turn out of wash 8.23 770.18
329 Stay to the right of HWY 1 / Parque Marino sign 2.39 772.57
330 Metal gate 0.50 773.07
331 Go left at Y - not uphill on right 0.40 773.47
332 Go left and climb hill - road will turn left and go downhill 0.08 773.55
333 Hard right at blue pump with fence 1.59 775.14
334 BFGoodrich Pit # 6 1.40 776.54
335 Through fence - at T intersection turn right 0.26 776.80
336 Right turn onto San Javier Road 5.14 781.94
337 Church on right and rancho on left 5.50 787.44
338 Cattle guard 3.64 791.08
339 Ranch on right stay left 1.11 792.19
340 Caution - hole in middle of road 0.40 792.59
341 Go left around wash out 0.42 793.01
342 Either/Or around wash out 0.17 793.18
343 Left at intersection to San Javier 0.26 793.44
344 Cattle guard 0.73 794.17
345 Either/Or around Detour 0.07 794.24
346 Bad wash out - pole on left side 2.73 796.97
347 Cattle guard and enter San Javier - CAUTION 0.31 797.28
348 Concrete pillers - right then left to avoid Main Street & Mission 0.35 797.63
349 Go right at Y 0.71 798.34
350 Stay right at Y 2.63 800.97
351 Stay right at Y 0.22 801.19
352 Right then cross wash / Agua Escondido sign 3.19 804.38
353 Left turn at Poza De Gonzalez sign 3.14 807.52
354 Cross wash 1.28 808.80
355 Gate 0.53 809.33
356 Stay straight - Rancho on right 1.97 811.30
357 Hard right at Rancho and go down hill 2.35 813.65
358 Right turn 0.59 814.24
359 Right at Y / Rancho Santa Inez El Parral sign 2.49 816.73
360 Go right at T intersection 0.82 817.55
361 Cross rough wash 0.27 817.82
362 Left then right - into wash with water / old ranch on right 1.79 819.61
363 Stay left at Y 1.89 821.50
364 CAUTION - Washout 0.70 822.20
365 Go right at Y 0.69 822.89
367 Drop into wide rocky wash - once in wash stay right 0.66 823.55
368 Go right - then go left into wash, once across wash turn right 3.14 826.69
369 Go left at Y - rancho on right 3.18 829.87
370 Go right at Y 0.88 830.75
371 Stay right through water crossing 2.44 833.19
372 Straight through fence 3.86 837.05
373 Go left at Y 2.54 839.59
374 Go right 0.74 840.33
375 Go right - abandoned building on left 5.72 846.05
376 Merge left onto good road 8.13 854.18
377 Turn left 0.48 854.66
378 Go right - behind old PEMEX 0.58 855.24
379 Go left towards HWY 1 and turn right onto HWY 1 @ KM 13 0.15 855.39
379 CHECKPOINT 8 - HWY 1 Crossing East of Insurgentes CHECK 855.39
380 Turn left after bridge off HWY 1 @ KM 12 0.75 856.14
381 Go left at Y 0.09 856.23
382 Go left at Y 0.09 856.32
383 Cross through gate 1.14 857.46
384 Go right at Y 1.08 858.54
385 Through fence 0.37 858.91
386 Cross Ditch 0.71 859.62
387 Hard Left 0.07 859.69
388 Right Turn 0.53 860.22
389 Turn left onto paved road 2.28 862.50
390 Stay straight at four way intersection 6.19 868.69
391 Cattle guard 2.46 871.15
392 Turn right 1.51 872.66
393 Cattle guard then left, drop into wash 2.02 874.68
394 Cattle guard 0.39 875.07
395 Go left at Y 2.88 877.95
396 Right turn at four way intersection 0.55 878.50
397 Stay straight at four way then veer right toward paved road 0.37 878.87
398 Left onto pavement 0.26 879.13
399 Left off pavement 0.63 879.76
400 Cattle guard then right off main road onto small trail 1.98 881.74
401 Go right at Y and stay on most centered main trail 0.87 882.61
402 Drop down and cross wash then veer right 1.85 884.46
403 Go right at Y 3.15 887.61
404 Stay towards left onto good graded road 0.60 888.21
405 Stay right at Y 2.44 890.65
406 Go right at Y 3.70 894.35
407 Go right at Y 0.54 894.89
408 Left off of good road 1.32 896.21
409 Left turn onto good road 0.43 896.64
410 Road curves to left - shrine on right 6.86 903.50
411 Entering San Luis Gonzago - at end of town veer right 2.67 906.17
412 Either/Or - left is shorter 2.07 908.24
413 Rancho on left with two wood corrals / Rancho Iraqui 5.70 913.94
414 After creek crossing, go right 3.06 917.00
415 Go right at Y 0.42 917.42
416 Cross wash / CAUTION - concrete is broken 0.82 918.24
417 Rancho on left 0.25 918.49
418 Go right at Y 0.74 919.23
419 Go right - Rancho Las Arados on left 2.95 922.18
420 Go left over concrete vado / Rancho La Fortuna 8.05 930.23
421 Shrine on right 9.12 939.35
422 Cross HWY 1 at KM 127+ 4.35 943.70
422 CHECKPOINT 9 - HWY 1 Crossing South of Santa Rita CHECK 943.70
423 Right then go through fence and over cattle guard 0.11 943.81
424 Detour right around washout 3.60 947.41
425 Back on good graded road 0.18 947.59
426 Right at Y - basketball court in compound 2.68 950.27
427 Right - then pass U-Haul Rancho / Silt Ahead 1.00 951.27
428 Stay right at Y 0.04 951.31
429 Stay straight 0.75 952.06
430 Ranchos on right on small hill 0.80 952.86
431 Right at Y 0.18 953.04
432 Right at Y - pay attention, easy to miss 1.32 954.36
433 Over hill past church - between Rancho and corral / Silt Ahead 0.39 954.75
434 Stay left at Y 0.33 955.08
435 Stay left at Y 0.39 955.47
436 Y. Stay right. Do not go up hill on left side. 0.50 955.97
437 Silt area - stay straight / Many lines so don't get lost 0.26 956.23
438 Stay left at Y 0.13 956.36
439 Corral / Stay right @ fence corner and pass by church 0.30 956.66
440 Stay straight - cross road 0.22 956.88
441 Stay to left at Y 0.08 956.96
442 Red brick house on left 0.81 957.77
443 Major Silt Ahead - Either/Or 0.16 957.93
444 Right and stay between two fences 0.79 958.72
445 Left away from fenceline / Pay attention or miss it 0.42 959.14
446 Detour around ditch / CAUTION 0.43 959.57
447 Left at T - and stay left 0.08 959.65
448 Either/Or 0.95 960.60
449 Stay on main trail / Many roadcrossings, dropoffs and ditchs 0.00 960.60
450 Caution - Detour 3.90 964.50
451 Caution - Ditch 8.96 973.46
452 Stay right at Y - Punta Conejo 6.21 979.67
453 Stay left at Y before lighthouse 0.38 980.05
454 Stay left and cross wash 0.05 980.10
455 Stay left at Y 0.27 980.37
456 Ditch - CAUTION 7.14 987.51
457 Rancho Aguja on right 2.40 989.91
458 Hard right 0.47 990.38
459 Stay left on main road that parallels coast 1.45 991.83
460 Stay left at Y 0.48 992.31
461 Stay left before green shrine 0.99 993.30
462 Hard right 3.66 996.96
463 Pass thru downtown Agraria # 2 0.51 997.47
464 Right turn onto powerline road 0.08 997.55
465 Dropoff - cross wash 0.98 998.53
466 Cattle guard 1.40 999.93
467 Dropoff 0.59 1000.52
468 Hard right 0.35 1000.87
469 Left turn 0.35 1001.22
470 Cross roads 1.35 1002.57
471 Cross road 0.26 1002.83
472 Road merges from right 0.26 1003.09
473 Stay right at Y 0.08 1003.17
474 Hard left 0.93 1004.10
475 Stay left at Y 0.74 1004.84
476 Hard left - cross wash 3.90 1008.74
477 Pass thru Red Brick Rancho - CAUTION 0.20 1008.94
478 Stay right behind ranch / Do not take road in front of ranch 4.03 1012.97
479 Bear left and merge onto wide graded road 0.23 1013.20
480 Hard right off wide graded road 11.47 1024.67
481 Stay straight at intersection 4.39 1029.06
482 Left turn 0.37 1029.43
483 Top of Mini Summit 1.64 1031.07
483 CHECKPOINT 10 - Top of La Paz Mini Summit CHECK 1031.07
484 Hard left - stay on twisty trail thru bushes 5.73 1034.79
485 Left and back onto old race course 2.68 1037.47
486 Stay left at Y 0.63 1038.10
487 Very hard right turn 3.26 1041.36
488 Left turn 0.28 1041.64
489 Right into wash 0.43 1042.07
490 Cross roads / pay attention - may be confusing 0.16 1042.23
491 cross road into wash 0.18 1042.41
492 Left before fence 0.08 1042.49
493 Right @ fence corner near wash - then dropoff 0.03 1042.52
494 Left - follow Centro signs 0.07 1042.59
495 Right turn onto HWY 1 @ KM 13 0.28 1042.87
496 STOP - Race time stops near this location 4.44 1047.31
497 Finish Line 0.52 1047.83