THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, November 17, 2006


""Another spectator coils pilot to two children in Loss Thousands was run over by a car of races in the town of Black Eyes and two runners fell of their motorcycles He dyed himself of red the race outside Low way Thousands. By Nicté Madrigal González 2006-11-16 00:00:00 Cove, B.C. - small of a 3 years and boy of 12, was seriously wounded to the being coiled by a vehicle that participated in Loss 1000; two women more, from 9 and 30 years were with smaller injuries in the same accident. "All began to throw to the floor to roll and to avoid to be run over, the lady and the girl were seated and they did not reach to do nothing. The boy we did not only see if he were stopped or he seated, when reached pick up "related witnesses. They considered that the lack of signallings of the route was determining in the accident, because by some seconds the pilot was confused of route and when retaking the way, lost the control of pick up and it went against people. They detailed that when being to the height of the avenue A'mbar and Ruiz, the vehicle with number 805 tried to avoid the tragedy, nevertheless, reached to the 4 people. The conductor, identified like Antonio Mayan Monroy, of 18 years and original of La Paz South Baja California, was stopped and put to disposition of the Public Ministry of the Common Law, instance that will determine its legal situation. The wounded was transferred to Clinic 8 of the Mexican Institute of Seguro Social (IMSS), where of immediate way Paola Thrown Vázquez, of 3 years and Esteban Montoya Garci'a, of 12 they were taken part surgically. Guadalupe Lopez and Aylín Córdova Lopez, of 30 and 9 years respectively, entered the area of urgencies of nosocomio. Some of the spectators described as deficient the operative one of security, because in addition of which there were few elements, these were distracted with other things. "In all the zone there were not nor 10 police of the hundreds that said that there would be; tapes or cords needed ". Esteban Esteban not is great fan to races, nevertheless, his house is near route and how every year asked its parents who took to see it "the Loss", related relatives of the small one. His papa, had returned of a trip to Mexicali and he said to him to his son who this one year could not take it. He decided to go and shortly after her mother chose to leave to look for them. Later, the smaller brother of Esteban warned his mother of the happened thing. Afternoon of yesterday, the mother of Esteban - surrounded by relatives - remained in the area of Urgencies of the IMSS, cried heartbroken by the luck of her son. In as much, its close friends they looked for answer with a the insuring company contracted by Score the International, because it is probable that Esteban needs a treatment rehabilitation. The official version The Commander of Transit and Transports, Jorge Loving Antonio Núñez, informed that the accident had - for obvious reasons to the excess of speed and lack of skill of the pilot. He detailed that when being to the height of the avenue A'mbar and Ruiz, the vehicle skidded on its right side and the conductor could not control it, hitting of simultaneous way the spectators. On the signallings in the passage of the route, Loving Núñez, said that it assumes that all the runners must know the route. It recognized that in many cases, the people who go to see the spectacle does not measure the danger and to many it is very difficult to control them. Hurt Edad name Area of entrance Paola Thrown Vázquez 3 Operating room Esteban Montoya The 12 Garci'as Operating room Guadalupe Lopez 30 Urgencies Aylín Córdova Lopez 9 Urgencies""