THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Baja 1000 Story & Schedule of Events

39th Tecate SCORE BAJA 1000
Nov. 15-18, 2006—Final round of six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series
Ensenada, Baja California, to La Paz, BC Sur, Mexico



Pre-race festivities on Wednesday, Nov. 15, for the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, including tech and contingency and the SCORE Manufacturer’s Midway will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. across from the San Nicolas Hotel. The pre-race mandatory driver/rider briefing will be held Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center. Racer registration will be held at the San Nicolas from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14 and from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15.The team support parties will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from noon to 5 p.m., poolside, at the San Nicolas Hotel. On Wednesday (Nov. 15) from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., the Happy Hour will be held in the Red Room at the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center in Ensenada.The post-race Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Survivor’s Celebration will be held during the SCORE Fiesta on the Malecon beachwalk in La Paz, which starts at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18

Tuesday, Nov. 14:
Media & Competitor’s Registration 1:00pm-6:00pm- Hotel San Nicolas, Ensenada BC, Mexico

Wednesday, Nov. 15:
Media Center-9:00am-5:00pm Hotel San Nicolas Competitor’s Express Registration Hotel San Nicolas-9:00am-11:00am Competitor’s Regular Registration Hotel San Nicolas - 11:00am-5:00pm Contingency Inspection: Across from the La Pinta Hotel 10:00am-5:30pm Technical Inspection: Across from the La Pinta Hotel 10:00am-6:00pm Driver/Rider Meeting: 7:00pm at Riviera Convention Center

Thursday, Nov. 16:
RACE STARTS: In front of Riviera Convention Center. Motorcycle’s & ATV’s –
6:30am 4-Wheel vehicles – 10:30am

43 Hour Time Limit For All Classes
* Motorcycles & ATVs will start at 6:30AM. One every 30 seconds in the following order:
22, 30, 40, 21, 20, 50, 60, SptMoto>, SptMoto<, 25, 24, SptATV. - THERE WILL BE A FULL THREE HOUR GAP BETWEEN THE LAST ATV AND FIRST TROPHY TRUCK. * Four Wheel will start at approximately 10:30AM. One every 30 seconds in the following order: TT, 1, 10, 8, PT, SL, 1/2-16, 5, 7, BC, 5-16, 7S, 7SX, SF, SM, 9, 3, 17, SptTrk, SptBug, 11, SptUTV.


Thursday, Nov. 16, 9PM Checkpoint 1 Closes at RM. 77.02

11 PM Checkpoint 2 Closes at RM. 139.07

Friday, Nov. 17, 2 AM Checkpoint 3 Closes at RM. 215.54

4 AM Checkpoint 4 Closes at RM. 299.90

8 AM Checkpoint 5 Closes at RM. 377.25

2 PM Checkpoint 6 Closes at RM. 553.30

Saturday, Nov. 18, 1 AM Checkpoint 7 Closes at RM. 724.76

4 AM Checkpoint 8 Closes at RM. 855.39

6 AM Checkpoint 9 Closes at RM. 943.70

8 AM Checkpoint 10 Closes at RM. 1031.07

Finish Line 8:30 AM Checkpoint 11 Closes at RM. 1047.83


EXCEPT, RM. 656.9 to 662.0 & 879.1 to 879.8

Saturday, Nov. 18:
Unofficial Results Posted Competition Review Board Awards Presentation (location T.B.A.) La Paz, BCS, Mexico


Pit 1 RM 122.09

Pit 2 RM 236.68

Pit 3 RM 377.01

Pit 4 RM 517.66

Pit 5 RM 653.84

Pit 6 RM 776.54

Pit 7 RM 906.17

FINISH RM 1047.83

Baja Pits-Locos Mocos

Orange Triangle for pit location on race day.

Course Change at RM 550 going to the beach run to EL DATIL Pit12
Baja Pits-Locos Mocos Support Locations.

2 HWY 3 KM 78 78 44
4 SAN FELIPE 178 56
7 EL CRUCERO 328.4 52
10 EL ARCO 491 58
11 SAN IGNACIO 553 62
12 El DATIL 619 66
13 SAN JUANICO 656.8 44
14 CO. CONCEPTION 712 56
15 LORETO 776 64
16 SAN JAVIER 797 21
17 HWY 1 KM 11 855 58
19 HWY 1 KM 128 944 38
20 EJ CON QUISTA 997 48


1) The Driver/Rider Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 15 at 7:00pm at the Riviera Convention Center.
2) The race will be run on Pacific Standard Time (PST), including the post-race activities in LA Paz.
3) All competitors are reminded that off road racing is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or even death. YOU MUST BEAR THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY.
4) It is important to remember that SCORE cannot regulate the conduct of spectators. Be advised that spectators may engage in malicious activity by building ramps, digging ditches and placing objects onto the course. When approaching a group of spectators - SLOW DOWN & BE ALERT!!
5) The roads used for this race course are open to the public. You must expect at all times to encounter oncoming traffic. You must also expect to encounter cattle roaming freely on and around the race course.
6) All racers MUST possess a valid driver license while operating the race vehicle.
7) Passing on the highway sections must be made on the left-hand side only, within the 60 MPH speed limit, and by obeying the
highway markings. The Mexican Federal Preventative Police will enforce the highway passing laws at their sole discretion.
8) There are ten paved highway sections subject to the 60 MPH speed limit and enforced by the rally logger device:
- Left on HWY 3 @ KM 12 (MILE 15.1) to Left off HWY 3 @ KM 19 (MILE 19.4).
- Right on Ojos Pavement (MILE 33.3) to Cross HWY 3 @ KM 39 (MILE 34.3).
- Right on HWY 3 @ KM 77 (MILE 75.8) to Left off HWY 3 @ KM 78 (MILE 77.0).
- Left on HWY 3 @ KM 118 (MILE 109.6) to Right off HWY 3 @ KM 151 (MILE 130.4)
- Right on Pavement @ KM 52.5 (MILE 215.5) to End of Pavement @ Puertecitos (MILE 229.5).
- Left on Bay of LA HWY @ KM 15.5 (MILE 345.9) to End of HWY @ Bay of LA (MILE 377.2).
- Left on HWY 1 @ KM 137 (MILE 512.3) to San Ignacio La Pinta Hotel (MILE 553.3).
- Left on Pavement @ KM 107 (MILE 684.8) to Pavement Ends After San Isidro (MILE 693.8).
- Right on HWY 1 @ KM 13 (MILE 855.3) to Left off HWY 1 @ KM 12 (MILE 856.1).
- Right on HWY 1 @ KM 13 (MILE 1042.9) to Baja 1000 Finish Line (MILE 1047.8).
9) There are two paved highway sections NOT subject to the 60 MPH speed limit:
- The pavement in San Juanico from mile 656.9 to 662.0 is NOT a controlled speed zone.
- The pavement East of Constitution from mile 879.1 to 879.8 is NOT a controlled speed zone.
10) The road from Puertecitos to Coco's Corner is NOT a chase road. Chase vehicles must stay off this section during the race.
11) The race course is marked with orange/white ribbon, yellow reflective tape, orange arrows, green wrong ways, and mile markers every five miles. SCORE cannot guarantee that course markings will be in place on race day. It is the responsibility of each driver/rider to pre-run the course and race in a controlled manner and be able to slow down to avoid danger spots.
12) Four-Wheel vehicles that are in a position to pass a motorcycle or atv MUST NOT ATTEMPT TO PASS UNTIL THE RIDER HAS MOVED TO THE SIDE OF THE COURSE. Motorcycles and ATVs must remain aware of approaching traffic and move
over as quickly as possible. Four-Wheel vehicles are ultimately responsible for the safety of passing. USE YOUR HORN!!!
13) SCORE will use 151.625 (Weatherman Relay) for the main race operations radio frequency. Please use this frequency to report an emergency or ask for help.
14) Stub Cans will be used at this race. You are required to enter all checkpoints in a single file manner and come to a complete stop at the stop sign. The checkpoint corridor is not considered part of the race. Entering and exiting all checkpoints must be done in a safe and prudent manner in order to guarantee the safety of all checkpoint workers. Checkpoint signage will be placed
on the right side of the course as follows - CHECKPOINT 1/4 MILE / CHECKPOINT 200 YARDS / CHECKPOINT.
15) Passing is not permitted 300 feet before a checkpoint. Pitting is not permitted within 300 feet before and 100 feet after a checkpoint. Pitting is not permitted within 100 feet before or 100 feet after a paved highway crossing. No towing, pushing or pulling through a checkpoint or greater than 1% of the course, which at this race is 10.5 miles.
16) No towing, pushing or pulling of Four-Wheel vehicles within 1 mile of the finish line. SCORE has created an exception to this rule in the past and allowed pushing by wristbanded vehicle occupants only. As a result, vehicle occupants WILL BE allowed to push a disabled race vehicle across the La Paz finish line.
17) All classes have 43 hours to complete the race provided that each checkpoint is cleared within the scheduled closing time:
18) The race will start in front of the Riviera Convention Center on Boulevard Costero.
19) A competitor who is late for his assigned start time will start at the back of the class that is currently starting. The elapsed
time of a late starter begins with his DESIGNATED START TIME, not the late start time.
20) Motorcycles and ATV classes will report to staging at 6:00AM for a 6:30AM start.
21) Motorcycles and ATVs will start one every 30 seconds in the following order: 22, 30, 40, 21, 20, 50, 60, SptMoto>, SptMoto<, 25, 24, SptAtv. 22) Four-Wheel vehicles will start at approximately 10:30AM. The exact start time of the first Trophy Truck is three hours after the last ATV starter. 23) Four-Wheel vehicles will start one every 30 seconds in the following order: TT, 1, 10, 8, PT, SL, 1/2-1600, 5, 7, BC, 5-1600, 7S, 7SX, SF, SM, 9, 3, 17, SptTrk, SptBug, 11, SptUtv. 24) FOUR WHEEL CLASS STAGING TIMES - TT(9:45AM), 1(10:00AM), 10(10:15AM), 8(10:20AM), PT(10:30AM), SL(10:40AM), 1/2-1600(10:50AM), 5(11:05AM), 7(11:15AM), BC(11:20AM), 5-1600(11:30AM), 7S(11:35AM), 7SX(11:40AM), SF(11:45AM), SM(11:50AM), 9(11:55AM), 3(12:00PM), 17(12:05PM), SPTRK(12:10PM), SPTBUG(12:15PM), 11(12:20PM), SPUTV(12:25PM). 25) Late registration will open on Thursday morning at 5:00AM inside the Riviera Convention Center.


Nearly 450 Entries!

ENSENADA, MEXICO—After all the pre-race music, Mexican fiestas and autograph sessions are finished, reality will abruptly return Thursday morning when the green flag drops for the 39th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race.
Emphasis will quickly shift from all the celebrity and cross-over drivers when the tire treads meet the rugged desert terrain of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula as the world’s best desert racers will earn and lose SCORE season point championships in the season-finale of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series.
The granddaddy of all desert races will be held for the 39th time this week, starting in Ensenada, on the Pacific Ocean 65 miles South of San Diego and finishing in La Paz on the Sea of Cortez, covering 1,050.83 miles down Mexico’s ruggedly majestic Baja California peninsula.

A humungous race-record field of nearly 450 entries from 38 U.S. States and 11 countries, competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs, are part of this year’s tribute to the sport of desert racing. The race is the crown jewel of the World’s Foremost Desert Racing Series.
The all-time race-record for starters, 346, was set 29 years ago in 1977 (Ensenada to Ensenada), and the race-record for starters when the race runs the length of the peninsula to La Paz, 307, was set in 1992. The race record for finishers, 198, was set in 2004 when the race finished in La Paz.

With massive crowds of over 300,000 anticipated to again be spread out down the Baja California Peninsula, the race will start in front of the Riviera del Pacific Cultural Center in Ensenada and will finish on the outskirts of La Paz in Baja California Sur.
Truly the race of champions, this year’s race will again determine the SCORE season class champs. The closest point races include the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck division, where just 67 points separate the top five and the unlimited Class 1, where just 40 points separate the top five point leaders.
“There are no accurate adjectives to describe my feelings right now, this is all so unbelievable,” said Sal Fish, SCORE President/CEO, on the eve of the world’s most famous desert race. “To think that after 38 previous classics, this year’s race has gone off the chart in terms of entries compared to other years is mind-boggling. The Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 is the Super Bowl of motorsports and I can’t wait to watch the world’s greatest desert racers and their amazing crews make some more SCORE Baja history this weekend. It’s also a special treat for us to host a record number of our cross-over and celebrity racers who will experience something that they will remember forever.”
BFGoodrich Tires, a SCORE desert racing staple, is completing its celebration of 31 years of SCORE Baja racing as well as pursuing its quest of 21 consecutive Overall 4-wheel victories in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000.
A race-record of 36 SCORE Trophy-Trucks are entered. The marquee SCORE racing division featuring 800-horsepower unlimited production trucks includes cross-over drivers Gordon and James, in addition to the talented field of regulars and a very close point’s race for the season championship. Eight of 12 previous season point champions are entered and 61 of 77 all-time SCORE Trophy-Truck race winners are represented as well along with seven of the previous 12 SCORE Trophy-Truck winners in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000.
Las Vegas brothers Ed and Tim Herbst are the winningest team in the history of the class with 11 race wins and four season point titles in the No. 19 Terrible Herbst Motorsports Ford F-150, while tied for second is Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., with nine. Ragland is again racing this year with veteran Brian Collins of Las Vegas, who has three wins in the No. 12 Collins Motorsports Chevy Silverado. Top challengers to become the new ‘gran ganador de Mexico’ in SCORE Trophy-Truck include the Herbst brothers, NASCAR’s R. Gordon and his co-driver Andy McMillin, Ryan Arciero and Ricky Johnson (who won this class in 2003 and 2004, last year’s season point champion and Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 race winner Bob Shepard, this year’s point leader B.J. Baldwin, Hawaii’s Alan Pflueger and rookie sensation Garron Cadiente.
Las Vegas’ B.J. Baldwin won the season-opener in Laughlin in January and has finished high enough the rest of the way to maintain his point lead in the ultra-competitive SCORE Trophy-Truck division. He has 270 points to lead Shepard, who win the SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 in September, by six points. Third are the Herbst brothers (Ed and Tim) with 242 points while Pflueger is fourth with 241. Fifth entering the season-finale is the team of Andy McMillin/Robby Gordon with 203 while Cadiente, who won the Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in March, is sixth with 199 points.
The Collins/Ragland team sat out the San Felipe race this year, but pulled off a stunning SCORE Trophy-Truck victory in June’s Tecate SCORE Baja 500.
The unlimited Class 1 for open-wheel desert race cars has one of its closest point races as well with just 40 points separating its top five leaders. The team of Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler, who are seeking their third straight overall 4-wheel vehicle win in this race, have 296 points to lead the class and the SCORE Overall point standings in their Smithbuilt-Ford. Brothers Gary and Mark Weyhrich are second with 291, followed by Richard Boyle/Ron Brant with 273, Martin Christensen/Dave Mason with 260 and Brian Parkhouse with 256. Herbst has 20 Class 1 race wins since 1997 out of 54 races, a SCORE record for the class.
Entered in this year’s event are 19 racers who have combined for 40 overall wins in either the 4-wheel or motorycle divisions. The leaders are: Larry Roeseler, 12, (10 on a motorcycle); Johnny Campbell has won nine straight (all on a motorcycle), Malcolm Smith has five overalls (two in m/c and three in 4-wheel) and with five overall wins each in the 4-wheel division are Mark McMillin and Larry Ragland.
Entered in this year’s event are 93 racers who have combined for incredible 259 class wins. The leaders in multiple class wins entered this year are: Rod Hall with 18 (first overall), Larry Roeseler with 14 (third overall), Chris Haines with 12 (fourth overall), Jack Johnson with 11 (fifth overall), Johnny Campbell with 9 (tied for sixth overall) and Mark McMillin, Malcolm Smith, Eric Solorzano and Dean Sundahl with 8 each (tied for ninth overall).
The race also features 34 riders (30 motorcycle entries and four ATVs) who have declared their intention to race solo for the entire distance, hoping to claim a SCORE IronRider award.
This record-setting race also has a SCORE record number of female driver/riders. The SCORE regular primary drivers entered are Heidi Steele, Class 7SX and Sigal Greenberg, Class 9. In the Micron Technology Baja Challenge class, Robby Gordon’s younger sister Robyn and Beccy are leading the All-American Girls racing team while San Diego County school principal Jessica McCreary is part of a Sportsman ATV team.
Two female racers, Kathy Jarvis and Anna Cody, will both be attempting to set very special records for the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. Jarvis, a noted Hollywood stunt driver, is racing in the Protruck class and will attempt to becoming the first female rider to drive solo in a truck class. Cody, a veteran SCORE desert racer whose brother Quinn is part of one of the factory Honda teams in this race, will be racing in Class 22, attempting to become the first female rider to drive solo on a motorcycle.
To date, the Pro 4-Wheel classes with the most entries to date are SCORE Trophy-Truck with a race-record 36, Class 1-2/1600 (30), Class 1 (29), SCORE Lite and Class 5/1600 (21 each), Micron Technology Baja Challenge (20), Protruck (19), Class 10 (12).
In the Pro Motorcycle classes, the unlimited Class 22 has 24 entries so far while Class 30 (riders over 30 years old) has 15 and Class 40 (riders over 40), has 10.
Leading the six Sportsman classes in the race is Sportsman Motorcycle over 250cc which has a race-record 53 entries to date.


39th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race.
Final event of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, November 14-18, 2006

Ensenada-Baja California, Mexico (65 miles south of U.S./Mexico Border)
to La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Over 440 entries from 38 U.S. States, and 11 countries, competing in 27
Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs


1,050.83 miles (10 checkpoints plus the finish line).
Starts on Blvd. Costero, adjacent to the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural
Center in Ensenada, finishing on the outskirts of La Paz adjacent to the
tourism office. Starting on the Pacific Ocean side of the Baja California
peninsula, the course immediately heads southeast through the Valle de
Trinidad (rm 111.2) to San Felipe (rm 177.3) where it turns south along
the azure Sea of Cortez. Passing through Puertocitos (rm 229.5), San Luis
Gonzaga (rm 276.9), Coco's Corner (rm 299.9) and Bahia de Los Angeles
(rm 377.2) before heading about 20 miles further south and then turning
southwest through San Francisquito junction (rm 446.6) and winding a
south through El Arco (rm 491.6) to Highway 1 @ KM 137 (rm 512.2) running
on Hwy 1 to KM 73 (rm 552.1) and looping back east to San Ignacio (rm
553.3). The course then heads sharply southwest back to the Pacific Ocean
and south down to Rancho Cuarenta (rm 612.9) to San Juanico (rm 656.8)
before a backwards 'C' loop along the Sea of Cortez down past
Loreto (rm 776.5) and San Javier (rm 797.2)) to across Hwy 1 just
northeast of Ciudad Insurgentes (rm 855.3). The course then runs south
down the center of the peninsula east of Ciudad Constitucion to another
Hwy 1 crossing at KM 127, south of Santa Rita (rm 949.1) for another run
along the Pacific Ocean, past Punta Conejo (rm 979.6) before finally
turning slightly northeast to the top of La Paz Mini Summit (rm 1,031.0)
for the final sprint to the finish line in La Paz. The 10 checkpoints
will be located at the following race miles on the course--American
Racing ATX SCORE Ck. 1-rm77.0 (Hwy 3@KM 78), American Racing ATX SCORE
Ck. 2-139.0 (North of Diablo Dry Lake), American Racing SCORE Ck. 3-215.5
(South of San Felipe, Hwy 5, On Pavement KM 52.5), SCORE Ck. 4-299.9
(Coco's Corner), SCORE Ck. 5-377.2 (Bahia de Los Angeles), SCORE Ck.
6-553.3 (San Ignacio), SCORE Ck. 7-724.7 (Hwy 1 @KM 59, North of Loreto),
SCORE Ck. 8-855.3 (On Hwy 1, East of Ciudad Insurgentes), SCORE Ck.
9-949.1 (Hwy 1 Crossing, Hwy 1 @ KM 127, South of Santa Rita), SCORE Ck
10-1,031.0 (Top of La Paz Mini Summit) and finish line-1,050.83 (La Paz).


Boulevard Costero, adjacent to Riviera del Pacifico Cultural


Adjacent of the tourism office, outskirts of La Paz


(Thursday, Nov. 16) Motorcycles, ATVs-6:30 a.m.; Cars,
Trucks-10:30 a.m.


(Subject to Change): (One vehicle every 30 seconds)

Motorcycles/ATVs--22, 30, 40, 21, 20, 50, 60, Sportsman M/C>, Sportsman
M/C<, 25, 24, Sportsman ATV

Cars/Trucks--TT, 1, 10, 8, PT, SL, 1-2/1600, 5, 7, BC, 5/1600, 7S, 7SX,
SF, SM, 9, 3, 17, Sportsman Truck, Sportsman Car, 11, Sportsman UTV,
Sportsman Legend


All vehicles will have a 43-hour time limit from the time
they start.


Sanctioned and produced by SCORE International-Los Angeles


SCORE official 2006 sponsors are: BFGoodrich Tires-official tire, Sunoco
Race Fuels/Bryant Petroleum-official fuel supplier, Bilstein-official
shock, American Racing ATX Wheels-official wheel, Airstar America-official space
lighting provider. Associate sponsors are: Tecate Beer, Coca-Cola of
Mexico, Las Vegas Events, Terrible Herbst Inc., Kartek Off-Road, Centrix
Financial, Fram, Autolite, Prestone, Bendix, American Suzuki, SignPros,
P.C.I. Race Radios, McKenzie's Performance Products and Advanced
Color Graphics.

Additional associate sponsors, for the 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 are:
Micron Technology, Cotuco de Ensenada,
Fideicomiso Publio para la Promocion Turistica de Ensenada, the
government of Baja California Sur and the city tourism fund of Loreto.


Televised on a delayed basis as a one-hour NBC Sports special for the
third consecutive year, airing at 2:30 p.m. (EST) on Sunday, Dec. 10 on
the NBC Television Network. Co-produced by Aura360, It will also air on a
delayed basis outside of the U.S. on ESPN International.


AEM, and DirtSports Magazine, in conjunction with Desert Rat
Off-Road Centers have posted a unique $10,000 cash
bonus purse, offering $1,000 to qualified cars and trucks who are the
first through fifth, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th to physically cross
the finish line. It is a rollover purse, allowing the 20th vehicle to
earn as much as $10,000, if the previous four awards weren't


In the 39-year history of the SCORE Baja 1000, this will be the 32nd time
the race has started in Ensenada and the 17th time it has finished in La
Paz. It has also started three times in Mexicali (1972, 1993, 1994),
twice in Tijuana (1967, 1995) and once each in Santo Tomas (1998) and
Ojos Negro (1999). It has finished in Mexicali twice (1993, 1994), once
each in Ojos Negro (1999) and Cabo San Lucas (2000). The last time this
race ended in La Paz was 2004.

Motorcycles started the legend of desert racing in Mexico’s Baja California pensinsula and their presence is still felt as Baja legends Steve Hengeveld and Johnny Campbell are hoping to lead Honda to it’s 17th overall motorcycle victory in next week’s 39th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000.This year’s odyssey of 1,050.83 miles will be a grueling adventure down Mexico’s mysterious and majestic Baja California peninsula starting in Ensenada, Baja California and finishing in La Paz, Baja California, Sur. It will be held Nov. 14-18. The event will be the season-finale of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series, the world’s foremost desert racing series.An amazing race-record total of 438 vehicles have officially entered to date and nearly 450 are expected by the time late registration closes on race morning.The colorful history of motorcycles in the granddaddy of all desert races includes the vintage exploits of motorcycle legends Malcolm Smith, J.N. Roberts, Larry Roeseler, Jack Johnson, Ted Hunnicutt Jr., Paul Krause and the late Danny Hamel. For 32 of the first 38 years, motorcycles have recorded the fastest overall times in the event. The last 4-wheel vehicle winner to beat the time of the motorcycles was Ivan Stewart, who did it in 1993 while winning the unlimited Class 1 in Toyota SR5 truck.For motorcycles, Honda has won 16 overalls, followed by Husqvarna with 11, Kawasaki 9, and Yamaha 2.Ron Bishop, 63, of Escondido, Calif., will return to increase his start streak to 39 years, Bishop is the only individual to start every year on a motorcycle. With four class wins, he will be a co-rider this year in Class 22on the No. 22x BMW HP2 motorcycle led by rider of record Beau Hayden, 28, Shadow Hills, Calif.This year’s memorable adventure will cover 1,050.83 miles of the rugged and tortuous Baja California peninsula, starting on the Pacific Ocean side and stretching across and down the majestic peninsula to the Sea of Cortez side, back to the Pacific before winding back again to the Sea of Cortez and the finish line.Nearly 440 entries from 38 U.S. States and 11 countries, competing in 28 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs will be part of this year’s tribute to the sport of desert racing. The race is the season-finale of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series, the world’s foremost desert racing series.The motorcycle and ATV classes will start their journey at 6:30 a.m. (Thursday, Nov. 16) with the car and truck classes starting at approximately 10:30 a.m., or three hours after the last ATV leaves the line. Vehicles will leave in 30-second intervals in the elapsed-time race and while the fastest finishers are expected to complete the course in approximately 17 hours, the time limit in the elapsed-time race is 43 hours. Since 1997, the motorcycle battle in the most storied desert race of all time has been all about Honda’s Johnny Campbell. Five of this year’s riders have combined for 13 overall motorcycle victories in this race.Leading the motorcycle field again this year are the legendary American Honda riders Hengeveld, 31, Oak Hills, Calif., and Campbell, 35, San Clemente, Calif., although for the first time since 2001, they won’t be on the same motorcycle. Campbell has nine consecutive overall motorcycle victories in this race, including the last five with the Hengeveld, who has earned his Baja legend status as well.As the rider of record on the No. 1x Honda CRF450X, Hengeveld also has one other motorcycle class win in this race. In 2002, Hengeveld and Campbell set an average speed record in this race for a motorcycle, averaging an incredible 62.45mph.Campbell, who has been elevated to team manager this year, has not raced since last year and has decided to continue competing in this event until his incredible record-setting winning streak is broken. He will be the third rider on the No. 6X Honda CRF450X behind rider of record Robby Bell, 21, Murrieta, Calif., and second rider Kendall Norman, 22, Santa Barbara, Calif. Campbell hascontinued to train with both Honda factory teams and has always been ready to pinch hit, if needed.Splitting the riding time with Hengeveld this year will be Mike Childress, 21, Wrightwood, Calif. and Quinn Cody, 28, who like Norman, lives in Santa Barbara. Childress is in his second season riding with Hengeveld and the pair along with Johnny Campbell, won last year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. Cody is a veteran rider who has been added to the team for this long-distance endurance race down the Baja peninsula. Each rider is expected to ride about one-third of the race with Hengeveld, known as a great night rider, taking the final stretch of about 362 miles from La Purisma to La Paz.Norman was part of the overall champion team in 2004 as the third rider with Hengeveld and Campbell. Bell and Norman are leading this year’s Class 22 point standings heading into the season finale in Baja.“After looking up to him as my mentor for so many years, then being fortunate enough to race on the same team with him for five straight years, it will definitely feel strange to be riding against Johnny (Campbell) instead of with him,” said Hengeveld, who will be riding the lighter Honda CRF450X in this race for this first time this year. “Johnny is a legend, but we would also like to be the team that kept our streak alive and ended his. The Honda CRF450X is a great motorcycle. It is lighter than the Honda XR650R that we raced so successfully for so many years and we’re looking forward to giving it a good workout next week in Baja. The 450 weighs about 70 pounds less than the 650, is faster out of the corners and gets up to speed quicker.”The all-time race-record for starters in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, 346, was set 29 years ago in 1977 (Ensenada to Ensenada), and the race-record for starters when the race runs the length of the peninsula to La Paz, 307, was set in 1992.This year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race will be televised on a delayed basis as a one-hour NBC Sports special for the third consecutive year, airing at 2:30 p.m. (EST) on Sunday, Dec. 10 on the NBC Television Network. It will also air on a delayed basis outside of the U.S. on ESPN International.While there are a total of 125 Pro and Sportsman motorcycles entered to date, the clear favorites are the factory Honda teams of Hengeveld and Bell. Leading the group of hopeful overall winners is the team led rider of record Brian Pinard, 32, Wildomar, Calif. Riding the No. 301x Honda XR650R in Class 30 (for riders over 30 years old), Pinard and teammate Taber Murphy, 32, Wenatchee, Wash., lead the SCORE overall motorcycle point standings with 143 points compared to 141 for the Bell/Norman duo.Anna Cody, 38, Camarillo, Calif., is the older sister of Hengeveld’s teammate Quinn Cody. A veteran desert racer, she is returning to the starting grid this year with a serious goal in mind. Racing on the No. 18x Honda XR650R, she will attempt to become the first female rider to ever solo on a motorcycle in the 39-year history of this legendary race.Anna Cody is also running the event as a fund-raiser for the American Cancer Society, in memory of her long-time racing teammate Lillie Sweetland, who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2001.Attempting to pull off triple class wins, Jim O’Neal, 60, of Chatsworth, Calif., is racing in three different Honda XR650R age-group motorcycle classes—Class 40, Class 50 and Class 60. In Class 40 and Class 50, O’Neal, owner of the noted apparel manufacturing company that bears his name, is rider of record for a pair of talented teams while in Class 60 he will be a co-rider for the team led by Donald Lewis, 62, of Marlborough, Ct.Another super-talented age-group entry is the Class 50 team led by Chris Haines, 55, Dana Point, Calif. Riding a Honda XR650R, Haines and co-riders Jack Johnson, 54, Boulder City, Nev., and Richard Jackson, 60, Acton, Calif., have a combined total of 28 class wins in this race. Haines leads with 12 (including seven straight), followed by Johnson with 11 (including four Overall motorcycle wins) and Jackson with five.There are 126 total motorcycle entries to date and 30 of them, including Anna Cody, will be attempting to cover the entire course by riding solo. Of the group, 11 are entered in Pro classes, while 19 of them will be riding in a Sportsman class.There are also 26 total ATV entries to date and four of them (1 Pro and 3 Sportsman) will be attempting to cover the entire course by riding solo.Leading contenders for the ATV overall victory are defending SCORE Desert Series point Champion Josh Frederick, Moapa, Nev., along with the top three current point leaders in 2006, Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif. (146 points), Danny Prather, Ramona, Calif. (132) and Alex Camanini, El Cajon, Calif. (130). Frederick and his team will ride a Can-Am Renegade while the other three teams will all be on Honda TRX450R ATVs.The Pro 4-Wheel classes with the most entries to date are SCORE Trophy-Truck with a race-record tying 34, Class 1-2/1600 (30), Class 1 (29), SCORE Lite (21), Micron Technology Baja Challenge and Class 5/1600 (20 each), Protruck (19), Class 10 (12). In the Pro Motorcycle classes, the unlimited Class 22 has 24 entries so far while Class 30 (riders over 30 years old) has 15 and Class 40 (riders over 40), has 11.Leading the six Sportsman classes in the race is Sportsman Motorcycle over 250cc which has a race-record 53 entries to date.The Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 is the oldest and most well known of all desert races, and it remains as the single most appealing accomplishment to a driver. Since 1967, the mother of all desert races has been run over the mysterious Baja California peninsula.With massive crowds reaching over 300,000 anticipated to again be spread out along the point-to-point race course, the race will start for the 32nd time in Ensenada and will finish for the 17th time in La Paz.


BFGoodrich Tires, long a staple in desert racing, has been the tire of
choice for 20 consecutive overall 4-wheel vehicle winners.


In 4-wheel vehicle competition, VW motors have produced 12 overall
winners, followed by Ford with 11, Chevy with 9, Porsche with 3, Toyota
with 2, and Dodge with 1.


Among 4-wheel vehicles, Chenowth has produced the chassis for 10 overall
winners, followed by Ford with 9, Chevy with 5, Toyota, Funco, Raceco,
Jimco and Smithbuilt with 2 each and Miller, Hi-Jumper, Dodge, and Meyers
Manx with 1 each.


In motorcycle competition, Honda leads with 16 overall victories,
followed by Husqvarna with 11, Kawasaki with 9 and Yamaha with 2.


When veterans Rod Hall and Ron Bishop strap on their racing helmets and
take the green flag, they will keep their incredible streaks alive of
being the only two racers who have competed in all 38 SCORE Baja 1000
races. Hall, who will turn 68 on Nov. 22, will drive in Stock Mini.
Bishop, 63, is the only individual who has run all 38 races on a
motorcycle. This year, Bishop will co-ride in the over 250cc Class 22
motorcycle class on a team led by Beau Hayden. Hall is the all-time
winningest racer in this event with 18 class wins and Bishop has one
class win and is a member of the AMA Hall of Fame.


Committed to extending their overall winning streaks are unlimited Class
1 legends Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler and motorcycle superstar Johnny
Campbell. Herbst, who has four class wins in this race and Roeseler, who
has 14 class and 12 overall (10 on a motorcycle) wins, will be attempting
to become only the first Class 1 (unlimited open-wheel desert race cars)
team in the history of the race to earn three consecutive overall wins.
They are tied with Mark McMillin, who won back-to-back titles in 1983 and
1984. In SCORE Trophy-Truck, Larry Ragland won three straight in 1995,
1996 and 1997 in Chevy trucks. Parnelli Jones won back-to-back overalls
in 1971 and 1972 in a Ford Bronco. Campbell has nine straight overall and
Class 22 motorcycle wins and is teamed this year with Robby Bell and
Kendall Norman.


SCORE points are determined both on final finishing position and number
of vehicles which started the race within the individual class. After
four events, just 40 points separate the top 10 SCORE point leaders for
2006. The team of Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler has earned 296 points and
they are the overall point leaders and lead Class 1 as well in their
Smithbuilt-Ford. In what has developed into one of tightest overall point
battles in SCORE history, second in overall and Class 1 points are
brothers Gary and Mark Weyhrich (Jimco-Chevy--291), while third
overall and in Class 1 is the team of Richard Boyle/Ron Brant
(Jimco-Chevy--273). Fourth and fifth overall are the top two leaders
in SCORE Trophy-Truck: B.J. Baldwin (Chevy Silverado--270) and Bob
Shepard (Chevy CK1500--264).


The 2006 SCORE Desert Series includes chase for the $50,000 Kartek
Off-Road contingency bonus to be awarded to several qualified 2006 SCORE
Class point champions.


The 2006 SCORE Desert Series also involves the hunt for the 21st annual
Toyota Milestone and $12,000 Toyota True Grit Awards. The prestigious
Toyota Milestone Awards are presented to every racer who completes every
required mile of every race in the 2006 SCORE Desert Series. The $12,000
Toyota True Grit purse is split among the SCORE season point champions
who are also Toyota Milestone award winners in several non-factory-backed
classes. A total of 22 drivers are still eligible for Toyota Milestone
awards and 10 of those are still in the hunt for class titles and an
equal share of the Toyota True Grit purse.


A race-record of nearly 40 SCORE Trophy-Trucks are expected to take the
green flag. The marquee SCORE racing division featuring 800-horsepower
unlimited production trucks includes cross-over drivers in addition to
the talented field of regulars and a very close point's race for the
season championship. Eight of 12 previous season point champions are
entered and 61 of 77 SCORE Trophy-Truck race winners are represented as
well along with seven of the previous 12 SCORE Trophy-Truck winners in
the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. Las Vegas brothers Ed and Tim Herbst are the
winningest team in the history of the class with 11 race wins in the No.
19 Terrible Herbst Motorsports Ford F-150, while second is Larry Ragland,
Cave Creek, Ariz., with nine. Ragland is racing this year with veteran
Brian Collins of Las Vegas, who has three wins in the No. 12 Collins
Motorsports Chevy Silverado. Returning as defending race and class season
point champion is Bob Shepard, Phoenix, who drives the No. 1 Shepard
Motorsports Chevy CK1500.


Two more racers who have declared their desire to triple their pain and
pleasure are motorcycle racers Jim O'Neal, 60, and Stephen Stenberg,
51. O'Neal, who owns the prominent O'Neal Racing apparel company,
will once again lead Honda XR650R teams in Class 40 and Class 50 and will
be a co-rider on a team in the new age group Class 60 led by Donald
Lewis. Stenberg will be the rider of record on three different Husqvarna
motorcycles in Class 21, Class 30 and Class 40.


Among the crossover/celebrity racers in
this year's race are (as of 11/1/06):

--Robby Gordon, NASCAR Team Owner/Driver, two-time Tecate SCORE Baja 500
Overall Winner, No. 83 SCORE Trophy-Truck with Andy McMillin

--Cameron Steele, action sports and Champ Car, TV announcer, No. 16 SCORE
Trophy-Truck, No. 1147 Class 11 AND No. 19x Class 22

--Jesse James, 'Monster Garage' TV star, No. 54 SCORE

--Boris Said, NASCAR driver, sports car legend, No. 108 Class 1

--Johnny Greaves, CORR Short Course racing champion, No. 557 Class 5/1600

--Travis Pastrana, Freestyle MX legend, No. 116, Class 1

--Mike Metzger, 'godfather' of Freestyle MX, BC3 Micron Baja
Challenge Class

--Ricky Johnson, legendary former Supercross star/NASCAR regional series
racer, No. 81 SCORE Trophy-Truck with Ryan Arciero

--Armin Schwarz, seven-time World Rally Championship race winner, No. 101
Class 1

--Patrick Dempsey, Star of ABC series "Grey's Anatomy", competed in Panoz
and Miati sports car series and the 2005 Grand Prix of Long Beach
Celebrity race, second year in this race, BC2 Micron Baja Challenge Class

--Rod Millen, World Rally Championship racer, Pikes Peak Hill Climb
record holder, former champion in the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Stadium
Series, will debut a new Toyota FJ Cruiser, No. 761 Stock Mini Class

--Led by UROC (Rock Crawling) BFG Tires champion Shannon Campbell, his
fellow UROC drivers Johnny Guilleland and brothers John and Nate Williams
will debut the new Donahoe Racing Toyota FJ Cruiser, No. 305 Class 3

--Rhys Millen, Pikes Pike Hill Climb class winner and National Drifting
class champion, team led by David Sutton, BC13 Micron Baja Challenge

--Ryan Hunter-Reay, veteran open-wheel racer with two Champ Car wins,
trying now to move to NASCAR, also part of BC13 Micron Baja Challenge

--Dominic Dobson, German-born former CART and NASCAR Truck Series driver,
made 7 Indy 500 Starts, numbers IMSA sports car races, team led by Chris
Berty, BC12 Micron Baja Challenge Class

--Steve Appleton, CEO and President of Micron Technology, BC16 Micron
Baja Challenge Class

--Roberto Guerrero, former IndyCar star, No. 245 Protruck class

--Darren Law, GT Prototype racer part of a Rolex Series team led by David
Stone, BC4 Micron Baja Challenge Class

--Jamie Galles, former Trans Am and Toyota Atlantic series racer whose
family was a long-time IndyCar team owner, co-driver No. 104, Class 1

--Kathy Jarvis, renown Hollywood stunt woman with over 60 film credits,
attempting solo drive in No. 280, Protruck class

--Scott Atchison, former IndyCar driver, No. 404x, Class 40

--Bud Brutsman, Show Creator and TV Producer of 'Rides' and
'Overhaulin', BC 3, Micron Baja Challenge Class

--Kenny Bartram, Freestyle MX star, BC3, Micron Baja Challenge Class

--Tracy Jordan, BFG Tires Rock Crawling champion, BC3 Baja Challenge

--Daron Rahlves, legendary three-time U.S. Olympic downhill skier (1998,
2002, 2006, 236x Sportsman Motorcycle >250cc

--Danny Moder, noted film cinemaphotographer with over 20 on his
filmography, co-driver in No. 1104 Class 11


How about 28 Class wins, including four overall wins for the No. 549x
Class 50 (riders over 50 years old) motorcycle team of Chris Haines (12
class wins including seven straight), Jack Johnson (11 class wins, 4
overalls) and Richard Jackson (5 class wins). They have all been rider of
record at least once. On top of that, the team's fourth co-rider, Bob
Wadlow, has never been rider of record, but has been a co-rider on four
class winning teams in this race.


While there are many families with lots of combined class wins, none have
more than the Hall family of Reno, Nev., which has a total of 25 class
wins. Led by dad Rod Hall's race-record 18 class wins, his son Chad
has five and youngest son Josh has two. This year, Team Hummer will have
Rod Hall in Stock Mini and Chad and Josh Hall will drive separate Hummers
in Stock Full.


This race always has a few 'bravehearts' who enter in two
classes, hoping for double wins. The most notable one's this year
are: Steve Martz, co-driver in Class 7S (No. 723) and co-rider in Class
22 (No. 9x) and Fred Brown who is leading two age group motorcycle teams
in Class 30 (No. 305x) and Class 50 (No. 504x).


Besides Robby Gordon (NASCAR; SCORE Trophy-Truck) among the other racers
returning to their desert racing roots are Brian Ickler (NASCAR Grand
National, SCORE Class 1), Danny Ebberts (USAC Midgets, Class 1-2/1600)
and Eric Hardin (NASCAR Grand National, SCORE Protruck).


Entered in this year's event are 19 racers who have combined for 40
overall wins in either the 4-wheel or motorycle divisions. The leaders
are: Larry Roeseler, 12, (10 on a motorcycle and the last two years in a
car); Johnny Campbell has won nine straight (all on a motorcycle),
Malcolm Smith has
five overalls (two in m/c and three in 4-wheel) and with five overall
wins each in the 4-wheel division are Mark McMillin and Larry Ragland.


Entered in this year's event are 93 racers who have combined for
incredible 259 class wins. The leaders in multiple class wins entered
this year are: Rod Hall with 18 (first overall), Larry Roeseler with 14
(third overall), Chris Haines with 12 (fourth overall), Jack Johnson with
11 (fifth overall), Johnny Campbell with 9 (tied for sixth) Mark
McMillin, Malcolm Smith, Eric Solorzano and Dean Sundahl with 8 each
(tied for ninth) and Steve Hengeveld with 6 (tied for 16th).

SCORE IronRiders: (as of 11/1/06)

Nearly two dozen motorcycle riders will attempt to run the race solo,
with no co-riders. If they succeed, they will each receive one of the
prestigious SOCRE IronRider awards. So far, these 31 riders have
officially confirmed they will be attempting to ride solo: Class
22--5x Robert Laughlin, 10x James Sones, 11x John Carmona, 17x Robert
Barnum, 18x Anna Cody; Class 21--106x David Gonzalez Jr.; Class
30--302x Gary Sparks, 308x Hisahade Ueno; Class 50--502x Neil
Manninen, 548x Vincent D'Ercole, Sportsman Motorcycle >250cc--217x
T. Morgan Spradling, 223x Jon Johnson, 227x Mike Kaplan, 229x Dennis Law,
231x Scott Sibbald, 234x Eugene Lane, 237x Brian Thompson, 238x Alastair
Hilson, 242x Daniel Law, 244x Alex Melero, 246x Jeff Matthews, 248x
Thierry Mas, 250x Colie Potter, 251x Michael Stein, 253x Jesse
Christensen, 254x Leland Christensen, 295x Rome Haloftis, 297x Don
Robbins and Sportsman ATV--93a Harold Clampitt, 94a Richard Czerlau,
95a Doug Granger. One of the unique family teams will be Dennis Law and
his son Daniel of San Luis Obispo, Calif., will both be attempting to
make the solo run.


Desert racing has always been about family teams and this year's
Tecate SCORE Baja1000 is a prime example of that fact. This year's
starting grid currently includes 118 brothers racing together and 26
racing separately. The race also has 64 fathers racing with their 73
sons and 14 fathers whose 25 sons are racing in separate vehicles. There
are also 10 husband/wife teams competing together and two separately.


There will be a number of third generation desert racers in the field.
Leading the way will be two members of the legendary McMillin Racing
team. Andy McMillin, will race SCORE Trophy-Truck with NASCAR's Robby
Gordon and Daniel McMillin, whose father Mark will be a favorite again in
Class 1, will race in Class 1-2/1600. Among the other third gen racers
will be Bryan Freeman with Gus Vildosola Jr. in Protruck.


Among the brothers racing together are: Ed and Tim Herbst (SCORE
Trophy-Truck), Gary and Mark Weyhrich (Class 1), 34-year old TWIN
brothers Arturo and Abel Velazco (Class 1-2/1600), Eric, Hiram and Evan
Duran (Class 1-2/1600), Donald and Kenneth Moss (Class 3), Kelly and
Spencer Beal (Class 7SX), Nick, Michael and Larry Vanderwey (Class 8)
and Lobsam and Eli Yee (Class 10).


Robyn Gordon and her sister Beccy Gordon, whose brother is NASCAR Team
Owner/Driver and SCORE Trophy-Truck racer Robby Gordon, will lead the
All-American Girls Racing Team in the Micron Technology Baja Challenge
class in the No. BC17. Robyn, Beccy and Heather Bonanni won the Sportsman
Car class in September's SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300.


Among the father and sons racing together are Marty Coyne and his son
Travis in SCORE Trophy-Truck, Mark Hutchins and his son C.J. in Class 10,
Buddy Feldkamp and his father Bud in Class 1, Pancho and Cisco Bio (Class
1-2/1600), Rick and Jeff Battey (Class 1-2/1600), Gerardo and his father
Carlos (Class 1-2/1600), Chris and Sean Ebberz (Class 22).


Besides the McMillins, other father-sons who will race in separate
vehicles include Gus (SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK) and his son Gus Vildosola Jr.
(Protruck), B.J. Baldwin (SCORE Trophy-Truck) and his father Bobby (SCORE
Trophy-Truck), Larry Ragland and his son Chad, both in SCORE
Trophy-Truck, Malcolm Smith (Class 1) and his son Alexander Smith (Class
1-2/1600) and Dennis Law and his son Daniel, who will both be attempting
to ride the race solo in the Sportsman M/C >250cc class..


Among the female racers expected to compete as a driver or co-driver in a
car/truck class or rider/co-rider on a motorcycle or ATV are...

--Evie Baldwin--SCORE Lite-No. 1208. Widow of the 2004 SCORE
Trophy-Truck season point champion Jason Baldwon, she is a CORR
short-course racer making her debut in this race, racing in the memory of
her late husband.

--Michelle Bruckmann--Class 1-2/1600-No. 1600. Veteran racer, she is
driving on the All-star team that includes Caleb Gaddis, Adam Pfankuch
and her husband Vic Bruckmann.

--Anna Cody--Class 22-18x. A former SCORE regular, she returns to
attempt a solo charity motorcycle ride to benefit breast cancer research.
She would become the first woman to ever solo on a motorcycle.

--Nancy Emde--Class 20-151x. New to SCORE desert racing

--Robyn and sister Beccy Gordon, Heather Bonanni--Micron Baja
Challenge-No. BC 17. The All-American Girls Racing team won the Sportsman
Car class at this year's SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300. Robyn won the
overall title in this race in 1990 with her dad Bob and brother Robby.

--Sigal Greenberg--Class 9-No. 901. SCORE regular currently second in the
Class 9 point standings.

--Kathy Jarvis--Protruck-No. 280. Hollywood stunt woman with over 60 film
credits, attempting to become the first female to ever solo in a truck.

--Jessica McCreary--Class 25-No. 54a. San Diego County school
principal, she is a co-rider on a team led by Craig Christy.

--Emily Miller--Stock Mini-No. 762. From Colorado, she will be a
co-driver for Rod Hall in her first Baja attempt.

--Heidi Steele--Class 7SX-No. 741. Vice-President of Human Resources for
a national home health-car firm, she is the wife of Cameron Steele, is a
SCORE regular and was the 2005 SCORE Sportsman Car class point champ.


This race always draws a number of teams racing for charitable causes,
but this year may even have the most. As of 11.1, the following entries
are among those racing for charities:

--1102 Class 11 Mike Urbano--Full House Racing--Carson, Calif.,
firefighters have built their own car and raised funds to donate several
'jaws of life' units to several cities down the Baja California

--1147 Class 11 Chris Corbett--DIRTsports Magazine/EMPI, in-house
project car built by students at the FAB School in Riverside, fundraising
campaign for Cure Autism Now (CAN).

--1103 Class 11 Brian Calliari--"1000 miles For Autism", team
is based in New York state and trying to raise awareness for Autism,
project is part of Autism Speaks, a national, non-profit Autism

--213 Protruck Dave Westhem--Herzog Racing. Wahoo's Fish Tacos,
owned by Philanthropist Wing Lam, has teamed with Herzog Racing to host a
group of innercity youth to the November desert Classic. The idea came
from Lam's girlfriend Erin Gruwell, a Long Beach, Calif., teacher
whose vision and dedication to helping troubled youth has helped turn
young lives aroud. The Wahoo's/Blue C Ford F-150 will also cary the
name of 'Freedom Writer,' the name of a Paramount moved to be
released in 2007 based on Gruwell's story with innercity youth.

--18x Class 22 Anna Cody--Attempt to become the first woman to ride
solo on a motorcycle, raising funds for the American Cancer Society, in
memory of her former SCORE Baja 1000 teammate, Lillie Sweetland, who lost
her battle with cancer in 2001.

--303x Class 30 Jim Filanc--Racing for Life team raising funds for two
organizations--the Scleroderma Foundation and the Lance Armstrong
Foundation, as a tribute to Filanc's sister who passed away from the
two diseases last year. In her name, the Julia Lynn, is the KTM 525 the
team will race on then auction off at the end of the race.

--215x Sportsman M/C>250cc Charlie Wilson--Wilson Racing Team works
through Free Wheel Chair Mission to locate and deliver wheel chairs with
heavy-duty mountain bike wheels to individuals with disabilities in more
remote parts of Baja California. The team works through the Ensenada
Hospital and the Red Cross in San Felipe.

--240x Sportsman M/C>2500cc Jay Sherman--Baja for Breast Cancer Team,
Sherman lost his mother (Sandy) to breast cancer in 2003. Rider Pete
Thompson lost his aunt to the disease and third team rider Ken Shaffer
also lost his aunt to the disease in 2003. Proceeds going to the National
Breast Cancer Foundation.


This race has always had a good number of participants from Japan and
this year's race is no exception. So far, SCORE welcomes six total
entries from the land of the Rising Sun, including one in SCORE
Trophy-Truck, and in the following motorcycle classes: Class 30 (1),
Sportsman M/C 250cc< (2), Sportsman M/C 250cc> (2).


The 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Desert Race features a
race-record of over 425 entries in 27 Pro & 6 Sportsman classes for cars,
trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. Class winners will be decided along with
the overall race winner in Pro 4-wheel, Pro Motorcycle and Pro ATV.

Cars & Trucks

SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks)

CLASS 1 (Unlimited single or two-seaters)

CLASS 1-2/1600 (single or two-seaters to 1600cc)

CLASS 3 (Short wheelbase 4X4)

CLASS 5 (Unlimited Baja Bugs)

CLASS 5/1600 (1600cc Baja Bugs)

CLASS 7 (Open mini trucks)

CLASS 7S (Stock mini trucks)

CLASS 7SX (Modified mini trucks)

CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)

CLASS 9 (Short wheelbase, single or two-seaters)

CLASS 10 (Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)

SCORE LITE (Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)

CLASS 11 (Stock VW Sedans)

STOCK FULL (Stock full-sized trucks)

STOCK MINI (Stock mini trucks)

PROTRUCK (Limited Production Trucks)

BAJA CHALLENGE (Limited, identical Baja touring cars)

CLASS 17 (Class 3, modified Jeep Cherokees)


CLASS 22 (250cc or more)

CLASS 20 (125cc)

CLASS 21 (126cc to 250cc)

CLASS 30 (Riders over 30 years old)

CLASS 40 (Riders over 40 years old)

CLASS 50 (Riders over 50 years old)

CLASS 60 (Riders over 60 years old)


CLASS 25 (251cc or more)

CLASS 24 (250cc or less)


Total Entries: 440
(from 38 U.S. States, 11 countries)

(as of 11/8/06)

(By Class Starting Order)

Pro Cars & Trucks
(Unlimited Production Trucks)
97 B.J. Baldwin/Tom Bradley Jr., Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
62 Mike Voyles, Temecula, Calif., Ford F-150
12 Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado
3 Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif./Jeff Lewis, San Clemente, Calif., Ford F-150
49 Valerio Gonzalez/Jose Cota, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, Ford F-150
2 Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz./Darren Skilton, Long Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
54 Jesse James, Long Beach, Calif./Tom Geviss, Alpine, Calif., Chevy CK1500
76 Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz./Jeff Quinn, Anaheim, Calif., Ford F-150
96 Bobby Baldwin/Larry Job, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
16 Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Ed Stout, Irvine, Calif., Ford F-150
32 Juan C. Ibarra/Victor Valdez, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford F-150
38 Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz./Jeff Geiser, Phoenix, Ford F-150
86 Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
30 Todd Clement, San Juan Capistrano, Calif./Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Jerry Whelchel, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Ford F-150
53 Jeff Stowers/Jeff Broughton, Mission Viejo, Calif., Chevy C1500
69 Francisco Cervantes/Marco Robles, Ensenada, Mexico, Chevy El Camino
1 Bob Shepard, Phoenix/Rick Geiser, Desert Hills, Ariz., Chevy CK1500
20 Mike Julson, Descanso, Calif./Bob Lofton, Westmorland, Calif., Chevy Silverado
17 Carl Renezeder, Laguna Beach, Calif., Chevy Silverado
14 Ikuo Hanawa, Japan, Toyota Land Cruiser
81 Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif./Rick Johnson, Trabucco Canyon, Calif./Mark Miller, Carefree, Ariz., Chevy Silverado
5 Marty Coyne/Travis Coyne, El Centro, Calif., Ford F-150
4 Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico/Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
7 Scott Steinberger, Signal Hill, Calif./, Ford F-150
73 Jose Flores/Valente Vega-Lausas, Culiacan, Mexico, Chevy Silverado
80 Chad Ragland, Phoenix/Danny Anderson, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
28 Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado
39 Ron Whitton, Maricopa, Ariz., Ford F-150
83 Andy McMillin, Poway, Calif./Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500
85 Todd Wyllie, New River, Ariz./John Marking, El Cajon, Calif./Eduardo Gastelum, La Paz, Mexico, Chevy Silverado
50 Jerry Larimore, Escondido, Calif./Buff Harmon, Raniba, Calif., Ford F-150
35 Robbie Pierce, Santee, Calif./Bill Varnes, 50, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150
19 Ed Herbst,/Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
79 Martin Avendano, Constitucion, Mexico/Ernesto Cervantes, La Paz, Mexico, Ford F-150
89 Josh Westwood, San Diego/Glen Straightiff, La Mesa, Calif./Ramsey El Wardani, San Diego, Chevy Silverado
34 Jeff Haneline/Joey Russo, Murrieta, Chevy CK1500

(Unlimited single or two-seaters)
101 Armin Schwarz, Austria/Bret Hartman, Alta Loma, Calif./Matthias Kahle, Germany, Jimco-Chevy
102 Dale Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif./Ernie Castro Jr., Newport Beach, Calif./Darren Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif., Jimco-Toyota
103 Luis Ramirez Jr., Cabo San Lucas, Mexico/Luis Ramirez Sr., Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Porter-Chevy
104 Josh Rigby, Santa Fe, New Mexico/Jamie Galles, Albuquerque, N.M., Penhall-Chevy
105 Jim Mihal, Vista, Calif./Andres Ruffo, San Diego, JT/PRC-BMW
106 Raymond Potter, Anaheim, Calif./Tyler Morales, Yorba Linda, Calif., Potter-Chevy
107 Tim Rockenbach, Monrovia, Calif./Pat Rozier, Glendora, Calif., Jimco-Chevy
108 Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif./Boris Said, Carlsbad, Calif./Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., Jimco-BMW
109 Steve Sourapas, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif./Brian Ickler, Poway, Calif./Barry Beacham, 39, Irvine, Calif., RPS-Chevy
110 Dan Moore, Scottsdale, Ariz./Jeff Saunders, Tucson, Ariz./John Martensen, Phoenix, Arlia-Cadillac
111 Cam Thieriot, Santa Rosa, Calif./Malcolm Smith, Riverside, Calif./Glenn Harris, Camarillo, Calif., RPS-Chevy
112 Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore./BFord F-150
35 Robbie Pierce, Santee, Calif./Bill Varnes, 50, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150
19 Ed Herbst,/Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150
79 Martin Avendano, Constitucion, Mexico/Ernesto Cervantes, La Paz, Mexico, Ford F-150
89 Josh Westwood, San Diego/Glen Straightiff, La Mesa, Calif./Ramsey El Wardani, San Diego, Chevy Silverado
34 Jeff Haneline/Joey Russo, Murrieta, Chevy CK1500

(Unlimited single or two-seaters)
101 Armin Schwarz, Austria/Bret Hartman, Alta Loma, Calif./Matthias Kahle, Germany, Jimco-Chevy
102 Dale Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif./Ernie Castro Jr., Newport Beach, Calif./Darren Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif., Jimco-Toyota
103 Luis Ramirez Jr., Cabo San Lucas, Mexico/Luis Ramirez Sr., Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Porter-Chevy
104 Josh Rigby, Santa Fe, New Mexico/Jamie Galles, Albuquerque, N.M., Penhall-Chevy
105 Jim Mihal, Vista, Calif./Andres Ruffo, San Diego, JT/PRC-BMW
106 Raymond Potter, Anaheim, Calif./Tyler Morales, Yorba Linda, Calif., Potter-Chevy
107 Tim Rockenbach, Monrovia, Calif./Pat Rozier, Glendora, Calif., Jimco-Chevy
108 Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif./Boris Said, Carlsbad, Calif./Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., Jimco-BMW
109 Steve Sourapas, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif./Brian Ickler, Poway, Calif./Barry Beacham, 39, Irvine, Calif., RPS-Chevy
110 Dan Moore, Scottsdale, Ariz./Jeff Saunders, Tucson, Ariz./John Martensen, Phoenix, Arlia-Cadillac
111 Cam Thieriot, Santa Rosa, Calif./Malcolm Smith, Riverside, Calif./Glenn Harris, Camarillo, Calif., RPS-Chevy
112 Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore./B.J. Richardson, Las Vegas, Jimco-Chevy
113 Rick Wilcoxson, Upland, Calif./Troy Johnson, Riverside, Calif., Jimco-Cadillac
114 Brian Kirby, Rowland Heights, Calif./Bobby Ouellette, Ontario, Calif., Kirby-Chevy
115 Kash Vessels, Bonsall, Calif., Alpha-Chevy
116 Travis Pastrana, Dawsonville, Md./Damen Jefferies, Oak Hills, Calif., HMS-Chevy
117 Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif./Tom Ridings, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy
118 Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Jimco-Chevy
119 Dan Myers, Newport Beach, Calif., Porter-Chevy
120 Eric Chase/Stuart Chase, Burbank, Calif./Chris Wilson, San Diego, Penhall-Chevy
121 Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford
100 Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Brian Ewalt, Bonita, Calif./Cameron Parrish, San Marcos, Calif./Scott McMillin, Coronado, Calif., Jimco-Chevy
123 Buddy Feldkamp, Seal Beach, Calif./Bud Feldkamp, Redlands, Calif., Penhall-Chevy
124 Timothy Sims, Albuquerque, N.M./Rodney Howe, Jamul, Calif., Div/Pro-Toyota
125 Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif./Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif./Travis Howard, South Padre Island, Texas, HMS-Chevy
127 John Harrah/Lynn Oddo, Reno, Nev., Jimco-Chevy
128 Alberto Coppola, Tucson, Ariz./Tom DeNault, San Clemente, Calif./Dennis Holaday, Dana Point, Calif., Coppola-Chevy
148 Manuel Cota/Pablo Cota/Miguel Carballo, La Paz, Mexico, Jimco-Toyota
149 William Akrawi, Laguna Hills, Calif./Victor Cachia, San Juan Capistrano, Calif./Jeremy Kegher, Irvine, Calif., Lothringer-Chevy

CLASS 1-2/1600
(VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)
1601 Trevor Streech/Trevor Smith, San Clemente, Calif., Prime
1602 Alexander Smith, Riverside, Calif./Max Thieriot, Santa Rosa, Calif., Porter
1600 Caleb Gaddis, El Centro, Calif., Curry/Adam Pfankuch, Carlsbad, Calif./Vic Bruckmann/Michelle Bruckmann, Lemon Grove, Calif.,
1604 Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif./Daniel Folts, Chino, Calif.
1607 Don Wall, Henderson, Nev./Fernie Padilla, Las Vegas/Chris Wright, Henderson, Nev., Currie
1608 Daniel McMillin, El Cajon, Calif./Jess Willhite, Santee, Calif./Brian Coneen, Spring Valley, Calif./Crecencio Corez, Chula Vista, Calif., Jimco
1609 Ray Files, Dana Point, Calif./Josh Tieman, Carlsbad, Calif./Shad Kirvin, Lakeside, Calif., Metal Works
1610 Francisco Villagomez/Rigobarto Guerrero, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Chenowth
1611 Grant Fluegge, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif./Danny Ebberts, Menifee, Calif., Porter
1612 Pancho Bio/Jorge Martinez, Cisco Bio, Spring Valley, Calif., Tubular Design
1613 Scott Boyd, Norco, Calif./Pete Seaney, Spring Valley, Calif., Boyd
1614 Ruben Rodriguez, Santa Fe Springs, Calif./Brad Maurer/Dan Bradley, Las Vegas, Bunderson
1615 Victor Lugo, Mexicali, Mexico/Mike Chapa, Palm Desert, Calif., Jorman
1616 Arturo Velazco/Abel Velazco, Beaumont, Calif./Steve Cruz, San Diego, Porter
1617 Dave Caspino, Woodland Hills, Calif./Bernie Carr, Solvang, Calif./Don Johnson, Lothringer
1618 Carlos Escobedo/Ensenada, Mexico/Alejandro Navarrete, Mexicali, Mexico/Ramiro Escobedo, Ensenada, Mexico, Fraley
1619 Carlos Bernaldes/Albert Cruz, Ensenada, Mexico, Jimco
1620 Myan Spaccarelli/Fleming Larcen, Simi Valley, Calif., Mirage
1621 Rolando Holmos/Abraham Espinoza, San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, Diaz
1622 Edgar Avalos/Sergio Ramirez, Juarez, Mexico/Porfirio Gutierez, Ensenada, Mexico, Kreger
1623 Martin Gaxiola/Francisco Morales/Martin Gaxiola Jr., Guerrero Negro, Mexico, Chenowth
1624 Jaime Avalos/Daniel Carrillo, Belem Camacho, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Tubular
1625 Brian Cotham/Jeff Lenardson, Corona, Calif./Chuck Collins, Murrieta, Calif., Chenowth 1643 Antonio Gallo/Juan Gallo, San Felipe, Mexico/Edgar Alvarez, Mexicali, Mexico, Curry
1644 Alberto Medina/Armando Diaz, Mexicali, Mexico, Curry
1645 Eric Duran/Hiram Duran/Evan Duran, Tecate, Calif., Neth
1646 Rick Battey/Jeff Battey, Grants Pass, Ore., Jimco
1647 Gerardo Iribe/Carlos Iribe, Rosarito Beach, Mexico, Curry-ISRT
1648 Tony Modica, Lakewood, Calif./Tommy Martinez, Long Beach, Calif.
1649 Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas/L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Calif., Jimco

(Short Wheelbase 4X4)
301 Ed Griffin, Dallas/Bill Viering, Euless, Texas/Doug Gradick, Dallas, Ford Bronco
302 Scott Barnes, Rockwall, Texas/John McKinney, Elmo, Texas/Lance Gilbert, Keiber, Texas
300 Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif./Kenneth Moss, Marysville, Calif., Ford Bronco
304 Chris Raffo, Arlington Heights, Ill./Jeff Dolan, Atwater, Calif., Chevy Blazer
349 Chuck Atkinson, Ingram, Texas/Wayne Atkinson, Corona, Calif., Ford Bronco

(Unlimited VW Baja Bugs)
500 Chris Bowman, Upland, Calif./Jerry Longo, La Verne, Calif./Chuck Sacks, Canyon Lake, Calif.
501 David Bonner, Norco, Calif./Drew Belk, Coachella, Calif./Charlie Guy, Indio, Calif.
503 George Seeley, Glendale, Calif., Dwight Forell, Yucaipa, Calif.
515 Vince Wavra/Terry McClintick/Rick McClintick, Orovada, Nev.
516 Russ Parker, Littleton, Colo./Bret Houston, Santa Fe, N.M./Jeff Jordan, Murrieta, Calif.
517 Kevin Carr, San Diego
518 David Andrade/Juan Mares, /Alexander Reyes, Tijuana, Mexico
519 Luivan Voelker, Mexicali, Mexico/Carlos Albanez, Calexico, Calif.

CLASS 5/1600
(1600cc VW Baja Bugs)
551 Chad Mayernick/Gen Mayernick, Lakewood, Calif./Mike Myernick, Anaheim, Calif.
552 Brent Shermak/John Kueneman/Rich Boyett, Bullhead City, Ariz.
554 Richard Garavito, Chino, Calif./Rudolfo Martinez, Ensenada, Mexico
555 Danny Ledezma, El Centro, Calif./Mario Ledezma Jr., Menifee, Calif./Xavier Heras, Murrieta, Calif.
556 Gary Messer/Mike Simpson, Kingman, Ariz.
557 Armando Garcia/Dr. David Hiriart/Gabriel Garcia/Marco Robles, Ensenada, Mexico
558 Armando Macias/Juan Pinales/Benito Aguirre, La Paz, Mexico
559 Johnny Greaves, Suamico, Wisc./Tim Sanchez/Sage Carli, Orange, Calif./Mike Groscup, Fallbrook, Calif.
560 Juan Jimenez/Jorge Mendoza, La Paz, Mexico/Ruben Cortez, Cd. Constitucion, Mexico
561 Raul Pasenala/Larry Antuna/Arturo Lopez, Los Angeles
568 Javier Sandoval/Jorge Sandoval, Los Cabos, Mexico/Salvador Carrillo, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
569 Ernesto Arambula/Octavio Zamora/Adolfo Arambula, Hector Ramos Jr./Misael Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico
570 Daniel Deen/Eric Deen, Stephen Deen, Lakeside, Calif.
572 Hector Sarabia/Miguel Rosales/Juventino Santana, Ensenada, Mexico
573 Art Savedra, Las Vegas/Red Longacre, Torrance, Calif.
574 Alonso Angulo/Jorge Bautista, Ensenada, Mexico
575 Fernando Montijo/Gerardo Montijo/Hector Montijo Ensenada, Mexico
576 Joel Burden, Cypress, Calif./James Delliquanti, San Diego/Carlos Hermosillo, San Clemente, Calif.
550 Marcos Nunez/Norberto Rivera/Edmundo Fernandez, Ensenada, Mexico
578 Enrique Zazueta Jr. /Enrique Zazueta/Emilio Estrada, La Paz, Mexico
579 James Tedford, Arcadia, Calif./Tim Hanna, Huntington Beach, Calif./Steve Landis, Los Alamitos, Calif.

(Open mini trucks)
701 Shannon Dierkop/Tyler Poppert, Campo, Calif., Ford Ranger
702 Oscar Salazar/Buc Carenzo, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Ford Ranger
703 Dan Chamlee/Tom Chamlee/Dan Chamlee Jr., Summerland, Calif., Ford Ranger
704 Scott Brady, Paradise, Calif./Tim Javorik, Fullerton, Calif./A.J. Denunzio, Goleta, Calif., Ford Ranger
705 Carlos Ignacio Ibarra/Ruben Mosqueda, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger
706 Brandon Walsh, Encinitas, Calif./Mike Murray, Carlsbad, Calif., Toyota Tacoma
707 Jose Gonzalez/Alberto Corona, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger
708 Michael Hardesty, Yerington, Nev./Timothy Schroeder, 28, Citrus Heights, Calif./Kevin Thornsen, 26, Boise, Id., Toyota SR5
719 David Binns/Jared Teague, Las Cruces, N.M., Ford Ranger

(Stock mini trucks)
721 Jaason Hutter/Paul Blangsted, Snowmass Village, Colo., Toyota Tacoma
722 Mike Horner, Mission Viejo, Calif./Chuck Foreman, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., Toyota Tacoma
723 Tyler Fox, Ramona, Calif./Steve Martz, San Marcos, Calif., Ford Ranger
724 Jesus Luna/Guillermo Rodriguez, Tijuana, Mexico/Gonzalo Rodriguez, Imperial Beach, Calif., Ford Ranger
738 Nick Moncure/Ted Moncure, Long Beach, Calif., Toyota Tacoma
739 Aaron Dodson, Mission Viejo, Calif./Doug Siewert, Fallbrook, Calif./David Dinsmore, Encinitas, Calif., Ford Ranger

(Modified, open mini trucks)
741 Heidi Steele/Chris Vano, San Clemente, Calif./Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif., Ford Ranger
740 Rich Severson, Mesa, Ariz./George Jirka, North Hollywood, Calif., Ford Ranger
744 Dan Street Jr./Danny Street, Chula Vista, Calif., Ford Ranger
745 Jim Hinesley, Bakersfield, Calif./Oscar Solaiza, Ensenada, Mexico/Igor Jimenez, Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico
755 Shannon Campbell, Gilbert, Ariz./Nate Williams, Logan, Utah/John Gilleland, Colo./John Williams, Logan, Utah, Toyota FJ Cruiser
756 Rick Doetsch/Bruce Carrol, El Cajon, Calif./Joel Tarquin, Carlsbad, Calif., Ford Ranger
757 Carlton Beal III/David Pedregon/Spencer Beal Jr./Stephen Beal, Midland, Texas, Chevy S-10
758 John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif./Mark Landersman, Temecula, Calif., Ford Ranger
759 Noe Sierra, San Bernardino, Calif./Tony Sierra, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger

(Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)
801 Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix/Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., GMC Sierra
802 Stanley Burns/Carlos Murillo/Reynaldo Avila, Loreto, Mexico, Ford F-150
803 Tom Bradley, Las Vegas/Lupito Abaroa, La Paz, Mexico
804 Sam Stahl, San Diego/Eric Ferguson, El Cajon, Calif., Ford F-150
805 Rodimiro Amaya Sr. /Rodimiro Amaya Jr., Ciudad Constitucion, Mexico, Chevy Silverado
806 Francisco Monroy/Tony Monroy/Martin Espinoza, La Paz, Mexico
808 Dave Sykes, Del Mar, Calif./Randy Salmont, Santa Clarita, Calif., Chevy Sivlerado
809 Lowell Arnold, Apache Junction, Ariz./Richard Maddux/John Maddux, Phoenix, Ford F-150
810 Glen Greer/Bruce Greer Jr., Green Valley, Ariz./Mike Kerr, Tucson, Ariz., Dodge Ram 2500
811 Greg Adler, Manhattan Beach, Calif./Eric Heiden, Castaic, Calif./Erick Tucker, Redondo Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
839 Ron Akia, Brawley, Calif./Lloyd Banning, Laveen, Ariz./Andrew Megaw, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150

(VW-powered, Short wheelbase, single or two-seaters)
901 Sigal Greenberg/John Hallal, Desert Hills, Ariz./Brad Falin, Fernley, Nev., Safari Challenger
902 Joe Castrey/Joshua Castrey, Garden Grove, Calif., ANJ
903 Tim Hanna, Huntington Beach, Calif./Dennis Noffz, Phoenix/Chris Haney, Murrieta, Calif., Susp Ultd
948 Gary Dixon/Derek Dixon, Menifee, Calif., Jimco
900 Eric Fisher/Jose Montoya, Ensenada, Mexico, Garibay

(Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)
1001 Mark Hutchins/C.J. Hutchins, Henderson, Nev., Kreger-Honda
1002 Kevin Curtis, Las Vegas/Andy Grider, Los Olivos, Calif., Tatum-Honda
1003 Alex Crosthwaite/Joe Gonzalez, Chula Vista, Calif., Jimco-Honda
1004 Will Higman, Newport Beach, Calif./Jerry Higman, Huntington Beach, Calif./Rick Munyon, San Clemente, Calif., Kreger-Honda
1000 John Cooley, Santee, Calif./Chris Harrold, Chula Vista, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW
1006 Jay Manning/Roberto Zavaia, /Terry Leondard, Bigfork, Mont., Jimco-Honda
1007 Steve Barry, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico/Andrew Wehe, Oceanside, Calif.
1008 Lobsam Yee/Eli Yee/Angel Barajas, Tijuana, Mexico, Jimco-Honda
1009 Jay Culbertson, Portland, Ore./Kent Grove, Battle Ground, Wash./William Cochran, Ridgefield, Wash., Chenowth-Toyota
1010 Carlos Cortez, Las Vegas/Rudy Cortez, Henderson, Nev., Kreger-Porsche
1048 Billy Gasper, Chino Hills, Calif./Eric Stewart, Loma Linda, Calif./David Gasper, Goleta, Calif., Porter-Honda
1049 Darren Hardesty, Ramona, Calif./Mark Randazzo, Poway, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW

(VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)
1201 Morley Williams, Fallbrook, Calif./Mike Williams, Prescott, Ariz./Mike Sandoval, Fallbrook, Calif./Blaise Jackson, Hesperus, Calif., Meco
1202 Matt Cullen, Long Beach, Calif./Greg Blakeman, Lakewood, Calif./Jeff Rucker, Las Vegas, Neth
1203 Matt Drever, Dana Point, Calif./Jim Vick/Dave Wert, San Clemente, Calif., Penhall
1204 Stan Potter, San Marcos, Calif./Dan Worley, Encinitas, Calif., Jimco
1205 Bill Hernquist/Michael Lund, La Mesa, Calif., Jimco
1206 Kevin Derby, Escondido, Calif./Travis Brorowski, El Cajon, Calif., Chaparral
1207 Rob Martensen, Phoenix/Steve Stroud, Gooding, Idaho/Rich Roberts, Phoenix, Chenowth
1208 Evie Baldwin, Laguna Beach, Calif./Mike Laughlin, Murrieta, Calif./John Yeiser, El Cajon, Calif.
1209 Jason Batulis, Kingwood, Texas/Jeff Lothringer, San Clemente, Calif./Marty Fiolka, Long Beach, Calif./Chris Paulsen, Indianapolis, Ind., Prep by Jake
1210 Mike Belk, Bermuda Dunes, Calif./Greg Foster, Orange, Calif., Porter
1211 Dan Martin, Monrovia, Calif./Tom Dittfeld, Canyon Country, Calif.
1212 David Callaway, Menifee, Calif./Scott Mapes, Riverside, Calif., Dunrite
1213 Ricardo Malo/Arturo Honold/Gustavo Pinuelas Jr., Mexicali, Mexico, Curry
1200 Tim Noe/Tom Watson/Travis Clarke, El Centro, Calif., Jimco
1215 Hector Verdugo/Julio Verdugo, La Paz, Mexico, Jimco,
1216 Tito Tapia, La Paz, Mexico/Jaime Mancuiano/Luis Martinez, Mazatlan, Mexico, Millenium
1217 Juan Dominguez/Sergio Ojeda/Miguel Dominguez, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Jimco
1218 Armando Tapia, La Paz/Raul Castilla/Arturo Castilla, Culiacan, Mexico, Millenium
1246 Larry Nash, Santa Margarita, Calif./Mike Kyle, San Luis Obispo, Calif., Mirage
1248 Hector Garcia/Hector Garcia Jr., Chino, Calif./Juan Diaz Jr., Montebello, Calif., Mirage
1249 Mike Halliday, Riverside, Calif./Jason Holes, Victorville, Calif./Kevin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Porter

(Stock VW Sedans)
1101 Robert C. Johnson, Ahwahnee, Calif./Matthew Watson, Chowshilla, Calif.
1102 Mike Urbano, Long Beach, Calif./Gerry O’Hagan, Redondo Beach, Calif./Dennis Cota, Mission Viejo, Calif./Brian Martin, Oceanside, Calif
1103 Brian Calliari, West Babylon, N.Y./David Hendrickson, Murrieta, Calif.
1104 Marcus Best/Mike Odom/Danny Moder, Arroyo Seco, N.M./Mike Ozier, Venice, Calif.
1105 Jake Mueller/Christine Thomas, San Diego
1146 Gary Helming/Mark Murrell, Grand Junction, Colo./Dave Segar, Fruita, Colo.
1147 Chris Corbett, Huntington Beach, Calif./Craig Perronne, Malibu, Calif./Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Wyatt Radke, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif./Jason Scherer, Danville, Calif.
1148 Eric Palacios, Las Vegas/Jonathan Robertson, Boulder City, Nev./Daniel Gonzalez/Rafael Serrano, Las Vegas
1100 Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico/Miguel Hovo, Ensenada, Mexico

(Stock, Full-sized trucks)
861 Josh Hall, Reno, Nev./Thad Stump, Gilbert, Ariz./Sam Cothrun, Reno, Nev., Hummer H2
860 John Griffin, Mission Viejo, Calif./Mike Sabbarese, Huntington Beach, Calif., Hummer H2
863 Terry Henn/Eric Henn/Blake Henn, Walnut, Calif./John Herman, Las Vegas, Hummer H1
864 Chad Hall/Sam Edgar, Reno, Nev., Hummer H1
865 Clyde Stacy/Justin Matney, Bristol, Va./Sam Blankenship/Kenneth Stacy, Bristol, Tenn., Dodge Ram 2500
879 Mark Handley, San Marcos, Calif., Ford F-150

(Stock, mini trucks)
761 Rod Millen (New Zealand)/Ryan Millen, Newport Beach, Calif., Toyota FJ Cruiser
762 Rod Hall, Reno, Nev./Emily Miller, Crested Butte, Colo./Mike Winkel, Reno, Nev., Hummer H3
763 Steve Kovach IV, Tempe, Ariz./Dan Werle, Phoenix/Kirk Danielson, Mesa, Ariz., Ford Ranger
764 Dan Fresh, San Juan Capistrano, Calif./Sean Douglass/Dale Godges, Irvine, Calif., Mitsubishi Raider
765 Kevin Necessary, Long Beach, Calif./Russell Stessard, Lakewod, Calif./Darin Necessary, Long Beach, Calif.
779 Gavin Skilton, Orange, Calif./Kevin Jensen, Apple Valley, Calif./Clive Skilton, Orange, Calif.

(Limited Production Trucks)
225 Eric Hardin/Jared Hardin, Anaheim, Calif., GMC Sierra
280 Kathy Jarvis, Park City, Utah, Ford F-150
299 Joe Bednar, Agura Hills, Calif./George Peters, Newbury Park, Calif., Chevy Silverado
250 Gary Magness/Steve Knudson, Denver, Ford F-150
215 CodySwanty/Rob Clouser, Kingman, Ariz., Dodge Ram1500
203 Dave Creagan, Woodland, Wash./James Wasson, Maple Valley, Wash./Mike Nicholson, Vancouver, Wash.
226 Al Hogan, Columbus, Mont./Darren Donnes, Billings, Mont., Ford F-150
240 Rob Kittleson/Wally Hrdlicka, Palm Springs, Calif., Ford F-150
202 Wade Kelson, Riverton, Utah/Todd Bogh, Highland, Utah, Ford F-150
235 Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150
245 Chris Lucas, Dublin, Ohio/Eric Place, Columbus, Ohio/Roberto Guerrero, San Juan Capistrano, Calif., Ford F-150
260 Kevin McGillivray, Valencia, Calif./Joe Custer, Harrisburg, N.C./Casey Folks, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado
213 Dave Westhem, Palm Desert, Calif./Paul Perrizo, Long Beach, Calif./Lee Patton, Bellflower, Calif./Wing Lam, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150
234 Rob Reinertson, Woodside, Calif./Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif., Ford F-150
252 Mouse McCoy, Sherman Oaks, Calif./Mike Johnson, Lake Balboa, Calif., Chevy Silverado
266 Chris Miller, Del Mar, Calif./Mike Ryan, North Hollywood, Calif./Brent Fletcher, Thousand Oaks, Calif./Tony Dino, El Cajon, Calif., Ford F-150
204 Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico/Bryan Freeman, Henderson, Nev., Toyota Tundra
229 Tom Koch, Ridgecrest, Calif./Lenny Holder, Buena Park, Calif., Ford F-150, Sierra Auto Recycling, Lenny’s Concrete Pumping
236 Rick L. Johnson, Oak Hills, Calif./Dane Cardone, Huntington Beach, Calif./Jimmy Nuckles, Brawley, Calif., Toyota Tundra

(Class 3 modified Jeep Cherokees)
1701 Mike Shaffer/David Halaruk, Carson City, Nev./Lance Clifford, Georgetown, Calif., Jeep Cherokee
1702 Eric Filar, Lake Elsinore, Calif./Ron Stobaugh, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif./Ryan Filar, Jeep Cherokee XJ
1749 William Frey, Orange, Calif./Jeff Procter, Upland, Calif./Robert Zeman, W. Covina, Calif., Jeep Cherokee

Micron Technology
Baja Challenge
(Identically equipped Wide Open Baja touring cars with Subaru Engines
Sponsors: Micron Technology, BFGoodrich Tires, Monster Energy Drink, Eibach, KMC Wheels, Lowrance, Bilstein, Snug Top)
BC 1 Amber Cordoza/Carl Peniston, Albuquerque, N.M./Stephen Jones, Freedom, N.H./Steven McAnnaney, Bloomsburg, Pa.
BC 2 Patrick Dempsey, Los Angeles/Christopher Cook/Sam Jones, Newtown, Ct./Link Herron, El Cajon, Calif./Doug Coleman, Camarillo, Calif./Rich Minga, Fallbrook, Calif.
BC 3 Bud Brutsman, Bell Canyon, Calif./Mike Metzger, Menifee, Calif./Kenny Bartram, Stillwater, Calif./Tracy Jordan, Wittman, Ariz.
BC 4 David Stone, Madison, Wisc./Robert Viqu, N. Lake Elmo, Minn./Jeff Stone, Madison, Wisc./Darren Law, Phoenix/Hanna Mitias, New Albany, N.Y.
BC 5 Jeff Smith/Rick Smith, Canada
BC 6 Mark Goggin/Dave Maxwell, Canada/Kenneth Goggin, Prescott, Ariz./Dennis Goggin, Canada
BC 7 Mike Wright, Edmond, Okla./David Wood, Colton, Calif./Kevin Jourdan, Oklahoma City, Okla./Mark Denny, Edmond, Okla./Steven Kay, Yorba Linda, Calif.
BC 8 Brian Street, Deerfield Beach, Fla./Ed Martin, Scottsdale, Ariz./Craig Studnicky, Aventura, Fla./David Sexson/Kenny Ott, Fallon, Nev.
BC 9 Bill Stover/Kipp Bedard/Brian Shirley/Rod Lewis/Frankie Roohparvar, Boise, Idaho
BC 10 Michael Plank/Bruce Smith/Larry Elliott/Richard Fant, Houston
BC 11 Kevin Fitzgerald, Rancho Dominguez, Calif./Jody Grace, Highland Village, Texas/Joe Parsons, Murrieta, Calif./Randy White, Lakewood, Colo.
BC 12 Chris Berty, Irvine, Calif./Richard Sottosanti, Bohemia, N.Y./Frank Everett, Bellevue, Wash./Dominic Dobson, Mercer Island, Wash./Steve Curry, Huntington Beach, Calif.
BC 13 David Sutton, Denver/Rhys Millen, Huntington Beach, Calif./Ryan Hunter-Reay, Dana Point, Calif./Ted Smith, Norco, Calif./Bob Sutton, Denver
BC 14 Eustaquio Escandon Sr., Mexico/Steve Hilbert, Telluride, Colo./Jaime Zunzunegui, Mexico/Richard Wadehouse, Aspen, Colo./Park Brady, St. Simons Island, Ga.
BC 15 Dan Friedkin/Rex Whiteside/Paul Hobby, Houston/Todd Brock, Beaumont, Texas
BC 16 Steve Appleton/Chris Appleton, Boise, Idaho
BC 17 Robyn Gordon/Beccy Gordon, Dana Point, Calif./Heather Bonanni, Laguna Niguel, Calif./Kate Sutton, San Francisco/Mehgan Creeley, Norwalk, Ct.
BC 18 Mike Sadler/Dean Klein/John Schreek/Ed Mahoney/Jan du Preez, Boise, Idaho
BC 19 Mark Durcan/Jay Hawkins/JoAnn Arnold/Bob Gove/Mark Adams, Boise, Idaho
BC 20 Kirk Hollis, Spring, Texas


(250cc or more)
2x Damon Cardone, Castaic, Calif./Erick Welsh, Newberry Springs, Calif./Chris Valdes, Quartz Hill, Calif., Honda XR650R
3x Gary Cluff, Mesa, Ariz./Marc Francke, Marina del Rey, Calif./James Hall, Malibu, Calif./Patrick Ditson, Encino, Calif., Honda XR650R
4x Scott Higgins/Paul Blevins, Lakeside, Calif./Steve Snyder, San Diego, Calif., Honda XR650R
5x Robert Laughlin, Solvang, Calif., Honda XR650R
6x Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif./Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif./Johnny Campbell, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X
7x Chris Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif./Mark Daniels, Oxnard, Calif./Sean Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda XR650R
8x Todd Romano, Park City, Utah/Jack McCormick, Tempe, Ariz./Tim Hillsamer, Mesa, Ariz., Honda XR650R
9x Dan Walsh/Chris Gunnett/Rob Gibson, Ramona, Calif., Honda XR650R
10x James Sones, Banning, Calif., Honda XR650R
11x John Carmona, Upland, Calif., KTM EXC
12x Jesse Sharpe, Escondido, Calif./Dean Sharpe, Ramona, Calif./Joe Desrosiers, San Marcos, Calif., Honda XR650R
1x Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif./Mike Childress, Wrightwood, Calif./Quinn Cody, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X
14x Bob Mugan, Grand Rapids, Mich./Scott Proffer, Signal Hill, Calif./Chris Russel, Ypsilanti, Mich., Honda CRF450X
16x Kris Papworth, Draper, Utah/Zac Jacobson, Cedar City, Utah/Allan Donaldson, KTM EXC525
17x Robert Barnum, Phelan, Calif., Husqvarna TC510
18x Anna Cody, Camarillo, Calif., Honda XR650R
19x Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Grant Steele, Hemet, Calif./Trigger Gumm, Mission Viejo, Calif., Honda XR650R
20x George Vilanyi/Clay Anthony, Winterpark, Colo./Joe Polus/Steve Zorbel, Bozeman, Mont., Honda XR650R
21x Kyle Abney, Albuquerque, N.M./Tommy Black, Las Cruces, N.M./Robbie Clauss, Albuquerque, N.M., Honda XR650R
22x Beau Hayden, Shadow Hills, Calif./Peter Postel, Newbury Park, Calif./Ron Bishop, Escondido, Calif./Tony Megla, Newbury Park, Calif./Chuck Dempsey, Oak Hills, Calif., BMW HP2
23x Rick Williams/Ron Ayers/Rueben Silva, Las Vegas, Honda XR650R
24x Peter Hardy, San Luis Obispo, Calif./John Kaisersatt, Los Osos, Calif./Richard Lancaster Jr., Santa Margarita, Calif./Jeff Martin, Wasco, Calif., Honda XR650R
25x Steve Luly, Aguanga, Calif./Billy Soutel, Beaumont, Calif./Scott Luly, Ennis, Mont., Honda CRF450X
48x Francisco Arredondo/Hans Miller, Guatemala/Mike Berer, Orange, Calif., Honda XR650R

(126cc to 250cc)
101x Shaun Hanson, Murrieta, Calif./Jim McKay, Hemet, Calif./Mark Milne, Aztec, N.M., Honda CRF450X
102x Brett Helms, Valley Center, Calif./Jim Rawlins, Escondido, Calif., Honda CRF450X
103x Stephen Stenberg, Chula Vista, Calif./Eddie Zeller, Coronado, Calif./Eric Hingeley, San Diego/Joey Lane, El Cajon, Calif., Husqvarna TC
104x Chris Parker, Newport Beach, Calif./Tim Bina, Lake Elsinore, Calif./Randy Blevins, Garden Grove, Calif., Honda CRF450X
105x Michael Whitehead, Boise, Idaho/David Tenenbaum, Offutt AFB, Neb./Adam Ratelle, Las Vegas, Honda CRF450X
106x David Gonzalez Jr., Chula Vista, Calif., KTM EXC450
107x Tom Grisham, Chula Vista, Calif./Carl Fischer, Highland, Calif./Mike Mitchell, Salt Lake City, Utah/Mark Chicado, Las Vegas, Honda CRF450X
108x Ernesto Inowe/Leonel Ruvalcaba/Victor Gomez/J. David Ruvalcaba, Ensenada, Mexico, Yamaha WR450F
110x Kevin Johnson, Henderson, Nev./Greg Bruning, Carlsbad, Calif./Russel Pereira, Reno, Nev., Honda CRF450X
111x Antonio Morales, Sergio Morales/Oscar Malinn, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda CRF450X

151x Charles Schnell, San Diego/Chris Steward/Nancy Emde, Cardiff, Calif./Tony Rutter/Mike Welsby, New Zealand, Yamaha WR250
152x Chad Erl/George Erl, Huntington Beach, Calif./Graham Gustin, Costa Mesa, Calif./Ryan Grandon, Huntington Beach, Calif., Husqvarna TC250

(Riders over 30 years old)
301x Brian Pinard, Wildomar, Calif./Taber Murphy, Wenatchee, Wash., Honda XR650R
302x Gary Sparks, Anthem, Ariz., Honda XR650R
303x James Filanc/Curt Gerritson, Temecula, Calif./Anthony Brooks, Perris, Calif., KTM EXC525
304x Gary Stuck/Harold Bliss, Mesa, Ariz./Chris Farrel, Ridgecrest, Calif., Honda XR650R
305x Fred Brown/Tommy Tomlinson/Peery Brown, Rural Retreat, Va., Honda XR650R
306x Rex Steerman, Sylmar, Calif./Mike Garvin, Ladera Ranch, Calif./Patrick Vessey, Laguna Beach, Calif./Jonathan Parks, Glendale, Calif., Honda XR650R
307x Ron Wilson, Encinitas, Calif./Scott Myers, Sun City, Calif./Steve Garnett, Carson City, Nev./Tim Morton, Escondido, Calif., Honda XR650R
308x Hisahide Ueno, Japan, Yamaha WR450F
300x Gerado Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/Jorge Hernandez/Francisco Septien, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R
310x Stephen Stenberg, Chula Vista, Calif./Mitch Sanchez, Campo, Calif./Shad Bodenstadt, Descanso, Calif./Jerry Jones, Alpine, Calif., Husqvarna TC510
311x Octavio Valle, Guadalajara, Mexico/Luis De La Fuente, Hermosillo, Mexico/Guillermo Gomez, Guadalajara, Mexico, Honda XR650R
312x Jeff Good, Huntsville, Utah/Travis Good, Emphraim, Utah/Jeff Perry, Salt Lake City, Utah, KTM XC525
313x Kevin Smith, Pomona, Calif./Dale Morse, Anthem, Ariz./ChrisStewart, LaVerne, Calif./Doug Imhof, Alta Loma, Calif., Honda CRF450X
314x Ron Seubert, Colton, Calif./Craig Whited/Travis Schmidt, Oregon City, Ore., KTM EXC525
316x Darin Hecker, Grants Pass, Ore./Ken Hutchison, Medford, Ore./Carlos Mix, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R

(Riders over 40 years old)
401x Larkin Wright, Lucerne Valley, Calif./John Rudder, Agua Dulce, Calif./Terry Dorsch, Tujunga, Calif., BMW F650
402x Scott Salisberry, Sparks, Nev., Honda XR650R
403x Julio Abril, Ensenada, Mexico/Enrique Flores, San Diego/Rodolfo Sanchez, El Cajon, Calif., Honda XR650R
404x Scott Atchison/Greg Hauser/Larry Collins, Bakersfield, Calif., Honda XR650R
400x Jim O’Neal, Chatsworth, Calif./Tim Withers, Pepeekeo, Hawaii/Jeff Kaplan, Newberry Park, Calif./Randy Morales, Prescott, Ariz./Tom Willis, Las Vegas, Honda XR650R
407x Brett Helm, Poway, Calif./Jon Ortner, Santa Barbara, Calif./Craig Adams, San Clemente, Calif., Honda XR650R
408x Norm Olley, Lewisville, Texas/Gerry Booher, Universal City, Texas/Keith Carlson, Belvedere, Calif., KTM EXC525
409x Gary Holmes, El Paso, Texas/Ryan Armitage, Las Cruces, N.M., Jeff Keeler, Deming, N.M.
410x Daryl Hambleton, Acton, Calif./Matthew Lyman, Honolulu/Steve Trines, Kaneohe, Hawaii, Jimmy Roberts, Agua Dulce, Calif./Kevin Ward, Chatsworth, Calif., Honda XR650R
411x Matt Shook, Long Beach, Calif./Chris Kemp, San Clemente, Calif./John Thornton, Riverside, Calif., Honda XR650R
449x PG Lundmark, Sweden/Lukas Lundin, Canada/Hakan Lidgren, Sweden

(Riders over 50 years old)
502x Neil Manninen, Kabetogama, Minn., Honda XR450R
500x Jim O’Neal, Chatsworth, Calif./Doug Heil, Monrovia, Calif./Mike Sixberry, Bullhead City, Ariz./Robert Hansen, Carson City, Nev., Honda XR650R
504x Fred Brown, Rural Retreat, Va./Buster Yarbrough/Mark Wooters/Wayne Yarbrough, Winston Salem, N.C., Honda XR650R
505x Doug Smith, Upland, Calif./Gene Dempsey, Hesperia, Calif./Charlie Marshall, Carmichel, Calif./Sam Dempsey, Van Nuys, Calif./Dana Reed, Shingle Springs, Calif., Honda XR650R
506x Stephen Stenberg, Chula Vista, Calif., Husqvarna TE510
548x Vincent D’Ercole, Reno, Nev., Honda XR650R
549x Chris Haines, Dana Point, Calif./Jack Johnson, Boulder City, Nev./Richard Jackson, Acton, Calif./Bob Wadlow, Arcadia, Calif., Honda XR650R

(Riders over 60 years old)
601x Donald Lewis, Marlborough, Ct., Jim O’Neal, Chatsworth, Calif./Michael Harper, Landers, Calif./Paul Lussier, W. Greenwich, R.I./Arthur More, Surprise, Ariz., Honda XR650R
602x Chuck Neugebauer, Manhattan Beach, Calif.


(over 251cc)

1a Josh Frederick, Moapa, Nev./Tony Baker, El Cajon, Calif./Shane Strunk, Phoenix/Michael Swift, Can-Am Renegede
2a Josh Fink/Kevin Thompson/Jason Miller, Phoenix, Honda TRX450R
3a Carl Penny, Prescott Valley, Ariz./Tony Bowden, Glendale, Ariz./Branden Sims, Prescott Valley, Ariz., Yamaha Raptor
4a Jeff Hancock, Salome, Ariz./Joshua Edwards/Kirk Schreier, Phoenix, Honda TRX450R
6a James Woodford, San Diego/Robert Padilla, Vista, Calif./Adam Sick, Valencia, Calif./Dean Sundahl, Spring Valley, Calif., Honda SRP650
7a Danny Prather, Ramona, Calif./Mike Cafro, Carlsbad, Calif./Levi Marana, Hemet, Calif./Marc Speath, Warner Springs, Calif., Honda TRX450R
8a Robert Ulloa, Chula Vista, Calif./Gabriel Valencia, Tijuana, Mexico/Roberto Miramontes, Sun City, Calif., Suzuki LTR450
9a Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif./Chad Prull, Laveen, Ariz./Keith Little, Russelville, Al./Wes Miller, Costa Mesa, Calif., Honda TRX450R
10a Alex Camanini, El Cajon, Calif./Carmen Cafro, Vista, Calif./Earl Thigpen, Murrieta, Calif./Allen Fox, Alpine, Calif./Scott Prather, Ramona, Calif., Honda SRP650

(under 250cc)
101a Richie Brown, Dahlonega, Ga., Honda TRX450R


1401 George Jackson/Belinda EastmanSan Felipe, Mexico/Brian Siler, Calexico, Calif., Jimco-VW
1402 John Pfeffer, Boulder City, Nev./Les Martin, Henderson, Nev./Suzanne Maynard, Henderson, Nev., Chenowth-Chevy
1403 Greg Hukari, Genoa, Nev./Todd Welling, San Carlos, Calif./Christopher Thompson, Las Vegas, Lothringer-VW
1405 Peter Lang/Terry Cotter/P.J. Lang, Santa Rosa, Calif., Homebuilt-Chevy
1406 Glenn Smith/Daniel Gallion, San Clemente, Calif./Terry Collis, Carlsbad, Calif., RaceCo-VW
1407 John Becker, Ardmore, Okla./Reid Ehlentnro, Tucson, Ariz./George Becker, Lansdowne, Pa., Mirage-VW
1408 Fernando Hoyos/Jenny Quintero/Rodolfo Jimenez, Ciudad Constitucion, Mexico, Mayoral-VW
1447 Joe Cota, Santa Clarita, Calif./Dave Dietrich, Calexico, Calif./Jan Rodyea, Winnetka, Calif., VW Sedan
1448 Ryan Cosic, Wildomar, Calif./George Scott, Orange, Calif., Subaru WRX
1449 Charles Schneider, Bishop, Calif./Kristin McBride/Kevin McBride, Mammoth, Calif., VW Baja Bug

1500 Mark Growe/Keith Growe, Placentia, Calif./AnthonyValentino, Costa Mesa, Calif., Ford Ranger
1501 Miguel Jimenez/Mauricio Jimenez/Sergio Torres, San Diego, Ford F-150
1502 Randy Swink, El Cajon, Calif./Steven Finnegan, La Mesa, Calif./Dwight Gran, San Diego, Ford Ranger
1503 Steven Looney/Mike Ballard, Campo, Calif., Ford Ranger
1504 William Wolford/Garrett Wolfard, /Mike Long, Silverton, Ore., Ford Ranger
1547 Billy Bunch, La Qunta, Calif./Dave Turner/Jerry Lane, Morongo Valley, Calif., Ford F-150
1548 Tim Burdett/William Burdett, Mt. Vernon, Ky./Lewis Reams, Brodhead, Ky., Chevy Avalanche
1549 Bob Land, Lake Forest, Calif./Mike Jenkins, Foothill Ranch, Calif./Jim Winovitch, Murrieta, Calif., Jeep Cherokee

(660cc, 4-wheel utility vehicle)
1801 Brian Wilbur, St. Augustine, Fla./Reggie Wilson, Ft. McCoy, Fla./Mike Kantz, Green Cove Springs, Fla./Matt Hewett, Ochlocknee, Ga.
1802 Terry Marcum, Palatka, Fla./Greg Melby, Jacksonville, Fla./John Kahl, Orange Springs, Fla./Scott Johnson, Ponte Vedra, Fla.
1803 Matthew Kimmerle/John McClure, Glendale, Ariz./Gili Hacohen, Phoenix/Jamie Hedgson, Canada, Tomcar TM27V
1818 Mike West, Chandler, Ariz./Michael Savage, Medford, Ore./Joe Moore, Spring Valley, Calif., Yamaha Rhino
1819 Eric Anderson/Steve Anderson, Barry Mancha, Riverside, Calif., Yamaha Rhino

SPT M/C>250cc
211x Carlos Gonzalez, Navojoa, Mexico/Javier Hernandez, Obregon, Mexico/Eduardo Rosas, Huatabameo, Mexico
212x Aaron Osborne, Redding, Calif./Bill Jarvis, Shasta, Calif./John Estes, Redding, Calif., Honda XR650R
213x Wayne Molloy, Glenwood Springs, Colo., Yamaha TT600
214x Jeff Crochiere/Travis Newbold, Steamboat Springs, Colo., Honda XR650R
215x Charlie Wilson, Houston/Mike Herrick, Dallas/Brad Convis, Va., Honda XR650R
216x Colby Brinnon, Gunnison, Colo/Conan Bliss, Crested Butte, Colo./Jeff Hansen, Ravensdale, Wash., Husaberg FE650E
217x T. Morgan Spradling, Gunnison, Colo., Honda XR650R
218x Jeff Leonard, Bakersfield, Calif./Jim MacArthur, San Diego/Tony Donna, Los Angeles, Honda XR650R
219x Jayson Faulkner/Tom Fayle, Canada/Patrick White, Bellingham, Wash.
220x Ralph Barrera, Bell Gardens/Darren Walsh, Long Beach, Calif./William Thomas, San Diego, Honda XR650R
221x Patrick Coleman, Columbia, Md./Ian Coleman, Baltimore, Md./Ryan Jones, Winchester, Va., Honda XR650R
222x Bruce Galien/Craig White, Santa Clarita, Calif./Mike Reitmayer, Vista, Calif., Honda XR650R
223x Jon Johnson, Lompoc, Calif., Honda CRF450X
224x Darren Pineau/Greg Stevenson/Bolivar Ramos, Canada, Honda XR650R
225x Braxton Southwick, West Jordan, Utah/Brian Southwick, St. George, Utah/Robert Foust, Salt Lake City, Utah, Yamaha WR450
226x Huba Topai, Glenwood Springs, Colo., Honda XR650R
227x Mike Kaplan, Tujunga, Calif.
228x Rod Thornton, Norman, Okla./Rick Thornton, Ft. Worth, Texas, Honda XR450R
229x Dennis Law, San Luis Obispo, Calif., Yamaha WR450F
230x Dan Roush/Timmy Moore/Brent Needham, Bakersfield, Calif./Mike Korenwinder, Tulare, Calif., KTM 525
231x Scott Sibbald, Reno, Nev., Honda CR450X
232x Mark Brewer/Ron Simpson, Glendale, Ariz./Tim Faulkner, Litchfield Park, Ariz., Honda XR650R
233x Dennis Rogers, La Verne, Calif./Kevin Krasner, Mission Viejo, Calif./Bill Gilbert, Laders Ranch, Calif., Honda XR650R
234x Eugene Lane, Redondo Beach, Calif.
235x Luis Napoles, Mexicali, Mexico/Tom Powers, Santa Ynes, Calif./Rene Magana, San Ysidro, Calif., Honda XR650R
236x Paul Crandell, Pacific Palisades, Calif./Daron Rahlves/Matt Brown/Randy Hood, Truckee, Calif., Honda XR650R
237x Brian Thompson, Palo Alton, Calif., Honda XR650R
238x Alastair Hilson, New Zealand, Honda XR650R
239x Anthony Bosworth, Oro Valley, Ariz., Honda XR650R
240x Jay Sherman, Bainbridge Island, Wash./John Spittal Jr., Waddel, Ariz./Ken Shaffer, Victor, N.Y., Honda XR650R
242x Daniel Law, San Luis Obispo, Calif., Yamaha WR450F
243x Baron Keffer, Hillsboro, Ore./Eric Forster Jr., Bend, Ore./Eric Forster, Prineville, Ore., Suzuki DRZ400E
244x Alex Melero, Jamul, Calif.
245x Hank Griffin, Richardson, Texas/Albert Simmons, Lake Dallas, Texas/Buddy Ray Tarver Sr., Garland, Texas, Honda XR650R
246x Jeff Matthews, Westminster, Calif., Honda XR650R
247x Alfredo Osornio/Alejandro Olgin, Joel Leal, Mexicali, Mexico, Honda XR650R
248x Thierry Mas, Miami (France), Honda XR650R
249x Tony Harrell, Los Osos, Calif./Terry Packer/Mike Peterson, Arroyo Grande, Calif., Yamaha WR450F
250x Colie Potter, El Cajon, Calif., Honda XR650R
251x Michael Stein, Chandler, Ariz., Honda XR650R
252x Wesley Glogner/Michele de Mas, Tucson, Ariz./Jeff Clark, Costa Mesa, Calif., KTMXC525
253x Jesse Christensen, Steamboat Springs, Colo., Honda XR650R
254x Leland Christensen, Alta, Wyoming, Honda XR650R
255x James Copple, Manteca, Calif., Homebuilt 970
256x Lara Gates, Denver/John Burton, Ludington, Mich./Jim Connolly, Datil, N.M./Brent Carr, Tucson, Ariz., Honda XR650R
257x Kurt Steffien, Santa Fe, N.M./Todd Harrison, Lewter, Colo.
258x Jim Owens, Scotts Valley, Calif./Dennis Hannel, Arnold, Calif./Jack Hulse, Shingle Springs, Calif., Husqvarna TE450
259x Mark Peoples, Jacksonville, Fla., KTM, XC572
295x Rome Haloftis, Canada, KTM 450EXC
296x Yohei Naruse/Hideki Kawai, Japan, Honda XR650R
297x Don Robbins, Phoenix, Husqvarna TC510
298x Gary Medlin, Raleigh, N.C./Paul Goldsmith/Mark Goldsmith, Oregon City, Ore., Honda XR650R
299x Jihei Okawara/Tatsuo Imaizumi, Japan, Honda XR400R

SPT M/C<250cc>201x Tomaki Hayashi, Japan, Honda CRF250X
202x Jun Okawara/Kenji Oikawa/Yasuo Umemura, Japan, Yamaha WR250F

51a Jose Escudero, Tijuana, Mexico, Honda TRX450R
52a David McCarroll, Danville, Ind./Eric Lemley, Rockport, W. Va./Brett Callen, Lakeside, Calif./Travis Dillon, Spring Valley, Calif., Honda TRX450R
53a David Jaume, Gardena, Calif./Joseph Field, Torrance, Calif./Bret Hildebrand, Leona Valley, Calif., Honda TRX450R
54a Craig Christy, Burbank, Calif./Steve Malley, Newport Beach, Calif./Jessica McCreary, Ramona, Calif., Honda TRX450R
55a Shawn Robins/Dave Bernath, Canada/Alfonso Lopez, Todos Santos, Mexico, Bombardier DS650
56a Stefano Caputo/Davide Corbani/Felipe Velez, San Felipe, Mexico, Honda TRX450R
57a J.A. Covas, Tijuana, Mexico/Juan Guillen, Chula Vista, Calif./Mamo Yorba, Tijuana, Mexico, Yamaha YMZ450
58a Ramon Soto/Enrique Felix, Tijuana, Mexico/Hector Coor, Chula Vista, Calif.
59a Carlos Sanchez, Murrieta, Calif./Greg Wick, Temecula, Calif./Ruben Miramontes, San Diego/Jorge Carbajal, Tijuana, Mexico, Honda TRX450R
93a Harrold Clampitt, Arlington Heights, Ill., Yamaha GrizzlyF1
94a Richard Czerlau, Canada, Yamaha Grizzly700F1
95a Doug Granger, Canada, Yamaha Grizzly700F1
96a Mike Penland, Rabun Gap, Ga./Scott Kilby, Waynesville, N.C./Jeremy Reach, Union Point, Ga./Hoyt Penland, Rabun Gap, Ga., Can-Am Outlander
97a Miguel Arellano/Jesus Lopez, San Diego/Oswaldo Walle, Maywood, Calif., Honda TRX450R
98a Jason Wade/Aaon Ard/Tim Clements, Austin, Texas/Clifton Beasley, Chapple Hill, Tenn.
99a Joe Rice, Lomita, Calif./Tim Winiarski, Carson, Calif./Rob Ransford, Downers Grove, Ill., Yamaha Raptor