THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Baja 250 LIVE Carnage

UPDATE! Sunday, March 18, 2007.

El Vigia Newspaper in Ensenada, Baja California casts doubt on SCORE International!

Baja Races now at risk! The 40th for SCORE will be one of survival in Mexico.

El Vigia is reporting Sal Fish is not considering the Baja 250 for San Felipe in 2008 and is "thinking" about the viability of all SCORE Mexico races.

The other stories reporting in the Ensenada Newspaper today:

""Small gift? A sea of suspicions towards Score International was the turn out to at the awards ceremony on Sunday with the winners overall and of the Trophy-Trucks to Mark Post and Rob MacCachren after the arresting of Mark Post by first on the part of the Preventive Federal Police in the final part of the route of the Baja 250. The prize was stolen on Saturday in Santo Tomás from Alan Pflueger.""

""By Gabriel Garcia 3-13-06, Ensenada, BC Mexico.
It LEAVES POST WELL FREED OF THIS they Free the Trophy Truck Riviera The vehicle every land was person under arrest in the yonkee of the Salcedo Towing, but yesterday the payment was liquidated so that could return al control of the owners of the same Part of the team Riviera Racing to the outskirts of the Salcedo Towing.

After almost two days to beperson under arrest in the Salcedo Wrecking Yard, yesterday the Ford left F-150 of the team Riviera Racing, thanks al payment carried out by Jim Blackmore in the offices of the PFP, added to that do not there was denounces some against Mark Post.

The incident where Post was seen wrapped, happened Saturday afternoon in the delegation of Holy Tomás al to try to arrive to the finisjh line of the career out of Baja 250, being undertaken by elements of the Preventive Federal Police after surpassing in contrary sense and to surpass the speed limit in the highway to the height of the populated of San Vicente.

That seen action in every moment by various officials of the PFP, who rotated the order against the Californian, same that I am carry out al moment to try to arrive at the goal, where I am requested him that will descend of the unit and subsequently was carried arrested to the offices of the delegation, before the inconvenience of many fans that witnessed the fact.

This gave as a result that the team Riviera Racing to lose a valuable time of 4 minutes and 33 seconds, with what al to reduce this figure to it registered in the chronometer gave him the victory above Alan Pflueger, who was declared as the victorious one overall in the finish line located in the interior of the baseball fields.

This change in the results that sent of a blow to Post and Rob MacCachren of the sixth position al first I generate a sea of you suspect of different runners and fans through the Internet in different forums where was spoken of a problem of corruption on the part of Score International and also of the Mexican authorities.

The time that Score gave him finally al owner of the Truck number 3 was of 4 hours, 3 minutes and 21 seconds by 4:04:57 of the Hawaiian one, with what if weight a lot the legal problem in which was seen wrapped Post and that I remain in a confusion, since the PFP retreat the accusation carried out on Saturday in Holy Tomás and only the expense had to be liquidated Moving with crane the vehicle every land, first to San Quintín and then to Inlet.

The failure on the part of the team that directs you Sal Fish was achieved Sunday thanks to the videos presented by Jimmy Reads, cameraman of the American assembly before the officials of Score International, where they assure that is seen like do not there was problem of violation of the regulation of career on the part of them.

Yesterday to the editing of El Vigia Newspaper some photographs arrived where is observed the maneuver that Mark Post I carry out in the highway to surpass a patrol of the PFP and that I cause the problem, that then finalize in a misunderstanding.

We do not have any problem with the PFP: Blackmore, said.
The leader of the team Riviera Racing, Jim Blackmore I assure that never they received a badly I try on the part of the Preventive Federal Police, al the same as Mark Post, who flew in its private airplane Sunday to the United States.

Blackmore commented that the Mexican officials carried itself very well in every moment, since the detention in a moment that suffered Post by hand of them was qualified by the American as "part of its work" and something did not that be a matter of a revenge.

"We want to continue coming to run to Baja and to Mexico, I believe that is important to stand out the work carried out by the Federal where we did not have any problem and we receive aid of them to remedy the situation that Mark (Post) created al to cause a lack to the laws of I travel, but already I remain fixed all and we will return without any doubt in June for the Baja 500" said, Jim.

In opinion of Blackmore, who I remain to receive from the yard the Trophy-Truck number 3, the triumph that was given them in this 250 was in part thanks to the attention that put Jimmy Reads to record all it happened during the detention of Post in Holy Tomás, added to that did their protest in time and form before Score International.

After this triumph in the Baja 250, Blackmore trusts in which itself Iran al first place of the championship, with what would add al leadership in the Trophy-Trucks that at this time have in the series of Best In The Desert, the Terrible Town 250 to be carried out to ends of the month of April in Pahrump, Nevada.""


The Baja 250 BIG STORY!

SCORE corrects Mark Post finishing position to First in Trophy Trucks in the Baja 250!

After a chase with the Federales and arrest and impound of Mark and the famedBlack #3 Riviera Racing Trophy Truck.

SCORE OFFICIAL STATEMENT: "TROPHY TRUCK RESULTS NOTE: UNOFFICIAL Trophy Truck results posted at the San Nicolas Hotel in Ensenada listed Mark Post #3 as 6th Place. SCORE has reviewed the facts surrounding a police detainment of the Post race vehicle. This detainment occurred just prior to and within full view of the timed finish line in Santo Tomas. The detainment was witnessed by a senior SCORE official. The detainment was not race related. Mark Post did not violate any SCORE mandated highway rules on any of the six highway sections. The official results have been recalculated to account for the 4 minutes and 33 second detainment and this moves Mark Post to his correct finishing position of 1st Place in class."

Baja Racing News LATEST REPORT!

""Mark Post blew a corner coming on the asphalt and rocked a few cops. So the cops then took off after him. They caught him on the highway and tried to pull him over. One got in front and the other in the back to get him to stop him. So Post gassed it, passed the Federales on the left towards oncomming traffic, hit the dirt and was gone. Near the finish area, the cops set up a road block and started stopping the leaders. The first to see the Mexican guns was Tim Herbst, detaining the Herbst Trophy Truck, then Riviera Racings Post. Post was dragged out and headed off in cuffs with the Federales. Reports are, Post was never put in a jail, he was detained in the Federales offices. The #3 Riviera Trophy Truck was impounded after the race by the Federales, confirmed in the El Vigia Newspaper accounts. Despite rumors from SCORE lackies in the states. Now here is where the rules come in. Post's co driver got in the car took off and finish line. Post was awarded the win the next day, just prior to the awards ceremony.""

The Baja Racing News EXCLUSIVE story is Mark Post passed a Federale on the Highway and/or roosted the Federale and they didn't take kindly to it, and chased the Post boy to the finish line.

We saw near Check 4, where they drop off the highway just before San Vicente, Post was being chased by three police cars. One police car passed his race car, blocked the highway, where the race course splits off before the turn, and Post almost t-boned the police car. Mark skidded to avoid him and went around the back of the police car. Then he almost hit another police car that was also blocking the highway. Post hopped off the highway, between the two police cars, back onto the course to the turn to head towards the coast, past Check Point 4. This happened about two hundred feet from our pit.

To us it seemed as though Post was speeding. We have heard rumors of why the cops were chasing Post, but since they are rumors, I’ll stick with speeding, not stopping for a cop and almost hitting a cop car for reasons why Post should be DQ’d? Then at the finishline he was held at gunpoint and wasn't able to make it fully over the finishline.

He then got arrested and they moved him all the way to San Quintin. Mark said that they also held the Herbst Trophy Truck in front of him in an effort to get to him and that Herbst lost some time before being able to finish the race. His onboard video and the tracking device showed no speeding violation. Where SCORE hands him a gift win to keep him in the SCORE "club".

Riviera Racing IS in both the SCORE and Best In The Desert series this year, would an event like this have the team pull out from the Mexico series? NOTORIOUS. Follow the $ right? Story also is Ed Herbst bailed Post out of detainment. The boys with Terribles TT should have won the race, but, not for the Federales pulling them over near the Finish Line and taking fifteen minutes off their time, they would have. The Federales mistook them for the #3 Riviera being chased.

Lesson learned, keep drivin' boys, no matter what! They don't call desert offroad Baja racing "the most notorious and dangerous" for nothin'. EXCLUSIVE Baja Racing News LIVE!

SCORE '07 Baja 250 Contingency Tech

Thanks for keeping with us, here at Baja Racing News LIVE!. We want to thank our reporters and PIC & VID volunteers and the race fans of desert off-road racing in Baja Mexico. Check out the EXCLUSIVE Terribles Tequila Story, Gary Newsome.

Reported LIVE on Saturday, from

Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.




"So there was a rollover but no victims, that's good".
Weatherman strikes again!


SCORE '07 Baja 250 MM90 Trophy Trucks


San Vincente crossing CLOSED ON TIME.

#710 Chase is towing #708 Race, being towed to KM 78.

#1210 out at RM 162

#761 stuck in the sand at RM 183

#1618 at RM 202 fuel pickup problem, needs 5 gallons of fuel.

#1609 out, was a Code Red, evac to hospital.

# 718 out at the goat trail.

#133, RM 177 rollover, everyone OK, back in the race baby!

#862, dead in the water, between RM 85-90, needs jump.

# 879 OUT

#22 OUT

#1616 being towed out of Checkpoint 4 to highway

#707 at RM 55 Broken axle, repairing(earlier). The last rig through Checkpoint 4!

#252 upside down in the bushes, with another crash nearby, on the coast. Drivers are OK.

Click To Play

SCORE '07 Baja 250 MM90 Class 8 1

Scott S. OUT at RM 175, looking for a tow.

#1404 OUT

#1002 reported rolled at RM 205
Probably out of race, driver OK

#1049 reported out.

#51 reported way over due.

#76 THE TRUCK IS IN THE OCEAN! TOTALLED! DOWN A 100 FT. CLIFF!! Everyone is OK, thank God! RM 180.



Jesse Jones car, late last night, after rolling off a 100 ft. cliff and into the ocean.
Here's what it looks like now after getting yanked back out of the ocean, from the Mighty Pacific and its death grip of tides. And hauled out!

Jesse Jones at speed before the Fishing Tournament win.

#128, 108 and 1012 OUT OF THE RACE

#91 on a tow strap heading back to Ensenada.

#1016 rollover reported.

#7 through San Vincente.
Reports from Llano Colorado are that Scott is back on course, hauling!

#502 broke 10 miles south of Jamou. RM 10

#802 out at Checkpoint 1.

#120 out.


RM 211, rally tracker reports, civilian VW beetle rolled on its top, no injuries reported.
Rescue 7 being called...SCORE 15 called...Relay 8 at RM 198...Relay 12...
Troubles reported radio calls into Ensenada because of the volume of traffic on channels and the natural topography of the region around Ensenada.

#1406 broke at RM 12. OUT

#808 out at RM 50, blown transmission.

#60 rolled at RM 120, reported to be OK.

Scott S. rolls at RM 127.5, over and over. Scott reportedly OK.

Rollover reported at the siltbeds just after Tres Hermanos #1217.

A UTV incident three miles down the course, from the Start line.

Checkpoint 2, REPORTS ROLLOVER #120, upside down at rm 78! No injuries?
Righted and maybe rolling.


SCORE Chopper reported nearby, dispatched.
81a, Quad run over by car at KM 78, on the Highway, right where you turn onto the dirt, the race course. Ambulance 5 dispatched. Unknown injuries. Choppered out to Ensenada via SCORE 2.


Ambulance from the San Vincente crossing being dispatched.
74a possible broken leg, concussion.

First Class 8 through Checkpoint 1, #800.

First Trophy Truck past Check 2
19 through Checkpoint 2.

First Class 10 through Checkpoint 1, # 1000

Reports indicate 102 is down a ravine at RM 4.91 is stuck on a bridge near RM 6 to 8.

104 first and 110 second, Class 1 through Checkpoint 1.

1a First Quad to finish the 21st Annual Baja 250. Hell of an accomplishment.

TT 19 through Checkpoint 1.

86a blown motor out at RM 85, CHECKER Pit 2.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 11:11 AM

posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 11:00 AM

HONDA 1x Wins the 21st Annual Baja 250
Baja Racing News LIVE! Calls the Bikes WINNERBell and Norman bring the win to HONDA with over six minutes to spare!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 10:59 AM

2x working on motor at the MAG 7 pit at RM110.108a Back in the Race! Thanks to the Pflueger Boys.

SCORE '07 Baja 250 MM90 Class 1

The Trucks are off the LINE! Motors screaming through downtown and the wash of Ensenada Mexico. Tim Herbst and the Terribles Trophy Truck roaring into the Baja 250 2007!Last night Terribles Herbst launched their new TEQUILA at the Coral Hotel the NEW Tequila Brand is cased in the famous Trophy Truck in Glass! EXCLUSIVE Baja Racing News will give you the reports later today!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 10:24 AM

Rescue 4 has 17x with them. reports will load...
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 10:22 AM

16x crosses the finish line!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 10:16 AM

1x finisher, 55.7 MPH average speed on the course. Fast Fast run601x, 102a, 105a through Check point 3
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:41 AM

96a, reported motor gone, chase rolling in
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:39 AM

RM 190 reports 1x past, hauling
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:36 AM

262x, 1a through Check 3
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:31 AM

Another Mexico C-F!Check 3 Reports: 251x, 256x, through
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:26 AM

273x past Coyote Cals
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:26 AM

1x through the beach at Erendira!

No 2x through Checkpoint 2
2x is at RM 77, going slow with his crew, getting back into the race!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:22 AM

A TECATE BEER MOMENT: Busted and Broken
96a broken just past check one and the wash, and would like robby robinson to pick him up. how nice. "And where would we get ahold of Mr. Robinson for 96a? Weatherman showing his sensitive, customer service side. Then 96a not talking, and the MAG 7 pit near Checkpoint 1 will be requested for the foo foo help!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:09 AM

503x report
503x through checkpoint 3
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:07 AM

17x broke
rider saying less than a mile past KM 78
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:04 AM

408, 402, 405 Leading
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 9:02 AM

1x through San Vincente crossing. And Check 4.posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:59 AM
1a through checkpoint 2and 109a broken near El Alamo
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:50 AM

"The race hasn't even started yet and two top teams are having major problems. We learned today, Garron Cadiente, Trophy Truck #38 2006 SCORE Rookie of the year was involved in a serious accident while prerunning. Reportedly, Garron rear ended a Dump truck at speed in his prerunner. Word on injuries or the all too common legal issues have not be verified as of yet. Drama is not limited to the car/truck ranks. Andy Grider, Class 22 open motorcycle #16 who is teamed with Baja 1000 champ, Mikey Childress is seriously ill after digesting a meal in Ensenada that contained milk products. Grider is lactose intollerant. The scoop is that Mikey will now solo the race. "
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:34 AM

Travis Coyne Tree Removal Service
We use a $100K Trophy Truck
To yank 'em and Plank 'em

2x limping outside of RM 60 near El Alamo. Rear wheel issue.282 also out near there.15x on course again!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:18 AM

206x went off late
206x went off way late, just half an hour ago!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:16 AM

16x through Checkpoint 3
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:13 AM

1x through Checkpoint 3
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:07 AM

54a out at Ojos
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:06 AM

69a out at RM 28-29
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 8:04 AM

Medical Emergency
INCIDENT 2Rescue 4 has a biker down at at KM 77, they are calling for an ambulance, broken ankle, on HWY 3, MEDICAL EMERGENCY, 15x. Chopper enroute, no ambulance available.Reportedly no ambulance available...but, when the rescue chopper gets there, oops! an ambulance already took the patient away!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:55 AM

1x, 16x, 5x, 12x, 11x through checkpoint 2.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:53 AM

413 racers 168 bikes-quads 245 four wheel vehicles, more on list from the starters list reporting from the line.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:50 AM

Hey SCORE OPS, read your emails!
Weatherman reads SCORE OPS the riot act! Ensenada is in a hole and they are not receiving WEATHERMAN. "State your business OPS!" Crack that whip!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:48 AM

Rescue 4 Vehicle Stolen-Recovered
Last night, Rescue 4 truck was stolen and reported recovered and on duty this morning at El Alamo. Minus their radio! Now they are operating with a handheld. It was stolen from the Hotel Del Mar in Ensenada.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:43 AM

305x out at KM12Broken Clutch
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:41 AM

SCORE '07 Baja 250 MM90 Class 10

1x through Check 2 at 7:34
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:37 AM

406x has been medically treated and is self transporting to the hospital.RESCUE 2 had a walk-in, 406x. Broken bike at KM 12.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:33 AM

7:23, last quad out!10:22, will launch the trucks.First x, 402x through check one.
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:24 AM
Jesse James in #54
Clips a wash wall and takes
out his left front wheel

Good Morning Ensenada and Baja California!We are LIVE from cloudy and cool downtown Ensenada. In place of the San Felipe 250, which was cancelled by SCORE at the last minute. Its cool and cloudy now, we are expecting these conditions to linger into the late morning. Bikes and quads launched at 6 AM and SCORE operations reports carnage over the race course already. LIVE! Baja Racing News LIVE!
posted by Best Of Baja LOWE$T Mexico Auto Insurance at 7:00 AM