THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, June 29, 2007

Baja Racing Media Explosion announced

Baja Racing Wants Your Best Stuff!

At a press conference yesterday at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, the Baja Racing, the #1 Internet source for Baja racing news and information, announced we have now launched expanded Baja racing media sources.

Off road racing fans posting fantastic media online now have a home to place and promote their off-road media, from radio-audio files to vids to pics from all over Baja offroad land. After races we have been slammed with great vids. We now will post them and promote the great people producing this content", said, Roberto Diaz, Media reperesenative of Baja Racing

Roberto went on to say, "Baja
Racing will now lead to promote the sport, fans and content drivers". Send us your trailers, vids and audio files.

All content providers and off road directors can direct their work to for distribution. Please note in the title of the email, "Media". Then be prepared for the publicity launch!