THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Terribles Cup, the GUT CHECK of the 2007 off-road racing season

Editorial by Gary Newsome

Baja Racing has reporters in Las Vegas for this weekends Terribles Cup. SCOREs answer to CORR Championship Off Road Racing. Clearly, CORR is the future of the Sport of Off Road and with tons of teams making the jump to short track stuff, from desert racing, we are prepared to follow our off road heroes, as racing budgets shrink and the rich and famous who cut the checks for the teams grow old and tired, be prepared to spend more time on short track racing.

Yes, desert racing will survive, not without some tremors in the business. The old and established west coast racing standards are about to change.

Primm is evolving to "Terribles" standards, which will be great to see! CORR will capture more teams and SCORE and BITD will be forced to evolve. Beyond the carnage the racers will endure this weekend in the WWF form of the sport, more of our favorite teams are ending up spending less and going around in circles, slamming into each other.

Until then, we all hope the wind and flying dust of Vegas ends up with another sorting out of the great racers of off-road. The lucky winners, standing atop the podium, with the fabulous dancin' gals of lost wages, trophies and cash in hand! Let's go racin'!