THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Weatherman Channel Exposed in October

The story that made Baja Racing Famous!

In October, the original story and the incredible update. The update that includes the DIRT SPORTS MAGAZINE Editorial that said, "hey, its Mexico, what did you expect"!! "The Most Notorious and Dangerous Racing in The World".

On Baja Racing, you get the WHOLE story and stories THEY DO NOT want YOU TO KNOW!

Remember hearing over the Weatherman Channel out of La Paz during last years Baja 1000....Why do you think they don't do replays?!? The bare truth is hard to hear over again.

The DA team calling out for HOURS AND HOURS, "Hello Weatherman, Hello Weatherman, Hello Weatherman.... all throughout the dark, cold, November Baja desert night. No response. The Channel was asleep, and Cameron Steele was out there and his team did not know where he was...

Gary Newsome