THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

SCORE Ejido Problems Reach the South Peninsula

Baja Racing

By: Gary Newsome

You will not find this story anywhere else. First reported several weeks ago, the course for the Baja 1000 for this year, 2007, forced to move to the west because Ejidos 1 & 5 in Baja Sur are refusing to allow the course through their land.

The report first came in while the last minute course marking was happening for the Baja Sur championship race, at that time scheduled for October 13. Not only were the Ejidos refusing to allow SCORE through, they were not even allowing the local race to run through because of the problems from the 2006 SCORE Baja 1000 that ran to La Paz.

What happened in 2006? A report from an ejido member tells Baja Racing
that SCORE claims SCORE paid the mayor of Loreto before the race for road grading through the ejidos after last years race, to take care of the damage from the race. The grading didn't happen. SCORE paid the mayor of Loreto and he kept the money? That's the claim from the ejido report, they heard from SCORE. We'll reach SCORE for additional info, more loading...