THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hack Helm Boned in Baja

Fred Helm, newbie videodito of pinned tv, bbr(big belly racing) reports in on his baja boning during the Baja 1000.

The self described, "Terrorist Hunter/wanna be film maker", Helm said, "We were hesitant to tell our story but not anymore... We were hired by Malcolm Smiths "Racing For Life" organization to shoot a tv show highlighting the race and at the same time raising money for the El Oasis Orphanage in VDT. We had written permission from the Mexican Government, Film Permits, Customs Dockets, Insurances, etc...[UNCONFIRMED] At RM 18 Malcolm was to hand the bike off to JN and get a ride back to start. When Malcolm arrived his chase truck was not there so one of my crew members offered to give the legend a ride back in a nondescript dually with no graphics. Just after dropping Malcolm off, the Mexican Military (not police) surrounded the truck with the young (20's) driver. They ordered him to follow the military vehicles which surrounded the truck. They "escorted" him to a military base out of town and detained him for three hours while they took the truck apart. After finding nothing they demanded $200 for their time. The driver turned his shorts pockets inside out to show he had absolutely no money. They threatened him and let him go. At the conclusion of the race, four crew members were driving back to states in the same truck when they were pulled over by a gang of Mexican Cops in TJ. The driver this time is savvy Mexico vet and tries to just "pay the fine" for driving too fast in a particular lane. All four occupants driven to the station where the truck is taken apart again and all the money held by the four guys was stolen, not asked for. All while shooting a TV documentary for one of their orphanages....hard not to be bitter..."

Baja Racing