THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, December 08, 2007



More Race Details at CABO

LIVE COVERAGE BEGINS SATURDAY DECEMBER 8, 7 AM Pacific Time Pre-Race Interviews, Predictions and LIVE Race Coverage all weekend!

7 AM Report
Good Morning Baja from La Paz!
Today is contingency in La Paz, all the racing teams are due today and Baja Racing will have interviews and insight into this years CABO 500.

Contingency will be carried out in the on the Malecon on La Paz Bay, where regularly this previous celebration, the CABO 500 last years, was carried out for the sport of off road, between the streets of Allende and Márquez of Leon, a very important signalling for the racers, since they will not be allowed to leave the outriggers in the area of the Malecon, inclusively, the transit agents will have the order of not letting to the racers park the race cars, for which they are asked for to them take his precautions... The Judge of race will be Professor Cabrera. The closing of inscriptions will be precise to the 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time, and any racer who registers after that hour, will have to go away at the end of the list of enrolled until the closing, and so on. Like endorsement in the security of the race, organizers will be flying over the course in one of the small planes of Aerocalafia, to be able to quickly report easy and any incident that could be reported in the course of the race. The technical-mechanical inspectors will be Navarrese Carlos and Enrique Perez.

All the racers who are looking to win today in the State Championship, and who have numbers which they duplicate themselves with those of the racers of Championship two organizations, will receive in the table of inscriptions a transfer, which they will have to put next to the number of his vehicle. The racers meeting will be finishing the official closing of inscriptions, which will be to 9 pm at night, because that is the hour of the racers meeting. Which is required. This will be a great race that without a doubt will have an excellent competition! Welcome to the LIVE! coverage on Baja Racing, here is the CABO 500 Race Webcast Schedule:

Today, Saturday: La Paz
7 AM First Report on Contingency
1 PM Second Report on Contingency
7 PM Intervews with CABO 500 racers
9 PM Wrap from Malecon Seafood Restaurant

Raceday, Sunday: CABO 500 Second Annual
7 AM First Raceday Report Start Line in La Paz
1 PM Second Race Report from Todos Santos-Hotel California
7 PM Interviews with race teams from Cabo San Lucas on the beach
9 PM Wrap from Cabo San Lucas Finish Line
Baja Racing