THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, April 28, 2008

KING 250 Rocks The Dez Plaster City West April 26



BLM Requires: US Forest Service approved spark arrestor & Green Sticker or license plate on all race vehicles
MDR Decals: All race vehicles must have MDR decals on each side of vehicle in order to start the race.
Time Limit: 7 1/2 hr time limit - time starts when you cross the starting line. (exception - see late start)
Laps: Classes - 100, 500, 700, 725, 800, 850, 1000, 1600 - will complete 7, 30 mile laps
Class - 12, 550, 900, 1300, 3700 - Will go 6 laps - 300, 1100, 1200, 1450, 1700 - 4 laps
Lap Count Drivers/Race Teams are responsible for counting/keeping track of their own laps & time limit.
Starting Order: 100,1000,500, 800,700,1600, 12,1300, 850,725,1400,1450,300,550,900,3700,1700,1200,1100,1900 Course Closed: NO NEW LAPS after TBA PM* CHECK PT. 1 closes TBA PM CK PT. 2 closes TBA PM CK PT. 3 closes TBA PM, S/F closes TBA PM *Team is responsible to stay within time limit
Sat. 6:45-7:45 AM Starting Co-Drivers late wrist band pick-up. Non-starting co-drivers after the start of race Sat. 7:00 AM – Driver’s Meeting Sat. 7:30 AM -- Vehicle Line-up Sat. 8:00 AM Race Starts
Missed class start: If the last car in your class has left the starting line - you will be placed at the end of the next class -- time starts when you leave the starting line
Late start: Is after the last car in class 1100 leaves the start line - time starts after the last car in your class
No vehicles can start the race 2 hours after the last car in your class started the race.
Checkpoint Rules: No passing after Checkpoint Signs heading into the checkpoint. All vehicles must stop until given the flag. No rolling stops. Additional instructions may be given at the drivers meeting.
Road Crossings: Cross roads between the two red flags. Roads must be crossed at a 90 degree angle. Use caution.
Safe Zone Rule: Violation of Safe Zone Rule will result in disqualification and penalty.
Pre-running: Drive on the Course only in the marked direction.
Going Backwards: Going backwards on the course will result in disqualification.
Chase Vehicles: 25 mph on access roads with headlights on. 15 mph in camping areas - pits
Abusive Nerfing: Instances of abusive Nerfing must be reported. Faster vehicles please be patient with slower vehicles. When approaching slower vehicles it is customary to sound horn combined with 1 or 2 minor contact bumps. Please no hard contact. Front vehicle will pull over at the first safe opportunity. When possible, pull to right side of course to allow faster vehicle to pass on the left.
Protest Forms: Must be returned to operations at start/finish line within 1 hour of unofficial posting of your class
Competition Review Board (C.R.B.) - Drivers/Co-Drivers are responsible for checking the Race Update Board, at Start/Finish for any notification of involvement in a protest. A RED FLAG signifies a protest.
DID NOT FINISH Drivers/Race Teams are responsible for notifying start/finish immediately if their car
is out of the race (DNF). Report the car number on channel 151.625
Wristbands Drivers/Co-Drivers: Only those competitors registered on the entry form will be Allowed in race vehicle. Any occupant found without a legal wristband will result in an Automatic DQ (No points).
MDR Insurance: Only registered entrants with a legal wristband are covered by MDR insurance. MDR insurance is in effect only during the operation of the actual race. Drivers on the course before registration are not covered by MDR insurance. MDR does not cover medical insurance for participants.
Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public
No refund of entry fee. 100% of the entry fee will be “rolled over” and applied to the next race
Combining classes: for payback, drivers will be notified at the drivers’ meeting. All affected drivers must agree to combination of the classes. Objection of one driver will result in class not being combined.
Trophies: The number of trophies awarded is determined by the number of entries received prior to the drawing for positions. Pro Classes with 2 or less, Sportsman with 1 pre-entries will receive 1st place award.
All Classes with 3 pre-entries will receive 1st, 2nd, and fast lap awards.
All Classes with 5 pre-entries will receive 1st, 2nd, 3rd and fast lap awards.
Pro Classes with 15, Sportsman with 8 pre-entries will receive 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 th and fast lap
Pro Classes with 20, Sportsman with 10 pre-entries will receive 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4 th, 5 th & fast lap
Vehicles must complete all required laps to be eligible for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th place Trophies
Pick-up trophies: Trophies not picked-up within 60 days of the race will be forfeited.
MDR Medical & Help Frequency Relay 151.625 - Immediately report any medical emergency or interference by spectators or non-race vehicles. Please complete an Incident Report when witnessing or involved in an incident.


Come to the race, buy t-shirts and enjoy local racing!