Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford Party reports from Ensenada, Baja Mexico before the SCORE-International 40th Baja 500.
Before the race, the Hussongs Cantina Party and cases and cases of cerveza's finally had a toll on our reporter, the Drunk Pirate.
Because during the race, he co-piloted the Trophy Truck almost into a crowd of people just off the race course and later in the race, the truck went into a large boulder ending the day of racing like all the others, with the Drunk Pirate at co-pilot.
No podium, no finish just another day of embarassment after overdrinking.
The parties in Ensenada, however, were good. Midget Energy drink's party went well into evening with that crap vodka Cam brings and the skanky 4165 Clothing girls tequila chasers. In town at Hussongs the cranky old-timers kept to beer and our faithful drinking reporter went headfirst into rot-gut Cuervo shooters followed by pukin' out back. Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford did make it back the next day after pre-running, for the beer convention at the hotel, day before contingency, when we got this pic at the end of the night.
Passed out drunk until two hours before the start of the race.
Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford reports Drunk