THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Adios Baja Experience? Loreto locals say its over.

Baja Racing EXCLUSIVE!

The Baja Experience is over in Loreto. At this moment, Loreto locals are sharpening their knives hoping to force a cut-up of the company, to force Baja Experience to pay off the laid-off workers, who have not been paid for their work.

Talk around Loreto has it that, the company hit hard times when the economy of the US went into hard times and there were no customers at the company for some time. Let go workers now are seeking payments.

An expert in liquidation of companies, owned by Americans in Mexico stated this advise to the locals, "all the debtors and workers should go to the conciliation meeting and into arbitration so that they receive their payment from liquidation of the company, that way they'll get their money from Baja Experience at the bankruptcy proceedings".

Baja Racing News knows the complainers, Jorge Santisteban and Wilfrido Santisteban, an attorney in southern Baja and a specialist in labor and administrative cases, has started the talk about the company in Loreto, and actions to close the business and forcing the company to pay the workers and the government for the closure of the business.

One of the unpaid workers chimed in, "but even though they have declared being a 'broken bank' (bankrupt), the company has properties and cars with which they gave tours so they can pay off the workers. Workers should file the propoer papers now, before they leave the country". Calls to the US office went unanswered today.

Loreto has suffered not only from the turndown in the US economy. Air flights into Loreto have been cancelled as a result of many American airlines cutting back routes throughout North America. Those eliminated routes also impact air connections from around the world, previously to Loreto. The promises of FONATUR and the state tourism people about Loreto, are now hollow and empty.

Gary Newsome
Baja Racing