THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lance report

Got pictures uploading as I type this..

What a day it was! We stayed the night last night at Mike's Sky Rancho... Partied it up, and then pre ran from Mike's to Santo Tomas in the KORE Dodge Megacab. With 4 people in truck, the A/C blowing, and the Sirius rockin, it was AWESOME!

Edit - We got stopped twice in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE on the race course, miles from civilization by kids with machine guns (military checkpoints looking for drug smugglers). We gave them some Pirate4x4 steekers and were on our way.

Hola from Baja! We are down here in ensenada enjoying the warm weather, great food, and cold cervezas. We went on a short pre run today, and ran from RM40 - RM120. It's got some rough stuff in it, and we only averaged 16mph in the 4 door JK.

It was a rough night last night at Paris, we didn't get back to the hotel till 4:00am so that made today's pre run a little tough. Pete and crew are staying the night in San Felipe tonight. Rusty flies into San Diego tomorrow morning, and will be joining us here in Ensenada. We will probably go pre run some sections when he gets here.

Current plan calls for waiting for the Kentucy red neck co-driver to show up, a little pre running, and a visit to Mike's tonight. Should be good times.

Latest breaking unofficial news - Little Rich gets to navigate for Pistol Pete. 

Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford
Baja Racing News LIVE Reporter