THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baja Mexican Off-Road racers show disgust and disrespect for Fish and Ramos

Baja Racing EXCLUSIVE By: Gabriel Garcia

"Yes, we are laughing at SCORE, here in Baja Mexico, where you take advantage of us Mexicans!

Yesterday was one month after the awards ceremony of Score International, after the San Felipe 250 desert off-road race, held here in Baja Mexico. An event where Edmundo Fernandez and Miguel Rosales won the second place in Class 5-1600, in an illogical manner but did not receive their deserved racers plates. Fernandez was in charge of giving the words of gratitude in the award ceremony held at the waterfront in San Felipe by Team One More Off Road Racing and trophies to be won next to "Piojo" Rosales, was surprised when Sal Fish and Oscar Ramos forgot or negligently made the plates, something which I find a total lack of respect towards the desert off-road racers of Mexico.

Fish, Oscar Ramos and Edmundo Ramos, talked to me on the phone yesterday, and you assured me that by next Tuesday, the correct plates would be ready. Something that the first says that it is very hard to believe because it has a four times daily until the "right hand "Sal Fish, only to realize the lack of interest from the heads of Score, the answer is because you are not forgotten this and that without them, you would fail, again. And we know you'll be doing Baja 500 surveys next week, which would give the racers of Ensenada time to deal with this severe problem.

The Mexican racers are tired of SCORE taking advantage of Ensenada and Baja Mexico.
The fee paid for Fernández Rosales and participate in the Score Baja 250 was not cheap, considering the current economic times and the price of the peso against the dollar, and this is the $ 1450 US plus the costs of trips, meals, lodging and extras that always come when racing in Baja with Score, which had spent much more directly with Score for the two plates, about $150 US Dollars.

What bothers me in this situation and said the "Buyangas" Fernandez is the treatment that developers have towards them, having to be running at all times when they should be involved in correcting this error of not having license plates second place, we will have to wait for Tuesday to see if the plates are delivered to or remain in oblivion, leaving their customers, broken and seeking compensation.
Beware American racers, we are tired of the Mierda from you in our country."

This was published in the local paper, El Vigia, in Ensenada, Baja Mexico.

Baja Racing