THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Answer: Australia Question: Where do failed racers go to torch piles of cash?

Andres Ruffo and Jim Mihal humpty dumpty in Australia

By Patrick Osio, La Paz, BCS, Mexico

Andres Ruffo and Jim Mihal are on full flaunt mode sending in pics for public view from Australia. Looks like fun. But, whats been happening to these failed racers since the infamous Laguna del Diablo fiasco during the Baja 1000 in 2006?

Andres Ruffo, the driver that drove into the moved steel hulk in the middle of the dry lake bed, has fallen off the points so far in Baja Sur, he no longer races. They both haven't showed up at the races in southern Baja, in months!

The fall started after both guys drove into obstacles, far off the course. Mihal, drove into a bush during the Coyote race, two years ago. Yes, off course, we'll link up those old stories! More importantly, what do you do when you don't make the grade in the races in Baja...Go to Australia!

Andres Ruffo runs into moved steel hulk at Baja 1000 2006. CLICK HERE

Jim Mihal runs into a bush off-course during the Baja Sur Coyote race. CLICK HERE