THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, June 20, 2009

NORRA Travels to La Paz, Baja South to complete the 2009 Mexican 1000 deal



Jose Lima, reporting
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico-

Representatives of NORRA are scheduled to arrive in the capital of Baja South, this Tuesday, June 23. On the agenda for NORRA is finishing the promises made between the parties, so far only over the phone, between the government of the southern state and NORRA.

NORRA, the originating organization of modern off-road racing in Baja, Mexico is making its first trip to La Paz in over thirty years. Remember race fans, off-road racing originally started in Baja Mexico, in 1908!

The collapse of trust between desert racers and the current sanctioning body, SCORE, "The Scandal", is the backdrop for the new talks.

The Mexican 1000, scheduled for September, we'll talk more about those logistics later, is on the agenda for the talks, to be run this year and following years. Backchannel talk from SCORE associated sponsors indicates SCORE and its sponsors are very concerned the newly risen Mexican 1000 will take the thunder of racing in Baja Mexico and complicate and confuse the branding of 30 years of Baja racing.

Already, SCORE has forced the northern locals to have the Mexican 1000 race start in Mexicali, rather the the traditional and historic starting point of Baja races, Ensenada. The Mexicali starting point for the September race can actually be made into a larger benefit than starting in Ensenada, in the judgement of many racers. With only minor adjustments, the Mexicali start for the Mexican 1000 long term, could be sustainable.

The rally route, yes this a rally, not really a race, the Mexican 1000 is envisioned to stage at L.A. Bay and Loreto on its way to La Paz. Back in 2005, the Baja south tourism department voiced interests to race sponsors, to entertain a "race rally", that would "stage" at locations in its state at southern Baja California, Mexico. For that reason and others, "we are expecting success out of the talks here in La Paz, this week", said unnamed insiders at NORRA.

Sr. Becerril, official spokesman of the State of Baja Sur Tourism Office, said today, "SCORE has no agreement with us for the Baja 1000 in 2010, we are looking forward to making announcements with NORRA this week on their wonderful plans for 2009 and 2010 and into the future".


Baja Racing