THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Greg Foutz Motorsports & Pete Sohren #2 Trophy Truck in Trophylite Death Grips

Reported by Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford, for Baja Racing

UPDATE! January 1, 2010

Pete Sohren is now reporting he has sold his Trophylites and has closed down his Baja Excursion business. He said, "The crackheads Scaroni, Foutz and the DRC can 'come mierda' - eat sh**!". I had it with the scam Trophylites, so I sold mine and now I'm going after Scaroni and Foutz for damages.

Sohren was hoping to run a business in Mexico at the races, but that's over. Now that he's sold his vehicles, he's now just trying to keep his racing efforts afloat. He's even floated ideas to keep his racing going, that most racing teams wouldn't even consider.

Like, selling or leasing engines, selling seat time and washing cars for a living. The crackheads of desert racing movin' on!

Greg Foutz, on the other hand, continues to operate their partnership with the scum Scaronis. Numerous lawsuits, reportedly, has put the Trophylite venture on the rocks and suspect to sponsors. The ones that have stayed on, are "in the know" and are participating. Nuf' Said!

About the video above: After Claus and Kurtis crash and total out the Trophylite truck of builder, founder Scaroni, the video shows Claus and Kurtis stating, "Trophylite is unsafe".

Desert off-road racing business on the West Coast is exposed when Greg Foutz, who has slid into every high profile Ford Motorsports project for years, is now in a deathblow business battle with well-known Trophy Truck owner/driver/mullet-kook, Pete Sohren.

Baja Racing readers are now privy to what really could have been private dealings between the two.
It's a rare look into the off-road fab shops and racers of the west coast desert desert racing "La Familia", the family. Follow the updates here>>>

Updated 8-26-2009

In public, Kurtis tells Pete to "stop his whining and maybe he won't get banned" and then Pete responds be saying, "I'm going to kick his (Kurtis) a**".

The TrophyLite Tire sponsor also caught some of Pete's ire, "the consumer and race tires of General Tire suck", Pete went on. "I tried both and they suck, easy to pucture and easy to fail, stay away from General Tires!"

The great desert racer, Pistol Pete Sohren, getting beat by a snot nosed, washed up, wanna-be surfer. Kurtis also doesn't pay his taxes.

The Devils Circus smells a new victim...Stay tuned.

Update 8-15-2009

Matt Scaroni and Greg Foutz exposed as lying about the ownership of Trophylite Inc., based in Arizona.

The entire time Pete Sohren has been requesting a 'make-good' from Trophylite, Scaroni had a financial interest in the corporation.

In the mean time, Sohren has been banned from participating in "Trophylite" racing events and Foutz is now marketing a 'Trophylite racing' rental company. The exact business use Sohren purchased the equipment to accomplish.

Greg Foutz had been hiding behind the sale of the company earlier this year. Now, Scaroni is exposed as a "Manager" of the company, with Sohren asserting Scaroni has been refusing to 'make good' on the Sohren complaints. Here is the corporate information from Arizona state records:

""Arizona Corporation Commission
File # L-1523156-1

Corp. name: Trophylite of Arizona LLC
Domestic LLC
Filed 4-30-2009
Approved 6-10-2009

Corporate Members
Matthew Scaroni - Gregory Foutz
Manager - Manager""

Update 8-8-2009

Pete Sohren says the Trophylites are not safe and wants his money back.

SCORE, BITD and the smaller sanctioning bodies and the sponsors that
fuel the mayhem. Like the flat tires of General Tire, the dim lights of KC Highlights, and mucho more. Desert racings crackheads, on public display.

The fighters...

Greg Foutz
Chandler, AZ
Off-Road Racing
Off-Road Race Shop - Insanity...".

Pistol Pete
Phoenix, AZ
racing, archery hunting, boating, snowmobiling
running a indoor gokart business, "speedway" in phoenix and tryin' to raise 4 kids
Class I race in

Now, today, Greg Foutz is trying to destroy Petes rental business after Pete was obviously trying to get cashed out from the failing Trophylite series, first started and promoted by the desert racing crackheads of Claus & Kurtis and the wretched Scaroni family of Imperial Valley, California.

They sold the crapload to Greg Foutz, who is now trying to choke out Sohren, after Pete went viral with his serious complaints against the former owner of Trophylite, the Scaronis.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are at stake in this fight, right now, red-hot.

What are the desert racers and desert racing industry of the west coast really like? Just read'll learn all about it. We'll post daily updates here of the burning public pissing match and give our readers insider info on the blood splattering, wide open death match, happening now!

Check it out...

Greg Foutz begins to try to take Pete Sohrens business away from him by soliciting for rentals (business that WAS exclusively by contract, Pete's), "Vegas To Reno, Trophylite has rental now (openings for rentals for that
race)" He continued, "Anyone want to race the Vegas to Reno race? We just had a cancelation for a TROPHYLITE rental for that event. We have one of our in house trucks that can be raced as a rental with our support. Bring some of your chase team and we will prep and bring the truck and support parts. If you are interested call me at the shop or drop me a PM.... Lifes short.... Live now....."

Pete Sohren, who has the exclusive contract rental business, using Trophylite trucks, responds,
"now i see why my 3 trophylites are banned from the trophylite series,, hahahhaha.....i build a rental business using TL trucks....TL gets tl owner wants to rent trucks also......eliminates competition......hahahahhahah, greg you kill me....."

Greg Foutz Replied..."
Thats a lie and you know it Pete. You got banned because you wouldnt pay your bill.
Pete you are so full of crap.... Read the post above. You bring the trucks down and we will resolve all of your issues, but you have to pay your bill as they leave the shop. I posted that before and told you the same in numerous e-mails. Pretty simple.... Be a man and resolve it instead of just bitching and whining about it.... If you cant read have someone help you..... Its not that hard. The trucks are being built at my shop now so whatever you say about the previous fabrication means nothing now. I think we are qualified to do what needs done. My being in charge of the Ford Raptor "Born in Baja" The Build sneak preview project. Guys, Please remember this is a spec class. Main chassis updates like this have to be done in a controlled environment. Pete was given every possible opprotuinity to have EVERYTHING done that he wanted. Why wont he do it?????? No more bull why not??? He keeps just changing the subject and doesn't deal with the issues."

Pete Sohren Replies..."
trophylite owners' very slippery, beware.............unsafe workmanship, they wont fix, i wont pay..
only matts new truck has one.......owner of trophylite more important then the rest of us?????? answer that one greg!"

Greg Foutz gets desperate, " SIMPLE...... ONE MORE TIME..... Bring the trucks over one at a time and we will resovle all things that you are concerned about. Then pay 1/3 of your bill each time you pick one up.
Pretty simple....... WTF???"

Pete Sohren keeps on trying to get a cash-out on the deal, "lies on top of lies.....why wouldnt you just fix everthing instead of always lying about it????? i dont trust you at all and will never let you touch my trucks.......4 months of this and now you claim you will fix them, but still wont do anything in writing......(Greg you are a) snake...."

Pete Sohren then was asked by an outsider..."Are you saying because tl of az transferred ownership you don't owe them anything?
I think I answered this on my own...Greg is saying he is stuck with the bill from tl of az because they transferred ownership, but you think it is no longer owed
because they are out of business and tl llc is a new entity that did not transfer previous debts from tl az. At the end of the day, someone is still owed some money somewhere."

Pete Replied..."no .....i owe trophylite llc (former name) around 8k, i owe trophylite of az llc (new name) NOTHING.....trophylite llc built the 3 trucks i have that need upper cage work.....they wont fix them so i wont pay them......trophylite of az llc says he will fix them (and i will give him the 8k if the 2 corps agree) BUT he wont put anything in writing or fix all 3, only 2 of the 3.......i need them ALL fixed because they are not built i never said a debt dissolves because the name changes.....or whatever you were trying to say.....i just will not pay UNTIL issues are fixed."

Already, we have readers sending in their red-hot comments..."
The Scaroni's, Matt Scaroni, is such a shady, greedy family. *F* Matt and *F* Trophylite. The whole bolt in the engine deal sounds like a desperate act. Props for calling out douchebags!"

The public fight of desert off-road racings fab shops and racers continues...we tried to get the fighters to talk, but you know these west coast off-roaders, they don't put out press releases. LMAO!
Reported by: Drunk Pirate Lance Clifford and family. Family of empty booze bottles!