THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

F-ing SCORE is my main purpose in life now, sez SNORE's Jamie Fagan

Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiast, Jamie Fagan, loves F-ing SCORE

"My new skin-flick desert off-road race, the Rage at the River, on December 11, will be at the City of Laughlin Nevada, the final destination of the SNORE desert racing season for 2009", said Fugly Fagan. It's a two day, multi-heat desert race format on a 17-mile desert course. Located at the Moon Hills and crossing Needles highway twice, just like in the old days.

Jamie Fagan, desert racings dick-spit target who loves jacking off SCORE, told us all about it. The SCORE MORE SNORE WHORE, gives it up.

"All with a low pro-entry cost of $530, with 50% payback of the entry fee. Old school Laughlin racing at one-third the price SCORE offers racing in Laughlin with its lousy race", said Jamie. The scumbag TrophyLite and Pro 1600 series have also jumped onto Jamie to put their 2009 finales at the "Rage at the River".

Jamie also related these guys can jump onto her back:

Class: UT, 1, 10, 12, 1600, 5, HM, 8, MM, 7, 7S, TL, 3000
Total Entry Fee: $530**

Class: 9, 5/1600, Champ, Stock Full, Stock Bug, 3
Total Entry Fee: $430**

Class: Unlimited Sportsman, Limited Sportsman (trophy class)
Total Entry Fee: $280**

Class: 1450
Total Entry Fee: $255** (trophy class)

**Plus $30 membership fee.

Obviously, this new desert race kills SCORE, with Jamie touting "one-third" of the price racers pay with the SCORE Laughlin event. The MORE racing series people are looking at the "River-Rage" race to blow out of the MORE series.

"I've been running in the MORE series for years, we're running MORE Sportsman at a $200 entry, $10 memberships, equal or lesser tows. So we can run T4T 200 for $200, instead of SNORE Laughlin for $560 ($280 + 6 $30 memberships and $100 additional Checker pit fee)", said one of the racers.

The race series war gets down and dirty with Jamie opening up the "back door" in the desert racing series year, the race being in December.

Now, just because Jamie is the ugliest whore in Nevada, doesn't mean you can bruise her up when she de-bones all the male racers for the Rage at the River. The racers will come on Fagan for this race, just don't hurt the merchandise because she's got race duties to uphold as our official BITD Fire Suit Fondler and SCORE Roadside Blowjob specialist!

Remember racers, the gang-bang begins December 11. Jamie said, "Someone once told me there was more than one way to do all of Barstow and Vegas"!

Baja Racing