""Alberto Trevino Angulo, pictured left, with Sal Fish (center) and Oscar Ramos (right) in the process of stealing the public money of the citizens of Baja Sur Mexico???
What does this all mean?
All this reporting means the previous government of Baja south, was one of the most corrupt in the western hemisphere and ANYONE who worked with them will be investigated and stripped of the monies they imparted during their 'business' relationships.
They may even go to jail.""
The Original Exclusive HEADLINE
Here on Baja Racing News.com Becomes REAL!
Baja Racing News LIVE! Nailed It AGAIN!
December 11, 2011 UPDATE!
RATA! "TREVIÑO Embezzlement of millions of pesos in THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM" RAT!
The Original Exclusive HEADLINE
Here on Baja Racing News.com Becomes REAL!
Baja Racing News LIVE! Nailed It AGAIN!
December 11, 2011 UPDATE!
RATA! "TREVIÑO Embezzlement of millions of pesos in THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM" RAT!
WHO GOT THE $$$???
UPDATED! JUNE 28, 2011
""These are difficult days for the brothers and Antonio Narciso Agundez,former governor of Baja California Sur and the mayor of Los Cabos, respectively.
It seems that both state officials and federal records for the square and legally document a litany of corruption, influence peddling, illicit enrichment and abuse of power""
"The former governor is charged with Abuse of Authority, Coalition of Civil Servants, Embezzlement, Forgery of Partnership in Public Officials and Public Servants illicit behaviors in and sanctioned by the Articles section III and IV 147, 152, 154, 159 and 165 Fraction II of the Penal Code in the State, in direct connection with the numeral 148 XXIV fraction of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the crimes resulting from the sequel and development because of the appropriate integration of the preliminary investigation are noticed or appear . (LPZ/079/SPB/2011)."
UPDATE JUNE 20, 2011
Is it TRUE? That Sal Fish and Oscar Ramos accepted money that was "stolen" from the people of Baja south in their 'promotions' of the 2010 Baja 1000?
Federal & State prosecutors are now starting the arrests of former officials to find out where 8 MILLION pesos left the government accounts and fled to the pockets of Trevino, Fish and Ramos.
The Mexican Army has taken control of the state, in every municipality, every little village, to stop the criminal operations that have controlled Baja South for years. STAY TUNED!
Mexican Military Take Over Control of Law Enforcement of Baja Sur, Mexico
- In Ciudad Constitution (like all over Baja Sur) over the municipal police and state police intervention
- "We're just checking arms," said
- Also in San Jose del Cabo, mobilization
An hour ago, withdrew the elements of the site, after talking for half an hour one of them with the deputy director of the corporation.
On the site were already local reporters, that addressing the military command of the operation on the occasion of his presence at the facility, only identified with the position of Commander Cornejo and his surprise visit was due to a revision the arming of the police municipal utilities. Not a word."
State Government and Federal Authorities Begin To Go After former state government
PGR (Current State Prosecutor) hunt starts Lenin and Gonzalez Rubio (Former state government functionaries in Baja South, Mexico) The hunt for the stolen money has Begun in earnest!
- Federal judge issued arrest warrants
Above to the arrest warrants issued by a federal judge.""
This story is only now beginning to take shape...STAY TUNED!
March 20, 2011
New Governor Hunts Down The Money
"Baja California's peninsula, known for whale watching and popular tourist spots, is divided into two states.
The southern half, Baja California Sur, is Mexico's least populous state with just 637,000 inhabitants. Its sea-side hotels and mountainous landscapes have escaped much of the violence in the north, where drug gangs fight for smuggling routes into California from the crime-ridden city of Tijuana."
UPDATE! November 14, 2010
(updated below)
Jose Lima reports from La Paz, Gary Newsome Publisher
SCORE Money Laundering?
Baja Racing News Investigates!
Who Protected El Teo and The Muletas?
The same people who are paying SCORE Sal Fish the Blood Money!
State government money disappears and ends up in SCOREs Account
Is the BLOOD MONEY in your pocket?
(updated below)
Jose Lima reports from La Paz, Gary Newsome Publisher
SCORE Money Laundering?
Baja Racing News Investigates!
Who Protected El Teo and The Muletas?
The same people who are paying SCORE Sal Fish the Blood Money!
State government money disappears and ends up in SCOREs Account
Is the BLOOD MONEY in your pocket?
SCORE has been getting paid to lie to the public for years! Yea, Mexico is safe!?
Baja Racing News.com is now investigating the vendors of SCORE. Over the past several years, SCORE and its vendors/sponsors/mouthpieces have trumpeted, "Mexico is safe", "no tourists have been harmed", during the Crime Wave from 2006 to today. Baja Norte tourism money has invited international travelers south of the border, even when Americans were being kidnapped, tortured and killed.
Those monied off-road interests have even taken money to spout those falsehoods, from the desperate Baja Norte Government. Now, with Sal Fish doing the 'Monkey Dance' for the political arm of the Narco-Governor of Baja Sur, every 'state sourced-narco peso-dollar' will be tracked. The federal government and numerous press outfits are investigating the sources of the money and its influence in Baja Mexico.
Baja Racing News.com has the resources to look into the reach of those monies in the United States, through the pipeline of SCORE International.
During the height of the Crime Wave, SCORE was paid to say, "Come Visit Mexico", when bodies were swinging from ropes and Americans were threatened at gunpoint. Crimes that were controlled from La Paz, the capital of Baja south. And protected by the Narco-Governor of Baja South.
Today, SCORE is taking money from the 'political arm' of the Narco-Governors operations to do the Monkey Dance of the Baja 1000 to La Paz.
Anyone doing business with SCORE International will be closely scrutinized. From the point of the political promotion Sal Fish and Oscar Ramos did in San Jose del Cabo, SCORE is criminally compromised.
November 14, 2010
How many thousands of those dollars went into SCORE's pockets? SCORE refuses to answer Baja Racing News.com questions!
La Paz, La Paz BCS-Hundreds of Pacenos, or local La Paz residents, participating in the development of the largest promotional burrito in history, crushing donkey largest fish in the world, received an unpleasant surprise that they broke the tables in one of the stages.
And since yesterday were in a very hard work, honing every detail as being a donkey in one piece, with an area of one thousand 700 meters, the work is very complicated.
The judge allowed the event to continue, even though, in reality, the burrito broke and the record is not real. The judge could have called off the event, but not the case, the judge asked only to reconstruct the burrito, so with renewed enthusiasm following the complicated work of preparing this giant sandwich, the locals finished it.
Directly across from the event, the location of the murder of one the local victims of the narco governor was demonstrated. The same corrupt government working with SCORE international on this years Baja 1000 event.
Baja Sur Law Enforcement Structure!
September 12, 2010 UPDATE
What does it all mean?
The documents published in Zeta PROVE, the state government under the corrupt governor, the guy who payed SCORE, payed 5 million pesos to a political party- the PRD!
The governors political party OF COURSE! And the money SCORE received>>>and the event Sal Fish and Oscar Ramos did the Monkey Dance at>>>let's just say, the citizens of the state of Baja South Mexico have some questions for SCORE. Nuf said?
Now the government of Baja South says to its citizens, "it's OUT OF MONEY".
President of Mexico Investigates La Paz Corruption!
September 2010
""President Calderon ordered police to investigate corruption in La Paz
According to the complainants, the municipal public servants, those above are in addition to providing protection to drug little shops, are the owners of the places where drugs are distributed in the city of La Paz, comprising its control, from the Autonomous University of Baja California South colonies south of the town, where they have in charge the offender with a criminal record in the state of Sinaloa, Mario Lizarraga, who calls himself the entity Andres Gamboa, resident in the colony Diana Laura.
"We as parents and citizens of La Paz, we are not against the targeting of crime and those who commit crimes, but not to innocent students when they leave their schools are picked up, beaten, robbed and loaded drugs by the driver, Joel Martínez Rosas, who asserts that the money that is removed for distribution among its chief Martínez Rosas and the Secretary of Public Security, Giovanni Rodriguez Aguilar Lenin, although we doubt the latter, but the corrupt elements municipal building on and comment that are sent to extort Rodríguez Aguilar, when citizens belies that fact. "
The letter addressed to the President's Office dated September 10, 2010, was signed by Juan Carlos Tirado, Juan Carlos Tirado Medrano, Victor Martinez Escobar, Rafael Martinez Escobar, Esteban Pulido Cosio, Ricardo León Castro, Armando Trinidad Morales Cortes Juan Manuel Lucero, Valentin Romero Lucero, Guillermo Hirales Valdivia, Joaquín Morales de la Peña, José Faustino Hirales Muñetón, Coutinho Salvador Peralta, Rafael Martínez Salazar, Filiberto Pérez Escobar, Ramiro Espinosa Trasviña, Bernardo Sarabia Cosio, Maria Concepcion Lucero, Rosario Guadalupe Lucero , Maricela Castro Guadarrama, Matilde Peña Angulo, Rosa Maria Burgoín, Therese Landa, and Rosalba Polanco.
In his response, President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, through the head of the Office of the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Liera Blanco, dated September 23, 2010, he told them that the request has been turned over to the Secretariat Civil Service, to be served as soon as possible according to specific procedures established by law in this area.""
August 28, 2010 UPDATE

Desperation Reaches La Paz
State government sunk!
Baja Sur in Financial Crisis
Finances Collapse
8 Billion Pesos Missing!
Governor Blamed
""La Paz, BCS-In the absence of liquidity and falling revenue, the Ministry of Finance of the State Government does not rule out proposing a new 10% adjustment in the salaries of officials from the governor to heads of department and a further review of the different areas of the state administration to proceed with the cancellation of telephone lines and a drastic revision in operating expenses of each of them, to deal with the many established financial commitments with suppliers and workers, announced the Finance Secretary Jose Antonio Ramirez Gomez.
He said that on instructions from Governor Narciso Agundez seek to avoid the most affect the rights of union workers and maintain optimal service of great importance for Social Development as Public Security, Law Enforcement, Education and Health, emphasizing that wages paid to suppliers and workers is reflected in the regional economy immediately.
The state official said that for now the temporary decision was taken to reduce operating funds are allocated based on the budget approved by Congress at all levels of government, and the provision of gasoline and the purchase of stationery , among other expenses.
He recalled that since the beginning of the administration, the governor ordered the cancellation of payments of mobile services to staff, renting office buildings and covering travel expenses, in addition to the purchase of airline tickets, car rental or purchase and authorization for the payment of hotels.
"We are working with a very dramatic economic plan because revenues have fallen and we have to survive with the resources available," he said.
The Governor's goal is to avoid the suspension of works and social programs, but we can see that there is already a decline in the pace of public works in all municipalities, because there is a commitment to complete what is in the process and avoid setting new commitments to complicate the state's finances and affect in some way to the next administration, he said.
The Financial Secretary's decision held that municipal governments to act accordingly and reminded that with full respect for their autonomy and decisions have been suggested to establish emerging financial stocks to move forward its financial commitments.
Gómez Ramírez announced that the most critical financial period for the State Administration and certainly for municipal governments is practically around the corner, because they curb the month of December and faces compromises that involve a strong brew by concept of benefits coverage to employees of the various administrations.
"For our part we are already working to meet this commitment and we know that the situation is very difficult and there is no money in the Federation or the state or municipalities. The Governor has asked us to make savings but these are insufficient for the magnitude of the sum required to move forward with a commitment to year-end, in addition to the heavy debts that have been dragging with suppliers, "he said.
Finally, the Secretary of Finance Jose Antonio Ramírez Gómez announced that the Governor Narciso Agundez has established communication with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to address this lack of liquidity problem facing the state administration and the five municipalities, and also is repeated in all the entities and municipalities across the country.""
OUTLOOK: NARCO-TERRORISM, The Next Threat in Baja Mexico!

Desperation Reaches La Paz
State government sunk!
Baja Sur in Financial Crisis
Finances Collapse
8 Billion Pesos Missing!
Governor Blamed
""La Paz, BCS-In the absence of liquidity and falling revenue, the Ministry of Finance of the State Government does not rule out proposing a new 10% adjustment in the salaries of officials from the governor to heads of department and a further review of the different areas of the state administration to proceed with the cancellation of telephone lines and a drastic revision in operating expenses of each of them, to deal with the many established financial commitments with suppliers and workers, announced the Finance Secretary Jose Antonio Ramirez Gomez.
He said that on instructions from Governor Narciso Agundez seek to avoid the most affect the rights of union workers and maintain optimal service of great importance for Social Development as Public Security, Law Enforcement, Education and Health, emphasizing that wages paid to suppliers and workers is reflected in the regional economy immediately.
The state official said that for now the temporary decision was taken to reduce operating funds are allocated based on the budget approved by Congress at all levels of government, and the provision of gasoline and the purchase of stationery , among other expenses.
He recalled that since the beginning of the administration, the governor ordered the cancellation of payments of mobile services to staff, renting office buildings and covering travel expenses, in addition to the purchase of airline tickets, car rental or purchase and authorization for the payment of hotels.
"We are working with a very dramatic economic plan because revenues have fallen and we have to survive with the resources available," he said.
The Governor's goal is to avoid the suspension of works and social programs, but we can see that there is already a decline in the pace of public works in all municipalities, because there is a commitment to complete what is in the process and avoid setting new commitments to complicate the state's finances and affect in some way to the next administration, he said.
The Financial Secretary's decision held that municipal governments to act accordingly and reminded that with full respect for their autonomy and decisions have been suggested to establish emerging financial stocks to move forward its financial commitments.
Gómez Ramírez announced that the most critical financial period for the State Administration and certainly for municipal governments is practically around the corner, because they curb the month of December and faces compromises that involve a strong brew by concept of benefits coverage to employees of the various administrations.
"For our part we are already working to meet this commitment and we know that the situation is very difficult and there is no money in the Federation or the state or municipalities. The Governor has asked us to make savings but these are insufficient for the magnitude of the sum required to move forward with a commitment to year-end, in addition to the heavy debts that have been dragging with suppliers, "he said.
Finally, the Secretary of Finance Jose Antonio Ramírez Gómez announced that the Governor Narciso Agundez has established communication with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to address this lack of liquidity problem facing the state administration and the five municipalities, and also is repeated in all the entities and municipalities across the country.""
OUTLOOK: NARCO-TERRORISM, The Next Threat in Baja Mexico!
Baja Racing News.com Assertions Confirmed and Laid Bare!
Sal Fish is doing the monkey dance for the corrupt political candidate, Trevino. This past weekend, Sal danced like a monkey for Trevino's run for governor. He signed autographs and was present at the San Jose shortcourse event. Promoting this years Baja 1000, yes. This was the part of the start of Trevino's attempt to be governor of the state of Baja Sur.
Trevino was the tourism secretary and has been hand picked to run for governor, by the criminal organization, during the current administrations all out fraudulent, criminal and immoral control of the state of Baja south. Land theft, state money theft and criminal cover-ups have been confirmed by the local press, here in Baja south.
The local municipality doesn't have enough money to pay some its employees and vendors who are owed money, but somehow, thousands of dollars find their way into the hands of the president of SCORE International, to pay for the Baja 1000 of 2010 and to have him do the monkey dance for the local voters.
Calls are now ringing out across Baja Sur to the state government to cough up stolen piles of pesos, stolen hectares of private land and damaged local people who have lost their only claims to their land rights.
Choyeros (locals) demand Social Justice! Return the money to its rightful owners, return all the money distributed from SCORE to its vendors, return the money to the rightful owners of Southern Baja.
The local municipality doesn't have enough money to pay some its employees and vendors who are owed money, but somehow, thousands of dollars find their way into the hands of the president of SCORE International, to pay for the Baja 1000 of 2010 and to have him do the monkey dance for the local voters.
Calls are now ringing out across Baja Sur to the state government to cough up stolen piles of pesos, stolen hectares of private land and damaged local people who have lost their only claims to their land rights.
Choyeros (locals) demand Social Justice! Return the money to its rightful owners, return all the money distributed from SCORE to its vendors, return the money to the rightful owners of Southern Baja.
And now, Sal Fish has been exposed this weekend doing the monkey dance for the group controlling the crimes. The NARCO-GOVERNOR!
The Baja Sur Drug Hideout -
Corrupt State includes Land Theft, Stolen State Money & Murder!
Grandpa Sal Supports Criminals in dealings of the 2010 Baja 1000 events
Will the Corruption Continue?
Where is your threshold of tolerance?
As Promised, SCORE Supports...
Sergio Aponte Polito Viewpoint
Baja Norte CORRUPTED cont.
The land invasion has begun
The Mexico Implosion cont.
The land thefts go into the Billion$
Baja Sur Criminals Confirmed
SCORE: Travel to Mexico Promoted!
The Assassins Here in the USA!
BULLETIN! UPDATE! Murderer Caught in USA!
BULLETIN! June 21, 2010
La Paz Malecon Murder Exposes Southern Baja Mexico as the biggest Criminal Hideout in Mexico!
By: Jose Cruz, Reporting from La Paz, Baja South
Murderer caught in Salt Lake City area Saturday, 6-19, Reported 6-20-2010!
Here's The Original Story!>>> Gary Gaines Hidalgo is believed, by law enforcement sources, to be on the loose in San Diego County.
Hidalgo, is believed to be the murderer of a "Bebo" from the La Paz municipality of Southern Baja. Weeks ago, at the Malecon bar known as, "Michelada Safari", he was fingered after a shooting inside the bar. The attack was triggered, it is asserted, by a heated argument over who was going to win this years Baja 1000 desert off-road race to La Paz, later in November this year.
ZETA: "The Case Is a Mess" CLICK HERE
ZETA: "The Bloody Truth about the Governor of Baja Sur"
The "Bebos" said Andy McMillin would win and
Gary Gaines Hidalgo said, Robby Gordon would win the celebrated Baja 1000 this year to La Paz.
This murder on the La Paz Malecon exposed what everyone now knows about southern Baja California Sur. It is a hideout for criminals and the southern Baja Government is the most corrupt organization in the Republic of Mexico.
ZETA: Baja Sur Governor and Abuse of Power CLICK HERE
For years, the corruption was hidden. Then El TEO and the head of the MULETAS were discovered hiding out, with the local governments help, in La Paz, Baja Sur, Mexico.
ZETA: Criminal Organizations in Baja California Sur
ZETA: The Government covers for Criminal Organizations
"Thus ended the peace in Baja California Sur. Between shootings, arrests and dangerous neighbors. "Narcotraficantes y vendedores de droga". Drug dealers and drug dealers." ZETA, Tijuana
ZETA: "They Lived Quietly In La Paz"
ZETA: The Feds Got No Quarter From The State Officials
And several years before the criminals were exposed, the State of Baja Sur claimed complete security in its state. When in reality, the only real security was being given to the hidden criminals.
Baja Sur Tourism touted, "complete security", when at that very moment, the state of Baja South (Sur) was harboring, protecting and welcoming the biggest criminals in all of Mexico.
Finally, the ''Doc Holliday' take down' ties into the novela.
In Government (DEA) reports, the vessel described here is spelled "Doc Holiday". However, the spelling "Dock Holiday" is widely reported in press accounts at the time.
The DEA also reported the boarding of the Dock Holliday took place "south, in international waters, south of Cabo San Lucas".
Reported in August 2006 by the DEA, at the time of the arrest: "Now, in addition to that indictment, which as I said was unsealed July 8, 2003, information developed during a 14-month fugitive investigation revealing that AFO leader Francisco Javier Arellano Felix and others were expected to use the fishing vessel Doc Holliday, a U.S. documented vessel. And so, on August 14th, just two days ago, DEA received information that this vessel, Doc Holliday, was approximately 15 nautical miles off the shore of La Paz, Mexico. And acting on this lead the DEA requested that the United States Coast Guard interdict the vessel. Following the interdiction of the vessel in international waters a boarding took place by the US Coast Guard personnel and eight adults and three juveniles were discovered on board and detained.
Baja Sur was/is harboring Chapo Guzman, the Arellano Felix and El TEO Muletas.
Baja Surenos Demand Justice!
CLICK HERE FOR THE Protest Reports
You Have Been Warned! CLICK HERE
MASS KILLINGS Continue in Mexico
Welcome To Mexico!
More Welcome To Mexico!
More Americans
Disappear in Mexico

(Pictured Left)
Four dead bodies, showing signs of torture, show up dumped on the streets of Mexicali on March 9, 2010.

Murder on the Malecon
Tourists Dead South of San Felipe & Malecon Murders in La Paz
This crime happened in the 'Casablanca' development which is at the KM 5.5 mark, south of San Felipe near Campo San Fernando.
Location, 9 miles south of town, in an empty land development. Both victims were Mexican tourists. Happened Sunday evening. Bodies were found on Monday. Small caliber handgun was used in the killings.
Bodies were dumped, one was dumped on the road, one was on the beach. Brothers were from Sinaloa, Mexico. Happened between 5-6 PM on Sunday.
Puerticitos Bodies Found March 7, 2010
Along the road to the airfield Puerticitos in a little-known field name "White House ", the bullet-ridden bodies were found two male persons of which could not learn much, as it was eight o'clock when due to the remoteness of the place the authorities could do arrive.
Puertecitos for the Municipality of Ensenada, but
due to the nearest authorities with St. Philip (San Felipe), were those which came to the place where corroborated that the bodies of two people a few yards distant one other injured were taken by shooting firearm, apparently of small caliber. One body was tied on the beach by the sea, and the other on the road with beer cans around. They were local tourists who reported the presence of men stranded.
The area of the "White House" is located on the road between San Felipe and Puertecitos, where agents San Felipe's first on the scene and corroborate the findings to staff la Policía Police Ministerial Ministerial. No one could could reach the place night and more night unable to extract the bodies, and almost before night that ended the expert whose results were announced.
Witnesses said that even with the light of day was seen leaving the place a white car, without knowing more details and without corroborating it had to do with the case.
Baja Racing News.com
BULLETIN! UPDATE! Murderer Caught in USA!
BULLETIN! June 21, 2010
La Paz Malecon Murder Exposes Southern Baja Mexico as the biggest Criminal Hideout in Mexico!
By: Jose Cruz, Reporting from La Paz, Baja South

Here's The Original Story!>>> Gary Gaines Hidalgo is believed, by law enforcement sources, to be on the loose in San Diego County.
Hidalgo, is believed to be the murderer of a "Bebo" from the La Paz municipality of Southern Baja. Weeks ago, at the Malecon bar known as, "Michelada Safari", he was fingered after a shooting inside the bar. The attack was triggered, it is asserted, by a heated argument over who was going to win this years Baja 1000 desert off-road race to La Paz, later in November this year.
ZETA: "The Case Is a Mess" CLICK HERE
ZETA: "The Bloody Truth about the Governor of Baja Sur"
The "Bebos" said Andy McMillin would win and

This murder on the La Paz Malecon exposed what everyone now knows about southern Baja California Sur. It is a hideout for criminals and the southern Baja Government is the most corrupt organization in the Republic of Mexico.
ZETA: Baja Sur Governor and Abuse of Power CLICK HERE
For years, the corruption was hidden. Then El TEO and the head of the MULETAS were discovered hiding out, with the local governments help, in La Paz, Baja Sur, Mexico.
ZETA: Criminal Organizations in Baja California Sur
ZETA: The Government covers for Criminal Organizations
"Thus ended the peace in Baja California Sur. Between shootings, arrests and dangerous neighbors. "Narcotraficantes y vendedores de droga". Drug dealers and drug dealers." ZETA, Tijuana
ZETA: "They Lived Quietly In La Paz"
ZETA: The Feds Got No Quarter From The State Officials
And several years before the criminals were exposed, the State of Baja Sur claimed complete security in its state. When in reality, the only real security was being given to the hidden criminals.
Baja Sur Tourism touted, "complete security", when at that very moment, the state of Baja South (Sur) was harboring, protecting and welcoming the biggest criminals in all of Mexico.
Finally, the ''Doc Holliday' take down' ties into the novela.
In Government (DEA) reports, the vessel described here is spelled "Doc Holiday". However, the spelling "Dock Holiday" is widely reported in press accounts at the time.
The DEA also reported the boarding of the Dock Holliday took place "south, in international waters, south of Cabo San Lucas".
Reported in August 2006 by the DEA, at the time of the arrest: "Now, in addition to that indictment, which as I said was unsealed July 8, 2003, information developed during a 14-month fugitive investigation revealing that AFO leader Francisco Javier Arellano Felix and others were expected to use the fishing vessel Doc Holliday, a U.S. documented vessel. And so, on August 14th, just two days ago, DEA received information that this vessel, Doc Holliday, was approximately 15 nautical miles off the shore of La Paz, Mexico. And acting on this lead the DEA requested that the United States Coast Guard interdict the vessel. Following the interdiction of the vessel in international waters a boarding took place by the US Coast Guard personnel and eight adults and three juveniles were discovered on board and detained.
One of the individuals aboard the vessel, who was traveling under an alias, later identified himself as the same Francisco Javier Arellano Felix that I have described in this indictment. He (was) a CPOT meaning he is a person who has been designated on a Consolidated Priority Organizational Target List."
Francisco Javier had been living in Los Barriles, in Baja Sur, for some time. He made friends there. In fact, one Canadian who made friends with Javier is still in jail, with no hearing, since the arrests in 2006.
Only after the 'Doc Holliday' vessel was captured off of Cerralvo Island with several of the most wanted criminals in Mexico, was the truth of the Baja Sur government known. Not to the public, but by those who are connected in the southern Baja California peninsula.Baja Sur was/is harboring Chapo Guzman, the Arellano Felix and El TEO Muletas.

CLICK HERE FOR THE Protest Reports
You Have Been Warned! CLICK HERE
MASS KILLINGS Continue in Mexico
Welcome To Mexico!
More Welcome To Mexico!
More Americans
Disappear in Mexico

(Pictured Left)
Four dead bodies, showing signs of torture, show up dumped on the streets of Mexicali on March 9, 2010.

Murder on the Malecon
Tourists Dead South of San Felipe & Malecon Murders in La Paz
This crime happened in the 'Casablanca' development which is at the KM 5.5 mark, south of San Felipe near Campo San Fernando.
Location, 9 miles south of town, in an empty land development. Both victims were Mexican tourists. Happened Sunday evening. Bodies were found on Monday. Small caliber handgun was used in the killings.
Bodies were dumped, one was dumped on the road, one was on the beach. Brothers were from Sinaloa, Mexico. Happened between 5-6 PM on Sunday.
Puerticitos Bodies Found March 7, 2010
Along the road to the airfield Puerticitos in a little-known field name "White House ", the bullet-ridden bodies were found two male persons of which could not learn much, as it was eight o'clock when due to the remoteness of the place the authorities could do arrive.
Puertecitos for the Municipality of Ensenada, but

The area of the "White House" is located on the road between San Felipe and Puertecitos, where agents San Felipe's first on the scene and corroborate the findings to staff la Policía Police Ministerial Ministerial. No one could could reach the place night and more night unable to extract the bodies, and almost before night that ended the expert whose results were announced.
Witnesses said that even with the light of day was seen leaving the place a white car, without knowing more details and without corroborating it had to do with the case.

Baja Racing News.com