THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

BAJA 500 2010 June 4-6 Animal House LIVE ! WEBCAST



Baja Racing

May 29, 2010 UPDATED!



May 22-23, at Race Mile 156, Ejido Saldana, Saturday 8 AM to Sunday 3 PM.

May 29-30-31 Saturday, Sunday & Monday, Sat. from 8 AM to Monday at 3 PM.

FUEL at $5.00 per gallon, 91 octane PEMEX Red.
Food, water etc and a place to cool off, Carne Asada, charge. SAT Phone Available.

Racer Reports In:

Rob Mac was testing in Plaster City this past week, in his #20 Trophy Truck with Mastercraft Safety.

At the testing area in the desert, east of San Diego, Rob commented, "We are ready for Baja".

Rob Mac did well the weekend before testing doing some track racing in Vegas. No biggie, just roundy-roundy-round.

Robby Gordon does have commitments for the Baja 500.

During the race at Pocono in June the sam eweekend as the Baja 500, Gordon will miss track activity Friday and Saturday so he can run the Baja racing event.

Michael Waltrip will practice and qualify the car for him, Gordon has confirmed. Maybe Robby thinks Michael can drive, now.

Roger Norman Prepares for the Baja 500 Teamed with Eleven Time Baja 500 Overall Winner Larry Roeseler

Roger Norman and the Crystal Bay Casino team of Larry Roeseler and Eric Branstrom are focused on the win of the Baja 500 on June 5, 2010. “This is a very important race for us as a team,” states Norman, “Larry has won the Baja 500 eleven times overall and it is important that we work together to add another win to that list.”

Starting 37th out of the 42 trophy trucks entered, this team will have to have their passing game in check to work their way to the front. Recently they spent the weekend in Baja pre-running to begin making notes on the course and the passing areas. “The pre-run went excellent,” said Norman who spent his birthday on the trails of Baja. “I got to run my section three times, the first time taking over 17 hours to complete while making meticulous notes.

Come race day we anticipate this section (240 miles) will take around 4 hours to complete and the overall race will take about 8 to 9 hours.” This years race will be more extreme than in recent years because of heavy rains on the coast and in the mountains.Eric Branstrom, the co-driver for both Norman and Roeseler, has 12 years experience in the off road fab and mechanical side bringing the technical aspect to the driving team. “I know that Larry and I are going to have to work at picking off one driver at a time, and hopefully by Borego when Roger gets in we will be right in the thick of things,” comments Branstrom. “We have a lot of dust challenges so pre-running to develop quality notes will be key to our success. With the nature of racing, some will hand us the position and others we will have to fight for it.”

Norman Motorsports continues to look for winning solutions, and Norman has found an interest in learning from Rally Racing. Joining the team for the pre-run last weekend was Jen Horsey who is a rally co-driver and an in car announcer for the X-Games. “I haven’t been exposed to this sport before, so it was fun for both of us to learn a little from each other,” comments Horsey.

Larry Roeseler has eleven Baja 500 overall wins, nine on a motorcycle and two on 4 wheels, and countless more class wins which brings the team the experience that will be needed to push through the pack early in the race. “I have always been successful at this race, it’s not too long and it’s not too short, but it is always really exciting,” said Roeseler. His first official race was the Baja 500 in 1972 on a 125cc motorcycle taking the class win.

The #8 Crystal Bay Casino Norman Motorsports team will be taking on the Baja 500 June 5th with a 60 plus person team including four chase trucks, one communication bus, a video group including a helicopter and the Baja Fools will man two pits with 28 volunteers"".

PRERUN REPORT IN FROM Norman Motorsports:

Roger Norman is prerunning down there and his pack roll into some small town along the course.

They exit the trucks to buy some drinks and take a little break and are immediately surrounded by little kids yelling "STEEKERS! STEEKERS!" as they are passing out stickers they notice one kid with a shirt that was recently signed by BJ. it said on it in marker "BJ is gonna SMOKE Roger Norman"

Well of course this had to be investigated and after securing a fluent translator it was discovered that BJ had recently passed thru and when he asked the kids who was gonna win the 500 they all said "Roger Norman"! They went on to say that BJ turned white when he heard this and wrote the message on the shirt in hopes Roger would see it.

Because he is someone who appreciates his fans, Roger took a sharpie and made the necessary corrections to the shirt and said that the whole town is now completely decked out in Norman Motorsports gear....

I guess in Baja, a sharpie and a t-shirt are the same thing as facebook."" By: Baja Racing Reporter 'Dan the Man'.


What's all the static about the BJ Baldwin vs.

Roger Norman

Baja racing rumors.

During one of the last Baja 1000 events, when BJ Baldwin showed up late in the night at the finish line, after Roger Norman won that race and was celebrating the win, partying with Champagne, Larry Roeseler of Norman Motorsports got onto the hood, booze bottle in hand, of BJ's race truck, with BJ still in it and Larry proceeded to rub the big win into BJ's face.

Making the teams racing performances personal to BJ Baldwin.

Then, during last years Baja 1000, BJ took Norman Motorsports out of the competition by hitting Larry (at the wheel at the time) and the Norman Motorsports Trophy Truck, with a heavy hit from behind, knocking the two trucks into the weeds and disabling, for a time, both trucks.

The time out of the race, killed both teams chances for the win.

Robby Gordon, who had teamed with BJ for the last DAKAR event, is suspected for scheming with BJ in the intentional hit on Norman Motorsports truck. Gordon was in line to win the series championship at the time and wanted the Baja 1000 win, to top off the year. Taking out Roger Norman at that time, eliminated one of only two real threats to Robby Gordon.

The other being Andy McMillin of McMillin Racing, who won the race. Gordon placed second, enough for the points and the series championship.

This years Baja 500 will be covered LIVE on Baja Racing all RACEWEEK and during the race on June 5.


After weeks of rumors that KAWISAKI got cold feet again in Baja, it may be confirmed now (May 27) that Ryan Penhall has announced he will not be racing either bike in the upcoming Baja 500. Details are still sketchy.

Meanwhile at camp KTM, David Pearson knows its "go for broke vs JCR HONDA" so his logical choice is Childress. Its go for broke and they have to pull rabbits out of hats if they want the vicory.

The latest info. is that David Pearson will take a shot at the 2010 Baja 500 with minimal support from Factory KTM, looking foward to 2011 to race the full SCORE season with FULL FACTORY KTM.

He said, "Hope I win, because then I can have full support for the Baja 1000 but it's not going to be easy against Bell/Ramirez/Hengeveld and Norman/Udall."

Baja Racing talked to David this morning:

""David Pearson gave me the scoop on his Baja 500 plans. He will be racing with Mikey Childress and Robert Underwood on a KTM 450xcf (all of the KTM factory 450’s are 09 xcf’s in 2010 sxf frames).

David will be riding the Summit then Calentura road over to the coast, about two hundred miles total. He was headed to California yesterday and then to Ensenada Tuesday to start pre running. This is pretty much a private effort. KTM is supplying the prepped bike and spares. They are using Baja Pits for support.

Along with the regular KTM team sponsors of FMF and GPR, Dave’s team is getting major help from Paul Alamo, owner of Alamo truck stops and THR, Team Hoser Racing. He chose the Hare & Hound spec 450xcf over his Best in The Desert 530 due to the lighter weight and quicker acceleration. He thinks it will be an easier bike to ride for the terrain of Baja.

I may catch up with the team later this week in Ensenada and have a status report. KTM has had a difficult time trying to tame Baja the last few years. It will be tough to challenge the dominate Honda team, but this is a fast and experienced trio of riders, so anything is possible.""

Brother team the C&J Equipment KTM 530 on 8x.

Team Alamo is actually 'Alamo Alarm'

2x - Kyle 'catch me if you can' Abney, Bryce 'will make you pay the price' Olsen, Mike'back in' Blackman, Adam 'we pulled 2x again' Thissen - 450x

6x - Jamie 'we'll do it again' Aguilar, Darren 'little-big' Johnson, 2 - TBA young guns (secret #1) - 450x

10x - David 'who is Abney' Pearson, Robert 'Im gonna go' Underwood, Mikey 'spinning back-fist' Childress - KTM 450 - (although I liked my 690 story better - or is that secret #2?)

...and the brother team the C&J Equipment - Multi-time BITD Open Ex Champs - The '301' Red Plate Specials

8x - Chad 'want my autograph' Thornton, Mike 'Casper' Whitman, Tony 'Scabbed Rat'Zastrow, Kyle 'Scab-ney' Abney - KTM 530.

Pre-Running Reports in...

Monster Mike Reports from Baja Mexico on
BAJA 500 Pre-Run-

"Minor changes are expected due to details for the washouts. Download next week after marking notes are digested.

The sanctioning body did a good job marking most of the washouts and plotting them on the gps track. most washouts have been worked on by the Govt workers. I hope you all have a gps for the prerun.- bikes included.
5/15, 16.Using my stretched Bronco with Chris as the helper
We did the summit to Mikes turnoff on Sat & Sunday. RM 95-222. Very long days. Found a washout at about RM96 thru the meadow. Washout is 4-5' deep & 10' wide. The washout is not passable so we changed the course to the RIGHT. No change in miles and just as fast a last year. Both traditional routes thru the meadow have wrongways and the new route is marked. Follow the marking signs and don't look back.
Up the summit is good to go, but slow. Not much different than last year. Yup, big rocks from the earthquake that we drove around. Govt workers filled the biggest hole that is marked on the GPS track.
At the S end of L Salida and N of the wells the track was reclaimed by mother nature. We loaded up the 09 track and marked a combo of the 09 & 10 track. No issue there following any route. That area is tall bushes and any route you take is acceptable per SCORE. By now there should be tracks to follow. Be sure to exit the wash per the GPS track.
Check 2 is at the highway Marked on the S side. Nothing remarkable up the route to Mikes turnoff.
5/18 Three vehicles. Todd & Brian in Todd's the Bronco with 37" Projects. My Bronco with 35" Bajas with Cordell as my helper. Steve & Mike in the 2wd Blazer with his usual trick 35" Tire muds..

RM 65-285 BIG Issues. Near Rm 255? washout marked with a go around to the right thru the willows. Easy since the area is flat. After that found an up hill in bad shape with deep holes and loose rocks. The Blazer fell in the hole and needed suspension repair and a strap to proceed - 1.5 hour issue. We had plenty of time to stack rocks so now the area is just a drive up with all the holes filled. See the pic For the life of me I cannot remember the race mile.
Aside: we found out about the bad decision to use a 2wd for prerunning. What happens is to avoid an uphill washout the rear wheels start to slip and then one wheel falls into the trench. Strap required to proceed. Steve uses experimental sticky BFGs and he is an expert driver and used low pressure. It did not help.
Bottom line prerunners need 4wd or a leading Bronco with a strap to get up the steeps when the washouts are present.
The gps track shows the location of the missing road in several places and the go arounds present no problem if done slowly. Believe the down arrows - please. If you do not slow down enough you will be upside down in the bottom the creek bed.
We went over the mountain toward MX1 in the dark. The road has washouts ever few feet cutting into the road several feet. Keep right. A major land slide required slow double S turn to pass.. Doable if done slowly. Do not forget about the drop off on the left.
Another very long day.
5/19 RM 285-~334
Erindria. The main road was destroyed and is now being rebuilt. To get from the South hillside to the Tecate sign, cross the wash which has running water. Solid track no issues.
Big issue going up the hill from the new road. 2wd didn't even try. I drove up the 60 deg incline and went left of the track thru the cactus. The gps track is uphill trenchs that are 30-36" deep & 1-2 feet wide. Discussed the problem with SCORE and the Govt will take a front end loader up and fill the trenches with soft dirt. So the deal is after several high power rigs go up the trenches will come back as before due to roost. I recommend just driving up thru the cactus left of the old road and plan on flats or as a minimum slow leaks. 2WD will have issues making the trip up. Don't slow down and never back up on that steep of a hill. Its a one shot deal. go up all the way or find a Bronco with a long strap. Did I say Never back down with 2wd.
Anyway, we walked down the hill and marked it with signs and ribbons. We marked the road gps track - not the cactus route per SCORE instructions.
Horrible gnats ate us up and I still have many welts that still itch.

Easy access to the top of the hill at the microwave tower:
Go to town turn RT and pass along the plowed field. The intersection is at the taco shop on the left. Go N several streets. Pick a street an turn right. The best way which works for pit trailer is around the hill to the north. and it will lead you to mile marker 325 and the VCP 15. The other road up is also ok for a pit trailer and goes just south of the tower. Its a little rough compared to the North road. Great detail on Google Earth to find your way

After that the big hill the route follows last years route and we found another up hill bending left with the deep washout trenches. The Blazer needed a strap and a redo of the tie rod again. Same issue, as he went up the rears started to slip due to steep road and the left rear fell into the trench and he was high centered again..
5/20 RM ~334 to 362.5
Nothing much to report . Same as last year. Graded road. Do not use the right option before RM 340 because it leads to a new lake and under construction spillway. Wrongway is in place.
5/21 RM 362.5-401 No report. Read the course notes and follow the markings.
Marked by Paul Fish. He deals with the ranchers along the way and we do not participate in marking.

Bottom line Steve has been racing or marking for 15+ years and has never see a harder race course. Bring your straps and your extra spare tires and find a Bronco buddy to lead the way if you have a prerun 2wd."

More Trophy Trucks Sign-Up for Baja 500 2010

41 - Dan Fresh (former Supercross racer/Ultracross racer) partial owner of OC Motorsports. Baja 1000 winner is stock mini and drove the entire thing in the Mitsubishi Montero in 06. (Probable BS promo line)

George Rosenbaum - truck owner from San Juan Capistrano, electrical contractor and former Jamie Campbell partner.

Truck is a steel cab V8 built by Chris Allen of Anonymous Dirt Works now doing time with the Dress A**Wipes. Affliction/General Tire/OC Motorsports sponsored, and you know what that means, confirmed BS Team.

How much do you think this team is writing off its taxes for this booze cruz to Mex?

88 -
Brian Hess and a SUV off road truck, a so-called eco-friendly SUV. We'll believe it when we inspect the entire program, until then, we call BS!


Artic Cat Defends Baja 500 2009 Win

One week til the Baja 500! One week til Arctic Cat defends its undefeated Score and Best in the Desert series seasons.... Should be a good shootout again between AC and BRP!


Baja 500 Preview

With the release of the official course map, GPS files and course notes this week, pre-race activity increases significantly starting Friday when the world's best desert racers officially begin their pre-running and course logistics activities for next month's 42nd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the second-oldest desert race in the world.

Round 3 of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series, will feature nearly 300 entries, competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks,motorcycles and ATVs, will be held June 3-6 in Ensenada, Mexico.

Traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule, over 100,000 spectators are expected to enjoy the world's best desert racers in action at this year's 42nd anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the original desert race produced by SCORE on July 26, 1974.

With late entries accepted up to race morning, entries are expected from 26 U.S. States from Hawaii to Connecticut, and along with the additional countries of Mexico, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Japan.

The green flag will drop for the race at 6 a.m. on Saturday (June 5) for the motorcycle and ATV classes in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, followed by the car and truck classes three hours after the last ATV at approximately 10 a.m.

The elapsed-time race will start and finish in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center on Boulevard Costero in the heart of Ensenada, leaving and returning into the city through the spectator-laden Arroyo Wash.

The talented field of veteran desert racers heading to Baja includes 15 defending class winners out of the 25 Pro classes that had finishers in last year's race, including last year's overall 4-wheel vehicle winners Kory Halopoff/Harley Letner of Orange, Calif. (unlimited Class 1) and SCORE Trophy-Truck champion Rick D. Johnson/Brian Sallee, of Barstow, Calif.

The rugged course 438.81-mile course is a very similar to the last two years, although it is about eight miles longer and the terrain has changed significantly due to torrential rains that impacted both sides of the race course on the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez and in the middle in the summit section.

The course, which runs in a clockwise direction, resembles a deflating balloon, winding east to Ojos Negros, down to near San Felipe, back West to the Pacific Ocean below San Vicente and back north east through Santo Tomas on the way back to Ojos Negros and then Ensenada.

"Without all of the immense and considerable help we have received from Ensenada Mayor Pablo Lopez in terms of rapid support, personnel and heavy equipment to repair significant rain damage on much of the course, we would be significantly challenged to finalize a course for this year's race," said Sal Fish, SCORE CEO/President since soon after it was founded in 1974. "We just can't thank Mayor Lopez and all of his people enough for all they have done to support SCORE and our SCORE Baja races."

The only pre-running that will be allowed on the first 35.18 miles of the course will be outbound only and only on Thursday and Friday, June 3 and 4. No inbound pre-running on the last 35.18 miles of the course will be allowed. Pre-running of the rest of the course will start and finish in the Ojos Negros area.

The four official race checkpoints, where all vehicles are required to make a quick stop, will be located at race mile 84.03 (Santa Catarina), rm196.17 (Borrego), rm 307.30 (Pacific Ocean) and rm397.53 (Rancho San Antonio).

The course will also have a number of virtual checkpoints. All vehicles are also required to run International Rally Consultants tracking devices and live vehicle tracking will be available during the race at Baja Racing


May 22 Report:

Official Pre-running Starts Today!

They are having the same issues down by Colonet right now. The main road in off the highway has a farmer that just planted some beans right next to the course......... He says the dust will kill his crop and will not let the race pass through his property......... Drama........

Also, the climb up from the river bed in Erendira is a no go at the moment. Paul Fish (SCORE) is sending a tractor down to regrade it. Chris Wilson's dad took 2 tries to get up it yesterday in a very capable Bronco.

The vineyard road has some serious washouts!!!!!! Be very careful pre-running if you don't have SPEED Mex GPS notes. The race-download for marking the course had none of this info on it. Made for some interesting stops. Not all of these are marked........

The course marking crew were the first vehicles through the cross over road from VT to the meadow. The hill climb @RM256 took about an hour to pull a 2WD blazer out of the 3' ditch. Found a Snap-On 4wd axle nut socket as we were filling in the washout with rocks if anyone is missing one. It's a little rusty now..........

Mother nature has done a number on some of the roads down there so be careful pre-running people!


Official Pre-Running starts this Saturday, many teams were down south this past weekend running the new sections. By raceday, they'll be shit conditions, ruts, rocks and broken down pre-runner trucks.

SCORE just started marking the course at race mile (RM) 95 on Saturday, May 15.


Get those race fuel orders in. Call Cristy Chavez or Bryan Clowdus at (562) 432-3946 to place your F&L or VP race fuel orders for the 500. Let them know if you are going to be using SPEED Mex Pits to arrange delivery.

Make sure that you pre-arrange your payment options when you place your orders,

reorder Deadline - May 26th.

CASH ONLY in Mexico, credit cards and checks will not be accepted. Fuel Trucks will be open June 3rd & 4th from 8am-5pm and Jet A fuel for Helicopters needs to be ordered NOW!


May 14, 2010


Our Baja Racing Reporters Dig Up More SMACK!

Both Andy McMillin and BJ Baldwin, among others... have announced on their Facebook pages...yea, I know, hehehe, that each are going to win the BAJA 500 in June. It is 2010 and the young people of desert off-road racing put more time into their facebook, twitter and other eShit wastes of time, than their off-road programs.

Cameron Steele of the "Dress Assassins", has been planning his dress wearing for months. He does this every year. He's in every one of the dress-fest pictiures that show up on the internet and his sponsors support the craze. Baja Racing has learned this years dress of Cameron, has his sponsor logos, KMC, Lucas Oil and others are emblazened all over the feminine decorations. His purse choice of the year was selected by Fox Shocks.

Many in this generation hardly know what the capital of Baja California is.

If you ask many, they'll say its Paris, or Iguanas or even Lord Blacks! To the uninitiated, thats a list of Baja strip clubs the racers frequent when they should be getting some shut-eye during race season!

As these guys mouth off, we'll report the indiscretions here at Baja Racing, because its some of the most entertaining Baja racer material of the entire year. Summer is nearly here and the Baja racing community is feeling its oats, even though only forty Trophy Trucks are racing and many teams are hobbled by the lack of any racing economy, few sponsors.

And the ones that do have sponsors are some of the worst ambassadors to the sport we have. Proof? In just a couple of weeks, many of these ego maniacs will be drunk, with dresses on, (we'll show you the pics from last year and this years "cross-dress-fest" at Mike's Sky Rancho) in a historic getaway spot in the wilds of Baja.

Pistol Pete Sohren has said he leaves his dress at Mike's after the party, "for good reason". Pete knows, 'drunk, DNF'd and sticky is no way to go through life'. The only event Sohren actually finishes each racing year is the picture taking midway through the night, of all the racers, drunk and in dresses. They're all so hammered, they forget the pics always end up online.

And we'll give-up the sponsors that give them the money to cross dress and puke.

And Baja Racing will give you the pics...EXCLUSIVELY...Stay Tuned!

Gary from Ensenada

BAJA 500 2010 "The Animal House" Racers Set for June 5

Baja Racing Odds On Favorites


13 Ed Stout Bottleneck 9 to 1

20 Rob MacCachren Patience pays 2 to 1

30 Robbie Pierce Under pressure 4 to 1

74 Rob Bruce Jesse's new arch nemesis 9 to 1

76 Jesse Jones Should prerun Erindera 3 to 1

40 Chet Huffman TOP TIP 4 to 1

1 Robby Gordon OA 2 to 1

31 Andy McMillin Not if he can help it 2 to 1

42 Will Staats Will try too hard 5 to 1

97 B.J. Baldwin Needs to regroup 2 to 1

24 Adam Householder Ditch digger 6 to 1

22 Damen Jefferies Recall "1" days? 10 to 1

25 Al Hogan No reservations 9 to 1

19 Tim Herbst Glory days possibly gone 6 to 1

23 Mark McMillin Has not shown anything 5 to1

7 Scott Steinberger Might be psyched up 6 to 1

78 Jesse Ashcraft Detail-plagued 8 to 1

50 Jason McNeil Break 9 to 1

35 Jason Voss "Hot" 3 to 1

59 Craig Potts Will lose a corner early 9 to 1

10 Greg Nunley Not 9 to 1

95 Scott Whipple Not supercharged 9 to 1

47 James Bult Trying to save 0.1% weight 9 to 1

21 Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. Overamped? 4 to 1

70 Bryce Menzies Vehicle can win 5 to 1

49 Troy Herbst Long time at the back 5 to 1

94 Steve Strobel DARK HORSE 6 to 1

39 Ron Whitton Long night 9 to 1

16 Cameron Steele In the groove 4 to 1

51 Kory Scheeler Banking on Stouts dust 5 to 1

53 Rick Thomas Needs neck support 9 to 1

96 Bobby Baldwin BJ's second ride? 7 to 1

2 Pete Sohren It's ALWAYS something 9 to 1

84 Nick Vanderwey "Escuela de Pato" works 3 to 1

9 Gary Weyhrich Off-form 5 to 1

71 Rick D. Johnson Hampered by draw 5 to 1

8 Roger Norman Might blitz field 4 to 1

48 Jimmy Nuckles Big Leagues too big 9 to 1

67 Ruben Ledezma Not "Leadezma" 9 to 1

46 John Koltura Needs Billy G. 9 to 1


101 Daniel McMillin Must make haste on T-Ts 3 to 1

102 Eric Chase Must avoid lawn furniture, rocks, and cliffs 3 to 1

103 Armin Schwarz Plays the steady game 2 to 1

104 Paul Keller DARK HORSE 5 to 1

105 Dan Martin Cops a plea 3 to 1

106 Conan Barker No barbarian 9 to 1

107 Cody Parkhouse Needs fine tuning 7 to 1

108 Kory Halopoff The Team To Beat 2 to 1

100 Randy Wilson In a rough crowd 3 to 1

110 Mark Weyhrich Takes care thru pits 5 to 1

111 Sean Mecham NFW 9 to 1

112 Ryan Sharman No happy ending 9 to 1

113 Dennis Boyle only 180 6 to 1

114 William Eriksen Delusions of grandure 9 to 1

115 Josh Rigsby Oft troubled 10 to 1

116 Richard Boyle Expect more 4 to 1

117 Ronny Wilson TOP TIP 3 to 1

118 Chris Kemp Unkempt 9 to 1

119 Steve Garcia Lucky to finish 9 to 1

120 Steve Appleton Apple never falls far from the starting line 9 to 1

121 Rudy Cortez Better in "10" 5 to 1

122 Brett Lenk Chain is as strong as its weakest Lenk 5 to 1

123 Armin Kremer Too aggressive 4 to 1

149 Adam Ashcraft - 1st RS Scat a good combo 5 to 1


May 19, 2010

Pre-running begins Saturday in Mexico on rugged 438.81-mile

Race course for 42nd Tecate SCORE Baja 500 desert race

June 3-6 event in Ensenada has entries from 26 States, 9 countries; course map available at

LOS ANGELES—With the release of the official course map, GPS files and course notes this week, pre-race activity increases significantly starting Friday when the world’s best desert racers officially begin their pre-running and course logistics activities for next month’s 42nd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the second-oldest desert race in the world.

Round 3 of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World’s Foremost Desert Racing Series, will feature nearly 300 entries, competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs, will be held June 3-6 in Ensenada, Mexico. Traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule, over 100,000 spectators are expected to enjoy the world’s best desert racers in action at this year’s 42nd anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the original desert race produced by SCORE on July 26, 1974.

With late entries accepted up to race morning, entries are expected from 26 U.S. States from Hawaii to Connecticut, and along with the additional countries of Mexico, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Japan. The green flag will drop for the race at 6 a.m. on Saturday (June 5) for the motorcycle and ATV classes in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, followed by the car and truck classes three hours after the last ATV at approximately 10 a.m. The elapsed-time race will start and finish in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center on Boulevard Costero in the heart of Ensenada, leaving and returning into the city through the spectator-laden Arroyo Wash.

The talented field of veteran desert racers heading to Baja includes 15 defending class winners out of the 25 Pro classes that had finishers in last year’s race, including last year’s overall 4-wheel vehicle winners Kory Halopoff/Harley Letner of Orange, Calif. (unlimited Class 1) and SCORE Trophy-Truck champion Rick D. Johnson/Brian Sallee, of Barstow, Calif.

The rugged course 438.81-mile course is a very similar to the last two years, although it is about eight miles longer and the terrain has changed significantly due to torrential rains that impacted both sides of the race course on the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez and in the middle in the summit section. The course, which runs in a clockwise direction, resembles a deflating balloon, winding east to Ojos Negros, down to near San Felipe, back West to the Pacific Ocean below San Vicente and back north east through Santo Tomas on the way back to Ojos Negros and then Ensenada.

“Without all of the immense and considerable help we have received from Ensenada Mayor Pablo Lopez in terms of rapid support, personnel and heavy equipment to repair significant rain damage on much of the course, we would be significantly challenged to finalize a course for this year’s race,” said Sal Fish, SCORE CEO/President since soon after it was founded in 1974. “We just can’t thank Mayor Lopez and all of his people enough for all they have done to support SCORE and our SCORE Baja races.”

The only pre-running that will be allowed on the first 35.18 miles of the course will be outbound only and only on Thursday and Friday, June 3 and 4. No inbound pre-running on the last 35.18 miles of the course will be allowed. Pre-running of the rest of the course will start and finish in the Ojos Negros area.

The four official race checkpoints, where all vehicles are required to make a quick stop, will be located at race mile 84.03 (Santa Catarina), rm196.17 (Borrego), rm 307.30 (Pacific Ocean) and rm397.53 (Rancho San Antonio). The course will also have a number of virtual checkpoints. All vehicles are also required to run International Rally Consultants tracking devices and live vehicle tracking will be available during the race at

The featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division for high-tech, 800-horsepower, unlimited production trucks has a SCORE-record 42 entries in this year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 500.

Prominent Southern California industrialist and desert racer Ed Stout, who finished third in season points last year in his marquee class and earned a SCORE Toyota Milestone Award, received the first starting positions for 4-wheel vehicles in his No. 31 Stout Industries Chevy Silverado.

While late entries will be accepted up to race morning, as of today, the Pro 4-Wheel vehicles classes with the most entries are: SCORE Trophy-Truck (42), Class 1 (23). Class 1-2/1600 (13) and SCORE Lite (11).

Leading the Pro Motorcycle classes in entries so far are Class 22 (13) and Class 30 (10). Class 24 leads the Pro ATV classes with 15 entries to date.

Among the Sportsman classes, SPT Motorcycles over 250cc has 24 entries and there are also 10 SPT ATVs to date.

Besides the Halopoff/Letner and Johnson/Sallee teams, other defending Pro class champions in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 entered this year to date are: Kevin Carr, San Diego (Class 5, VW Baja Bug); Dan Chamlee, Carpenteria, Calif. (Class 7, Ford Ranger); Mike Lawrence, Sunset Beach, Calif. (Class 10, Lothringer-VW); Brent Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif./Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif. (SCORE Lite, Moulton-VW); Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 11, VW Sedan), Joe Bacal, Anthem, Ariz., (Stock Full, Lexus LX570); Mike Johnson, El Paso, Texas/Rex Cameron, Albuquerque, N.M. (Class 30, Honda CRF450X); Eizaburo Karasawa, Japan (Class 50, Honda CRF450X); Nick Nelson, Tehachapi, Calif./Brandon Brown, Eumantilla, Ore. (Class 25, Suzuki LTR450); Craig Christy, Burbank, Calif. (Class 24, Honda TRX450R) and Reid Rutherford, Montrose, Colo. (Class 26, Arctic Cat).

This popular SCORE early summer race began in 1969 under the auspices of the old NORRA organization and SCORE began its enduring run with it on July 26, 1974. This year will be the 37th anniversary of the first SCORE race in Baja.

For the third straight year and just the third time in the 42-year history of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 desert race, the colorful pre-race Manufacturer’s Midway and Contingency, the start and finish line will all be located in the heart of Ensenada, Mexico on Boulevard Costero adjacent to the historic Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center. It will be the second time in race history that both the pre-race activities and the finish will be held on this historic boulevard.

The SCORE Manufacturer’s Midway will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, June 4 on Blvd Costero. Racer registration will again be held in the Grand Ballroom of the San Nicolas Hotel. Registration hours will be from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 3 and from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday June 4.

The awards celebration will be held poolside at the San Nicolas Hotel on Sunday, June 6 at 11 a.m.

In addition to season point class point championships, drivers in the Pro car and truck classes are also racing to earn prestigious SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards given to all car and truck class drivers who complete every required mile of the five-race season. Being presented by Toyota Motorsports for the 25thconsecutive year, a total of 25 drivers remain eligible after Round 1 of the 2010 SCORE Desert Series. Racers are also competing for the annual SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards, including the MasterCraft Safety SCORE Rookie of the Year award.

Included in the nearly $30,000 in contingency posting and cash purse for the race is the special $10,000 MasterCraft Safety cash contingency bonus for qualified racers in the car and truck classes.

42nd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500

June 3-6, 2010—Entries, Baja California, Mexico Total Entries: 256 (as of 5/19/10)

Pro Cars & Trucks


13 Ed Stout

20 Rob MacCachren

30 Robbie Pierce

74 Rob Bruce

76 Jesse Jones

40 Chet Huffman

1 Robby Gordon

31 Andy McMillin

42 Will Staats

97 B.J. Baldwin

24 Adam Householder

22 Damen Jefferies

25 Al Hogan

19 Tim Herbst

23 Mark McMillin

7 Scott Steinberger

78 Jesse Ashcraft

50 Jason McNeil

35 Jason Voss

59 Craig Potts

10 Greg Nunley

95 Scott Whipple

47 James Bult

21 Gus Vildosola Jr.

70 Bryce Menzies

49 Troy Herbst

94 Steve Strobel

39 Ron Whitton

16 Cameron Steele

51 Kory Scheeler

53 Rick Thomas

96 Bobby Baldwin

2 Pete Sohren

84 Nick Vanderwey

9 Gary Weyhrich

71 Rick D. Johnson

8 Roger Norman

48 Jimmy Nuckles

67 Ruben Ledezma

46 John Koltura

88 Brian Hess

41 Dan Fresh

CLASS 1 (23)

101 Daniel McMillin

102 Eric Chase

103 Armin Schwarz

104 Paul Keller

105 Dan Martin

106 Conan Barker

107 Cody Parkhouse

108 Kory Halopoff

100 Randy Wilson

111 Sean Mecham

112 Ryan Sharman

113 Dennis Boyle

114 William Eriksen

115 Josh Rigsby

116 Richard Boyle

117 Ronny Wilson

118 Chris Kemp

119 Steve Garcia

120 Steve Appleton

121 Rudy Cortez

122 Brett Lenk

123 Armin Kremer

149 Adam Ashcraft

CLASS 1-2/1600 (13)

1601 Arturo Velazco

1602 Brad Wilson

1603 Luke McMillin

1604 Eliseo Garcia

1605 Cody Robinson

1606 Brian Wilson

1607 Kyle Conlon

1608 Wes McKenzie

1645 Francisco Mejorado

1646 Arnoldo Gutierrez

1600 Hiram Duran

1648 Carlo Montalvan

1649 Arnoldo Ramirez

CLASS 3 (0)

CLASS 5 (2)

500 Kevin Carr

501 Cody Kellogg

CLASS 5/1600 (5)

551 Trevor Anderson

552 Victor Celis

576 Armando Garcia

577 Mike Boone

579 Marcos Nunez

CLASS 6 (4)

601 Marc Burnett

602 Steve Kovach

618 Gregg Hempel

600 Heidi Steele

CLASS 7 (4)

700 Dan Chamlee

701 Greg Jones

702 Aaron Celiceo

703 Brandon Walsh


741 Elias Hanna

758 Eduardo Gonzalez

759 Norman Turley

CLASS 8 (6)

801 Dave Crinklaw

802 Kent Kroeker

803 Noah Ostanik

804 Juan C. Lopez

805 Rick Sanchez

800 Clyde Stacy

CLASS 9 (0)

CLASS 10 (6)

1001 Jesus Gonzalez

1002 Alejandro Navarette

1003 Sergio Salgado

1000 Mike Lawrence

1005 Alex Crosthwaite

1006 Jon Walker


1201 Justin Davis

1202 Zak Langley

1203 Steve Eugenio

1204 Dave Calloway

1205 Cody Freeman

1206 Matt Kupiec

1207 Greg Gustin

1208 Perry McNeil

1209 Lee Banning

1200 Brent Parkhouse

1211 Samuel Araiza

CLASS 11 (4)

1101 Ernesto Martinez

1147 Alejandro Rivas

1148 Gustavo Garayzar

1100 Eric Solorzano


861 Tim Casey

879 Joe Bacal



1350 Gary Magness

1340 Chelsea Magness

CLASS 7-2 (1)

721 Reid Rutherford

CLASS 4 (2)

401 Eddie Zimmerman

402 John Langley

CLASS 2 (1)

201 Mark Stevens


CLASS 22 (13)

2x Kyle Abney

3x Ryan Penhall

4x Keith Webster

1x Kendall Norman

6x Jamie Aguilar

7x Robbie Bell

8x Chad Thornton

9x A.J. Stewart

10x Robert Underwood

11x Cory Evenson

12x Colton Udall

13x Chuck Neugebauer

14x Mark Bradford

CLASS 21 (9)

101x Sol Saltzman

102x Jesus Gonzalez M.

103x Steven Achey

104x Ruben Dabdoub

105x David Gonzalez Jr.

106x Adam Neuwirth

107x Gerardo Huerta

108x Francisco Aldrete

109x Mark Fillebrown

CLASS 20 (4)

151x Jason Trubey

152x Anna Cody

153x Olivia Rich

150x Jesus Rios

CLASS 30 (10)

301x Bill Eddings

303x Javier Hernandez

304x Tim Abshire

305x Francisco Septien

306x Mark Levrett

307x Jim O’Neal

308x Jon Jessy

300x Mike Johnson

310x Dan Troy

311x Talya Dodson

CLASS 40 (8)

401x Mark Fishburn

400x Brian Campbell

403x Duane Dickinson

404x Henrik Andersen

405x Mike Prunty

406x Tom Vogt

407x Louie Franco

449x Terry Peregoodoff

CLASS 50 (5)

501x David Rutherford

500x Jim O’Neal

503x Ryan Armitage

504x Eizaburo Karasawa

505x Koichi Takei

CLASS 60 (2)

601x Susumi Ishii

609x Donald Lewis


CLASS 25 (6)

2a Craig Christy

1a Wayne Matlock

4a Miguel Olivas

5a Javier Robles

6a Josh Edwards

7a Roberto Villalobos

CLASS 24 (15)

101a Daniel Montano

102a Heribert Marquez

103a Brandon Brown

104a Adrian Valdez

105a Christian Vargas

106a Shane Strunk

107a Luis Berumen

100a Craig Christy

109a Alonzo Ruiz

110a Juan Sanchez

111a Marco Marrujo
112a Oscar Arce

113a Joselito Muro

114a Manuel Jimenez

115a Efren Carrasco

CLASS 26 (3)

200a Reid Rutherford

202a Chuck Neugebauer

219a Rob Ransford



1400 Peter Lang

1449 Viry Felix


1501 Ken Fraizer

1502 Randy Swink

1549 Nick Tonelli


1801 Sergio Castillo

1800 Thomas Graves

1803 Peter Hajas

1819 John Crowley

SPT M/C< (8)

201x Greg Willitts

202x Gary Gonzales

203x Patrick Williams

204x Matt Ladendorf

205x Ricardo De La Pena

206x Fred Sobke

207x Ron Tolman

208x Brody Kunz

SPT M/C> (24)

251x Nicholas Martin

253x Timothy Nugent

254x Jeff Byers

255x Oscar Fazz

256x Carlos Valdez

257x Jason Trimarchi

258x Craig Anstine

259x Andreas Hoyler

260x Tibi Imbuzan

261x Cade Courtley

262x Jeffrey Moore

263x Paul Lopez

264x Salvador Sainz

265x Darren Lowrey

266x Rick Matteson

267x Tony Navarro

268x Dan Dooling

269x Shinichiro Hagiwara

270x Akihiri Saito

271x Christopher Jones

272x Ulises Fierro

273x Michael Rasp

298x Ken Kosiorek

299x Louie Montano

SPT ATV (10)

51a Antonio Herrera

52a Christopher Wilson

53a Moises Saiza

54a Brad McLean

55a John Nores Jr.

56a Juan Gonzalez

57a Samuel Garcia

58a Guillermo Berenguer

59a Juan Dominguez

99a Gustavo Ameca


The BAJA 500 2010 Moto Rumors!

Course 95% same as last year,
SCORE has said 430 Miles the same has 2008 and 2009 minor changes, 1st road crossing in ojos, summit and erendira.

KTM factory team back with the 690 (again),
If the want to sell more the KTM 690 in Baja the Baja 500 it's a great marketing opportunity to start building a market for that bike in SCORE racing but is the KTM 690 has reliable and low maintanence has the Baja King Honda XR650R. Or, They don't have the $, nor the team, nor the management that'll make it happen. And if they did they wouldn't go the 690 route again, tried it, didn't work out.

Husky factory team joins the fun,
Nick Burson and Ty Davis (or Brent Harden).

Norman plans to solo again

Ivan Ramirez signs with Kawi - races with Bell and Henge. Desperate for championship, no chance after SF DQ.

Here's how Ivan came clean after the race:

In English (sort of):

"We were super good all race and when I had to climb back to the bike at mile 150 and we were in 2nd to the first 7 minutes and all super well but more or less at mile 215 to my bike the engine was tied and therefore could not do anything at that time had already cut to 2 minutes for 1st and luckily I snapped the bike close to where people were and he knew someone there and asked for his bike that he brought to extra. I know I should not have done it wrong but I quite like the adrenaline and the 1st win since he changed the plastics to the bike and so I went and so we were disqualified but that makes perfect. I recognize that this is not good."

"I was very happy with the adrenaline and everything that gives a ton because I was only 5 minutes to win. At this time I made a bad decision in having gone to the bike that I did not start instead of being left there. "

"I acknowledge my mistakes and I know this will never happen again. I keep thinking positively to win the 500. "

"I thank my team, Brandon Prieto and Gardner Dakota because they did an excellent job and the 500 is that we will succeed"

"And that's what happened."

It's happened before....
Dan Ashcraft on factory HONDA was busted for swapping broken bike back in the late 80's and LR and Team green protested and they were DQD.
People make mistakes and learn by correcting such mistakes!

It might not have been Kawi who protested, maybe Husky, but either way it was funny.
Back then SCORE had "impound" before and after the race. All race vehicles were parked overnight in a fenced yard pre-race and post-race. Spectators were free to take pics and see 'em (not go in the yard).
So 2nd place was looking at the bike and had a feeling it wasn't the one that started so they found pics of pre-race impound and sure enough, different sticker locations. Pretty funny - unless you were Ashcraft and Morales.

A witness: "Saw the whole thing as I pited @ 213. Lots of country pride and adrenaline took charge very quckly. Ivan I'm sure had many conversations going on with himself in those last miles. I'm very glad to read he is taking a high road here. I'm still his fan."

Baja Racing asked Sal to give us the run down on 4x Ivan Ramirez' DQ:

We wanted to know whether the rider and his team thought to conceal the issue for minutes or hours before getting caught.

There was a female official helping to check wrist bands at the finish line and she noticed while the bike was still running that something was seriously different about the bike. Nothing was said to Ivan and Ivan said nothing. She got the message to Oscar Ramos and then he called Ramirez out and let him know they were DQ'd. After the fact Ramirez & Co. stated that they just wanted to ride back to the finish line. Sal was pretty bummed, but he has other issues getting these results out.

The DQ for 4x is the only discipline and it still hurts pretty bad.

The word on the street in Ensenada is that Ramirez' fellow Mexican pro moto racers and teams, individuals are saying that Ramirez disgraced his fellow Mexican racers with an embarassing mistake. Think of some of the most common mexican names in SCORE moto racing: those are the guys. I heard this from my source who works in Ensenada and spoke directly with some of these individuals.

His comrades are embarrassed. But 4x did not immediately apologize. Hurt bad, IVAN and his hopes of being a champ. Of course he gets cut some serious slack for making his "acknowledgement".

The other Mexican pros are "over" him. Dude has promo vids, lots of PR and showcases his race bike at contingency, etc. Technically he tried to cheat other professionals as a professional.

The Mexican racing community has forgiven him, but it doesn't change the facts. Baja Racing EXCLUSIVE

Pearson returns to Baja

Childress on another (different) bike team (again) (and truck too)

Esposito rides on 5 different Teams in same race!

Team's with New Mexico ties: Some are loose ties, very loose like maybe we had a few beers and talked about racing together one time, now that's loose!
115 Rigsby, 2x Abney, 6x Aguilar, 8x Thornton, 10x Underwood, 151x Trubey, 300x Johnson, 503x Armitage, 2a Christy, 100a Christy, 204x Ladendorf, 258x Anstine

Team Alamo specifically are:
2x Abney
6x Aguilar
10x Underwood

Over 30 KX 500 team from last year makes come back with a Maico 700cc two-stroke engine shoe-horned in the KX frame (just like KTM is shoehorning in that 690 motor into a 450sx frame)

Ken Weld will run Bib Mousses

Another 'new' Over 50 KTM team tries to take on Team Oneal

Suzuki 450 Z makes it's Baja Pro Class debut!


TOYOTA Milestone Awards UPDATE

Following the second of five races in the 2010 SCORE Desert Series, 25 of SCORE’s toughest drivers remain in the hunt to earn 2010 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards.

Leading the way are five racers in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division along with six in Class 1-2/1600 for 1600cc VW-powered open-wheelers and five racers in SCORE Lite.

The five SCORE Trophy-Truck drivers who have completed every race mile so far this season are: Andy McMillin, National City, Calif. (Ford F-150), Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz. (Ford F-150), Kory Scheeler,
Las Vegas (Ford F-150), Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas (Ford F-150) and Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix (Chevy Silverado).

Nearly entries are expected to compete in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs in the upcoming 42nd Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Round 3 of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series will be held June 3-6 in Ensenada, Mexico.

Pre-running on the 440-mile course will officially begin on next Saturday, May 22.

Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world’s toughest desert racers for the 25th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those pro car and truck drivers who finish every required mile in the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World’s Foremost Desert Racing Series.

“Toyota is proud to honor the world’s best desert racing drivers,” said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. “For a quarter of a century, Toyota has had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet.”

Racers from at least 26 U.S. States, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan and Mexico have entered in this year’s Tecate SCORE Baja 500.

The loop race will start and finish on Boulevard Costero in front of the historic Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center adjacent to the Bahia de Todos Santos in the heart of Ensenada. Over 150,000 spectators are expected to line the race route which covers much of the northern part of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. On Saturday, June 5, Motorcycles and ATVs will start first in the elapsed-time race at 6 a.m. followed by the cars and trucks at 10 a.m.

2010 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards

(25 Racers completed every required mile after two rounds in the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series)

SCORE Trophy-Truck

Andy McMillin

Jesse Jones

Kory Scheeler

Rob MacCachren

Nick Vanderwey

Class 1

Daniel McMillin

Kory Halopoff

Class 1-2/1600

Cody Robinson

Luke McMillin

Hiram Duran

Kyle Conlon

Rob Archibald

Arturo Velazco

Class 5

Kevin Carr

Class 6

David Caspino

Heidi Steele

Class 7SX

Elias Hanna

Class 8

Juan C. Lopez

Class 10

Mike Lawrence


Brent Parkhouse

Justin Davis

Lee Banning

Dave Calloway

Samuel Araiza

Stock Full

Joe Bacal

May 11, 2010

"Bj Baldwin makes a BOLD statement!!

Cruising through Facebook i saw that Bj decided to claim the Baja 500 victory before it even happens! .. all i got to say is he's going to have to pass some REALLY talented drivers: Andy, Robby Gordon, Welchel/Huffman, Jesse Jones (in his new truck... again), Rob Mac, and the man that never dies Clyde Stout ...

From BJ Baldwin:

"You're not going to believe this. Checked the mail this morning and there was the 1st overall trophy for the Baja 500 with a note that read "You're going to win anyway so I thought I'd send it to you early. Love always and forever, Sal Fish." Very very unusual. In all my years of racing he's only done this 2wice."

.. i mean i wouldn't count him out when it comes to winning the Baja 500 ... But.... but there are 29 pissed off guys behind him upset at the fact that the lucky 13 drew the number one spot ...

not to mention that NOBODY else is running GENERAL TIRES between him and Clyde... we will see....!!!! it will be a true tire war, i know Cameron Steele will be charging HARD from the back of the pack, if luck is on his side he will be in the tire war mix as well!! (BWWAAAA!! Yea Right!)


May 10, 2010

Lots of rumors going around about this years race course. Many saying this years course will be the same as last year with minor changes, so as not to hurt the teams with extra expenses this year. Why? Because the Baja 1000 is going all the way to La Paz, Baja South, in November, lots of extra expenses.

One rumor has the course turning off prior to Tres Hermonos, and would then run around and dump out at KM77. As opposed to last years course.

At the live drawing for start positions on Saturday, Sal Fish announced the course will be nearly identical to last year's course. Approaching Tres Hermanos, it would take the "northern" route to KM 78 instead of going through El Alamo. Nuevo Jct, Summit, Borrego, San Matias, Mike's cut-off road to Valley T, coast, Erendira, Uruapan, Ojos.

Sal said there were 10 areas heavily affected by recent rains and said major repair would be necessary to get these sections ready.

SCORE pays for course repairs?

Insider talks about the course and SCORE

"A friend of mine owns most of the land before Ojos Negros on both sides of Highway 3 (Where they crossed the Highway last year) and he told me that SCORE does pay land owners a fee, but it was almost nothing compared to the damaged done to their roads, fields, fences, etc. He also told me because of that he did not want to let the race go through there anymore, so I´m assuming either they will get to an agreement or SCORE will need to change the race course; if they need to change the course, I think it will start in Ensenada, then go up to Valle de Guadalupe, down to Ojos Negros passing through San Antonio Necua, however last timed I went through Necua, the road was very bad, and that was before the rain, earthquakes and other natural disasters haha, so I guess the road must be destroyed!, In that case, the course should go down to Ojos Negros passing through Valle Seco."

The BAJA 500 2010

Most of the Baja 1000 events are 'loop' race courses, they start in Ensenada, Baja North and finish back in Ensenada. Just like EVERY Baja 500.

This years Baja 500 is again a Trophy Truck, Class 1 and Motorcycle fight. Many of the other car and sportsman classes have few or none competitors. Why? It cost so much money to compete in the SCORE races, many can't afford these races any longer.

That's why so many of the other races have expanded their sportsman class racing. It's far cheaper and just as much, if not more fun, to race in non-SCORE events.


May 8, 2010


JCR/Honda rolls out first-class racing support to Honda mounted riders at the 2010 SCORE Baja 500. A program called JCR/Honda Pits, first started by American Honda in the 1980’s. The program has become an essential component for Honda mounted Baja competitors because the speed and efficiency of a pit stop can make or break your race.

A Baja 500 can require as many as 10 pit stops, roughly 60 miles apart. Each pit contains an assortment of spare parts and maintenance items, as well as fuel.

Pit crews are staffed by as many as six qualified personnel. Many of the pit crews stay on duty for 16 hours or more. The dedication of the JCR/Honda pit staff is legendary. Known as the most reliable and efficient Pit service along the Baja peninsula.

This service enables the average riders to the most competitive teams to race with confidence.


Over 40 Trophy Trucks Expected to Battle in Mexico! Baja Trophy Truck teams will meet at Mikes Sky Ranch, during pre-running, to wear womens clothing and get drunk.

Our Source for this years race, Mike Payne of Orange County California, San Clemente:


Mike Payne


San Clemente, Ca.

desert racing, and getting to heaven to see God.

retired, watching the lawn grow

Class I race in
Whatever the DA is running at the time. Your guess is as good as mine.

Favorite Race
The Mil

(Baja 1000)

Favorite Race Driver

God, he drives the human race, Then Cameron Steele and the whole DA!

I am one of the world's biggest buggy dorks!

2003 Taco
2002 F-350
Alumicraft 4 seater

Mikes report to Baja Racing "I'm a race promoter, can't wait to see the 40 trophy trucks smashing their way to the front.

Get your butt to baja the first week of June and get ready to witness one of the greatest TT battles of ALL TIME! It's gonna be on like donkey kong at the 5 hundy! 40 TT's are gonna line up and do battle. I can't wait! Holy cow the #16 is starting 29th!!!! This is gonna be EPIC! Andy McMillin of McMillin Racing and McMillin Homes of National City California already threw up a post on his facebook that it's his destiny to win the 500 this year...Best of luck brother. Time to go watch some desert racing videos!

There is a rumor that the DA cross-dressing party at Mike's Sky Ranch is a GO! The little birdies are tweeting all about it. Rumor only but stay tuned and plan to get nuts!

You clowns better hit up the plus size dress shops now cause it's gonna be EPIC!

Pete, I hope you still have that slinky little number you wore last year!
I got to chat with Uncle Rico at the OC Motorsports bash last night and he is pumped on starting position #1. Wreck, break, or WIN were the words he used...I don't think passing Clyde is gonna be very easy.

Coming from the 29 spot is gonna call for patience...With a big old dose of get outta my way thrown in for good measure. YEE HAA this is gonna be GOOD!"

Baja 300 Powerdays Germany: Event cancelled for 2010, new start in 2011.

An as yet uncompleted permit procedure forces organisers to postpone the date "We don’t do things by half measures" - Partners Armin Schwarz and SCORE boss Sal Fish from America stick to their style and maintain their course.

"This unique motorsport event will go on." This is the promise from Germany’s rally ace Armin Schwarz as initiator as well as organiser Sal Fish, President of the SCORE International Offroad Racing Series, the world’s largest offroad racing association with its headquarters in Los Angeles, after the resounding success of last year’s inaugural Baja 300 Powerdays Germany with around 20,000 excited fans - despite changeable weather conditions.

Preparations are running at high revs. It’s no wonder then that after the unforgettable show event last year with world and European champions, Indy and Dakar winners, freestylers and motocross aces, a real race is now planned to follow. Confirming their participation again are many top pilots from around the globe and, of course, the crème de la crème of the American Score competitors with their 850+hp Offroad machines.

"Interest is huge, whether in the USA, Europe and in northeast Germany," states initiator Schwarz and explains: "Such a mammoth event needs a huge amount of preparation. Luckily, we work exceedingly well with the residents, associations and authorities. Our ideas have been welcomed with enthusiasm and we have agreed with public and private representatives that the Baja 300 Powerdays Germany is not a one off event but something we want to establish as a long-term motorsport festival. For this it is important to fulfil all requirements even if it means that, due to the extensive permit procedures, time is running out."

Ten weeks before the new edition of the Baja 300 Powerdays Germany was scheduled, the organisers have now made the decision to postpone the event. Sal Fish, who as SCORE President is the mastermind behind the greatest of all offroad races, the BAJA 1000 through Mexico’s Baja California, says: "I’m not the only one that’s feeling sorry about this postponement, so is Armin and everyone else involved. But planning reliability and trust in the organisation is a major factor in the long term success of such an event. This year, the timeframe for the Baja 300 Powerdays Germany is way too tight. Interest from the SCORE teams in the USA and Mexico is enormous, but in order to handle the transport of the vehicles they need a firm commitment which unfortunately we cannot give them just yet."

This, however, adds a top date to the 2011 motorsport calendar. "We don’t do things by half measures," said Schwarz and Fish. "Those who know us, also know that we will use the remaining time well and come up with even more goodies," said the former European Rally Champion from Germany.

One thing is already confirmed: In Spring 2011, there will be one massive summit meeting on German soil with all top offroad categories from the SCORE, cross country and rally factions as well as motocross, enduro, quad and freestylers. The Baja 300 Powerdays Germany is open to all safe race vehicles, from SCORE Trophy Trucks to Buggys, vehicles complying with Dakar regulations to standard SUVs, and motocross, enduro or electric bikes. Whoever wants to drive, can drive.

SCORE supremo Sal Fish concludes: "We all share the same passion. Anyone should be able to experience the same field, the same track and the same adventure as the super stars of our sport and to pit themselves directly against them. Now we go full steam ahead and very much look forward to the 2011 Baja 300 Powerdays Germany."


Baja 500 Draw REPORT

Prominent Southern California industrialist and desert racer Ed Stout along with Daniel McMillin, Kyle Abney and Craig Christy all drew pole positions in their respective classes during Saturday's live drawing for starting positions for the upcoming 42nd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 desert race.

The drawing was held during a charity fund-and-supply-raising event held at the new MasterCraft Safety plant in Santee, Calif.

Round 3 of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series, will feature nearly 300 entries, competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs, will be held June 3-6 in Ensenada, Mexico.

Traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule, over 100,000 spectators are expected to enjoy the world's best desert racers in action at this year's 42nd anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the original desert race produced by SCORE on July 26, 1974.

With late entries accepted up to race morning, entries are expected from 25 U.S. States, and 10 countries. The green flag will drop for the race at 6 a.m. on Saturday (June 5) for the motorcycle and ATV classes in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, followed by the car and truck classes three hours after the last ATV at approximately 10 a.m.

The elapsed-time race will start and finish in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center on Boulevard Costero in the heart of Ensenada, leaving and returning into the city through the spectator-laden Arroyo Wash.

Stout, of Irvine, Calif., finished third in season points last year in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck and earned a SCORE Toyota Milestone Award, received the first starting position for 4-wheel vehicles in his No. 13 Stout Industries Chevy Silverado. It is the first time in his short career that he has drawn the coveted starting position in the class for high-tech, 800-horsepower unlimited production trucks.

In Saturday's drawing there were a SCORE-record 39 SCORE Trophy-Trucks had officially entered.

Third generation desert racer Daniel McMillin, 22, El Cajon, Calif., will start first in the unlimited Class 1. He is currently leading Class 1 in points and is fourth in overall points in just his first season in the class in a McMillin Racing Chevy-powered Jimco open-wheel desert race car.

Abney, 38, Albuquerque, N.M., will lead the motorcycles and his team into the Baja desert on a Honda CRF450X in Class 22 for open motorcycles.

Christy, 35, Burbank, Calif., is leading a four-rider Class 25 ATV on a Honda TRX700X.

While late entries will be accepted up to race morning, as of the Start draw, the Pro 4-Wheel vehicles classes with the most entries are: SCORE Trophy-Truck (39), Class 1 (24), Class 1-2/1600 (11) and SCORE Lite (10).

Leading the Motorcycle classes in entries so far are Class 22 (12) and Class 30 (9) and Class 40 (8).

Class 24 leads the ATV classes with eight entries to date.

Among the Sportsman classes, SPT Motorcycles over 250cc has 14 entries.

With an organized effort to give back something tangible back to the people of Mexico's Baja California peninsula, last Saturday's ‘live' drawing for start positions took on a whole new meaning for SCORE International.

Held at the new MasterCraft Safety facility in Santee, Calif., the event was hosted by Robbie Pierce's MasterCraft Racing and Sal Fish and the day also included a charity raffle and a ‘Tacos for Charity' stand for a Baja children's cancer foundation, emergency donations for survivors of the recent earthquake in Baja Calif., several SCORE race vehicles on display, racer appearances, music and vendor displays from several of the leading companies in the industry.

The SCORE live drawing event at MasterCraft also included a raffle for the Castro-Limon Cancer Foundation which provides treatment for children stricken with the disease. Proceeds from the Locos Mocos and Baja Pits group ‘Tacos for Charity' sales will also go to benefit the Foundation.

In a special gesture for the Mexicali Earthquake relief program, MasterCraft CEO Robbie Pierce, who is also a prominent SCORE Trophy-Truck racer, is matching the total of the funds raised for the foundation from the Locos Mocos and Baja Pits Taco stand to give to the earthquake victims.

Several thousand dollars was raised for both charitable projects and the final figures are expected to be released this week.

Donations of supplies and/or cash will also be accepted until May 1 at the SCORE office at 23961 Craftsman Road, Unit A, in Calabasas, Calif. Information is available to calling the SCORE office at 818.225.8402.

In addition to season point class point championships, drivers in the Pro car and truck classes are also racing to earn prestigious SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards given to all car and truck class drivers who complete every required mile of the five-race season. Being presented by Toyota Motorsports for the 25th consecutive year, a total of 23 drivers remain eligible after Round 1 of the 2010 SCORE Desert Series. Racers are also competing for the annual SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards, including the MasterCraft Safety SCORE Rookie of the Year award.

This year's Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will also feature the special $10,000 MasterCraft Safety cash contingency bonus for qualified racers in the car and truck classes.

41st Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500
June 3-6, 2010-Entries, Baja California, Mexico Total Entries: 201 (as of 4/25/10)
Pro Cars & Trucks
13 Ed Stout
20 Rob MacCachren
30 Robbie Pierce
74 Rob Bruce
76 Jesse Jones
40 Chet Huffman
1 Robby Gordon
31 Andy McMillin
42 Will Staats
97 B.J. Baldwin
24 Adam Householder
22 Damen Jefferies
25 Al Hogan
19 Tim Herbst
23 Mark McMillin
7 Scott Steinberger
78 Jesse Ashcraft
50 Jason McNeil
35 Jason Voss
59 Craig Potts
10 Greg Nunley
95 Scott Whipple
47 James Bult
21 Gus Vildosola Jr.
TBD Bryce Menzies
49 Troy Herbst
94 Steve Strobel
39 Ron Whitton
16 Cameron Steele
51 Kory Scheeler
53 Rick Thomas
96 Bobby Baldwin
2 Pete Sohren
84 Nick Vanderwey
9 Gary Weyhrich
71 Rick D. Johnson
8 Roger Norman
48 Jimmy Nuckles
67 Ruben Ledezma
CLASS 1 (24)
101 Daniel McMillin
102 Eric Chase
103 Armin Schwarz
104 Paul Keller
105 Dan Martin
106 Conan Barker
107 Cody Parkhouse
108 Kory Halopoff
100 Randy Wilson
110 Mark Weyhrich
111 Sean Mecham
112 Ryan Sharman
113 Dennis Boyle
114 William Eriksen
115 Josh Rigsby
116 Richard Boyle
117 Ronny Wilson
118 Chris Kemp
119 Steve Garcia
120 Steve Appleton
121 Rudy Cortez
122 Brett Lenk
123 Armin Kremer
149 Adam Ashcraft
CLASS 1-2/1600 (11)
1601 Arturo Velazco
1602 Brad Wilson
1603 Luke McMillin
1604 Eliseo Garcia
1605 Cody Robinson
1606 Brian Wilson
1607 Kyle Conlon
1608 Wes McKenzie
1600 Hiram Duran
1648 Carlo Montalvan
1649 Arnoldo Ramirez
CLASS 3 (0)
CLASS 5 (1)
500 Kevin Carr
CLASS 5/1600 (4)
551 Trevor Anderson
552 Victor Celis
578 Omar Dipp
579 Marcos Nunez
CLASS 6 (2)
601 Marc Burnett
600 Heidi Steele
CLASS 7 (2)
700 Dan Chamlee
702 Greg Jones
741 Elias Hanna
759 Norman Turley
CLASS 8 (4)
801 Dave Crinklaw
802 Kent Kroeker
803 Noah Osanik
800 Clyde Stacy
CLASS 9 (0)
CLASS 10 (4)
1001 Jesus Gonzalez
1002 Alejandro Navarette
1003 Sergio Salgado
1000 Mike Lawrence
1201 Justin Davis
1202 Zak Langley
1203 Steve Eugenio
1204 Dave Calloway
1205 Cody Freeman
1206 Matt Kupiec
1207 Greg Gustin
1208 Perry McNeil
1209 Lee Banning
1200 Brent Parkhouse
CLASS 11 (3)
1147 Alejandro Rivas
1148 Gustavo Garayzar
1100 Eric Solorzano
1350 Gary Magness
1340 Chelsea Magness
CLASS 7-2 (1)
721 Reid Rutherford
CLASS 4 (2)
401 Eddie Zimmerman
402 John Langley
CLASS 22 (12)
2x Kyle Abney
3x Ryan Penhall
4x Keith Webster
1x Kendall Norman
6x Jamie Aguilar
7x Robbie Bell
8x Chad Thornton
9x A.J. Stewart
10x Robert Underwood
11x Cory Evenson
12x Colton Udall
13x Chuck Neugebauer
CLASS 21 (7)
101x Sol Saltzman
Adam Neuwirth
David Gonzalez Jr.
Gerardo Huerta
Ruben Dabdoub
CLASS 20 (1)
151x Jason Trubey
CLASS 30 (9)
300x Mike Johnson
Bill Eddings
Francisco Septien
Javier Hernandez
Jim O'Neal
Jon Jessy
Mark Levrett
Tim Abshire
William Peel
CLASS 40 (8)
401x Mark Fishburn
400x Brian Campbell
403x Duane Dickinson
404x Henrik Andersen
405x Mike Prunty
406x Tom Vogt
407x Louie Franco
449x Terry Peregoodoff
CLASS 50 (3)
501x David Rutherford
500x Jim O'Neal
503x Ryan Armitage
CLASS 60 (1)
619x Donald Lewis
CLASS 25 (6)
2a Craig Christy
1a Wayne Matlock
4a Miguel Olivas
5a Javier Robles
6a Josh Edwards
7a Roberto Villalobos
CLASS 24 (8)
101a Daniel Montano
102a Heribert Marquez
103a Brandon Brown
104a Adrian Valdez
105a Christian Vargas
106a Shane Strunk
107a Luis Berumen
100a Craig Christy
CLASS 26 (3)
200a Reid Rutherford
202a Chuck Neugebauer
219a Rob Ransford
1400 Peter Lang
1449 Viry Felix
1501 Ken Fraizer
1801 Sergio Castillo
1800 Thomas Graves
SPT M/C< (6) 201x Greg Willitts 202x Gary Gonzales 203x Patrick Williams 204x Matt Ladendorf 205x Ricardo De La Pena 206x Fred Sobke SPT M/C> (14)
251x Nicholas Martin
252x Samuel Rodriguez
253x Timothy Nugent
254x Jeff Byers
255x Oscar Fazz
256x Carlos Valdez
257x Jason Trimarchi
258x Craig Anstine
259x Andreas Hoyler
260x Tibi Imbuzan
261x Cade Courtley
262x Jeffrey Moore
263x Paul Lopez
264x Salvador Sainz
51a Antonio Herrera
52a Christopher Wilson
53a Moises Saiza
54a Brad McLean
55a John Nores Jr.
56a Juan Gonzalez
99a Gustavo Ameca