THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SCORE Drinking & Drugs Commonplace by Desert Off-Road Racing Body, says Insider.


Are You High? On Drugs or Booze?

You're Qualified To Race SCORE in Baja!!!

This is the scene at the recent Baja 500 out of Ensenada, Baja Mexico, at a small hamlet called Ojos Negros. Most everyone in this scene, driving out to the race course, has either been drinking from last night or is drinking at the time the video is being shot.

The line to get through was seven miles long and lasted at least three to five hours, to get past the military checkpoint located at Ojos Negros. The Mexican military have checkpoints at numerous locations to inspect vehicles and monitor the traffic and people going in and out of, certain locations.

They are in Mexico, most if not all the drivers have little or no insurance. They'll be driving off-road during their weekend and none of that driving is covered by their insurance, even if they have some. No traffic controls and drunk drivers on the race course, driving against the flow of the race. A complete Cluster-F.

Many so-called professional media and race people get caught in these choke-points during Baja races. Jobs don't get done and the blame gets around. Tempers flare and the booze soaked fans mix to make the most dangerous driving conditions on the planet.

Did we mention, this is in Mexico and you're at least three hours to any life-saving medical facilities?

Helmet camera footage of motorcycle/dirt bike crash while racing Baja 500. Crashed while trying to avoid a drunk chase vehicle going the wrong way on the course! Very common at the Baja races in Mexico, drunk driving, team chasing vehicles on the course driving into the race traffic.

The original posting from June 2010:

Racers have no limits on the drugs and alcohol that can be in their system during Baja races.

"Its been like this for years, don't think the accidents and mayhem from all the past years of racing are due to the race equipment or the sanctioning body's lack of course provisions, its probably due to the racers not being tested for drugs and alcohol in their system!"

There's no drug or alcohol testing! There are NO rules against abuse!

Desert Off-Road Baja Racers don't even need to pass a doctors review when racing in SCORE International races. Race workers are widely known to abuse during events.

"If the racers aren't being tested, before the race, you know they won't be tested after accidents. Unless the Mexican law enforcement authorities grab the racer and take them to jail. Then, the Mexican legal system demands they see a doctor. Get tested."

"That's the reason Baja racers, when they hit people or make damages on the race course, they don't stop. They know the Mexican police are the only thing keeping them from finishing the race and getting home back to the states, scott-free!"

SCORE workers, checkpoint people, tech inspection people, even the so-called SCORE Medical director have no guidelines whatsoever, having to do with drugs and alcohol.

"Its common for SCORE workers, out on the course, to be drinking or worse, I've seen them drunk, passed out. The Baja race pits are the worst. Notoriously drunk, passed out, hung-over and still drinking!"

The Medical Director of SCORE International, has no medical qualifications. None. No training, no certificates and no medical authority standing in the state of California, nor in the country where many of the races produce deaths, major injuries and possible drug and alcohol induced accidents, injuries and damages.

Hal Andreoli of Instant Mexico Auto Insurance serves as the Medical Director of SCORE, during the Mexico races. He's the President of the company, an insurance brokerage, that has covered the racing sanctioning body for many years. Many years of racers complaints against the California Insurance Broker have ruined its reputation in racing circles.

An Insider told Baja Racing, "Not only does the representative of the insurance brokerage that serves as the Medical Director for SCORE have a long-tainted history with claim service with damaged Baja racers, SCORE knows and has approved of the major league screwing against its own customers."

A wronged customer told Baja Racing, "For the torture they (Instant) have caused so many customers, I hope they burn in hell. I called for months trying to get them to handle my claim professionally. It was hopeless, obvious they didn't have the money or didn't want to pay off my claim. It was amateur hour, no phone call backs, no response from SCORE and so I finally resorted to talking with you guys" (Baja Racing

The wronged customer, Jeff a moderator on the Racing the Desert internet forum.

The SCORE Insider continued, "The Mexican insurance company, Qualitas, based in Mexico City, may not know about the details of how its representative, the brokerage of Instant Mexico based in San Ysidro, California is setting its prices and operating its duties to the 'policied' (customers with policies who engage in the Baja races) buyers."

"A recent price increase mandated by the company in Mexico, citing its "tourist program" exposures, may not have been handled correctly by the brokerage. Instant may be operating without fully notifying its exposures to Qualitias. That may be the reason Instant avoids taking care of its damaged policy holders, in the state of California".

An investigation by the California Insurance Commissioner resulted in badges and guns visiting the brokers broken and damaged customers.

What happened during the investigation? "Legal Notices were placed on websites to notify potential customers of the true nature of the financial transactions. The lies had been exposed. And I know Qualitas was warned about some of the exposures to the company being created by the brokerage. They know, maybe not everything, but they know about the price problems."

"The price problems cause the claims problems, because when the brokerage takes their profit, theres no money left to pay off the claims of 'victim' desert off-road racers who destroy their equipment, racing and chasing in Mexico, against the terms of their insurance policy with Qualitas."

A senior representative with the California Insurance Commission told Baja Racing "one of the brokerages associates activities is a violation of California law. I wrote the law, after reviewing how they don't tell the potential customers up-front that it's NOT insurance, its obviously meant to confuse customers".

Have any of the Insurance companies considered the exposures of their polices, to drug and alcohol induced racing accidents in Mexico?

In Southern Baja Mexico, prior to each race, a doctors 'review' clears racers to participate in the events. Under the sanctioning of the Federation of Off-Road Racing in the Republic.

But, when SCORE races in Mexico, its participants can be under the influence, with no official review.

Not only are the racing teams not tested or checked, every big-wig involved with SCORE knows their course workers, checkpoint workers and every volunteer at the Mexico Baja races can get completely plastered. And it's not against the rules of the organizing body.

How many of these reported race accidents, chase accidents or fans accidents are drug or booze induced? If the Medical Director of SCORE has a vested interest in keeping the medical costs lower, what level of care are we all getting or destined to receive when we get injured?

The pictures in this story were supplied by concerned racers, who caught the SCORE checkpoint workers boozing it up, during the recent Baja 250 in San Felipe Baja, Mexico.

STRUCK BY RACER! The biggest threat to Race Fans!
(Original Story Post was published just before the California 200 2010 events)

Maybe the problem isn't mixing the 'handle bars' and the 'steering wheels'?

"Strongly cautions Americans against traveling in Mexico".

Don't forget, experts always advise AGAINST travel to Mexico CLICK HERE

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