Home of a great desert off-road racing community, the Mexicali racing fans have races throughout the year.
Fan Buses from San Diego and Pit Services for the racers, for more information on Monster Mike's Mexicali 500 Desert Off-Road Races call 619-251-9486. Racing, Fan Travel and Complete Services.
Code Casas Geo Grand Prix 2011 by ZooRoadCo from ZooRoadCo on Vimeo.

LIVE! RaceCast This Saturday AM.
Often called "Capital of Off-Road Racing" in Mexico, this Baja racing series is a celebration of Americans racing in Mexico, desert racing that started as early as 1911.

Mexicali, is at the center of the huge rift valley, created by earthquakes, a natural desert setting near southern California USA.
Home of a great desert off-road racing community, the Mexicali racing fans have races throughout the year. This years racing schedule looks like this: Feb 10-12, April 6-8, May 18-20, July 27-29, Oct 5-7 and Nov 30- Dec 2. Make note of these dates for Americans who want to race and experience desert off-road racing in Mexico.
For more information on Monster Mike's Mexicali 500 Desert Off-Road Races call 619-251-9486.
Racing, Fan Travel and Complete Services.
Racing, Fan Travel and Complete Services.