THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, April 23, 2011

BULLETIN: Santa Rosalia Officials Arrested by Federal Authorities



UPDATE! April 25, 2011

Narco King Captured in Comondú / Ciudad Constitucion

There are reports that in the last hour a major BCS (Baja California Sur [South]) narco king was captured in Comondú / Ciudad Constitucion. We will report when more information comes in.

April 23, 2011

Original BULLETIN: As reported by Baja Racing weeks ago, the Federal crackdown on organized crime in Baja South continues. In the ongoing war on crime in southern Baja Mexico, Federal police are sweeping the state of Baja Sur, arresting and controlling local, state and some national police. Do not be alarmed if in travelling south of the state line you encounter large groups of Mexican Army troops and Federal Police.

Mulege (Santa Rosalia) Police Officials in Jail!

[What's truly amazing are the details given in the comments section of these reports from Baja Sur, if this continues, no criminal will be safe in Mexico!]


In the municipal CERESO

Arrived yesterday morning air from Tijuana
La Paz, BCS-The municipal police officers mulegina Jaime de Jesus Cota Cota, Carlos Castro Castro, Alfredo Ramirez and Francisco López Santillán, already admitted to the CERESO of this city, after they were taken yesterday on a private flight from Tijuana, where they were first brought after being captured by members of the intelligence groups of the Mexican Army for their alleged collaboration with organized crime.

As we informed yesterday, local police were required by the second district judge and yesterday, after arriving by air, were taken to declare the offices of the Attorney General's Office.

Once concluded his statements were turned over to the CERESO facilities pending the outcome of its legal status.

For desert off-road racers destined for the CABO 1000 and CABO 500 this month, stay tuned here for details.