THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Dos Mares 500 2011 LIVE! Race Online From Southern Baja Mexico, La Paz

Lupito of Bradley Racing Big Smile!
Mango Racing in its sixth La Paz race
Contingency Live from La Paz Baja California South Mexico
Abaroa Team ready for big race today

2010 Live Coverage Screen Shot

Sunday Morning Report, LIVE! from La Paz-

Baja Racing office in La Paz, brought all the racing events LIVE! over the weekend. The race results are now being tabulated by the La Paz Auto Club and will be released soon, Baja Racing will publish the Official results as soon as they become available. Congratulations to all the racers!  

Official Results! XVIII Dos Mares 500 2011

1. 1 Alejandro Abaroa Geraldo 
2. 21 José Luis Abaroa
3. 24 Francisco Monroy

1. 104 Juan Cota – Jorge Domínguez
2. 199 Samuel Araiza – Steven Eugenio
3. 102 Andrés Ruffo De Alba

1. 801 Tom Bradley - Lupito Abaroa (Bradley Racing)
2. 844 Mario Hernández Fonseca
3. 838 Renán Bareño

1. 1299 Samuel Araiza Vázquez
2. 1204 Armando Molina
3. 1290 Roberto González

1. 531 Trinidad Gutiérrez

1. 711 Guillermo Rojas Sotres
2. 747 Juan Hernández Paularena
3. 718 Oscar Ibarra


1. 1605 Armando Boheme / Víctor Barreda
2. 1654 Roberto Aramburo
3. 1616 Fernando Hoyos Aguilar

1. 1705 Manuel Niembro 
2. 1791 Romeo Gamboa

CLASE 5-1600 
1. 589 Armando Murillo

1. 854 Samir Rivera


1. 750 Sergio Arroyo
2. 798 Alejandro Sánchez

1. 988 Ramiro Cota
2. 996 José Luis Villareal
3. 909 Ramón Humberto Herrera

1. 1123 Luis Enrique Cataño / Cinthya Núñez
2. 1101 Geovany Alucano / Lorenzo R. González


1. 1422 Francisco Romero

1. 1588 Donna Jeffries
2. 1571 Armando Tapia
3. 1572 Alejandro Ramírez

Motorcycles 1, 2, 3 Dos Mares 500

Clase 22 
11x Francisco Septién/David Zarate 06:30:40
5x Ramón Dávila / Abel Burgueño 07:14:51
1x Manuel Portelas / Itzcoalt Bareño / Fabián Vega 07:18:26

Clase 21
199x Arturo Pardini / Rene Tapia / David Zarate 07:33:27
101x Luis Díaz / Alejandro Díaz 07:49:03
105x Diego Martínez / Alejandro Romero 08:28:56

Novatos Moto

Clase 30 
310x Pedro Ibarra / Fernando Camarena 07:57:40
363x Jenaro Flores González 10:08:29

Clase 25 
95A Jesús Aguilar / Federico Aguilar / Adolfo Arellano/Javier Robles 07:10:53
102A Jesús Contreras / Salvador Perezpliego / Luis Abaroa / Héctor Zepeda 07:16:35
1A Manlio Díaz / Ahmed Marrón / Mario Pérez / Felipe Vélez 07:36:11

Clase 24
107A Juan Carlos Flores Yee / Melitón Ramírez / Carlos Flores Ochoa 07:26:12
103A Erick Rubio Osuna / Edwin Sánchez 09:04:15

Novatos Atv Stock
283A Luis Hiroyuki / Ricardo Díaz 07:29:45
295A Joel Castro / José Félix Gómez / Carlos Jiménez 08:07:36

Novatos Atv Libre 
156A Manuel Antonio Higuera / Jeffrey Hernández / Miguel Barajas 08:56:00

First Reported:
Unofficial Results Dos Mares 2011 500 
In order of arrival at the finish line in La Paz
Name/ Race Number/ Start Time/  Arrival Time/
Alejandro Abaroa #99 15:02 6:40:39 21:42:39
Juan Cota #104 15:14 6:33:00 21:47:00
Steve Eugenio #19915:12  22:13:59 7:01:59
Luis Abaroa #21 15:00 7:39:47 22:39:47
Araiza Samuel #1299 15:34 7:25:36 22:59:36
Francisco Monroy #24 15:06 7:58:20 23:04:30
Andres Ruffo #102 15:15 8:02:27 23:17:27
Tom Bradley #801 15:20 8:02:10 23:22:10
Armando Boheme #1605 15:53 ​​7:39:58 23:32:58
Marcos Valdez #127 15:11 8:31:02 23:42:02
Gpe. Navarro #120 15:13 8:41:29 23:54:29
Armando Molina #1204 0:01:48 8:32:40 15:29
Roberto Aramburo #1654 0:04:04 8:09:04 15:55
Fernando Hoyos  #1616 15:53:30  0:17:10 8:23:40

Roberto González #1290 0:20:43 8:44:43 15:36
Juan Carlos Jimenez #1280 0:27:58 8:57:58 15:30

This years LIVE! coverage was greatly improved by the local Channel 100 HD webcast of the racing events from contingency all the way to the finish line! This year, for the first time ever, LIVE race action was webcast here from the race start at Saldana on the Sea of Cortez.

Here is the first English language reporting from the Dos Mares CABO 500 shot in 2006:

Saturday's Race Course
By: Jose Lima, reporting from the Start Line:

Dos Mares 500 2011 

163 Reported at Start Line This Morning!
103 race entries by 4th of may 2011

LIVE! Race coverage all day today, with the race video stream up and running (fingers crossed) in the early afternoon, Pacific Time.

1. 21 José Luis Abaroa
2. 32 Chelsea Magness (Colorado, US) (Mango Racing) American Team pictured first started racing in Southern Baja during the CABO 500 first ran in 2006.
3. 28 Ernesto Cervantes Martínez
4. 22 Valerio González – Víctor Barreda
5. 1 Alejandro Abaroa Geraldo (Abaroa Racing)
6. 5 José De Jesús Flores
7. 29 Enrique Murillo / Carlos Ramos Murillo
8. 27 Francisco Ibarra – Martín Ibarra
9. 24 Francsico Monroy
10. 45 Gary Magness (Colorado, US) (Mango Racing)
11. 3 Rodimiro Amaya Zamorano

CLASS 1 (9)
1. 103 Luis Ramírez Payén
2. 145 Julio Miguel Herrera
3. 110 Pedro Velázquez Hernández
4. 127 Marcos Valdéz – David Abaroa
5. 199 Samuel Araiza – Steven Eugenio
6. 120 Guadalupe De Jesús Navarro
7. 104 Juan Cota – Jorge Domínguez
8. 102 Andrés Ruffo De Alba
9. 112 Eduardo Güitrón
CLASS 8 (9)
1. 834 Alfonso Jaime Tabasco – Alfonso Jaime Zelaya
2. 801 Tom Bradley – Lupito Abaroa (Bradley Racing)
3. 811 Iván Rojas Sotres
4. 838 Renán Bareño
5. 844 Mario Hernández Fonseca
6. 810 José Luis Jeréz
7. 800 Andrea Tomba Scalia
8. 814 Alfredo Carballo
9. 818 Joel Martínez (1RS)
CLASS 12 (7)
1. 1204 Armando Molina
2. 1280 Juan Carlos De Jesús Jiménez
3. 1206 Chriss Burnett
4. 1245 Antonio Castro Jr. / Antonio Castro Sr.
5. 1269 Jesús Araiza / Humberto Osuna
6. 1299 Samuel Araiza Vázquez
7. 1203 Francisco Villagómez
CLASS 5 open (3)
1. 500 N Jaime Moncayo (Nayarit)
2. 525 Héctor Ibarra /Rafael Ibarra
3. 505 Héctor Pérez (Mexicali)
CLASS 7 (9)
1. 700 Carlos Ramos Murillo
2. 744 Andrés Pérez Ramírez
3. 749 Marco Antonio Castro
4. 732 Carlos Cham
5. 711 Guillermo Rojas Sotres
6. 738 Fernando Verdugo / Olegario González
7. 701 Miguel Ángel Carballo / Miguel Ángel Carballo Nieto
8. 747 Juan Hernández Paularena
9. 746 Francisco Chávez / Alan Chávez
CLASS STD 1600 (8)
1. 1650 Silvestre / Roberto Arce
2. 1606 Jesús Manríquez
3. 1605 Armando Boheme / Víctor Barreda
4. 1616 Fernando Hoyos Aguilar
5. 1612 Javier Alejandro López Robles
6. 1610 Larry Nash
7. 1654 Roberto Aramburo
8. 1601 Rolando Holmos (1 RS)
CLASS 17 (6)
1. 1704 Jorge Mendoza
2. 1791 Romeo Gamboa
3. 1705 Manuel Niembro (Guadalajara)
4. 1721 Graciela Cibrian
5. 1710 Humberto Recobos ( Estado De México )
6. 1701 Cesar Romero Zatarain
CLASS 5-1600 (3)
1. 559 José Juan Islas
2. 588 Fernando Cervón / Gustavo Nava
3. 589 Armando Murillo
1. 864 Hilmar Ramírez
2. 888 José Juan Murillo Abaroa (Murillo & Abaroa Motorsports)
3. 850 Hugo Gómez
4. 880 Paúl / Leo López Munguía
1. 764 Abraham Rubio
2. 751 Juan Manuel Echavarría
3. 790 Miguel Gracia
4. 709 Arturo Niño de Rivera Valencia
5. 791 Rogelio Landín Olivas
6. 789 Raúl Talamantes
CLASS 9 (13)
1. 973 David / Daniel Orozco
2. 999 N Antonio Da Luz Mirón (Guadalajara)
3. 909 Ramón Humberto Herrera
4. 907 Nolberto Ritchie / Jaime Saiza Leggs
5. 914 José Antonio Green / Benito Vidales
6. 915 Alfonso Ojeda Amador
7. 903 José Ricardo López Araiza
8. 902 Cesar Uzcanga / Erick Romero
9. 924 Ernesto González
10. 978 Ray René Rubio / Juan Carlos Payen
11. 996 José Luis Villareal
12. 960 Manuel Félix González
13. 948 Miguel León / Miguel León Jr.
CLASS 11 (7)
1. 1170 Gilberto Nery
2. 1147 Francisco Onésimo Álvarez
3. 1121 David Paredes Bojórquez
4. 1137 Fernando Marrón
5. 1114 Francisco Chacón
6. 1102 León Michel Burgoing / Jesús Benito Amburgo
7. 1123 Luis Enrique Cataño / Cinthya Núñez
1. 1433 Javier Gutiérrez
2. 1424 Francisco Aguilar
3. 1469 Rigoberto Castro
4. 1400 Miguel Ángel Carballo N.
1. 1588 Donna Jeffries
2. 1533 Alejandro Robles Murillo – Ricardo Robles Murillo (Pang Racing)
3. 1538 Ramón Alberto Ruiz Martínez
4. 1551 Héctor Acosta

Fridays Report:

Todays coverage begins the most anticipated race in the off road racing world, the National Championship Mexico Race of Baja California Sur (South). The eighteenth edition of the Dos Mares 500 explodes this weekend, LIVE! on Baja Racing News LIVE!  The race is expected to be the largest racing event  in our state, Baja South, this entire year. The race course runs from La Paz, to Ciudad Constitucion, then back to La Paz.

This race is the ONLY National Championship race for the Republic of Mexico, on the Baja Mexico peninsula, this year!

The 571 kilometer race presents all of the possible challenges that the Baja Mexico desert can dish out! Even though, this event and the organizing local racing club was partnered with the amazing CABO 500 for the past five years. The 2006 running the National Championship Race for Baja Mexico is recognized as the greatest challenge ever for off-road desert racers in the 100 year history of racing in North America, which ran from La Paz, to C. Constitution, to the resort beaches of Cabo San Lucas! 

At this point, and there are many competitors who have traveled the route with excellent comments on the challenge, they preran the course alot, it is noteworthy that at the time, race organizers are expecting the largest field of racers in years! Since the race began, eighteen years ago, only the 2006 event was larger. It should be noted that the record has the same Dos Mares in its 2010 edition, with 143 competitors.

The 2011 race coursemap, pictures at left, presents a detailed list of the distances between major points of the route, which together with the access points provide a boon to equipment logistics.
Entries are being received from around the Republic of Mexico, because in his capacity as National Championship race Off Road, the eighteenth edition of the race organized by the Murillo family, have this year a large number of runners from all parts of the country.
The promised presence of Gustavo Vildosola Jr. the winner of the Baja 1000 2010, will not occur, because they were afraid to take on the Baja South competition. They claimed earlier this year to be premiering a new racing truck with runners measuring forces of Baja California Sur "Monsters of the Desert." But, they have 'chickened out' and will not show their faces in La Paz for this event.

Proving, the "CABO" series of races from Baja South are far more challenging than the 'kindergarten' Baja races out of Ensenada. Even the '2010 Baja 1000 Champion' bailed out of racing this weekend.
Todays coverage should start around 12 PM Pacific Time with replays from yesterdays LIVE! Contingency posted when we can get to the equipment, after covering the race today. 

Baja Racing is LIVE! in La Paz, Baja South, Mexico
Edited by: Jose Lima, La Paz Office