THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIRT SPORTS Magazine UPDATED! The Toxic Clean-Up Begins!

UPDATED! September 14, 2012

Marty Fiolka GONE From Dirt Sports Magazine!

Fiolka has announced he is no longer with Dirt Sports. It's about time.
The single most unreliable, caustic fathead in the business will no longer harm
Dirt Sports Magazine. All the numb nut ass-kissers will thank him for his work,
but those of us who had to deal with this overly self interested pussy now,
celebrate his departure.

Gary Newsome, Editor

The Original Story:

For Years, DIRT SPORTS Magazine has not kept up with its fans. Now, with recent issues of the glossy fan rag, usually filled with promotive fake softballs, subscribers can smell the carcass of stinking death, usually found in the desert, middle of summer. We can smell the death of DIRT SPORTS Magazine for miles!

Raymond told Baja Racing yesterday, "I subscribed about a year ago and have never received even 1 issue! I figured they went south".

Of the thousands of ripped-off "subscribers", people who have paid good money for their share of the fake desert off-road racing heaven, DIRT SPORTS lack of performance is beginning the stink, desert fans know all to well.

Chris Hall from El Cajon chimed in saying, "I haven't got my issue this month".  Another desert racing subscriber said, "Sal bought Dirt Sports so we only get three issues a year."

In a "sport" that promotes the deaths of eight fans at the California 200 and has had numerous dead fan mags over the years, racing readers are few and far between. Maybe if DIRT SPORTS had stuck with a 'pictures only' publication, would they still be in business?

Where is Marty Fiolka when the paying, ripped-off subscribers of his failed ass-wipe turns up dead on the side of the road? Hello Marty...Rust Never Sleeps!

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