THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

MINT 400 TV Program Review January 2013 Mad Media Funny Goof!

By: Gary Newsome

Saw the TV show today...FUNNY! Fifteen minutes in and they are still trying to sell this lackluster desert race!

They actually said, ""At 320 entries its the "Biggest on the Planet"!"". Yes, BIGGEST C-suckers on the Planet!

A mention of Bryan Folks 'rocketing' to fifth place! Keep Sucking that dick Martelli Brothers!

Travis Roffler and General Tires PROVING they are the biggest Tire Frauds...ripping off consumers, lousy tires and paying off certain racers to run inferior product. Travis produces another reason to laugh at these joke-sters! 

Thirty one minutes into the show...finally shows the green flag! Another sell-job, attempting to perp-a-fraud on the viewing-tire consuming public! 

Thirty minutes of BULL-CRAP 

Notice they never show a graphic of the race map. What a DUD course

Promote KORE Kroeker, another perp-a-jerk, pushing other racers off the race course! Desert racing is so proud of this speed-filled d-bag.

There's a target on Kents face, Is that the guy the Mexicans are going to 'take-out' next time he's in Mexico? GUNS GUNS GUNS 

Mikey Childress, brainiac, "the mint IS JUST AS BIG AS THE baja1000 OR THE DAKAR". bbwwwaaaaa!!!

On the Sourapas passes a 10 car shot, graphically shows BFGoodrich, should be real happy about that one, "Flat Tire BFGoodrich Tires".

14 minutes of race story telling and the rest was classic desert racing, steaming, heaping, dung pile. Mad Media & General Tire pulls off another funny goof of the western United States desert racing community.


The show pimps Cameron Steele, the official desert d-bag of the industry. Pictured with the dildos he uses on his d-wifey!

Baja Racing

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