THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, May 05, 2013

LIVE ! Dos Mares 500 2013, the 20th Running Desert Off-Road Race, May 3-5


Dos Mares 500 XX Final Results

Trophy Truck TIEMPO
1 53 José de Jesús Flores 05:12:14
2 45 Gary Magness 05:16:48
3 20 Martín Avendaño O. 05:17:29

1 175 Jaime Huerta 04:49:04
2 109 Abel Sandoval 04:52:37
3 125 Steve Barry 05:00:28

1 230 Sandy Hall 05:49:59
2 222 Andrés Ruffo de Alba 06:06:01
3 248 Rodolfo Carrillo 07:47:59

1 1280 Juan Carlos De Jesús Jiménez 06:06:00
2 1228 Juan Carlos Osuna 06:36:53
3 1213 José Héctor Moraila Castillo 06:51:40

1 834 Alfonso Jaime Tabasco 06:59:06
2 822 Jesús Gaucin 10:09:48

1 711 Guillermo Rojas Sotres 05:53:04
2 746 Francisco Chávez Velarde 06:03:11
3 745 Edgar Romero 06:21:29

1 1622 Juan Francisco Briceño 07:29:07
2 1699 Juan Pablo Sández 08:22:37

1 1701 Larry Nash / Antonio Salmón 06:43:45
1 570 Javier Montoya Saracho 06:40:47

1 882 Francisco Miguel Monroy Maya 07:11:51
2 850 Samir Rivera 07:26:10
3 855 Jaime Mario Abaroa Camacho / Jorge abaroa 13:05:57


1 795 Ernesto Perales 07:23:58
2 Crispin Agundez / Carlos Garzon 07:29:45
3 769 Arturo Valencia Niño De Rivera / Osvaldo Romero Saucedo 07:46:29

Clase 9 TIEMPO
1 985 Héctor Holmos 7:13:59
2 999 Antonio Da Luz Mirón 10:02:45
3 913 Fernando Renato Marrón López 11:06:16

1 1103 Geovany Alucano Burgoing 08:47:51
2 1180 Salomón Salvatierra Leggs 08:52:20
3 1170 Fernando Nery Dominguez 13:55:41

1 1496 Rudy Quintero 9:33:40
2 1400 Francisco Romero 10:24:11

1 1588 Donna Jeffries 7:12:18
2 500Jaime Moncayo 8:25:17
3 1505 Pedro Velázquez 8:41:08

1 1888 Eduardo Tello 11:25:02
Arrival Times
Trophy Truck
1-Mayo Flores Llegada: 9:13 pm
2-Martin Avendaño Llegada 9:16 pm
3-Gary Magness Llegada 9:20 pm

Class 1
1-Abel Sandoval Llegada: 9:01:00 pm
2-Jaime Huerta Llegada: 9:01:10 pm
3-Steve Barry Llegada: 9:09 pm

Class 2
1-Sandy Hall Llegada: Llegada: 10:05 pm
2-Andres Ruffo Llegada: Llegada: 10:25 pm

Class 12
1-Juan Carlos Jimenez Llegada: 10:30 pm
2-Humberto Osuna Llegada: 10:39 pm
3-Hector Moraila Llegada: 11:20 pm

Class 7
1-Sotres TODO PD Llegada: 10:34 pm
2-Francisco Chavez Llegada: 10:47 pm
3-Escuderia ROJA Llegada: 10:56 pm

Class 8
1-Jaime Tabasco Llegada: 11:31 pm

Class 17
1-Larry Nash Llegada: 11:40 pm

Class 5/1600
1-Montoya Racing Llegada: 11:40 pm

Mango Racing Makes History! Americans Place Well, Best since 2006 Danny Anderson Win of CABO 500-Dos Mares Event

Chelsea in her ProTruck comments:

"Mango Racing had a great race at the Dos Mares 500!!! Papa Mags got 2 flat tires and lost 12 quarts of oil, but he still ended up with a 2nd place in trophy truck! The protruck ran a perfect race and ended up about 5th!!!"



Pancho Name, Official 5th Trophy Truck

 at the 20th Dos Mares 500

Sunday, May 5, 2013
LIVE! from La Paz, Baja California South, 
  La Paz was finalizing the car manned by Pancho Name and Enrique Murillo in one of the most demanding national racing Off Road: The Dos Mares 500.
485 kilometers of plaintiffs steps worthy of off road trails, the team of Enrique Murillo Pancho Name and managed to finish in fifth place in the Trophy category twentieth edition of this demanding competition.
After a spectacular start where they managed to put on the end of the competition, Enrique y Pancho managed to spend two vehicles of category a few miles to start the competition, but a stone buried stopped the momentum of the team, which led to ponchara a tire and had to stop to change it.
Quickly the pace and level of team competition put them back into the fight and across the second check point put them in third place in the category, which kept them motivated to keep fighting.
Almost half complete competition, power steering belt broke and forced the pilot to change the band surrounded by a large crowd who supported and helped Pancho and Henry to change the band to continue.
Arriving at City Constitution gave greater service to the truck to complete the 250 miles of roads plaintiffs ahead.
Enrique Murillo was commissioned to take the truck to the maximum in order to recover as long as possible, achieving undoubtedly be the fastest crews in the remaining sectors despite the nightfall.
The final goal was on the boardwalk of the city of La Paz, where thousands of fans awaited the arrival of the crews who managed to complete the route.
Pancho says, "I want first of all to thank Enrique Murillo and all equipment Murillo, Memo Vizcaino, for the opportunity and all the support they gave us to complete this competition.'s Off road is very interesting and fun, has many similarities to rally although each category and discipline has its technical difficulties.'ll be trying to win the championship of Baja Sur and participate in the Baja 1000 this year. "

The Ceremonial Star

t On the Malecon On the Sea of Cortez



Dos Mares 500 XX Contestants
Trophy Truck Class
1. 2 Martín Avendaño Jr.
2. 20 Martín Avendaño O.
3. 99 Alejandro Abaroa Geraldo
4. 27 Francisco Ibarra
5. 53 José de Jesús Flores
6. 32 Chelsea Magness
7. 45 Gary Magness
8. 7 Steven Eugenio
9. 29 Enrique Murillo

1. 199 Samuel Araiza / Neto Cervantes
2. 109 Abel Sandoval
3. 108 Eduardo Guitrón
4. 125 Steve Barry
5. 152 Fernando Hoyos Aguilar
6. 175 Jaime Huerta
7. 170 Arturo Castilla González
8. 100 Carlos Olmos González
9. 112 Rodolfo Carrillo

1. 230 Sandy Hall
2. 204 José Vizcaíno
3. 228 Víctor Hugo Ceseña
4. 203 Oscar Moreno Rutowski
5. 200 Pedro Velázquez
6. 222 Andrés Ruffo de Alba
7. 291 Fay Montaño

1. 1269 Othoniel Huerta
2. 1287 Francisco Villagómez
3. 1280 Juan Carlos De Jesús Jiménez
4. 1228 Juan Carlos Osuna
5. 1213 José Héctor Moraila Castillo
6. 1290 Roberto González 1RS

1. 822 Jesús Gaucin
2. 823 Enemecio López
3. 834 Alfonso Jaime Tabasco
4. 800 Andrea Tomba

1. 745 Edgar Romero
2. 704 Hugo Rafael Zaenz G.
3. 738 Jair Arias / Manuel Núñez Jr.
4. 722 Gilberto Sánchez
5. 707 Carlos Huerta Aranda
6. 735 Alain Montes
7. 740 Sergio Arroyo
8. 723 Hugo Gómez
9. 742 Arturo Romero
10. 711 Guillermo Rojas Sotres
11. 746 Francisco Chávez Velarde
12. 720 Luis Fernando Cota
13. 739 Javier Murillo
14. 737 Guillermo Gallardo
15. 708 Gerónimo Robles
16. 713 Oscar Arturo Ibarra González 1RS

CLASS 1600
1. 1654 Roberto Sandoval
2. 1699 Juan Pablo Sández
3. 1622 Juan Francisco Briceño

1. 1777 José Guadalupe Márquez / Alfredo Sánchez
2. 1767 Cesar Romero Zatarain / Cesar Romero Jr.
3. 1701 Larry Nash / Antonio Salmón
4. 1712 Miguel Gale
5. 1744 Pedro Castro Carranza
6. 1707 Jorge RubÉn Mendoza Arnaut
7. 1799 Jesús Contreras

CLASS 5-1600
1. 581 Gustavo Nava León / Fernando Cervón
2. 563 Hazzael Cota Peña
3. 570 Javier Montoya Saracho
4. 589 Armando Murillo 2RS
5. 573 Salvador Sánchez González 1RS

1. 855 Jaime Mario Abaroa Camacho / Jorge abaroa
2. 888 José Juan Murillo Abaroa
3. 882 Francisco Miguel Monroy Maya
4. 850 Samir Rivera

1. 675 Esau González Marrón
2. 609 Benjamín López De La Toba
3. 655 Víctor Zárate Mercado

1. 769 Arturo Valencia Niño De Rivera / Osvaldo Romero Saucedo
2. 790 Hiram Betancourt
3. 781 Raúl Camacho
4. 795 Ernesto Perales
5. 783 Luis Yuen
6. 786 Ángel Miguel Márquez
7. 761 Erick Lerma Pérez
8. 756 Juan Manuel Echavarría
9. 775 Ramiro Sepúlveda
10. 798 José Iván Sánchez Higuera
11. 770 Heladio Careaga / Abraham Careaga 1RS

Class 9
1. 914 Irán Sánchez Luque
2. 900 José Ricardo López Araiza
3. 913 Fernando Renato Marrón López
4. 911 Sergio Valle
5. 948 Miguel Agustín León Flores / José M. León L.
6. 985 Héctor Holmos
7. 980 Hiram Sánchez
8. 930 Alfonso Ojeda
9. 972 Ulises de la Peña
10. 988 Ramiro Cota
11. 978 Ray René Rubio / Carlos Payén
12. 999 Antonio Da Luz Mirón

1. 1199 Elías Hernández
2. 1179 Enrique Zazueta
3. 1147 Francisco Onésimo Álvarez
4. 1180 Salomón Salvatierra Leggs
5. 1103 Geovany Alucano Burgoing
6. 1109 Joel Esliman Vázquez 1RS

1. 1422 Saúl Amador
2. 1417 Carlos Alfredo Godinez Galeana
3. 1496 Rudy Quintero
4. 1400 Franccisco Romero
5. 1438 Francisco Castillo A. 1RS

1. 1505 Pedro Velázquez
2. 1551 Héctor Acosta Salmón / Héctor Villareal
3. 500Jaime Moncayo
4. 1533 Ricardo Robles Murillo
5. 1518 Guillermo Domínguez
6. 1512 Víctor Espinoza
7. 1588 Donna Jeffries

1. 1815 Omar Arturo Zavala
2. 1801 Adolfo Bustamante
3. 1825 Fernando Larriñaga
4. 1822 Erikh Monroy
5. 1873 John Marck Cucera
6. 1888 Eduardo Tello

Motorcycles UPDATED! 
 45 Contestants!

Class Motos Pro
1. 1X David zarate/Marcelino Valdez
2. 37X Francisco Septien
3. 3X Luis Castillo/Manuel Portelas/Edgar Miranda
4. 45X Ramón Dávila/*Kendall Norman/Baltazar García
5. 22X Vincent Meza
6. 9X Eduardo Gastelum/Luis Fernando Perez/Guillermo Perez Dosal
7. 15X Carlos Camacho
8. 8X Víctor Tarango / Alejandro Díaz

Class 30:
1. 300X Jeff Quade
2. 311X Pedro Ibarra
3. 306X Itzcoalt Bareño
4. 363X Jenaro Flores/Sergio Arroyo
5. 320X Cesar Newman Boutier
6. 355X Guillermo De La Herrán
7. 312X Kirk Russel
8. 377X Ulises Fisher

Class Novatos Moto:
1. 205X Juan Carlos Morales
2. 227X Bryan Castro / David Castro
3. 236X Juan Carlos Flores/Israel Cruz
4. 248X Eduardo Aguilar/Gerardo Suarez/Fausto Zamora

Class 25:
1. 2A Stephen Davis
2. 59A Sergio Valverde/Luis Kinijara
3. 10A Carlos Jiménez/Horacio Tarango
4. 3A Daniel Cabanzón
5. 11A José Castro Montaño
6. 8A Manuel Agúndez/Enrique Agúndez
7. 45A Geovani Marquez/Ramon Marquez/Alejandro Cruz
8. 1A Manlio Díaz/Mario González/Felipe Vélez
9. 4A Ricardo Díaz 7 Salvador PérezPliego / Manlio Díaz
10. 95A Federico Aguilar
11. 12A Enrique Bonillas
12. 7A Sergio tapia

Class 24:
1. 114A Carlos Alberto Ruelas
2. 105A Pedro Tarango/Alfredo Ruiz/Esteban Vaca
3. 182A Manuel Crespo Salazar
4. 123A Carlos Flores/Meliton Ramírez
5. 126A Moisés Camacho / Gerardo Suárez / Fausto
6. 196A Oscar Zamudio/Cesar Zamudio/Diego Martínez
101A Edwin Sánchez/Uriel Dávalos/Edgar Domínguez Barajas

Class Novatos ATV:
1. 291A Pedro Aguíñiga Quezada
2. 204A José Ricardo Ruiz C. / Javier Minjares
3. 236A Gabriel Vélez/Jesús Villanueva Fernández
4. 203A Jorge González Bañuelos / Gibrán Osuna
5. 269A Jaime Humberto Real Contreras
6. 206A Mario Perez Gonzalez/ Alejandro González/Daniel Gonzalez
7. 239A Manuel Barajas/Miguel Barajas/Jeffrey Hernandez/Roberto Ortiz

*Kendall Norman Racing in Dos Mares 500 This Weekend!

Kendall Norman, former star of Honda, will see action in the twentieth edition of the Dos Mares lands 500 in Baja California Sur this weekend, it was confirmed by the runner who will be arriving in the capital of Baja California Sur to travel the route in the days before and thus be ready to participate for the first time in this spectacular competition Official Championship Off Road which in turn will be the 3rd time State Championship Off Road Motorcycling in the 'ASMAC' is needless to say that both organizations are proud of receive the multi Bajas winner for most momentous career Calisureño off road.
Now independent broker sponsored by Red Bull and Seafood Bismarkcito for this Dos Mares 500, will face the great runners sudcalifornianos you certainly do not lose chance to run side by side with one of the figures of the international mode.

Kendall, who obtained the 3rd place at the last San Felipe 250 and I got a major victory in the second round of the AMA National Championship Racing / FMF / GPR Hare & Houd last February in Ridgecrest, California, is a broker that if well out of the Honda team has maintained an impressive level and retains "a lung" star and title rival to win where it stops, and its new challenge the legendary race organized pro Club La Paz that meets nothing more and nothing less than 20 years this weekend.
Undoubtedly Kendall becomes a natural candidate to win not only the overall Pro Class and motorcycling, but it is a strong card to be the fastest of the 20th anniversary of the Two Seas.
Baja California Sur Motorcyclist Association is flattered to have the presence of this international corridor will undoubtedly give you a great plus to the race.

Baja Racing News EXCLUSIVE LIVE! Coverage 
Baja Racing News LIVE! Presents

The LIVE! Webcast of the Mexican Classic Desert Off-Road Race, the Dos Mares 500 from La Paz, Baja South Mexico.

May 3, 4 and 5th, LIVE! Racing Festivities and Desert Off-Road Race, the 20th Twentieth (20th) annual running.

This event, part of the Official Baja South Desert Off-Road Racing Championship will include everything La Paz! You never know La Paz until NOW!

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