THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

SCORE Admits TV Deal NOT DONE! After Over A Year of Ownership, Roger Norman Doesn't Have The Money Or A TV Deal

NO TV DEAL! Revealed

UPDATED! September 10:
The Voice of SCORE, George Antill has clarified this story by saying, "SCORE will be on NBC, statement out in the next few days".

A series of social media pics have been posted by Roger Norman, inferring a deal is being negotiated, right now. 

Sept 3 UPDATE:
It was announced tonight on 'Dirt LIVE', that a new sponsor to the show was about to be revealed.

Lucas Oil and MAV TV.

SCORE made the biggest announcement of its short new life, that MAV TV will be the center of gravity for 'televised' race events?

After over a year of controlling SCORE interests and we get MAV-TV...
Bob Pattisons luke-warm swill, (favorite definitions: "kitchen refuse and scraps of waste food mixed with water for feeding to pigs." & "low-quality beverages that are not considered suitable for human use")
 the wannabe cable channel no-one receives. FAIL!

From the original press release at the time of the SCORE sale announcement:   

“Races will be nationally televised in the U.S. [On MAV TV!? WAJ! ] and we will provide greater detail of our plans over the next two weeks. [ How about nine months! ] The vision of a world championship will be monumental for our sport." [ All insider reports indicate the "World Championship will be dropped in 2014 ]


Gary Newsome
Baja Racing

August 12, 2013:

"the SCORE TV Deal is not done, not paid for and just 'chalk on a drawing board'."

On the SCORE Message Board: SCORE Admin. said: "Direct from Roger Norman;

The World Championship of Desert Racing, which is the combined races of SCORE and HDRA for 2014, is working directly with Bud Brutsman, his production company BCII, and their entertainment agency partners on the development and launch of a season-long national television package to be aired on a major broadcast or cable network. Due to ongoing network negotiations, I cannot provide any further details at this time. We look forward to announcing our 2013 Baja 1000 and 2014 full season series television plans in detail soon."

Cameron Steele responded to the SCORE admission, "Bummer".

In a press release dated December 22, 2012, officially announcing the Norman purchase of SCORE, the release said, "Races will be nationally televised in the U.S. and we will provide greater detail of our plans over the next two weeks." No details have been provided until today.

The purchase deal was done early in June 2012. So, after OVER a year of Norman ownership, it ain't done and ain't close to done. 

Gary Newsome, Reporting
Story Dated August 12, 2013
Baja Racing News LIVE!

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