THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

BAJA 1000 2013***Race Briefing November

 2013 BAJA 1000***RACE BRIEFING***  Nov 7, 2013 Page 1 1) COMPETITORS MEETING - will be held on Thursday, November 14th, @ 7:00PM at the Cathedral Room of the Riviera
Convention Center. All teams must have at least one banded competitor in attendance. 2) CAUTION - All competitors are reminded that off road racing is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious
injury or even death. YOU MUST BEAR THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL SAFETY. 3) CAUTION - It is important to remember that SCORE cannot regulate the conduct of spectators. Be advised that spectators
will engage in malicious activity by building ramps, digging ditches and placing objects on the course. BE ALERT! Use
extreme caution in crowded areas or when spectators are putting themselves in danger by standing to close to the course. 4) CAUTION - The roads used for this race course are open to the public. You must expect at all times to encounter traffic on
the race course, especially oncoming traffic. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED AT ALL TIMES! 5) COURSE MARKINGS – The race course is marked with red/white ribbon, orange & black arrows, yellow or green wrong
ways, and mile markers every 5 miles. Markings are not guaranteed to remain in place. All race teams are strongly advised to
race using the official GPS course file. Less than 1% of dangers were marked and are there only to assist with controlled
speed pre-running. Make your own course notes for race day. 6) ENVIRONMENT - All competitors must do their part to protect and preserve the Baja ecological environment. Please
instruct your team that it is mandatory and very important to properly dispose of all solid and liquid waste. 7) PASSING - Four Wheel Vehicles that are in a position to pass a Motorcycle or ATV must NOT ATTEMPT TO PASS UNTIL THE
OVER AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Riders, if you are caught by the first TROPHY TRUCK you must remain super vigilant and
get off the course BEFORE you are caught by the next vehicle. Riders must pull off the course to a safe distance and wait for
dust to clear before re-entering the race. Riders, if you try to outrun to avoid being passed by a driver you will receive a DQ.
Riders, get off the course early, if you wait for the four wheel vehicle to pull right up on you at night before pulling off the
course you will be a DQ. Drivers, if you should have trouble be sure you get the correct number of the rider. Riders, never
race in the dust of a four wheel vehicle, you are putting yourself in “extreme” danger. If you are passed by a vehicle and you
are still on course you are riding in the dust. Riders, if you are riding slow and you have been caught by the four wheel
vehicles you are in “extreme” danger and must bear full responsibility for your own safety should you decide to continue in
the race.
Drivers, if you are tapped by a competitor, move over, blocking traffic is unsportsmanlike and you may be penalized. 8) RADIO FREQUENCY - SCORE will use 151.625 (Weatherman Relay) for the main race operations radio frequency. Please
use this frequency to report an emergency or ask for help. !!9) HIGHWAYS ARE RESTRICTED AREAS - Pitting is not permitted on any portion of the paved highway surface. The paved
highway is considered a restricted area because use of the highways is subject to permission by the Mexican Federal
Highway Police. If your race vehicle breaks down on a highway section, you must remove it from the highway before making
repairs. Transitional race travel on the highway sections must be done in a safe and prudent manner. Passing on the highway
section must be made on the left-hand side only and within the 60 MPH speed limit. All competitors must possess a valid
driver license while racing or pre-running. 10) SPEED ZONES & COURSE COMPLIANCE - The mandatory data logger devices will be used to identify highway speed
violations and course deviations. Between the summit and San Felipe racers will have leeway from VCP to VCP. Washes are
open only to the banks on either side and major silt beds are open. Short coursing is not allowed. Do not deviate from the
main course even a little bit when you are near ranches, spectators or farm fields. The GPS course is the official course.
EVERY participant must have a functioning data logger unit in order to be scored in the race. Participants finishing
the race in the allotted time must make sure that device is turned into SCORE immediately after crossing the finish line.
Failure to turn in the equipment will result in your entry being assigned a DNF and you will not receive placement or finish
points. All competitors that DNF must return the tracking recorders to SCORE Tracking at the finish line or return the devices
by mailing/delivering the devices to NMS, 9434 Bond Ave., El Cajon, CA. 92021 by November 22, 2013 to receive placement
points and to avoid being charged for the equipment. Please see Penalty Bulletin for more details. SCORE Tracking will be
located at the finish line. 11) FULL-STOP PHYSICAL CHECKPOINT RULES - You are required to enter the coned area at 25mph Physical Full-Stop
Checkpoints in a single file manner and come to a complete stop at the stop sign. You must show your wristband to the
checkpoint worker. The checkpoint corridor is not considered part of the race course. Entering and exiting all checkpoints
must be done in a safe and prudent manner in order to guarantee the safety of all checkpoint workers. Passing is not
p!ermitted 300 feet before a checkpoint. Pitting is not permitted within 300 feet before and 100 feet after a checkpoint.
2013 BAJA 1000 – Race Briefing Page 2 !12) VIRTUAL CHECKPOINTS - The race course has 111 Virtual Checkpoints (VCPs). The VCPs are strategically placed to
discourage short coursing. However, the VCPs do not represent the only areas that require compliance. The entire course will
be reviewed for compliance. The standard penalty for failure to clear a VCP within 120 feet is 10 minutes. The time penalty will
increase as the deviation increases. In order to avoid confusion regarding the locations of the VCPs, it is essential to race
using the official GPS course file and check for updates on the SCORE website. 13) SPECIAL RULES - No race vehicle shall be towed, pushed, pulled or transported by another vehicle further than 1% of the
total distance of the race course (8.83 MILES), or within 1 mile of the Finish Line. However, wrist banded race vehicle
occupants are permitted to push a disabled race vehicle across the Finish Line. At no time may any participant go backwards
ON the course. 14) FINISH LINE STOP - All race vehicles are required to make a full and complete stop at the Checkered Flag, which is located
at the Tecate Arch. This stop must be made in a safe and controlled manner. 15) REGISTRATION & LATE REGISTRATION – Registration is located inside the Riviera Convention Center Casino Room on
Blvd Costero or at the qualifying area during these hours.
Tuesday Casino Room 2:00PM – 8:00PM.
Qualifying teams should plan on registering during this time. Limited Qualifying Registration is available on Wednesday
morning at the qualifying site. However, if the registration is not completed by 11:00 AM Wednesday you will not be permitted
to qualify.
Wednesday Qualifying Area 7:00AM – 11:00AM and Casino Room Noon to 6:00PM.
Late Qualifying Registration is for pre-entered Drivers/Co-drivers, Riders/Co-Riders NO additional team members or changes
to the entry can be made during this registration time. Make sure you arrive early as registration must be completed by 11:00
AM or team will not be permitted to qualify.
Thursday Casino Room 9:00AM – 5:00PM.
Friday Casino Room (Riviera Convention Center parking in rear by police station) Late Car/Racer Registration 5:30 AM – 7AM
Friday Late Tech Inspection (Car & Truck) 6AM – 8AM, Tecate Arch @ Start/Finish. Next to Riviera CC
Late racer registration will take place on Friday morning from 5:30 AM to 7:00AM at the Casino Room of the Riviera
Convention Center. Be sure to bring your driver’s license. If you already have a timing transponder, take a photo of the
number so you can have the number available. Driver of record must be present to add co-drivers to the entry. Late VehicleTech Inspection will take place on the staging line from 6:00AM to 8:00AM. Note: You must have gone through
registration prior to getting in line for late vehicle tech. 16) LATE STARTERS - A competitor who is late for his assigned start time will start at the back of the class that is currently
starting. The elapsed time of a late starter begins with the competitor's DESIGNATED START TIME, not the late start time. 17) START/FINISH LINE – The TECATE ARCH will be in front of the Riviera Convention Center on Boulevard Costero. 18) STAGING AND START MC & ATV - Motorcycles and ATV classes will stage Thursday night at 10:00PM for an 11:00PM start.
One rider every 2 minutes for Pro Classes. One rider every minute for Sportsman classes. Pro riders will leave the line
according to qualifying times without reference to class or if you did not qualify you will go by date first to last registered for
the race behind those who qualified. Sportsman will start in the order the entry was received. 19) GAP - There will be at least a 7 hour gap between the last M/C starter and the first SCORE Trophy Truck starter. !!20) STAGE & START FOUR WHEEL - Vehicles will stage Friday morning starting at 7:45AM for a 9:00AM start. One vehicle
every 60 seconds for Trophy Truck and Class 1 with a 10 minute gap between the two classes. One vehicle every 30 seconds
for Class 10, TT Spec, SL, 8, HM, 7200, BC, PT, 6100, 3000, TL, 4000, 1/2-1600, 5, 7, 7SX, 5-1600, 2, 2D, 3, 3700, 1700, 4400,
SF, SM, 9, 11, 19, SUTK, SPBG, SLTK, SPUTV. !!21) FOUR WHEEL STAGING - TT(7:45AM), 1(8:00AM), 10(8:15AM), TTS(8:30AM), SL(8:45AM), 8(9:00AM), 7200(9:15AM),
PT(9:30AM), 1/2-1600(9:45AM), Baja Challenge (9:50), 5(10:00AM), ALL REMAINING CLASSES 7, 7SX, 5-1600, 2, 3, SF, SM
(10:10AM) 22) TIME ON COURSE -- DRIVERS will have 36 HOURS / (25 MPH AVERAGE) from their designated start time to complete the
race. DNFs will be scored to the furthest mile using the SCORE tracking data. The First 27 miles of course closes to all
vehicles outbound at 1:30PM in order to have a clear course for the first bikes coming back in. If you are broken down in the
first 27 miles and will not be able to make it to mile 27 before 1:30PM you can take the highway to Ojos Negros and re-enter
the course just past the gas station. You will receive a penalty of up to 30 minutes and you must obey all posted speed limits
at all times on the pavement in this section to avoid additional penalties. ALL TRAFFIC IN THE FIRST 27 MILES MUST BE
INBOUND AFTER 1:30PM ON FRIDAY. RIDERS will have 34 HOURS/ (26 MPH AVERAGE) from their designated start time to
complete the race.
2013  BAJA 1000 – RACE BRIEFING Page 3 23) PROTEST - To protest another competitor, you must submit a detailed written protest to SCORE/CRB (Competition Review
Board) at the Finish Line. The protest must be filed within 30 minutes of the final competitor in class coming across the finish.
Contact the Cruz Roja’s Command Center at Start/Finish to request paperwork. SCORE will consult with the Competition
Review Board Marshal, and the matter will be heard as soon as practical. To file a technical protest, present a written protest
a!!nd a $500 cash fee to the Technical Directors Jake Velasco or Art Sevedra. 24) UNOFFICIAL & OFFICIAL RESULTS – Unofficial results will be posted at the finish ramp and media room throughout the
race. Official results will be posted at 9:00AM Sunday at the Riviera Convention Center Outdoor Amphitheater. 25) AWARDS CEREMONY - will be held at the Riviera Convention Center Outdoor Amphitheater on Sunday morning at
10:00AM. You must arrange to have your trophy accepted by somebody else if you are not going to be present. No trophies
will be brought back across the border by SCORE International. !26) LIVE VEHICLE TRACKING – New features include race replay,
topographic leaderboard, leaderboard by class and leaderboard graph. !27) CHECKPOINT CLOSING TIMES
DRIVERS must average 25mph and will have 36 hours to finish.
CHECKPOINT 1 - El Chinero RM 192 - FRIDAY @ 9:57 PM
CHECKPOINT 2 - El Coloridito RM 269 - SATURDAY @ 12:57 AM
CHECKPOINT 3 - El Crucero RM 385 - SATURDAY @ 5:38 AM
CHECKPOINT 4 - La Virgen Vieja RM 498 - SATURDAY @ 8:09 AM
CHECKPOINT 5 - Vicente Guerrero Bridge RM 660 - SATURDAY @ 2:38 PM
CHECKPOINT 6 - Miles Road RM 760 - SATURDAY @ 6:38 PM
CHECKPOINT 7 – El Alamo RM 799 - SATURDAY @ 7:09 PM
CHECKPOINT 8 - El Lechero RM 845 - SATURDAY @ 9:03 PM
RIDERS must average 26MPH and will have 34 hours to finish. Riders not reaching check #3 before close will be out of the
race and scored as a DNF.
CHECKPOINT 1 - El Chinero RM 192 - FRIDAY @ 9:54 AM
CHECKPOINT 2 - El Coloridito RM 269 - FRIDAY @ 12:48 PM
CHECKPOINT 3 - El Crucero RM 385 - FRIDAY @ 3:08 PM
CHECKPOINT 4 - La Virgen Vieja RM 498 - FRIDAY @ 7:38 PM
CHECKPOINT 5 - Vicente Guerrero Bridge RM 660 - SATURDAY @ 1:52 AM
CHECKPOINT 6 - Miles Road RM 760 - SATURDAY @ 5:43 AM
CHECKPOINT 7 – El Alamo RM 799 - SATURDAY @ 7:11 AM
CHECKPOINT 8 - El Lechero RM 845 - SATURDAY @ 8:59 AM !This information is based on estimated race entries. Any changes will be updated on the Race Briefing and announced at the
drivers meeting. Any changes necessary as a result of entries on Friday will be made via radio on frequency 151.625 as soon
after the start as possible. Note: Slower four wheel vehicle classes, refer to point 40 at the end of this document for detailed information. 28) QUALIFYING -- Driver or Rider who qualifies must take the green flag. Qualifying driver/rider must be banded before
qualifying. Registration will be open at the qualifying area between 7am and 11am. (Refer to item 15 for additional details and
rules.) Location of qualifying area will be sent to the e-mail listed on your registration on Monday November 11th. One vehicle
off the qualifying line every 2 minutes starting at 9 a.m. Practice will be controlled speed (55 mph) and is open between
7:30am and 8:30am. Qualifying area will be on private property and is open to qualifying teams. This event is not open to the
public for safety reasons. Trophies will be presented for the fastest Trophy Truck, Class 1, Motorcycle and ATV at the Monster
Energy Street Party Wednesday night downtown in front of Papas and Beer at 7PM. !29) FUEL – Drums and dump cans with fuel cannot be transported legally across the border. SCORE recommends purchasing
the Official Fuels, VP and F&L which can be purchased by calling (Cristy Chavez) with Amber Racing Services at
(562)432-3946. Christy can arrange your fuel to be delivered in Ensenada or to multiple pit locations. You can use any fuel
s!upplier or brand. 30) HELICOPTERS - You must register on the SCORE website and attend the aircraft safety meeting. Ivor Shear (858)505-5650
o!f Corporate Helicopters will head up the meeting. 31) CHASING – Always drive safely. Passing and or hanging a tire off the road is the cause of most fatalities on Mexican
Highways. Be 100% prepared the day before the race. Expect the unexpected. Leave early and expect to be late to your
destination. Make sure each chase vehicle has copies of insurance for all of your other chase vehicles. Carry the largest fire
extinguishers you can and have a good medic bag in each chase. Keep your passport with you. Have a list of cell phone
numbers, sat phone numbers and radio frequencies for your team and other teams. Never pit within 50 feet of the course, give
yourselves room for safety. Do not pit close to a turn. No chasing on course. Going backwards on course gets your team a
DQ. If you are exceeding the posted speed on the highway in a chase vehicle you are endangering yourself and those with
you. No chasing on course between Gonzaga Bay and Cocos.
2013 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 – RACE BRIEFING Page 4 !32) LIVE WEBCASTING – WEDNESDAY, 9AM to 2:30PM Qualifying. 7PM – 1AM Monster Mike Street Party
Downtown, THURSDAY, 10AM to 4PM Contingency. 7PM to 2AM Monster Mike Baja Goes Red Party, FRIDAY,
Trophy Truck Start 9:00AM coverage throughout the race. SUNDAY Awards 10:00AM. All will be live webcast at www.bajaracingnews.
com  33) TV SHOW – Be sure to have in-car cameras and if possible one with intercom audio. Optimal is to have one facing forward
from behind the driver with intercom audio, a second camera facing forward and a third camera facing back. Put your team
name, # and sponsors stickers within view of the camera shots. Put the two in cars in reach of co-driver for cleaning. At the
finish line there will be two guys from Tempt Media downloading camera cards. It takes about 30 minutes to download. Your
cards will be returned with the footage on them. The grey A Star helicopter with the large round ball on the front is shooting
the race for television. This race will have a 1 hour feature on ABC Sports and will be televised worldwide. 34) SCORE SPORT TAG TIMING TRANSPONDER - Transponders are required and are for precise timing of all vehicles in the
event. The Sport Tag transponder is blue in color and about 5 inches in length. They can be purchased through the
registration on the website or at registration in the Riviera Convention Center Casino Room. They are good for approximately
3 years of racing. If you already have one it will be checked for battery strength at qualifying and or at contingency by Art and
Colleen Verling who are in charge of official race timing. These timing transponders are used in several other race series
so you may already have one. If you already have one take a photo of the numbers on the side so you can register it quickly at
SCORE tracking will be located at the start finish line in the black SCORE semi trailer.
Thursday, November 14th – 10:00AM TO Midnight
Friday, November 15th – 6:00AM TO 9:00AM
Satellite tracking devices are mandatory in order to have live tracking, leaderboard and emergency notification for all
competitors. Data recorders are mandatory in order to verify compliance with the published rules regarding course
deviations and highway speed zones. The SCORE SPOT 3 Satellite trackers have three buttons for sending messages to
SCORE and Red Cross officials. Button 1 is to notify that you need assistance. Button 2 is to notify that you need medical
assistance. Button 3 is for major medical assistance and must only be used for life and death medical needing immediate
assistance. All entries are required to lease the real time satellite tracking device and the data recording device for the Baja
1000. The recorder does not provide real time tracking, it records your location several times per second along with speed. It
is a wireless battery operated self-contained device used for post race scoring. Motorcycle & ATV classes now have the same
live satellite tracking as the cars and trucks. Both devices are wireless and battery operated. SCORE requires a race team
representative to sign the terms and conditions contract when taking possession of the tracking and recording devices
during race week. Motorcycles, you need to mount the pelican box on your triple clamp or on top of your front fender right in
front of your triple clamp and below your number plate. For solo moto riders only you may put the pelican box in your back
pack. Vehicles, the recorder comes with a Pelican case that must be mounted in the passenger upper A pillar vicinity on all
four wheel vehicles and the SPOT 3 mount must be mounted on the passenger side rear of the vehicle. Pelican boxes for data
recorders and satellite tracker must be installed prior to tech inspection at the black SCORE semi-transporter. The pelican
box and satellite tracker mount must be mounted before tech inspection. SCORE will load the recorder device into the pelican
box on the staging line race morning. All finishers must turn in their data recorder and satellite tracker at the black SCORE
semi transporter at the finish line. Failure to turn in the equipment will result in your entry being assigned a DNF and you will
not receive placement or finish points. It is the responsibility of each race team to turn in the tracker and recorder at the finish
line. All competitors that DNF must return the tracking recorders to SCORE Tracking at the finish line or return the devices by
November 22, 2013 to receive placement points and to avoid being charged for the equipment. Mail or deliver the equipment
to NMS, 9434 Bond Ave., El Cajon, CA. 92021. Please see Penalty Bulletin for more details. Data revue and scoring is the
responsibility of the SCORE Competition Review Board and Track Leaders. 36) CHASSIS INSPECTIONS - SCORE Tagging will take place on Tuesday from 10am to 4pm at the Las Dunas Motel two
blocks south on contingency next to the Velmar Hospital. Wednesday by appointment. Contact Art Sevedra at (702)210-7785
or Jake Velasco at (619)244-5156 for appointments. !37) CONTACTS -
Command Trailer SAT Phone (881)641-480861
Oscar Ramos SCORE Legal (664)203-7060
SAT Phone (881)-641-480874
Abelardo Grijalva Race Director (646)162-7336
SAT Phone (881)641-480860
Jake Velasco Tech Director (619)244-5156
Art Sevedra Tech Director (702)210-7785
Brianne Tengwall Registration (775)852-8900
Bob Stienburger Radio Ops Mt Diablo (714)322-3489
Weatherman SAT Phone (881)641-480862
Bill Black Radio Ops Start/Finish (858)243-4371
Roger Norman Race Operations (775)690-2305
Charlie Engelbart Contingency (562)921-2838
! 2013 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 – RACE BRIEFING Page 5 38) WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT WHILE PRE-RUNNING OR RACING IN MEXICO– In case you or a crew member
are involved in an accident while pre-running or during a race in Baja, Mexico you should always follow this simple steps:
1). Always carry a valid Driver’s License with you, Registration of the Vehicle and proof of current Insurance policy valid for
Mexico. 2). Contact via Radio (151.625 Weatherman channel) or via cell phone a SCORE International Official and report the
accident immediately as it happened, always have clear information of where the accident happened (Race Mile, Kilometer
marker, date and time, full details of what happened, if there are injuries or fatalities and if you should require an ambulance
or rescue to be dispatched to the scene of the accident). 3). Do not leave the scene of the accident and especially if there are
injuries or fatalities, it is against Mexican laws. Leaving the scene of the accident will only make things worse. 4). Get the
support of the Insurance Company adjustor they will assist you with Legal advice and proper representation. 39) WEATHERMAN CHANNEL ETIQUETTE - If you are listening to Weatherman, unplug your mic. If you feel it must be
plugged in, be sure it is in a proper microphone hanger. There is nothing worse than a stuck mic during an emergency…
someone’s life or race can be at stake. Radio checks should be done before the race. When you turn on Weatherman
channel, wait and listen before you speak…there may be an emergency going on that you would be interrupting. The
Weatherman is located on the tallest mountain in Baja and can hear what you cannot hear. Just because you do not hear
anything does not mean there is not a life and death situation going on 200 miles from where you are. Monitor the channel a
sufficient amount of time, to know you are not ‘walking’ on someone else’s emergency. 40) Slower Classes Short Cut Option – An option for a short cut is available to classes who think they may need more than 36
hours to finish. The short cut option will be a class decision and must be approved and accepted by SCORE. Call Roger
Norman or Abelardo Grijalva after getting a majority of competitors in class to agree and get approval. The short cut option
will cutoff at race mile 395 through mile 500. You would take the pavement at the first Highway 1 crossing and drive through
Cativina and re-enter the course at RM 500 and bypass the silt bed. (Basically from Checkpoint 3 to Checkpoint 4). The
purpose of the shortcut is to give slower classes a better chance of finishing within the race time limit. Anyone using this
option without approval of the class will be a DNF. 41) PRE-RUNNING – No pre-running from Ojos to Ensenada. Pre-running is not racing! Please use controlled speeds. At
7:00AM on Thursday the 14th we will have a controlled speed pre-run from the start to Ojos Negros. It will start in the wash
just off the start line. This will be your only opportunity to pre-run and make notes all the way to Ojos. If you are late you will
miss it and the gates will be locked from the Pepsi Stand to Ojos. The start to race mile 20 (Pepsi Stand) will be open all day
on the 14th from 7:00AM to 5:00PM. 

Baja Racing News LIVE!
Gary Newsome, Editor

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