THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


UPDATED BAJA 1000 2014 Map Release

KING OF BAJA 1000 2014
Red = Race Mile
Blue = Checkpoint
Yellow = VCP
Orange = Begin Speed Zone
Green = End Speed Zone
Pink = BFG Pits
White = Checkers Pits (location is only approximate)
KING OF BAJA 1000 2014

New Details emerge today on the BAJA 1000 race course and the logistics to win this event!



Whats happening Right NOW!

Tuesday, October 21:

All German Motorsports Blows Apart!

A long-standing and successful partnership is drawing to an end: After the 2014 SCORE Championship season is over, Armin Schwarz and Martin Christensen will strike out on their own paths. Their last race together will be the legendary Baja 1000 in Mexico (13 to 15 November).

Schwarz charts a new course for the 2015 season and is currently in the process of setting this up. Christensen is keen to cut back his racing commitments after many intensive years of motor racing and would like to dedicate more time to his company.

Christensen: “After winning the Baja 1000 on Sportsman motorcycle in 1995, I was hooked on Baja Racing. I got together with a friend and raced a Class 9 car in 1996 and have raced nearly all SCORE races and a few BITD since then. Through the years, I have formed many lasting friendships which I am extremely great full for. But now, after close to 20 years of continued racing, it is time for me to take a break. The last 8 years of racing with Armin has brought extreme successes which has moved All German Motorsports up in off-road classes to the extreme of the Trophy Truck.

“First and foremost I would like to thank Martin and the entire crew of All German Motorsports for the many years together,” says Schwarz. “We have shared a tremendous amount of experiences during our time together in the SCORE Championship. We have celebrated our successes together and our setbacks have had drawn us closer.

“I’m now in the planning process for the upcoming season in the USA and Mexico,” Schwarz explains further. “I’m looking into and hearing about various options that are available. There is a whole raft of interesting possibilities, but I haven’t yet made a concrete decision. But one thing is certain: My long-standing friend and navigator, Bryan Little, with whom I secured second place at the Rally Legend last weekend, will continue as my co-driver.

The final joint appearance at the legendary desert race in November is where everything comes full circle. 
Since the 2012 season, they have competed in their own specially developed AGM-Jimco X6 SCORE Trophy Truck in the highest vehicle class of the offroad series.

At their last race together they are now eager to notch up another highlight. “We will be going all-out at the Baja 1000,” says Schwarz. “After our good result at the Score Desert Challenge in September we are all feeling extremely motivated heading to the finale. We’ve set our sights on a top result at our last race together before we strike out for new shores.” 




BAJA 1000 2014 Course Marking Crew STUCK North of San Juanico, Scorpion Bay

Monday, October 20

SCOREs Roger Norman BUSTED in San Jose del Cabo on Sunday, October 19 poaching Baja Sur racers for SCORE 2015. Proof the carpetbagging is in full swing in desert off-road racing. 


And don't think the Baja Sur authorities aren't keeping an eye on SCORE...locals say TAXES will be levied on Norman and the gringo racers from the north.

Pre-Running Notes UPDATED!

"Just pre-ran from RM915 to finish. We have to send a big thank you and congratulations to the entire SCORE team, RN, Jose Grijalva & Oscar Ramos, as well as local authorities for all their great job making the race possible to come down to the south. Thanks and congrats to the whole BFG mapping team too!

The entire trail from San Isidro turn off to Loreto has pretty much been graded! A lot of rocks and stuff, but everything is passable and we pre-ran in a 2WD F150.
Same for the section from San Javier to Maria Auxiliadora, where the locals were working with D8s making some REALLY deep arroyos passable.

The Score crew was out in a couple of Polaris, and did a great job marking to San Carlos more or less.
Be very careful once you come off the highway at Maria Auxiliadora, as it there is some very deep and sticky mud there... when we went through, it had just dried up enough to make a comforting looking hard to layer to allow you to get nicely stuck!

Those of you asking about the silts around Santa Fe... it bypasses them, as it goes up to the highway at Highway 1 KM111, and drops back into El Conejo at Highway 1 KM80. On race day, you will have to be VERY careful on this sections, as the locals always use this trail to go and see the race, and there aren't a lot of options for them to use another access.
From Conquista Agraria it is pretty much 80% new trails for the Baja 1000,

Definitely, it is going to be a tough and challenging Baja 1000, and Kudos to all involved it making the race down south a reality after such a big hit as the Odile."

"Pre-running last weekend from Cocos Corner to San Ignacio! Course is fast from El Crucero to Vizcaino... No silt between Vizcaino and San Ignacio but gets interesting at the end! Plan was to pre run all the way to Loreto but one of our quads rear axle bearings went out around RM 765 so we turned back! Course is going to be rough by race day."

*Dan McMillin reported in to
"The first 250 miles is fast and smooth. Ojos Negros to Valley Trinidad, same. Cross over road to the Military Check, easy. Colonet to San Quintin is also no problem with a few gotchas and confusion with the course markings but not bad. No sign of hurricane damage to San Quintin, but we are still north [of the Central Deserts]. Tomorrow we head to Catavina, and the following day is Vizcaino/San Ignacio." 

*Regarding the chase route south of Bahia de Los Angeles Dan said:
"First 655 miles has some hurricane damage but nothing impassable. Bay of LA to Vizcaino is wide open. Bay of LA hwy has two spots washed out but nothing impassable for trucks and trailers and the town is still standing. The PEMEX is open, too."

* Red Cross in San Felipe, Out of business!

"Once again this tourist destination has been left without Red Cross services, this because the rescuers stopped providing their services due to lack of payment for their service. The local manager of the state Red Cross, based in Tijuana, has not tried to mediate to resolve the problem.

For the time being, the fire department is providing emergency services in urban areas, however what will happen with emergencies out on the highway are left to be seen, as it turns out the ambulance at the local fire station is in no condition go out on the highway."

*La Paz has only one ambulance! Man run-over left on the street

"La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). - A man had to wait for around one hour, laying on the pavement on bulevar Forjadores in La Paz, to be transferred after having been run over by a driver Thursday afternoon.
The accident happened after the pedestrian was crossing the street carelessly, and the driver of the vehicle, a yellow sedan, hit him and seriously injured a leg.

The heavy hit made him fall, and he remained laying on the asphalt waiting for medical attention. However, it never arrived, as in the entire state capitol there is only one functioning ambulance which at the time was being used.

The man was rescued thanks to the fact that by coincidence a paramedic and two doctors, all in separate vehicles, were passing the the location and got out to render aid.

Among the doctors was the representative of the Red Cross in Baja California Sur, Víctor Solís Samperio, who was in a Red Cross SUV, in which the injured man was finally taken.

Additionally, so as the victim could be picked up, the Sabritas store which was right in front of where the accident happened, loaned an emergency board on which the victim was put into the back of the civilian passenger SUV.

This is not the first time there has been a complaint of a lack of ambulances in the state Capitol. Volunteer groups have emphasized the need for the government to net involved in the provision of pre-hospital services."

Sunday, October 19:
*SCORE Tech Rep Art said today:

"Thank you to the Off-Road teams in the Phoenix, Mesa and Buckeye area....all were waiting for me and their race vehicles (bad ass race vehicles) were ready to be frame made out to be a long day....but got them done. Thanks also to the teams in the SoCal area and our schedule looks like this, SEMA and the 2014 SCORE Baja 1000.

To the Teams that have race vehicles that need a (certification) Frame Check......I'll be in Ensenada from 10am to 4pm Sunday 11/9/2014, Monday 11/10/2014 and Tuesday 11/11/2014 location to be announced  soon.....THERE WILL NO FRAME CHECKING ON WEDNESDAY 11/12/2014 DURING TECH AND CONTINGENCY! 2014 SCORE BAJA 1000 RACE STARTS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13, I'LL SEE YOU IN ENSENADA AND AT THE FINISH LNE....ONLY THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!"

 BAJA 1000 Team Spotlight

Baja Ferries/Toyota Mexico

Saturday, October 18:

SCORE sez "PRE-RUN UPDATE: The area from San Javier south to Insurgentes is currently impassable. Area is projected to be ready by Monday, October 20." No kidding!

BULLETIN! From the Start Line at Ensenada, BC, Mexico: 
"Municipal government employees have not been paid their bi-weekly salaries due to a lack of funds.

Stories about this started to circulate noon yesterday (Friday/Payday), and so El Vigía (the Ensenada Newspaper) consulted municipal government officials.

Although the municipality has more than 2,000 employees (among police, supervisors, hourly workers, employees and contractors), it is unknown of the lack of pay was partial or for everybody.

Because of the fact that in cases like this, the unions get priority, information was requested about the number of employees affected, the amounts, the number of union workers and supervisory employees affected.

The only reply was that after 3PM the payroll was "released," however union and supervisory personnel said that as of last night they have not been paid.

And don't count on Roger Norman and all his billions to help out!

Friday, October 17:

From the race organizer this morning:

"The BAJA 1000 race course is now repaired from La Purisima to Insurgentes. 'The 2012 Baja 1000 course is almost identical'.  New GPS files will be uploaded as soon as they are available. Course marking for this area is underway and will be finished all the way to La Paz early next week. Baja Sur welcomes all pre-runners."



Thursday, October 16:

Riviera Team Announces BAJA 2014 Plan
The 1200 miles of Baja dirt will again be the challenge to the veteran trio of Mark Post, Ed Herbst and Jim Smith. At the wheel known as the 'black diamond' Riviera Racing team, Mark Post is now focused on fun alongside their friends in Baja racing and not fighting as before for wins. Previous co-drivers like Rob MacCachren, Jerry Whelchel, Carl Renezeder, Curt LeDuc and Ryan Arciero made wins a business for the team, of the past. 

The potential to be the 'dark horse' of this years event with victories of past Baja 1000 events, makes the entire Trophy Truck class, tremble. 
The Ford F-150 designed by the people of Robby Gordon, 20 years ago, is still a work of art. Modified by Jim Blackmore in many different areas, the Truck and their race results caught the eye of the industry, including winning the 2007 event.

Continuing Delays in marking of the race route

As of today the course is still unmarked. Some  parts of the route of the Baja 1000 from Ojos Negros to the state line at Baja Sur, is getting some attention by a SCORE course marking crew. Hurricanes Norbert, Odile and Simon impacted various parts of the peninsula. 

'Until Further Notice', is the motto of this years BAJA 1000 desert off-road race.

Baja HWY 1 Road Report:

"Drove from Tecate to Los Cabos last Saturday and Sunday. Crossing at Tecate at 8am took all of 5 mins for customs to take a quick look see and waved us on. No issues to Guerrero Negro, plenty of gas and no lines. Filled up before crossing the border, refilled at El Rosario and then pulled in to G.Negro in early evening. There were two or three places between El Rosario and G.Negro selling gas in 55 gal drums but they weren't getting any business.

Stayed at Baja Safari Hotel at the entrance to G. Negro. Brand spanking new hotel and worth every centavo of the 550p for huge room with two queen beds. Swan towel sculptures on the bed. Luxurious for Baja. Huge shower with instant hot water. Extra cost, order in breakfast menu at reasonable cost, just call front desk and tell them what time to deliver. 

Filled up in G.Negro. Only a couple of minor rough spots in the road to Loreto. Filled up in Loreto (only car in the gas station - woman pumper said she was bored and looked it) and had Scallop Tacos at Pangalapa, one of my favorites. About 20 clics south of Loreto there is a huge landslide into the sea. Figure to wait 30 to 45 minutes to let cars through one way at a time.  North of La Paz, redoing a long section of Highway 1 north of La Paz and had a dirt deviation next to the highway for miles and there was no avoiding it, about 10 miles of hell, no water trucks to keep the dust down, couldn't see much past the hood of the truck and lot's of idiots trying to pass. Very dangerous! .

 Then smooth sailing to San Lucas via Todos Santos. Just north of San Lucas, Hwy 19 narrows to two lanes for about a kilometer while they repair the road. Once in San Lucas and San Jose, utter devastation."

Tuesday, October 14:

SCOREs Norman sez in his 'forum':

"Because of the Hurricane and tropical storms we were not exactly sure how long the course was going to actually be. We will run a 25MPH average speed for the distance of the course. This comes out to over 50 hours but we do not have the final mileage yet. Any class in danger on not finishing due to time can have a short cut in order to ensure more finishers. You have more than 1200 miles of wide open racing in the Baja dirt."

Monday, October 13:

Official Prerunning Started today. But, the course isn't marked and the GPS Files are FAR FROM FINISHED!

At 7:45PM, Roger Norman on his stupid facebook said:

"The course is open for pre-running from Ojos Negros to just past La Parisima. Due to the conditions caused by Hurricane Odile and the subsequent tropical storms, there are points marked on this GPS files which are currently under water. Use caution while pre-running and go around those areas as needed. Use caution as the SCORE course marking team is on the course. Repairs to the course are well under way and once those repairs are finished the course will be open from Loretto to La Paz. PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION WHILE PRE-RUNNING , AND AT ALL TIMES EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!!!!! 

There are gaps in the files because of new fences that were erected on the course and areas with water. The fences now have gates and are marked with SCORE arrows and ribbon. The SCORE course marking team is updating GPS files as they go down the course. Racers will receive those updates by e-mail. The incomplete GPS files (Ojos to La Parisima) will be sent to registered racers tonight. The final route will be posted to the website for the public, when it is complete later this week."

At 2 PM

Los Cabos, Baja Sur - Walmart reported losses of US $24.5 million from the destruction caused by Hurricane Odile in Baja California Sur, but also from the looting, and 55 days they will have remained closed, and counting.

Racers BAJA 1000 2014 course observations:  
"Some old school thru S.Quintin and east but not far into the hills before it doubles back to Hwy.1 for ~12mi. Then it does a fun rocky canyon we've been motoring for years behind El Rosario and drops into center of town, little dog-leg paved, then drops into the wash and east. The area they originally mapped is not like it was in 2007 and the roads are graded wide there, a lot more farming up there."

"Quite a bit of speed zones. Definitely not as remote as many would have expected.
Some of the area they originally mapped is not like it was in 2007 and the roads are graded wide and there is a lot more farming up there.
Little sketchy IMO to go directly thru El Datil rather than around it, but maybe pre-runners will spend a few bucks there now during prerun."  

"The local government of Loreto finished working on the section from where the gps file ends to Loreto today, it will still be pretty rough as they just used a bulldozer to open the worst parts. The guys assisting the bulldozer operator had to use a 4x4 to go trough."

The PARTIAL GPS Files were released...they reflect the mileage from Ojos Negros, Baja Norte only to La Purisima, BCS: 

RM 158+ - Hwy 1 speedzone before you head for the beach
RM 215 - Cross over RTE1 KM147
RM 308 - El Rosario-
course crosses over the highway just east of town
RM 395 - Catavina
RM 444 - Coco's Corner
RM 472 - El Crucero
RM 520 - Bay of LA
RM 565 - San Rafael
RM 625 - El Arco
RM 735 - San Ignacio start
RM 850 - San Juanico
RM 880 - La Purisima

The BAJA 1000 course Route to La Paz
is not finished/Not published!
RM=Race Mile


Sunday, October 12:

Race organizer now marking the race course. Or what THEY CAN MARK! No teams crossing into Mexico today to prerun, even though, officially prerunning starts today. The conditions up to now, have been impossible. Northern Baja underwater, central Baja course revisions are NOT finished and southern Baja is still a mess after Odile damages. 

Thursday, October 9

BAJA 1000 Race Course Underwater!

From San Quintin to G. Negro, large sections of the race course are underwater. The total amount of rainfall from Norbert, Odile and Simon have made this race event one of the most condition challenged in years. 

One of the comments from the course marking crew, on the road now, is these conditions are ten times worse than Hurricane John. Johns damages were so great, quick sand traps and washed out course sections were common, all the way to the start of the race.

Odile impacted the entire race course. Norbert slammed the southern sections, with Simon pounding the northern sections.

Today, is loading our huge set of pics, vids and reports from these tropical weather event impacts on Baja Mexico. 

Saturday, October 4: 

BAJA 1000 Race Course Map Released...

PreRunning Open MONDAY, October 13, 2014 
1200 TOTAL MILES, half way down after the Thursday Morning Start there is a * with a 40 Hour time limit...1200 miles divided by 40 Hours is 30 MPH. Many teams will not complete this race.

25-50 Pavement Miles.
Do Not Expect Correct mile markers, course markers or regular GPS standards!

Roger Norman: "We had guys stuck for 4 days at San Ignacio, they couldn't go south or north because of wash outs"., after a year of investigative reporting of the Kurt Caselli death at last years Baja 1000, this weekend (10-18), releases our "The Complete Baja 1000 2013".

The last time SCORE went to La Paz in their "Baja 1000", the Michelin brass didn't get to meet and greet the new owner of their on-site ride and drive program. When asked during extensive interviews, she said, "no, I haven't met nor heard of Roger Norman".

Jackson Motorsports has quietly expressed their unhappiness with the 'new' SCORE. Jackson, is the marketing representation in North America for Michelin, BFGoodrich, one of the most important long-term sponsors of the event. 

Today, Norman has imposed his footprint on the product so much, few in the business don't know about the damage Norman has caused the 'Baja races'.

Some say, "at least he's trying new things", while the majority know about the mind numbing personnel changes and the death of iconic moto rider, Kurt Caselli.

Most of the people brought about by Norman have been abject failures. All of the hideous decisions have been direct decisions by Roger and Elise themselves. They were betting the 'free' cost of the service by these people would make them good deals. All of them are now, gone.  

Thursday, October 2: The course marking team for SCORE International is stuck on the road to the BAJA 1000! Frank DeAngelo,  Abelardo Grijalva, Arturo Nava and the BCS State Tourism functionaries are gathering today in Vizcaino Baja California Sur to address the southern section of the race course for, 2014, this November on the Magical Baja Peninsula.


BAJA 1000 Race LIVE! Webcast Begins November 4!
Experience the BAJA 1000 LIVE ONLINE!

You'll be able to feel the heart-pounding action of off-road racing, and knowing every move and turn of your favorite drivers throughout the Baja 1000 from the comfort of your own home. Baja Racing is celebrating its tenth year of exclusive coverage of the famous race to provide up to the minute tracking of all the exciting racers and drivers.
Baja Racing will have all of the 'in-your-face' desert off-road race stories and images, internet racers demand today, at their finger tips, on demand.
Starting at 10 a.m. PST on Monday, Nov. 4, anyone from around the globe can experience the LIVE! BAJA 1000 simply by logging onto

Baja Racing News LIVE! will give away PRIZES on its LIVE RACE WEBCAST!

Follow your favorite racers & drivers as they conquer the grueling race course during the 2014 BAJA 1000. Watch as the crazy fans risk their skins along the race course, in Mexico. Hear the roar of the mighty engines, you can catch the passion of off-road racing!
Your experience will feature a live tracking page that will show the actual location of all vehicles equipped with sophisticated tracking systems. The information on each vehicle will update at two-minute intervals throughout the race.

“We are proud to bring this online experience home to the consumers who want to track the thrilling SCORE Baja 1000 action,” said Gary Newsome, Editor-in-Chief for the exclusive services. "We have five years of LIVE Webcasting from Baja Mexico, no one else has better Baja Racing News LIVE! content! It's an amazing legacy of proven performance at all the Baja races, not just the Baja 1000.”

Baja Racing is the #1 ONLINE Source for the BAJA 1000, Ten Years Running!

The unique and exclusive mountain of Baja 1000 and Baja racing content will feature an all-inclusive wrap-around LIVE! coverage of the event that will allow users a variety of experiences during the race. The LIVE! Webcast will feature LIVE Streaming Videos, Vehicle Tracking and Replays as well as live unofficial results. Fanatics and casual users alike will also have access to a photo/video gallery and LIVE Streaming Video from the Start/Finish Line and the SPEED Mex pit locations.

Live streaming video will be available Monday, Nov. 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST to catch the start of the race in Ensenada, Baja California and the finish in La Paz, Baja South, Mexico. The Magic Baja Desert Off-Road Race!

CLICK HERE FOR LIVE! BAJA 1000 ONLINE RACE COVERAGE The BAJA 1000 Qualifying will be LIVE! HERE on from Las Vegas? Tune in HERE November 4 through the 7th for LIVE! EXCLUSIVE Coverage of the Official "Dog & Pony Show from Las Vegas".

True, announced yesterday the racers will qualify at the Off-Road portion of Las Vegas Speedway and we'll carry it LIVE! here on

The racers are LIVID! Its expensive enough to run this years BAJA 1000 from Ensenada to La Paz, but to have qualiyfing, sinply as a "dog and pony show" so that Roger can try to get more "OPM, Other Peoples Money"! How much more can the racers take? MONSTER Mikes BAJA 1000 Coverage will run Monday, November 10th through the 17th.

The original "gringo" Baja races 1967-1973 were simply endurance & time tests of man and machine to get to La Paz. The first one started in Tijuana so it would be from the border to La Paz... but they restarted the next day in Ensenada, where the real race part began.

The run was down Hwy. 1... and it was paved for 73 miles (ending just north of Colonet). They would return to pavement again about 100 miles north of La Paz, with unpaved miles totaling about 700.

In 1972, to get closer to 1000 miles and give another city the start, the race began in Mexicali went down Hwy. 5 for 95 miles then crossed to the Pacific via Trinidad/San Vicente road or via Mike's Sky Rancho to Hwy. 1.

In 1973, after the June Baja 500, the Mexicans threw out NORRA and ran the first Baja Sports Committee 'Baja 1000' (it was called the Mexican 1000 until then), started it back in Ensenada, but ran it across to San Felipe then south to Calamajue, L.A. Bay, El Arco and then the former route to La Paz.

The Baja Sports Committee blundered the money, racers didn't get their winnings, and the 'gringo' races almost ended then. There was no Baja 1000 in 1974, the only year it hasn't run.

Seeing a huge loss to the people of Baja, state officials approached Mickey Thompson and his new SCORE organization to run all off road races in the state of Baja California. A test 400 mile race called the Baja Internacional was run in July, 1974, and was a huge success. There wasn't enough time that year to set up the 1000, but in 1975, the first SCORE BAJA 1000 was also the first loop 1000 race, staying only in the northern state.

Negotiations with Baja Sur officials finally saw the return of the 1000 to finish in La Paz, in 1979... SCORE's first race to go to La Paz. This 2014 'Run To La Paz' version is the first for owner Roger Norman 

Starting in Ensenada Baja California and finishing in La Paz, Baja Sur (South), Baja Racing News LIVE! will be presenting LIVE! ONLINE RACING for the 9th Ninth time, the longest running, Biggest & Baddest ONLINE.

Join us this November 2014 from San Diego all the way to La Paz, with the LIVE! ONLINE RACE,  
Baja Racing News LIVE!



Baja Racing News LIVE!

 BAJA 1000 2013 INSIDER





The 2009 BAJA 1000 is the closest example to 2013


Edited and Posted By: Gary Newsome, Baja Racing News LIVE! Editor

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