THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, September 24, 2018

Desert Racing Drinking & Drugs Commonplace in Desert Off-Road Racing, says Insider. Best In The Desert & SCORE

UPDATED! September 24, 2018 
Who in the recent SCORE races was shit-faced? 

There's no drug or alcohol testing! There are NO rules against abuse!

Reporting from June 26, 2014:
Who in the recent BAJA 500 was flat-out drunk driving? 

Jim Anderson, of Reno Nevada told
"I would like to see alcohol testing before the race. Simple blow test. At the 500 I saw several racers and even more chasers $heet Faced night before race. If you want to race both you and your team should have their heads together race day!"

A drugged-up media type, Killian Hamlin:
"Having taken adderall before, the first 2 hours of use were usually spent cleaning or organizing. And I mean CLEANING or ORGANIZING. Your brain works twice as fast IMO but if this makes sense, I was focused on not focusing. Everything distracted me, those first couple hours were all over the place."

UPDATED June 25, 2014
From the Original reporting CLICK HERE

Are You High? On Drugs or Booze?

You're Qualified To Race Best In The Desert & SCORE!!!

This is the scene at the recent Baja 500 out of Ensenada, Baja Mexico, at a small hamlet called Ojos Negros. Most everyone in this scene, driving out to the race course, has either been drinking from last night or is drinking at the time the video is being shot.

The line to get through was seven miles long and lasted at least three to five hours, to get past the military checkpoint located at Ojos Negros. The Mexican military have checkpoints at numerous locations to inspect vehicles and monitor the traffic and people going in and out of, certain locations.

They are in Mexico, most if not all the drivers have little or no insurance. They'll be driving off-road during their weekend and none of that driving is covered by their insurance, even if they have some. No traffic controls and drunk drivers on the race course, driving against the flow of the race. A complete Cluster-F.

Many so-called professional media and race people get caught in these choke-points during Baja races. Jobs don't get done and the blame gets around. Tempers flare and the booze soaked fans mix to make the most dangerous driving conditions on the planet.

Did we mention, this is in Mexico and you're at least three hours to any life-saving medical facilities?

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