THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Friday, June 05, 2015


ENSENADA - As of Friday afternoon there has been no discussions with at least three ejidos of great importance and land size where the Baja 500 Off Road race is to pass. These ejidos say they will not allow the race to cross their properties until the race organizers have complied with their  previously contracted obligations.

Ejido San Isidoro has a 30 kilometer long corridor on the off road race route, where there is now some uncertainty it will happen.

San Isidoro is a strategic passage for the competitors, as if they cannot pass for that area, they will be forced to take an alternative route in the area called El Tepi, which crosses the sierra and arrives at Colonet.

However, that alternative route in inconvenient, because for the tourists and racers there are the  possible blockades and obstructions which could be carried out by unhappy farm workers, which would be an extreme decision.

With documentary proof of past failures to perform, Daniel González Muñoz, president of the vigilance council of Ejido Héores de Baja California, Fernando Lomelí, the representative of San Isidoro and Miguel González Uribe, representative of ejido Leyes de Reforma speak of their firm position on this.

In an exclusive interview with this news media, the ejido members assure that if the situation is not resolved, they are not obligated to allow passage of the race vehicles on their lands, which causes damages, breaks fences, kills cattle (which are not always covered due to the time it takes to discover the deaths) and for blocking the roads.

1 comment:

  1. that news note is from 8 am from friday morning at 6 pm same friday this was publish by the same newspaper,
