THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Love Note to Roger Norman, Go Fuck Yourself, From

Gary Newsome, Publisher EXCLUSIVE

UPDATED! April 25, 2021 

Firstly. this reporting is getting updated today because some of you missed the original reporting in 2015.

[Secondly, the wheels are coming off of Ensenada BC, we understand the racing community couldn't care less, however, when the AK-47 bullets are spraying, our suggestion is to get down.]

[Here's a link to todays headline. The US State Department recently advised against travel to the Mexicali Valley, "Could it be, SATAN!!!]



A 2021 San Felipe 250, from last week, race-chase helicopter thing just provides a literary jumping off spot. Here's the LINK to the incident (2007) that really happened. And, of course the story gets even wierder/more real? Now, in 2021.

We updated the link to the story, making it the mobile page rather than the regular page. In a recent format change, some of our content is NOT shown in the 'regular-non-mobile format'. The videos now can be seen!

Important, because of some new reporting, EXCLUSIVE to this writing. First, if you go to the very bottom of the page, the original helicopter story linked above, you'll notice the 'first' reports of the chopper crash.

At the time of the first report, reporters for Baja Racing News were in Cabo journalizing the race in process at the time, the Baja 1000. We saw the original report come over the news wire and we put it up, on this website. is merely a reporting and consolidating news service. We report and compile. Seldom do we have enough time and effort to editorialize.


Recently, the independent news reporter 'Baja' Bill Fuentes asserted in his reporting, that Roger Norman was/is in deep. We didn't think anything of it.  "Crystal" Bay Resort, "8-Ball" Racing Team, to be more direct, not just prescription drugs-illegal street  drugs. Bill actually worked for the guy for a time, at his home in Reno and in San Diego, another home on the beach.  

Keep your eyes HERE>>>

The Helicopter Crash, that went Sideways

Over time, as we compiled the ongoing reporting, the truth came out. It's a long story, but very important to understand the money of what's going on today. 

EFE the (spanish language) news service that carried the first information, it is understood now, received the 'breaking news' from the Attorney Generals office in Mexicali. Verbatim, "the helicopter, carrying the news crew". It is a false report. Yes, a helicopter went down, yes many men died, yes spectators could have been killed. But, in fact, the chopper was not hired by a 'news crew'. It had been hired by a criminal syndicate, with at least one very well known criminal pistolero (killer) onboard, who died in the crash. The false report was intentional, at that time the official State of Baja California Attorney General was part of the criminal syndicate that perished in the crash.

Threats from these very same people, the same Mexican state agency were listed on a banner, posted in front of the Riviera at the time of an ongoing race event. Threats directed at Americans! [See Banner Below] 

The Threats at the time (later reported January 11, 2012), includes the capture of the HITMAN while he was sitting in the cartel 'racing class 1' at the San Felipe 250 CLICK HERE

The facts came out later and were reported in the Baja Racing News coverage. When an agent for this humble rag (based in Ensenada) interviewed Roger Norman in 2012? it was discovered that Roger Norman was using the agents from the Mexican corrupt office of that very state agency for his personal security detail, prior to his purchase of SCORE. Self admitted.

This very article is updating the news report from October 5, 2015.

News Report October 5, 2015

Check out Gabriel Garcias reporting from 2009

The Crime Wave (Then) Reporting Ended 2009


You need to read this stuff, also. [Archived]

Comprehensive (and still online, Miracle) Reporting [Greeting From Tijuana 2008] 


(photo above)The very same people who threatened the racers with this banner, in March 2007 and covered up the criminal conduct of the chopper crash later that same year at the Baja 1000 race, were/are provided personal security for the owner of SCORE-International, the owner of the racing series, Roger Norman!

(photo below) shows the hitman in the class 1 at the San Felipe 250 getting arrested by Special Forces of the Mexican government, the year after the helicopter crash exposed the cartel and its members. 

Gary Newsome, Publisher

Updated content above this fold---------


Award Winning Reporting, UNCHALLENGED Since 2015!

Original reporting from October 2015


Gary Newsome, Editor EXCLUSIVE

Preface; Baja Racing News stopped reporting Crime Stories some years ago. Today, we open the box to more crime stories. Cities of Baja Mexico, paying Roger Norman to bring gringo racing to their towns. 

Our new coverage on the subject is titled, Stay Tuned...


The amount of reports of Baja Crimes preclude any further updates by Baja Racing No further Baja Crime Updates. 


October 19, 2008:

Last Baja Crime Update


Does Roger Norman enjoy using cartel stooges for SCORE Services?

In several interviews conducted over the years, has inquired upon Normans use of known drug cartel connections for various SCORE "services".

In each of the inquiries, Norman claimed he did not know of the connections, continued to use the services and to this day, still uses the services.

We really didn't want to go here, but, facts are facts.

During an interview conducted prior to his purchase of his now racing circus, Roger told us, "I use the BC State Police for security". Surprised, we continued the questioning, we found out he paid the BC State Police, who at the time, were known for their close relationships with various cartels.

To this day, vanished Americans have been attributed to have never been seen again, after contact with these various cartel members, associated with Rogers 'hired' security detail. 

The release of the 2016 Schedule for Whore International, Roger goes to Rosarito. The place where Roger said to one of our people some years ago, "You mean the place where all the blood is and the headless corpses?! (Meaning all the cartel violence)

Rosarito seemed like a nice place to hold a race. We've covered racing in Rosarito for years, even before Roger, who as a teenager visited there to get drunk with friends.

Now, today, Roger needs more money, so he's going to Rosarito Beach, Baja California Mexico.

One admin rep for the city told they've now fired 200 employees, giving their salaries to Roger, to bring Rogers Circus to town. Click Here for the report. 

Roger also has allowed himself to get close to several people in Baja Sur, that were also close to the most corrupt official in the history of Mexico, the former governor of the state. Here's an informed opinion. Agundez

The late Oscar Ramos and Sal Fish also took stolen money from the people of Baja Sur.

(pictured) March 9, 2007. Ensenada, Baja California Mexico. Years later, the Federal Government took over law enforcement duties in Baja California Mexico.
October 2015 UZI Used to Kill State Police Official CLICK HERE

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