THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Civil Protection Failure Attributed To Roger Norman and SCORE International at races in Mexico

November 8, 2016
AMEX Reports; "SCORE fails Civil Protection functions in the states, Baja California & Baja Sur, of the peninsula Baja Mexico."

"Both governors, interviewed by AMEX, expressed dismay over the inadequate efforts by the SCORE International company and Roger Norman, personally.

Even before the passing of 'SCORE Mexico' owner Oscar Ramos, the Civil Protection directorates in Baja California and Baja Sur were expressing public outrage over the continuous civil protection failures of SCORE International.

After Roger Norman purchased SCORE from Sal Fish, Oscar's relationship in the company changed. After Ramos untimely passing, the situation became far worse.

Both governors told AMEX of continuous unmet assurances of SCORE resources and personnel dedicated to safety, civil protection and race medical response for the Baja race events."

Spectator deaths became rampant. Racer deaths became more common. Press reports of property damages and injury reports from endless participant crashes are now found throughout publicity during and after SCORE race events.

The Civil Protection offices in Mexicali, Ensenada, Tijuana and La Paz are now convinced Roger Norman is at the center of the protection failures. 

The Civil Protection Chief for the State of Baja California (recently retired) told AMEX, "all our information told us SCORE was not being honest with us." "They knew we needed more resources,  yet they continued to stonewall our attempts to collaborate with the race sanction." 

At the most recent Ensenada race event, an American child was run over and killed. Roger Norman had allowed the green flag to start a race, that should have never been allowed to begin.

The race course was mis-marked, there were inadequate spectator controls and the worst. A racer was allowed to race, who was driving in an altered state. 

For the 2016 Baja 1000, the Baja goverment has decided to employ the military. Roger Norman has been completely disassociated from the governments new civil protections plans. EXCLUSIVE!

RACE Bulletin From Baja Mexico
Dateline: Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
Monday, November 7, 2016

To reduce the risk of accidents and with the prior fatal accidents which have occurred during the off-road races, during the upcoming Baja 1000, security will be reinforced with more than 300 members of the armed forces. 

It is estimated that between police, sailors and soldiers, there will be 500 people placed at points which have been identified as having greater risks.

"Security will be reinforced with the Mexican military to reduce the risks of accidents and the fatalitoes that have occured during the SCORE International races here in Baja California, Mexico. 

Officials estimate with elements from the local and state police, the Mexican Navy and Army, an additional 500 officers." Hector Rosas Rodea, an official of the Office of Tourism (SECTUR) said Boulevard Costero, Avenida Rotario, Calle Primera, Arroyo Ensenada and other parts of the course through downtown Ensenada would be reinforced.

The departments of SECTUR, ProTurismo, the Directorate of Public Security (DPSM), the Navy Detachment (SEMAR) and the Citizen Committee of Public Safety, the Secretariat of National Defence(SEDENA) and the DSMR was quoted as saying over 120 officers would be armed. 

Hector Rosas Rodea, said the Directorate of the Assistance of Tourism would be supporting requests for visitors to enter the country with their race cars, spare parts and tires among other need racing equipment."

RACE Bulletin From Baja Mexico

Gary Newsome, Publisher
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