UPDATE September, 2019
UPDATE JULY 17, 2019
Did you think this was done???
Sex Slave Trade & Mar-a-Lago!
Sex Slave Trade & Mar-a-Lago!
How deep into the Fraud Swamp?
Jeffrey Epstein & The Donald
Jeffrey Epstein & The Donald
Jeffrey Epstein & The Donald
BULLETIN! March 8, 2019
Donald Trump and Family on the Hook for Cindy Li Yang Connection to Robert Kraft and Donald Trump Sex Slave Trade!
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'Cindy' Li Yang (L) and The Donald (R) |
The Republic of China gets caught
spying on Mar-A-Lago Club...UPDATING!
**Miami Herald Drops The Hammer on Mar-a-Lago Club and The Sex Slave Connection with The Donald
The Original Reporting>>>
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Robert (Bob) Kraft alleged paid sex with a sex slave next to Jay-Z and his pregnant wife, 'Entertainer' Beyonce |
Police Officials say Mar-a-Lago Club member Robert (Bob) Kraft, will be prosecuted for 2 counts of misdemeanor soliciting another for prostitution and if convicted, he faces up to a year in jail. #MAGA
According to official court documents, Kraft paid for a threesome on Jan. 19. Two women taking turns "manipulating his genitals". Once Kraft 'finished', the women cleaned him up and he gave them each a $100 bill.
Police Officials have described the case against Kraft in graphic detail ... saying his first incident occurred on Jan 19. The second incident occurred on Jan. 20, the day the Patriots were playing the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game. As for incident #2: officials describe it in the following way: "[employee] escorted Kraft to a room identified as JPPD Cam 2. There, the two hugged each other and Kraft took off all his clothing, laid face up on the massage table and [employee] hugged him again. At approximately 1102hrs. (Employee) began manipulating Kraft’s penis and testicles and then put her head down by his penis. This went on several minutes.” "After a few minutes, [employee] wiped Kraft in the area of his genitals with a white towel, helped him get dressed and hugged him again. "Kraft gave [employee] one $100 bill plus at least one other unidentifiable bill". Officials say Kraft was only at the Asian massage parlor for a total of 14 minutes on January 20. Kraft exited to a waiting 2015 blue Bentley. Cops say Kraft was wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt, blue baseball cap and blue shorts.
March 19
Sources tell us there’s “absolutely no way” Patriots owner and accused rub-and-tug recipient Robert Kraft will take the no-plea deal that Florida prosecutors are offering in his prostitution-solicitation case. Kraft was charged with two misdemeanors after he was caught on camera allegedly trading cash for sexual favors at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Fla., on Jan. 18 and Jan. 22 — shortly before his team won its sixth Super Bowl. He has plead not guilty. But now the state attorney’s office says it will drop the charges if he admits he would have been found guilty at trial of soliciting a prostitute.
“This is a standard first-time offender plea offer,” said Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office spokesman Mike Edmondson. The office extended the offer to 24 other men arrested in the case, but no one has accepted it so far, Edmondson said. Kraft and the other accused johns would also have to submit to an STD test, take a class on the dangers of prostitution, complete 100 hours of community service and pay $10,000 in court fees. “One-hundred percent no way he’s taking the deal,” a source told us of Kraft. “Kraft strongly insists he didn’t do anything wrong, and he isn’t going to take a deal that indicates he did.” Prosecutors painted Kraft and the other customers as enablers of human trafficking — but investigators have struggled to show the operation at Orchids of Asia relied on trafficking. No one has been charged with human trafficking, and both women with whom Kraft allegedly engaged — 45-year-old spa manager Lei Wang and 58-year-old spa employee Shen Mingbi — are licensed masseuses and Florida residents. Kraft is one of roughly 300 men charged in a massive massage-parlor crackdown that has also shuttered 10 seedy spas between Palm Beach and Orlando. Authorities observed the houses of ill repute for 10 months and gathered intel by grilling patrons at traffic stops once they left the spas — then obtained warrants to install cameras in rubdown rooms.
Legal observers have raised myriad questions about the investigation. Sources close to the investigation say Jupiter police incorrectly obtained the spy-cam warrant and should not have had the legal authority to install them. The Donald partied with the founder of the massage parlor slave-trade where Robert Kraft was busted. The cameras did not capture any audio, so there is no proof Kraft and the alleged prostitutes agreed to trade sex for cash. “It is possible that this could have been a legal and consensual act between adults, and there does not seem to be evidence to prove otherwise,” according to former federal prosecutor Eric Snyder, who is not involved in the case. The traffic stops may also have been illegal, observers have noted. While the deal would let Kraft dodge jail time, it could make his life tougher with the NFL. “A guilty plea from Kraft would certainly mean he’d also face some kind of discipline from the NFL,” a league source said.
Original reporting; Kraft Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 'World Champions' New England Football Team NFL National Football League Patriots team owner Robert Kraft has been named as one of those involved in a prostitution sting in Florida, but he’s far from the only one involved, and he may not be the most famous person involved.
Adam Schefter said on ESPN that Kraft isn’t the most famous person — there’s someone else whose name hasn’t surfaced yet who’s better known than Kraft.
“I’m also told that Robert Kraft is not the biggest name involved down there in South Florida,” Schefter said.
The Sex-Slaves were living where they were taken, working without breaks or time-off, violating numerous local, state and federal laws.
The laws that the stupid rich hate. The taxes, fees and costs people like Robert Kraft, Roger Norman and the Donald never want to pay?
The stupid rich, have unsafe (no condoms) relations with enslaved women in the strip mall next door to where your wife, daughter and their friends get their yogurt?
Robert (Bob) Kraft, owner of the National Football League, New England Patriots, was twice dropped off by a chauffeured vehicle!
"Condoms were never used, video surveillance obtained, described the sex acts in graphic detail", Sheriff Snyder said.
Local police in Jupiter Florida have reported that an international sex slave operation was ongoing near the President of the United States, the Donald's Mar-A-Lago Club, where Kraft allegedly had paid sex with a sex slave in Florida. The Donald was at his club when Kraft was having paid sex, next door to a yogurt shop.
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Mar-A-Lago Club member allegedly paid sex with sex slave, Love Two Times without a Rubber! |
The case has peeled back one of the most disgustingly gross aspects of this stretch of Florida, where a playground of the stupid-wealthy filled with golf courses and beaches meets with what authorities say may be a global human trafficking ring spanning from China to the "Making America Great Again", U.S.A.
Reportedly, the NFL Patriots team owner was in the process of buying a Baja racing team, to race in the Baja 1000 Death Race this DESERT Championship Off-Road Racing season, 2019. Robert Kraft allegedly "did it twice", next door to the yogurt shop, where local children buy and consume their fresh & wholesome frosty, tasty treats!
The 'Orchids of Asia Day Spa' was an open secret around southeast Florida, well known for blending the financially opulent with the sexually sordid.
Online reviews on sex-sites cited paid sex services in vulgar terms including “rub and tug”. Another on noted a “happy ending”.
It was there, next to the local yogurt hut in the town of Jupiter, that the police say Robert Kraft, owner of the "World Champions" (sound familiar?) National Football League, New England Patriots, was twice dropped off by a chauffeured vehicle.
Worth $4.4 BILLION US, he paid, the police say, between $59 US and $79 US for sex acts. An explicit police affidavit says the encounters didn’t include intercourse, nor a condom.
The 77-year-old little white dude, Kraft proclaims his innocence in a broader investigation that ensnared two other prominent financiers, including John Havens, Citigroup Inc.’s former president. John Childs, a buyout pioneer, was also charged in a related prostitution investigation.
The police say in total 26 encounters are captured on video in the Orchids. The case has peeled back one of the most unsavory aspects of this stretch of Florida, where a playground of the stupid-wealthy filled with golf courses and beaches meets with what authorities say may be a human trafficking, sex slavery ring spanning from China to the U.S.
There are multi-million dollar mansions as well as the massage tables that police say women slept on when not engaged by customers. “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said in an interview Saturday. The juxtapositions are jarring. Jupiter is home to countless celebrities and sports stars, as well as the Trump National Golf Club, where the the Donald golfed with Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus earlier this month. Thirty minutes to the south, in the area around near Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club, there are $10 MILLION US homes tucked behind carefully groomed hedges and the valet lines teem with Lamborghinis and Rolls-Royces.
Sheriff Snyder said the multi-jurisdiction probe was expected to carry on for the foreseeable future into more and possibly broader human trafficking operations. He said that in many cases it involved coerced women without access to their own transportation, who would be moved from location to location, living where they were taken and sometimes working late into the night.
‘Treated Like Cattle’, Snyder said, for all the attention given to the high-flying men accused, this in his mind is a story of the women: None of the women ever left until they were moved. Many, he said, had been carried out of their jurisdiction in expensive cars. They had no days off, he said, and cooked rice on hot plates.
The Sex-Slaves were living where they were taken, working without breaks or time-off, violating numerous local, state and federal laws.
The laws that the stupid rich hate. The taxes, fees and costs people like Robert Kraft and the Donald never want to pay?
The stupid rich, have unsafe (no condoms) relations with enslaved women in the strip mall next door to where your wife, daughter and their friends get their yogurt?
Robert (Bob) Kraft, owner of the National Football League, New England Patriots, was twice dropped off by a chauffeured vehicle!
"Condoms were never used, video surveillance obtained, described the sex acts in graphic detail", Sheriff Snyder said.
The sheriff said of the arrested men: “Any thoughts that they didn’t know they were trafficked women" are hogwash.” The affidavit covering the police operation at the Orchids was based in part on video surveillance obtained from Jan 18-22, described the sex acts in graphic detail, but the men were only identified as "Man 1-26".
Charges were filed against 25 johns with the State Attorney in Palm Beach County. The police said unlike the others who visited only once, Kraft visited twice.
Robert Kenneth Kraft, was born June 5, 1941. He calls himself "an American businessman". He is the chairman and chief executive officer of the Kraft Group, a diversified holding company with assets in paper and packaging, sports and entertainment, real estate development and a private equity portfolio. Gillette products are part of the 'assets' Kraft 'owns'.
Maybe he thinks he owns the employees in his 'holding company'?
Robert Kraft is the owner of the (NFL) National Football League's New England Patriots, (MSL) Major League Soccer's New England Revolution, and Gillette Stadium, where both teams play. In addition to owning the Patriots, Kraft is the money behind the New England Revolution Major League Soccer team and other businesses.
Florida statutes describe a first offense of soliciting a prostitute as a second-degree misdemeanor punishable by as many as 60 days in jail and a fine. But the punishment can increase significantly for repeat offenders. Suspects who are Palm Beach County residents will receive a summons in the mail to appear in court, Jupiter Detective Andrew Sharp said, while those residing outside the county will have an arrest warrant issued.
Robert (Bob) Kraft is a frequent visitor to the Donald's Mar-a-Lago Resort.
The Patriots owner was in the area this past weekend, while attending a fund-raiser for the Everglades Foundation, he was talking with the Donald about buying his Baja racing team.
Childs, meanwhile, was among 165 people that were charged by Florida’s Vero Beach Police Department in a separate but related investigations into local area 'massage parlors'.
UPDATED: New York Connection
Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Juptier, Florida where Robert Kraft was busted, and Lixia Zhu, one of the many woman charged in the case who got her massage license from Flushing, Queens, New York state. Home of everything #MAGA
Krafts Diddling Exposes the real New York! Cameras caught the real business of the stupid rich, fake ego-dick inflation!
Not your typical millennial New Yorker — with an addiction to sex parlors. Robert Kraft used mogul pal's car to get to Florida spa at center of sex scandal. Several women busted in the sweeping Florida massage-parlor sting that snagged the physically puny patriots owner Robert Kraft, came from China to Flushing to get licensed and learn the illicit sex trade, cops say. Florida police believe workers at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter — where the 77-year-old billionaire dipshit allegedly paid for sexual services.
An illegal from China, played with Robert Krafts private parts, for money. Other parlors nailed in the probe are part of a bustling New York-to-South Florida pipeline. From China to Trumps America, with love. Or, maybe just hand creme.
Sexual Servitude, regulars call it Slavery!
Lan Yun Ma, who ran a parlor in Vero Beach, employed women from the Queens neighborhood and once lived a five-minute walk from its 40th Road red-light district, police said. She has been charged with human trafficking in the Florida investigation. Ma also faced trafficking counts in Oxford, Mass., in 2012, when “three Asian females were rescued from indentured sexual servitude”, according to one report.
Lan Yun Ma previously lived around the corner from the slim strip of 40th Road in Flushing where eight brothels operate and where Post reporters were openly solicited. Lixia Zhu — who was hit with racketeering and money-laundering counts after a raid at the Therapy Spa in Stuart — got her massage license in Flushing, Lt. Mike Dougherty of the Martin County Sheriff’s office told local reporters, today.
He said at least a half-dozen other women arrested there, told cops that they had worked in Flushing.
These wetbacks are getting their "papers" in New York state.
“The one thing they have in common is home base is in Flushing, New York”, Dougherty said. “It’s the first point these women hit. That’s where they are getting documents”. He said a criminal-defense lawyer from New York flew in last week to represent Zhu, who immigrated a decade ago and also worked in Chicago, Atlanta and Massachusetts.
Massage parlors line 40th Road in Flushing, New York. Officials think the 'owners' of this slave trade are trying to close down information getting to the public.
One banker owns half the buildings housing Flushing's alleged brothels, “We were super concerned with that”, Dougherty said. “If this is what we think and the tentacles reach organized crime outside this country, how is this attorney showing up who has no real connection to her? Is he trying to quiet her up?”
"If this is what we think...", Bankers, Prostitution, Sex Slavery, Money Laundering sounds like Trump, Inc.!
The federal Department of Homeland Security is investigating the web of organized crime and prostitution that stretches from China through Flushing and Florida, Dougherty said, including whether massage workers were in the US illegally. He said Zhu’s Florida rub-and-tug joints moved “incredible amounts of money” through China. Investigators are probing whether Zhu and other workers are victims of human trafficking, he said.
Who knows, stories like this could bring down the entire system of Capitalism? Why are the stupid rich so afraid of Socialism?
Rub and Tug for the masses!
Baja Racing News will bring the Mexico off-road racing picture into focus with the usual sex-slaves, reporting on similar Ensenada establishments and the Americans who use the sex-enslavement industry during Death Race events in the SCORE series.
Please do not confuse this 'Kraft story' with one of the Baja Medical Emergency stories we report on, here on Baja Racing News.
Gary Newsome, Reporting
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