THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, June 17, 2019

KING OF BAJA EXPO 2019 Celebrates 25 Years! June 12-16

25 YEARS COYOTE 300 2019!

The celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Total Coyote 300 was framed by an excellent participation of 163 competition vehicles and 24 motorcycles that total a total of 187 teams in the classic celebration "racing" of Father's Day, along the almost 300 km of the route, which returned to its classic format.

The party of contingency and mechanical revision were all a success in the La Paz Malecon (boardwalk) where thousands of fans gathered to see the competition units that met in the classic pre-race, which extended to almost 1AM in the morning before the endless row of units of competition that were prepared for the technical, mechanical and security review. In the review, the Coyote Pits Club, organizer of this 4th round of the Desert Series 2019 Total Test Championship, gave Alejandro Cota Miranda a well-deserved recognition, a renowned character who, from multiple trenches, as a sports announcer and chronicler, as pilot of the Class 11, as a member of the club and a founding member, has been part of the history of the club, this career and the anecdote of the breaches of BCS, for which he was given a plaque of recognition and a very heartfelt applause on the part of the hobby.

Congratulations Alex Cota Miranda!Enrique "El Balazo" Murillo takes the Overall Overall of the XXV Total Coyote 300! The start of the race at km 36 occurred at 9 o'clock in the morning for motorsports, which added 163 units of competition were ready to receive the green flag. Enrique "El Balazo" Murillo would be the first to start in his powerful Trophy Truck marked with the number 29, who would maintain the position of privilege throughout the race to be crowned the overall winner of this 25th anniversary of "La Coyote", stopping the second in 2:48:14, a "tiempazo" that the team Balazo Jr. Motorsports celebrated what it deserves, leaving besides a bad run of unfinished races.Tremendous image of the Escudería California Chiken captured by Juan Flores / DirtyCam. The "good chickens", Blas Gracia and Abel Sandoval, winners of Class 1. The Class 1 was variant due to the penalties that had several of the runners, with what Blas Gracia and Abel Sandoval had an outstanding participation without penalties to raise the trophy of winners in a great result for the team California Chicken. In the 2nd place was Stephano Palacios on board the 116 also doing a good race despite the penalty. In the third place appeared Armando Molina, from Los Barriles, who gets a good result in this quarter-century celebration of the Coyote."El Cachorro" of the Testarudos Jr. Ale and Luis González Reyna, great result winning the Class 8! Berna Martínez Class 8 was dominated by the Testarudos Jr. brothers Alejandra and Luis González Reyna, who made an excellent race, with Luis in the first part and Ale in the 2nd, finished a swinging drum and knew how to respect the speed limit in the section restricted, to go without penalties and to be crowned as the winners, without a doubt one of the most outstanding results in the career of the young pilots on board "El Cachorro". In the 2nd place appeared the one from Punta Colonet, Endy Lara, who unfortunately did not know how to recognize the penalty to which he became creditor, which was demonstrated step by step giving him the explanation and showing him the record of his Data Recorder. The third place was Francisco García "El Diablo Racing", who was just 10 seconds behind the 2nd place in a very close result in the Free Class 8. Ruffo, 2nd overall and winner of Class 2/10. Another good image captured by Berna MartínezIn the Class 2/10 Andrés Ruffo de Alba of the Ruffo Racing team and the Escudería Autopartes El Progreso won. Andrés gave a superb race stopping the second hand at 2:59:51 to claim the 2nd overall position of this Coyote, an unquestionably impressive result for a 4 cylinder. The second place was the pair of Hector Moraila and Juan Araiza, in an excellent result for the team. The Class 2/10 medal was closed by Lalo Laguna aboard "El Malo" of the Montoya Racing team, Lalo "hit" a "shootout" during a good part of the race against Ruffo, however a failure caused them to stop and fall to the 3rd. Rody Amaya does it again ... First place of the 16th and Overall of Restricted. 

The runner sponsored by Electrolit, Hidrata La Vida, managed to beat his category rivals thanks to good handling and not having exceeded the speed limit in the restricted area, which basically gave him the victory against the penalties of several of the other runners of the 16. In the 2nd place stood out the idol of Santa Rosa, San Jose del Cabo, Francisco "Chico" Villagómez, who lost the victory after a penalty of 3 minutes, thus being only 41 seconds from Amaya in a fierce fight for the triumph. The third place was Daniel Orozco "El Shompe", another who fought hard until the end and who suffered a penalty for overcoming the time limit in the re-start, however and even with it, he got into the 3rd place of a always very competitive category. The winner of Class 7, Andrés Bataglia who returns to the podium. The Class 7 had in the winner to Andrés Battaglia, who after a long time out of the podium, returns to the summit of it nothing more and nothing less than in the celebration of a quarter of a century of the Coyote 300 sponsored by Total Lubricants. Andrés stopped the clock in 3:12:49 in a great result celebrating the father's day. Carlos Ramos "El Balacito" Murillo along with José Luis Rosas Polanco of the team Balazo Jr. Generation were the ones who hung the silver medal in this 4th date Probaja 2019, the runners of the # 719 add their 2nd consecutive podium. The third place was left by Chong, of Ecoverde Recicladora, the runner based in the state capital closes the 1,2,3 of this race with a good result.Tremendous streak by Manlio Díaz with three victories in a row in the Class 29. Manlio Diaz was dispatched with his 3rd victory in a row in a tremendous streak that crosses the team driver don Lino Racing. Manlio drove his Can Am 2907 to the finish line to stop the clock in 3:05:37, a "tiempazo" that places him in the 3rd overall position overcoming the vehicles of Class 1, 7 and 16, without a doubt a great race for the team of Combustibles Baja Sur and Gasoline Lines VP Racing. The second place of the 29 took Angel Ernesto Angulo and Fernando Zazueta "The FAZ", who taking advantage of the penalties of their classmates, achieved a magnificent result on Sunday June 16. To close the podium of the 29 appeared Angelica Macias, who again shows a great career and even he was the 2nd place for a penalty of 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Another outstanding result for the "racing girl" of the competitive Class 29.Don Black by René and Cinthya Núñez, undisputed winners of the twenty-fifth Total Coyote 300. Photo: Paco Aguiar / DesertBajaRené and Cinthya Núñez won a tremendous victory in the largest category of this Coyote, the Class 7SX, to take the race with a time of 4:15:34 despite having a penalty of 15 minutes ... The vehicle Don Black # 7065 are still in the fight for the # 7000. In the 2nd place was Enrique Burgoin who also had a penalty that snatched the possibility of victory, however his good performance in the gap reached him to stay in the 2nd place. To complement the third of winners appeared the 7077 of Sergio Güdiño, who also had a penalty but still managed to lift a third place trophy.Luis Fernando Nieblas did the same to consecrate winner of the Class 8 Stock. Photo: Paco Aguiar / DesertBajaIn the 8S Luis Fernando Nieblas also gave a great race to stand with the victory overcoming for more than an hour to his closest pursuer in an excellent result for the 859. The second position was left to Jose Leobardo, to leave in the third place to Baltazar Higuera thus completing the 1,2,3 of the 8 Stock.Gilberto Rodríguez and sharing a flyer with his father-in-law Roberto "El Pato" Osorio won the Stock Mini. Photo: Gio HernándezThe Stock Mini Class was left by the duo of Gilberto Rodríguez and Roberto "El Pato" Osorio aboard the 760. The San Jose del Cabo team closed strong to be crowned as first place taking advantage of the luck, to be a few meters from the goal to Jaime Ceseña, of the Agúndez & Agúndez team, who having broken the crankcase of his vehicle, he and his co-driver had to enter the goal pushing the unit marked with the 755 to still achieve the 2nd place in the category, in one of the most emotional moments of the day at the goal of El Tecolote Beach. The third place was for Roberto Gálvez who has had a good run and remains on podium in this 4th round of the series Total Test Desert Series 2019.Great result of Vicente García raising the laurel of the Class 9. Vicente García also achieved an outstanding victory in Class 9 to reclaim the winner's laurel by stopping the clock at 3:53:14, surpassing Salomón Salvatierra Leggs by just 29 seconds, who despite having had a penalty of 15 minutes, only he was the "win" for 29 seconds in a tight result in the Class 9, it should be noted that Solomon has remained one of the most constant runners in the podium of this championship, because with this sum his second 2nd place of two victories, which undoubtedly keeps him at the top of the scorecard and as a serious contender for the 2019 Campbell Cup. To finish with the first 3 of the 9, we have Jossio "El Wahoo" Agúndez, another competitive participant of this category who escaped the triumph after a penalty of 18 minutes and 30 seconds, however his good career was enough to reach the 3rd place. Javy Murillo does it again, great race and first place of the 14th! "Javy" Murillo does it again! The Class 14 rider was dispatched with one more victory for his résumé, although tightly after a penalty of 4 minutes he managed to stay on top of the 14. The team of Guadalupanos Motorsport was the one who was left with the second position at only 1 minute and 34 of the leader in a fight closed by the podium. Javier Antonio Tamayo remained with the 3rd place despite the penalty in a day full of adrenaline and excitement. The winner of Class 15, Jessie Zárate, Jessie Zárate, another of the "racing girls" of this XXV Total Coyote 300, had an excellent race and was crowned with the victory aboard the 1549 in a great result for Jessie. José Montiel also managed to achieve the checkered flag in El Tecolote to become the 2nd place of the Sportman Buggy, also known as the Class 15. Winners of the Stock Buggy Class, Cayetano Cota Navarro, Ian Cota and Iván Castro. The Stock Buggy category had in Cayetano Cota, Ian Cota and Iván Castro the unquestionable winners of the category in this 25th anniversary celebration of La Coyote, the Cota and Castro closed their participation with time of 3:52:28 in a round celebration of father's day. Even though another runner had been rewarded by mistake, since the penalty time for starting late in the re-start had not been added, the organization realized the blunder and the results were corrected, with Antonio Hernandez, Paletería and Nevería La Tropical, who was left with the 2nd place well deserved to get the checkered flag. To finish with the winners of this category, appears Rodolfo Higuera, who in error had been in the 4th place, recovering to podium area to receive prize and trophy.Carlos Salgado "El Gato Moro" adds another victory to his record in this 2019 edition of the Coyote 300 sponsored by Total Lubricants. Class 11 was controversial because one of the competitors for distraction did not return the Data Recorder in the goal, reason why the organization decided not to reward that category while waiting to have the complete data and not affect the other riders in the category , a fact that gave a positive result, because when the device was delivered and revised, the equipment resulted in a penalty of 10 minutes that modified the podium of the race, which, despite having affected and bothered the other riders of the race. the 11, in the end of accounts was the best decision due to the circumstances. Given these facts, Carlos "Chipy" Salgado won another victory for his record and gets up with his second victory in a row, this in the two most emblematic races of the off road Calisureño. The second place was won by Jorge and Orlando Romero Street in a good battle with the "Gato Moro", finally the third place was left by Fernando Ojeda who also stood out in this category who presented a very good starting grid. 

  LIVE! RaceDay from La Paz! BCS
LIVE! Contingency in La Paz, BCS


*KING OF BAJA Cinematic Display 8PM*
Official After-Party 11PM
June 12, Wednesday

*KING OF BAJA Cinematic Display 8PM*
Official After-Party 11PM 
June 13, Thursday

*Contingency  4PM*
June 15, Saturday

*RaceDay & Awards 4AM-5PM* 
June 16, Sunday


Southern Baja California Mexico, shows its most human side in one of the most sensitive, modern films. 

A film that only a Southern Californian could film. José Permar, Director, winner of the Ariel 2017, nominated for the students Oscars Academy awards and winner at the Berlin International Film Festival, is one of the promises of Mexican cinema and today presents his new project.


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