UPDATED! June 25, 2019
"Our Culture needs new thrusters"
Selling Off Matt's First Thruster and Bailing on the MINT 400 and Las Vegas
Now that the BLM has been clear to the public about Matt's company and the future of Primm, Nevada,
the "MINT 400", is moving to Mexico!
Gabriel Garcia Guerra, of El Vigia Newspaper here in Ensenada, Baja Mexico, Reported:
Matt Martelli, revealed today exclusively for podium media mx during his stay in ensenada that he already has in mind to celebrate a race out of the way in Mexico in the future not far away, project what would he count on Different categories of bikes and cars."
A representative of 'DIRT Co.', their motto "Off-road clothing with attitude", JaJaJa, at the Oceanside 'Fuel the Desert' event on Saturday, June 22, confirmed,
"we're already ahead of schedule on moving the mint into Mexico. Josh, Matt and the entire company have been working with Dave Cole of UltraBore and teaming up for a series of Baja events that will put Roger Norman, in a bind". "We'll include Dave Coles,
El Princessa San Felipe Sand Hill, UltraBore, next year."
Matt said on Wednesday, June 25:
"The 70 year old owners of off-road series can't tell us what we can or can't do", "we want to have six (6) mints to form our series, in Mexico and the U.S."
We here at can't wait for the Martelli Midgets event in Mex.
Roger Norman (SCORE) isn't 70 years old.
Factually, Casey is dead (didn't the Martelli's stress kill him???) and Sal has one foot in the grave, they both are out of the business, just to let you know.
Matt blabbed on and on about going to 'festivals'. He doesn't seem to be learning anything, other than believing he wants more and more money.
He commented in the interview how much he personally needs more and more thrusters.
More culture bull-shit!

Matt's first thruster is available on their website for sale, used butt clean. Batteries not included! (Like the cheap sunglasses) We'll let you know when the new thruster is ready for sale!
More Later>>>
If you like this reporting, click on the picture below!
Matt Martelli on the Polaris Slingshot:
"It's better than any truck I've ever owned".
Matt, keep using your thruster, we can't wait to report on your blowing BF Goodrich, Polaris and the rest! JaJaJa!

Gary Newsome, Publisher
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