THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

BULLETIN! BULLETIN! BULLETIN American Air Bases in Iraq struck by Ballistic Missle Fired From Iran!

BULLETIN! BULLETIN! BULLETIN American Air Bases in Iraq struck by Ballistic Missiles Fired From Iran! 

EXCLUSIVE! 'Mr. X' reports from Paris, France

At least one dozen (12) ballistic missiles, fired from the country of Iran, have struck two air bases in Iraq! 
4:31 PM WEST (Confirmed)
[13 ballistic missiles now confirmed 5:10PM]
[US Air base at Erbil in Northen Iraq also reportedly struck (unconfirmed) 5:10PM]

January 8, 2020 UPDATE from Middle East

January 8, 2020 UPDATE cont.>>>

"The US Ain al-Assad air base in W. Iraq and a US facility at Irbil, capital of the Kurdish republic, were hit by 35 missiles early Wednesday, Jan. 8, Tehran announced. Sources linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that these attacks were part of a series still to come in revenge for the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimaini. The source of the attack was not immediately clear – whether it came from Iran or a local Shiite militia. And although extent of the damage and casualties was equally unclear, the attack definitely notched up the friction prevailing between Tehran and the US over the killing of the powerful Al Qods general last Friday. After urgent consultations at the White House and the Pentagon on how to handle this latest attack, President Donald Trump made this comment on Twitter: “All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damage taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well-equipped military anywhere in the world by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.”

The missile strikes on the two US bases occurred shortly after the Soleimani funeral ended. It was in line with the revenge attacks that Iran has threatened to launch against the US military in Iraq and across the Middle East. US military facilities were already on the ready. On Tuesday, top war preparedness was declared at all US facilities in the region and by the armies of America’s allies, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The statement issued by Israel’ security cabinet on Monday, that Israel is not involved in the heightened tension between America and Iran following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, was simply an attempt to calm public concerns."

UPDATE! 4:40 PM January 7, 2020

What's Next?
Since Iran has launched 'ballistic' weapons, meaning, large scale, long range, Iranian military kinetic inventory, the USA has several 'greater than equal' tactical responses.

Overwhelming air responses are now expected from Washington D.C., which then leads to all-out warfare in the middle-east.

The USA Air Force can send American bombers, B-1's and B-52's from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, they may be en-route as this report is going LIVE!

Such an attack response would include stand-off weapons, like cruise missiles. An increased kinetic response could include nuclear armed cruise missiles sent special delivery from air-bombers, as mentioned, as well as naval forces.

Iranian military aircraft reported over Iraq! (Unconfirmed)

Reported from our news services in the middle east:
"Russian leader Putin on unannounced visit to Damascus, Syria; Jan 7, 2020 @ 17:27.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Damascus and held talks with Syrian ruler Bashar Assad. This is only his second visit to the Syrian capital since embarking on Russian intervention in the Syrian conflict four years ago. Putin’s trip is certainly connected with the fallout in the region following the US killing of Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani and its possible impact of the Shiite militias serving in Syria, as well as the final stage in the bloody battle for Idlib, the last province remaining out of regime hands."

Iran now officially saying any American response to the ballistic missile strike today, inside Iraq, would enable Iran to strike inside the United States!

The 'American Eagle Eye' Agency of London, England is reporting an American thermo-nuclear strike on Damascus, Syria, taking out Assad and Putin at the same time, would be acceptable damage.

The US Navy has the weapons in the Med-Sea area, to accomplish this strike.

The 'agency' also said in a follow-up report, that this event would be an acceptable test bed for the US. inventory of neutron weapons. 


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