Daily, Live Reporting from Baja Racing News ends today.
May 18, 2020
Guess you'll you'll have to trust the race organizers, Good Luck Racers!
Continued reporting from
is available.
*Baja Racing News EXCLUSIVE!*
Regarding Penalties:
Pay attention international visitors to Mexico.
An American, ex-patriot, with papers to live in Mexico; not tourist papers, was noticed and reported to the heat, leaving his apartment and proceeding to an ATM near his home. After using the ATM, he was recorded on video visiting a convenience store and a supermarket.
He was contacted by the responding badges.
He is now facing deportation and/or three months to three years in prison for violating Articles 1 and 93 of the Mexican Immigration Statutes.
Welcome to Mexico!
Do we have your attention now?
Update May 14
WASHINGTON D.C. - Travel restrictions at the U.S. land borders with Canada and Mexico due to COVID 19 pandemic will likely be extended, a U.S. official said on Wednesday. The restrictions, which temporarily bar non-essential travel to limit the spread of the virus, initially went into effect in March and were set to expire by May 21.
A Mexican government source said on Tuesday that officials were still discussing the issue, but that an extension for a limited period seemed likely.
Update May 12
MEXICO CITY - Mexico's president has ordered the armed forces to tackle security on the streets for another four years, extending a policy he had previously criticized as the government struggles to curb runaway violence. In a notice published in the Official Gazette, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ordered that the Armed Forces (FA) participate "in an extraordinary, regulated and complementary manner with the National Guard" in public security tasks. The armed forces will be under the command of the National Guard, the notice said, a military police created after Lopez Obrador came to the presidency on Dec. 2018. The order will last until March 2024. The decree means the armed forces will be on Mexican streets until almost the end of the presidency of Lopez Obrador, a political veteran who often criticized former President Felipe Calderon for deploying sailors and soldiers for public security. "His security strategy is not working and that is why he has had to order with this decree for the Armed Forces to support public security", security specialist Juan Ibarrola told the Milenio newspaper. Lopez Obrador won office in 2018 vowing to adopt a more conciliatory security strategy focused on the root causes of crime, in particular by reducing poverty and corruption. But the violence has ground on during his first year and half in charge, with a record 34,582 people murdered in 2019. Some 3,000 homicides were recorded in March this year, the second-highest monthly murder tally ever, and the biggest since Lopez Obrador assumed power.
Update May 7
The Donald, Gets Crushed and FOLDS
Update May 6
Tijuana, Baja North Hospitals
Pandemic Victims and OTHER
Hospital OverFlow NOW
Cramming their Asses across the border into South San Diego Hospitals creating Disaster
conditions in San Diego County!
Not only are South Bay ZIP codes showing a higher number of cases, but a far greater share of coronavirus tests administered to patients in Tijuana, are coming back positive.
Tijuana has been hit hard by COVID-19. The city has the some of the highest numbers of coronavirus-related deaths per capita in Mexico at 173. As of Sunday, Baja California had a total of 1,660 confirmed cases. An analysis by the magazine Zeta found that the state’s working class has been hit particularly hard. Dozens of coronavirus victims are being buried in an already-packed graveyard in Tijuana, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports.
(Virus victims burial pictured above)
County officials and hospital leaders have started sounding the alarm. They’ve asked the U.S. government for assistance to help Mexico respond to the crisis, and help San Diego prevent and prepare for a larger spillover from across the border. The biggest concern is the approximately 265,000 U.S. citizens who live in Baja California and who are coming to San Diego to seek health care.
The San Diego County Office of Border Health confirmed Northern Baja California's hospitals are beyond over capacity. The border health office also confirmed South San Diego is in emergency status.
"Hospitals there are failing."
Update May 4
The pandemic rages. Mexico anticipates the peak of new cases is today. Deaths lag behind in the curve, the peak in deaths may arrive within weeks.
Unlike the USA, Mexico is still increasing in its covid death rate.
The most painful part of this scourge is now coming for Mexico.
This direct information from state government:
"After finding us (Mexico) at the highest risk stage of the health emergency caused by Covid-19, the Security Committee in Baja California, agreed in extraordinary session, a series of more energetic measures , which will seek to reduce the risks of infections in the next 10 days.
Mayors are instructed to take the following actions:
First, strengthen and efficient vehicle blockades in a coordinated way, to reduce the movement of people on the public road without justified cause.
Second, increase actions in communities with blockades.
Third, inspect business and non-essential activities.
Fourth, increase social communication for society's assistance in the face of emergency.
Fifth, order the closure of self-service stores and food sale prepared at 20:00 hours (9:00PM) for the next 2 weeks. These measures, according to decisions taken at the Security Bureau, sedate in follow up and compliance with federal provisions, so they will be implemented from this Monday, May 4 and until the emergency situation by the pandemic Covid-19 concludes."
Update April 30
SCORE Officials talk scheduling:
SCORE SEZ, "We don't have any permits to race, yet?!"
Update April 27
*36-hour arrest for anyone caught on the Baja streets or highways
-No vehicle should drive on city streets - checkpoints have been installed or police units make surveillance in the main cities neighborhoods, where families must be in their houses, only one person per car is allowed.
-It has been announced that only in cases of emergency can people leave their homes, either to buy food or for health reasons.
-It has been detected that Americans enter Baja California by means of Bahia de Los Angeles to the municipality of Mulege.
-Those caught by security forces can be sentenced to 36 hours of arrest, since this was agreed by the State Board of Health.
-All non-essential activities will be suspended until May 30.
3. You may only walk or drive alone, and solely for the purpose of performing one of the following essential activities:- Procuring food, medicines and basic goods.- Going to the hospital or attending health facilities or services.- Going to work (in one of the following essential activities: health, security, government, civil protection; the pharmaceutical sector; the health industry; waste disposal (particularly that which may be infectious); cleaning and sanitizing medical units; the non-alcoholic food industry; supermarkets, markets, grocery stores of all sizes, convenience stores and sale of processed or prepared food ("alimentos preparados"); transportation services and freights; farming, agribusiness and cleaning products).- Returning home.- Taking care of the elderly, underaged persons, dependents, disabled persons and persons who are especially vulnerable.- Financial institutions or insurance services.- A case of force majeure or a fully justified need.- Any other similar activity that needs to be done individually, unless you are in the company of a disabled person or for any other justified reason.- Delivering food to those in need (only if your aim is to support the economy of their families, and only if their need is derived from the contingency).- You may drive unaccompanied, only to perform one of these essencial activities or to refuel your vehicle.- Any other thing established by BCS´ Health Security Committee.- All recommendations and instructions dictated by the sanitary authority must be observed.
-Security forces are allowed to block roads and highways for public health or security reasons, or to restrict the circulation of certain vehicles.- The authorities will inform the public about the measures that may affect vehicle transit.
-Zero tolerance. All gatherings are prohibited. No fiestas or gatherings are allowed. Disrupting public order is prohibited.
-Those who leave their homes with COVID-19 symptoms in order to get medical treatment are required to wear a mask.
-Those who do not comply with these norms will be arrested for 36 hours and fined 100 UMAS (presently $8,688 pesos).- Those who do not pay the fine will perform community services for three days (transporting food to vulnerable groups, cleaning health centers and hospitals that are not treating COVID-19 patients, making masks, and performing similar activities related to this contingency.
-The security forces at the municipal, state and federal levels will oversee the observance of these norms.
Update April 26
*Baja California has decreed new restrictions:
-The suspension of non-essential economic and government activities is extended until May 30.
-The transit of people is restricted to individual transfers and only under the assumptions established in the decree.
-Zero tolerance for those who violate the decrees and leave their homes without justification.
-For those who have symptoms of COVID-19 and must go out on the streets for medical reasons, the use of face masks will be mandatory.
-Those who fail to comply with the established measures will be subject to fines and arrest of up to 36 hours; If they cannot pay the fine, they will carry out community work for up to three days in activities related to the contingency.
-The security, municipal, state and federal, civil and military authorities will enforce the health provisions whose started into force will be decreed from April 25.
Update April 23
-Long Term Issue Outlook
USA-Mexico Border in regards
to recreational racing in Baja Mexico.
The recreational sport of Baja racing relates to two different stages of a reaction to the COVID-19 global crisis (pandemic).
Baja California will be in the worst phases of the crisis over the next 3-4 weeks, with closed industrial plants, widespread closed storefronts, spiraling infections, overwhelmed hospitals, over-stressed first responders, lack of personal protective equipment and the need to enforce rules in a community where 57% of all employment is in the informal sector.
California USA has passed the most critical stage of the crisis and has had a much lower level of infections, hospitalization, and deaths than many numeric models predicted 4 weeks ago.
Mexico must weigh several factors, not least of which is keeping people at home or letting them work in secure workplaces and using private, sanitized transportation to get there.
What is more, with California and the U.S. looking at how to recover from the health and business aspects. Planning or ramping up access for international travel to Mexico within this short-term time frame, June-July, is out of the question.
As of April 2020, at least.
Until the results of today's decisions are evident in the health of its citizenry, any recreation by international travelers in Mexico,
is a fools errand.
Continuing long-standing, simple cross-border human relations, will be critical.
How do we keep our normal relations intact recognizing that Mexico is at a different stage in this health crisis/pandemic? This requires daily dialogue without clear outlooks and some very tough decisions.
Peoples lives and investment dollars are at stake over the next two months. For the USA, May will be a pivotal decision making window.
For our Baja California and Southern Baja counterparts, decisions made today and June through August, will determine their success on the balance sheets for the rest of the year.
-Current Border Situation Summary
Baja California: Extension of Guidelines due to COVID-19 through May 30, 2020
The Department of Health of Mexico has just published Guidelines regarding the COVID19 challenge in Mexico and the salient issues are the following:
Time conditions extends through May 30, 2020:
1. Suspension of all “Nonessential Activities”.
2. The prior Guidelines will cease to be implemented as of May 18, 2020 in those Municipalities in Mexico that at said date have a low or no detectable transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
3. Each Department shall establish the Guidelines to reduce mobility among the Municipalities with the different degrees of contamination in order to avoid that the illness be spread.
4. The Governments of the States of Mexico are entrusted with additional responsibilities including adequate and timely implementation of said measures.
5. It falls upon the Governments of the Mexican States as Health Authorities and in general, to the members of the National Health System to provide health services in every State. To execute and supervise the programs, to restructure and expand hospitals, to guarantee the adequate and timely attention to the health of the population both for COVID-19 as well as any other illness that requires attention.
Editor: Gary Newsome
Update April 22
-Measures approved by the Municipal Council for Civil Protection of La Paz, BCS,-
Starting April 22-
+10PM Curfew-
+Restrictions for alcohol sales, 8PM cutoff-
+Mandatory mouth/face coverage, for all activity-
+Strengthen all health measures-
+Closure of all business that are not indispensable/essential.
-Mexico is just getting around to closing business. Roughly, one month behind the states. Some numbers argue Mex is at least two months behind the USA, in responding to the pandemic.
-The USA is months behind the real curve! The federal government failed its primary role, the defense of the American people.
Infectious people from the north are now the greatest threat to Mexico. Proof? Towns in Mex are blocking roads, in and out of their communities, trying to stop the virus.
You think you're Racing in Mexico?
*More reporting on this item soon...
The threat to Mexico?
The infected American.
How will the future look for Americans in touristic Mexico after this disaster?
Gary's EDITORIAL Begins
The insanely stupid Americans!
Like 'Laurie' of the desert race community.
She asked and commented on the scheduling of the Baja 500.
"Is there a chance we can know what the back up date is? Dan and I had already booked and paid for a trip in June to Paris that is now the same week as the current scheduled Baja 500. We can switch the dates but would sure hate to reschedule to find the Baja 500 is moved to that date."
The 1% one-percenter Blues!
Mexico Decree 223/2020 outlines the inspections and closures of local business.
"Non-essential business".
In the USA, the required metrics of re-opening business are formidable.
'Fourteen days straight' of down turning numbers, 'required' to even begin opening business.
Today, that means if we do get the numbers we want, downturning, Tuesday, May 5 is the first day any particular region can begin to 're-open'. Not likely, after today's shocking upturning numbers.
New estimates SHOCK!!!
Neeraj Sood, a professor of public policy at USC, and the lead researcher of the Los Angeles study, told Reuters that, by their estimates, "We might have to recalibrate disease prediction models and rethink public health strategies".
Update April 21
Restrictions extend at the Mexico and United States border for another 30 days!
The authorities of the United States and Mexico agreed to extend for 30 more days. Restricting non-essential travel at the border, "because of the coronavirus pandemic".
Mexico's Foreign Secretary clarified that the measures will be the same as agreed to implement from March 21st.
In addition, the United States extended non-essential travel restrictions on its Canadian border, also for 30 days, Acting Secretary Chad Wolf of the Department of Homeland Security reported. As The donald (44K Dead, so far!) pointed out last week, "border control, travel restrictions and other limitations remain key to curbing the spread of coronavirus and allowing the gradual opening of the country", Wolf wrote.
In actual reality, the reverse is true. The border closure is protecting the people of Mexico, from the WIDELY infected people of the USA!
Update April 19:
The Border with Canada has been announced as remaining closed to the end of May.
No 'official' announcements on USA-Mexico border, however, the border authorities behind the scenes are talking that the end of May is a reasonable sustained closure time.
Crossing our fingers June 1, remote opening time. For individuals. No mass gatherings allowed, within any reasonable time frame.
Update April 17
The Mexican Lock-Down is now decreed to last until May 30 in the following municipalities: Los Cabos, La Paz (and Todos Santos), Loreto, Mulege, Comondu, Ensenada, Mexicali (and San Felipe), Playas de Rosarito, Tecate, y Tijuana
Update April 16
The entire Republic of Mexico under PHASE 3 Decree!
Mexican Federal Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, told Baja Racing News from Mexico City this morning, "Phase 3 is officially in effect".
Journalist Joaquín López Dóriga confirms that tomorrow (Thursday) in Mexico will be decreed phase 3 by the Federal Authorities as a "national pandemic".
PHASE 3 in Mexico:
April 15: Widespread transmission: thousands of cases have now been reported in multiple locations across the country. Schools and workplaces with active outbreaks will be shuttered.
Business across Baja are being 'CLOSED'. Implementation of stricter health protocols will occur. A general quarantine of the population now is determined necessary.
August may be the first chance to even visit Mexico from the USA!
April 15:
"Mass Events NOT LIKELY", UNTIL 2022!!!
Statement from Health Department for the State of Baja California, in Mexicali.
BajaRacingNews.com NOW
building our most detailed coverage EVER!
The GREATEST threat to Baja racing,
in over 100 Years!!!

~Some Old News, from Yesterday!~
BajaRacingNews Editorial Board
estimates June 1, is an overly optimistic open date for Baja racing in Baja Norte
Ensenada Race Advisory,
Remember this date, 4-14-2020.
SCORE is Officially CRUSHED!
"Any gatherings over ten (10) people, are currently BANNED".
Starting, MAYBE in JULY, a 'Health Department Permit' will be required. And that's for LOCALS!
*Mass Gatherings in Baja Norte may not occur in 2020! The Health Department of the State of Baja Norte is now in charge! They have the FINAL WORD.
Chief of that department, based in Mexicali said today, "Special Health Department Permits, an entirely new process will now dictate, larger scale racing events in Baja California", he said.
*An 'approved' mass gathering event, may not occur until 2021, at the earliest! “The prospect of mass gatherings is negligible at best until we get to mass immunity and we get to a vaccine”, mass gatherings are not likely to be allowed for the foreseeable future.
Serious, Serious Business when you
consider breaking that law in the states and you get a $1-4,000.00 US ticky.
But, in Mexico, you go to JAIL, wait out the jailkeepers, who demand the same money, but won't let you FREE until they are PAID, in CASH!
*A worldwide ban of 'festivals' is active through, AT VERY LEAST, mid-July.
*Baja Norte has been in lock step, coordinating their 'legal decrees'
dictating covid virus closures, alongside the State of California and Federal US Government via Mexico City.
*With Los Angeles showing their hand of continuing the closures, their signal may indicate we are at least one month away from any changes at the US-Mex border and in Baja Norte.
*In Baja Norte, the state undersecretary reported that, for the purpose of public safety, 23 preventive blockades have been installed located at the entrances and exits of towns and ranches, coordinated by the municipal delegates and subdelegates, as well as in the main cities of Baja California. Volunteers, state and municipal civil protection personnel, state and municipal police, as well as personnel from the Ministry of Health, are employed.
Baja California, Mexico Governor chief body guard, DIES of the virus!
Gob. Jaime Bonilla Valdez chief bodyguard has died by coronavirus. Rigoberto Rodriguez, head of state bodyguards (Ayudantía) of Baja California Norte, passed on, according to Amado Cruz, coordinator of the Aid and Logistics of the border entity Executive.
Reportedly, the chief of escorts was a positive patient to COVID-19 and passed away from complications of this pandemic virus. The death of the chief of bodyguards-escorts was confirmed by the coordinator of the Assistant and Logistics of the executive of the border entity, Amado Cruz.
Stay-at-home Order will continue until May 15!
Los Angeles County, CA (USA) health officials announced that the county’s stay-at-home order would be extended to May 15. This includes all current closures of businesses, beaches, parks and trails. Mayor Eric Garcetti said the public health interventions are “beginning to bend the curve", it certainly doesn’t mark the end of the road.
The order came after a model showed that nearly 96% of the population would be infected by August if the social distancing and restrictions were lifted now. Dr. Christina Ghaly, the county’s director of health services, said that making changes now would pose the risk of overwhelming the healthcare system.
Tijuana: “Doctors are falling like flies…"
”TIJUANA, BC. – At a news conference this morning, the Governor of the northern state, Baja California, said that health personnel were not given protection to carry out their work in the face of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
“The same doctors that work at the General Hospital, paid to serve the public are now being witnessed", "falling like flies".
"The doctors were not given protection,” said the Governor of Baja California, Jaime Bonilla in the face of the pandemic for Covid-19 coronavirus.
The Governor considered that it was useless to give protection to the doctors of the General Hospital if they were not given to those of the IMSS. “And now we have a tremendous need. The Social Security program affected the State’s Health program", he said.
Even the governor of the entire state of Baja California, Bonilla, referred to the video of the actor Eugenio Derbez, in which he denounces that the doctors do not have sufficient protection or equipment.
The Secretary of Health in Baja California, Alonso Óscar Pérez Rico, reported that to date, Baja Norte has 414 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 33 deaths have been recorded. Tijuana tops the list of deaths with 21; 11 were registered in Mexicali and one in Ensenada.
He explained that of the confirmed cases in the state, the city with the highest number of infected cases is Tijuana with 240, followed by Mexicali with 150, Tecate with 14, there are four in Ensenada, four in Playas de Rosarito, and two cases in San Quintín."
Ensenada, Baja Norte, the retail business association, alarms community over fears of criminal wave crashing storefront business!
The leader of the retail business community of Ensenada is alarming the public that riots, lawless gangs and break-ins are beginning throughout the business community of Ensenada.
He went further, by saying peoples homes are about to be run over by crime, that the police cannot handle. More>>>
Saturday, April 12, 2020
SCORE issues a bizzare conversation with racers. Exposing Rogers vapid reliance on people fawning over ridiculous nothingness.
""SCORE International sent this out today to their data base with an interview with the DA's Cameron Steele and SLR Honda's Justin Morgan.
Justin Morgan shares some responses for Slam Life Racing while Cameron Steele comments for the Desert Assassins responding to some questions from SCORE regarding this down time from life as we have known it.
SCORE: How are you and your family coping overall with this virus situation?
JM: Everything is about normal with my family and this virus it’s not affecting us too much.
CS: We are doing pretty well and working hard to stay healthy. We started our lockdown on March 13th and the six of us have been handling each other pretty well. We have a new born, Grace, (plus wife Heidi and oldest daughter Kay) so we are keeping busy! The fish, Blue, and I are the only boys so we are outnumbered.
SCORE: Is everybody healthy at home?
JM: Everyone is healthy at home.
CS: All is good! The dog wants to know why she is getting so many baths ha ha!
SCORE: How is your business handling this situation?
JM: My job has not been changed at all, people are still buying avocados and there’s plenty of work to do.
CS: We shut Desert Assassins and are looking forward to getting back at it. I have been working on SCORE Baja 1000 planning and budget so I’ve been pretty focused on that and family. We also have more con-jobs for you gullible flat landers out there! By the way, all of our TV shows and videos.
SCORE: What are you doing with your race team during this time?
JM: The race team is at idle at the moment, we will probably do some testing in the near future.
CS: The guys are off and taking care of family and catching up at home. We have been working on a plan for the year with the changes. The race trucks, No. 16 and No. 14 are mostly ready to race, when ever that can safely start back up.
SCORE: Is your race shop still working?
JM: San Diego Powerhouse is still very busy working on bikes. Bobby has our Honda CRF450X bike ready to go.
CS: No we are shut down for now. Doing what we can on computers and very anxious to get back after it!
SCORE: How are you keeping in touch with your race team?
JM: The team usually communicates over the phone so that has not changed.
CS: Text with much of the team and call them some. We have around 40 hard core DA lifers that support our effort and we could not do it without them. We have a huge group of family that is based in Chula Vista and were a big part of West Racing, who had many Baja championships and who René Brugger races with when we sucked him into the DA vortex in 2007. Rene and Heidi have won many races together and Rene’s son Richie is with us now at the shop and they are “Prep by Brugger” officially. Crazy but a volunteer named Tim Martin suggested René when we needed driving help at the 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 and he’s been stuck with us ever since, dang that’s been 13 years! If he quits I quit, no joke!
SCORE: Have you done or are planning to do any form of vehicle testing in the near future?
JM: Mark Samuels owns the team SLR Honda and yes we will be racing together again in 2020. This extra time before we start gives Justin Jones more time to recover from his injury which will be another big help to our team.
CS: We have been all over the place on ideas and building more than testing. We have done some recent dings testing and fox sucks testing to get more mechanical grip in our trucks. The truck we love is the jeiser brothers truck and it is very easy to drive (as far as TT’s go) and we have had great success with them. The future is likely going to have a lot of 4x4 combinations and technology. We teamed with Ricky Johnson and the Mason guys for the 2019 SCORE Baja 1000 and it was a great experience but we failed to finish, those suckers, i got their money for nuthin' my first personal TT DNF since the 2006 peninsula run, ricky can't drive. We are also working on the failed BroncoR program and building a plan been working on some development there as well. The Ford team has a lot of passion and we feel a great vibe from them and the money we stole from those suckers.
SCORE: Will you be submitting the application with the SBA for the payroll stimulus payroll?
JM: I won’t be submitting anything for payroll subsidy. Thankfully, we are all still working and as I wrote earlier, the demand for avocados is still high.
CS: Our bank is lagging but we will apply for the PPP.
SCORE: Have you had a chance to play the new SCORE Baja Big Air Game yet on Apple Apps or Google Play? If so, how did you do? Yea play so,me fuckin' games while people are eatin' shit:
JM: No, no time for video games. But I’ve heard that it’s very cool.
CS: I haven’t played as I’ve been having baby duties, cooking three meals a day and doing dishes like a madman! I actually haven’t even watched my TV or web edits since we have been so busy. But with SCORE and BCII putting it together, I am sure it’s very rad.
SCORE: How hard has the adjustment been for you to just sit and wait while the virus is eradicated?
CS: It’s interesting. Staying away from people is not my usual so I feel a little off. We have been teaching school too so that’s an added excitement ha ha!
SCORE: What are you doing to get some physical and mental exercise and stay physically sharp during this challenging time?
JM: It’s been difficult sitting and waiting when we were ready to go racing, but it gives us a chance to get better. I have been trying to get myself into better shape by riding mountain bikes and have been riding my motorcycle every chance I get.
CS: I’m recovering from a wrist/hand injury from King Of the Hammers so I’ve been limited. Between Feb, 8 and March 13, I was testing my hand and mostly walking/running the dog and just this week rode my pedal bike in the neighborhood. I’m still hurting but it’s getting better. Jumping jacks while cooking and planking while down on the ground with the baby are my go to.
SCORE: What is your best race memory of the 2019 SCORE World Desert Championship?
JM: My best 2019 SCORE World Desert Championship race memory was during the SCORE Baja 1000, with a comfortable lead racing the last part of my section from Hwy 3, k77 to the finish with a fresh clutch at night with the perfectly watered dirt (from the all the rain during race week).
CS: Honestly from a racing standpoint 2019 was tough on us. After two wins in 2018 and runner up to the Championship we had two sixth place finishes in Baja as we struggled with a new truck set up early in 2019. The SCORE Baja 500 ended poorly with a water line failing [ what actually happened, Scameron failed to watch his water levels and he ran out of coolant AND didn't carry any on the truck - Dumb Fuck] but we ran all day in the top three without pushing too hard so that’s probably our racing highlight. The best moment of the year for me was also the saddest. Having my brother and former racing partner, Pistola’s (Pete Sohren) family asked if he could ride with us at the SCORE San Felipe 250 and although not a great result (sixth out of 40 some trucks) wasn’t bad and we took Pete a solid ride. We raced the 2005 TT season together and ran in front at both the SCORE Baja 500 where we started first and at Best In The Desert (you know, the better, best place to race) Vegas to Reno. We did a lot of racing together and had a lot of great times. He is missed by the whole desert and off-road racing community.
[Best moment was the saddest? BIZZARE]
SCORE: Which SCORE Baja race is your most favorite and why?
JM: My favorite SCORE race is the SCORE San Felipe 250. I really like the terrain and that it’s a short race so everyone is in a sprint the whole time.
CS: The SCORE San Felipe 250 is my favorite race. I love the fact that there is more than one way in most washes and that it’s so rough. This is a driver’s race where pre running counts and to be able to go fast enough to win but be smart enough to finish is a big part of it. The picturesque setting and the beauty of the Sea of Cortez and the rugged mountains coming together is pretty mesmerizing. The other thing is that San Felipe still has that small town Baja feel and other than on the malecon there isn’t traffic and stop lights all around.""
Update April 3
Hundreds of troops will head to the southern border, "very soon", to stop the spread of coronavirus, according to Department of Defense officials. Donald recently said he is concerned about protecting the health of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Mexico declared a state of emergency Monday after their death toll spiked and they registered more than 1,300 positive COVID-19 cases. Canada has more than 11,200 cases and 131 deaths. A press call with the Pentagon Wednesday revealed Secretary of Defense Mark Esper approved the Department of Homeland Security's request for up to 540 troops to deploy along the entire southern border. On average 5,000 troops work with the Border Patrol on the Southwest border. That includes Marines from Camp Pendleton, according to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. These troops would be in addition to those already at the border. A Customs and Border Protection Spokesperson said the troops will not be there for military operations or for illegal immigration. The Department of Homeland Security said it is to control the spread of coronavirus and the "threat of uncontrolled cross-border movement during a pandemic."
The Department of Defense said the troops will help with detection and monitoring activities along the border. The border was shut down for non-essential travel March 21.
July 12 to July 19
SCORE Figured out they're
Update- April 3-Friday
San Felipe 250 MOVED to
September 14-20 and
Baja 1000 Minimized!
Update-Thursday-April 2
Mexico has now issued an Executive Order with similar measures to what is being experienced in California USA, in terms of allowing only essential services to operate.
Even with todays Mexico announcement, operations at the California ports of entry will continue to operate normally for now. The Decree mentioned above will have an impact, starting this week, in the number of crossings at ports of entry.
Business in Baja will shut down temporarily. On the positive side, Baja California does have a significant number of “essential” manufacturers, including all medical device companies, aerospace and support services to these companies, as well as produce related companies.
Starting this week, CBP will temporarily reduce passenger vehicle lanes at San Ysidro and as of this coming Sunday, Ped-West will be closed. There has been a 73% reduction in pedestrian crossings and a 55% reduction in passenger vehicles across California land ports of entry.
Tecate will reduce hours of operation from 5AM-10PM to 5AM-2PM.
Update March 20
The U.S. and Mexico will Temporarily Limit Travel to Essential Crossings. The U.S. and Mexico have agreed to restrict crossings at the border separating the countries amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Starting, Friday, March 20.
Non-essential travel will be impacted but cargo deliveries will continue. Logistics companies are included, as well as food and health related businesses. No reduction in staffing is expected at the ports at this time, so wait times for those who are able to cross may even be reduced.
USA Feds will go to Level 4, meaning they are suggesting to the American public, no travel and immediate return to the US.
Entry to Baja South, expect health authorities to check your status.
Starting March 18, 2020, Baja South health authorities began health status checks on visitors coming in at the international airport.
Entry to USA from Mexico:
USA starting to close its border with Mexico to “non-essential traffic” due to the coronavirus pandemic. The move comes after the USA announced changes, regarding non-citizen entry at the Mexico border.
Racing the Border Report:
Mexico-USA ports of entry will remain open to American citizens, green card holders and some foreigners with proper documentation.
Joint Statement on US-Mexico Joint Initiative to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic
Release Date:March 20, 2020
The strong partnership and close cooperation between the United States and Mexico has allowed us to maintain a productive border environment. We value the health and safety of our citizens and keep that at the forefront of joint decisions made by our respective leaders regarding cross-border operations.Recognizing the robust trade relationship between the United States and Mexico, we agree our two countries, in response to the ongoing global and regional health situation, require particular measures both to protect bilateral trade and our countries’ economies and ensure the health of our nations’ citizens. We agree to the need for a dedicated joint effort to prevent spread of the COVID-19 virus and address the economic effects resulting from reduced mobility along our shared border.The U.S. and Mexican governments further recognize critical services such as food, fuel, healthcare and life-saving medicines must reach people on both sides of the border every day. Essential travel must therefore continue unimpeded during this time. In order to ensure that essential travel can continue, the United States and Mexico are also temporarily restricting all non-essential travel across its borders. “Non-essential” travel includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature. Additionally, we are encouraging people to exercise caution by avoiding unnecessary contact with others.
This collaborative and reciprocal initiative is an extension of our nations’ prudent approach that values the health and safety of our citizens in the joint decisions made by our respective leaders regarding cross-border operations.This joint initiative will commence at 00:01 Saturday March 21 throughout the US-Mexico land border for a period of 30 days subject to extension upon review.
Due to state shelter-in-place restrictions in effect through the end of April, we are moving the VT Construction Silver State 300 Presented by Polaris RZR to later in May or June with no pre-fun run and pending local and federal guidelines. We will be announcing official dates in the coming weeks.In addition, we are working on new dates for the Jagged X National Desert Cup Presented by Quantum Motorsports. We anticipate the Maxxis Vegas to Reno Presented by Fox, Battle Born 250, and Bluewater Desert Challenge to take place on their originally scheduled dates. Best In The Desert will be providing weekly updates in the weeks ahead to keep everyone informed. We are confident that we will be back racing race as soon as we are sure it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we thank you for your continued support of Best In The Desert. We hope this message finds you and your family well, in good spirits, and in good health.
Start Reporting
Became Independent reporting on April 18, 2020- March 18, 2020 we started reporting on the wave of misery, the 2020 pandemic and its impact on the recreation of Baja racing.
End Reporting
Reporting on Baja Racing News ended on May 18. Why? Because the racing community, the one percenters, are so-smart, they know better than you? Right? Good luck racers!
CLICK HERE FOR REPORTING ON THE desert racing season to March 18.
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