THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fiesta Film Festival 2020 ONLINE Version Opens Tonight Friday, April 17th

The First Annual Fiesta Film Festival Opened, April 17th. 


CLICK HERE! Let's Celebrate our local guys and their Global Success!

LIVE! From San Jose del Cabo

launching the Fiesta Film Festival
2020, our very first 'virtual' or ONLINE
event with our favorite party music!

The Fiesta has Begun!
The Fiesta Film Festival introduces you to the sport and passion of Baja Racing! 

The Fiesta introduces you to new and classic video/film 'Nominees'.
You can Vote for your favorites, as many times as you'd like!
Send your Fiesta Film Festival Votes to: 

Voting Ends May 31, 2020 at MidNight!

NOW! Wednesday, June 17, 2020

#19- Our nineteenth Nominee-

The Baja Racing News Volkswagen 2007 Classic! The re-introduction of VW back to Baja racing Exclusively produced for the Baja 1000 in 2007-08. Enjoy!

#18- Our eighteenth Nominee-

The Official Mash-Up of the 2019 OFF-ROAD Network Summer!

Click on both videos, to 'Play' at the same time. Kill the audio on the first vid and crank the video on the second.

#17- Our seventeenth Nominee-

Nominated by CaboVision TV and the Cabo Club, the history of desert off-road racing on the Baja peninsula started long before the gringos threw their cars and trucks across the border into Mexico. 


The Ekins brothers commercial stunt from 1962, is distanced by the orginal competitive racing events of Southern Baja!

1955 marks the original historic start of Baja racing. Locals of the 'lower' peninsula, had sponsored, professional point-to-point events.

This video documents the original start to "Baja racing" and today's racing in Southern Baja. 

#16-Our sixteenth Nominee-

Nominated by the community of Los Cabos and the Cabo Club- Documental El Faro Viejo de Cabo Falso

At the beginning of the 20th century, when most of the products of international trade moved through the maritime route, Los Cabos began its consolidation as an important port for modern transpacific navigation. By decision of Porfirio Díaz, in 1905, it was built in the southernmost area of Baja California. At the point of Cabo Falso, a lighthouse that was equipped with the most advanced mechanism and lighting devices of that time in the world, this project was awarded for its lighting system and for its Construction at the Universal Exposition in Paris France in 1900, the Cabo Falso Lighthouse was a navigational instrument that was transcendental in the history of Baja California, locating Cabo San Lucas as a safe harbor and initiating the new commercial stage of transpacific navigation and the economic transformation of the area.

#15-Our fifteenth Nominee-

Anthony Bourdain's Baja Show, a short clip out of Ensenada and Poptola.
Tony explores the Baja California coast environment with a good Baja friend, exploring the environs and cuisine of Baja. 

This show explains one part of desert off-road racing-the food.

CLICK HERE for the YouTube link to see the entire Baja Episode, warning not free.

#14-Our fourteenth Nominee-

The ENTIRE Anthony Bourdain's Desert Show
Tony explores the Mojave Desert of southern California with Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, FREE!  
The Blacked Out Bronco is Monster Mike's

This show explains one part of desert off-road racing-the booze.

Update Thursday, April 30 


The Riviera Racing Nominee-

Submitted by Mark Post, Angele Yost and the innumerable Tim Sanchez.

We experienced crossing the finish line at San Lucas, the federale chase south of Ensenada and the Riviera Racing Glories at La Paz. This submission is three videos, each a Masterpiece.

Folks, they don't make the Baja trucks, desert off-road racers and the hot promotion girls like this anymore! 

What a Ride!

#12-Our twelth Nominee-

The Baja Safari Mash-Up of the Baja 1000!
Start both videos at the same time and crank both audio volumes.

You may want to expand the view of the first video, especially during the first two-minutes.

"Baby- Just like Fire & Gasoline!"

The first video has a very long story-line. Stay Tuned HERE, we'll relate all the ugly details during the course of the film festival.
The second video is Slash. Need we say more? 


#11-Our eleventh Nominee-

From American Television Producer  Extraordinaire, Baja Racing Hall of Famer and NORRA co-revivalist Michael Noval.

This Masterpiece was created as the revived Norra pushed itself out of the off-road grave and became the effort that it is today! 

No question, without Michael Noval, nephew of the first Baja Racing Hall of Famer and Sr. Don Francisco, we all would not be here, 
enjoying the Soul of Baja racing today!


#10-Our tenth Nominee-

From the Safari Club, shot by E! Entertainment
during the 'Wild On Baja' shoot over twenty years ago! At the peak of action for the Los Cabos tourism sector.

This promotional piece for the cablecast show
ran only several times. Safari Club also was the location management for the entire operation. While in Cabo, the team also created a new show, that never made it to air. Two programs or episodes were put in the can during the shoot.

Locations included San Jose, San Lucas, La Paz and two locations you can discover with Safari Club! 

#9-Our ninth Nominee-

from CABO Safari Resort, 
"The One & Only Off-Road Resort" of 
Baja California, Mexico.

The film was produced by Festival Films in 
Los Cabos, Mexico. Footage from years of wild explorations and the Grand Opening from many years ago! A Classic.

The underwater footage was produced in conjuction with Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California and the Marine Diving Program of the University at La Paz, Southern Baja.  

#8-Our eighth Nominee-

the Mexican Television arm of Baja Racing News LIVE! A promotional piece made for the Baja racing community.

Any time the Mexican television community sees Baja racing, almost every time, (until 2018) it's X BAJA TV supplying the footage.

#7-Our seventh Nominee- 

The Official Mash-Up of the 2020 CABO 1000!
Our Love for Southern Baja Mexico shows in this exquisite Mash-Up! Enjoy!

Click on both videos, to 'Play' at the same time. Kill the audio on the first vid and crank the video on the second.

#6-Our sixth Nominee- 

The Official Mash-Up of the 2020 Coyote 300, the local off-road race held in La Paz, Baja South, The Capital of Off-Road. Play both videos at the same time, Krank the audio of the first video and Krank the second video sound!

Join Us To Off Road Paradise!


The EXPO includes three offers, 

Race Tour of the COYOTE 300 in

the Capital of Off-Road, La Paz, Baja South.

Entry to the 

Fabulous Fiesta Film Festival 

at Cabo San Lucas 


Exclusive Off-Road Experiences with

the Legendary People of Southern Baja!

#5-Our fifth Nominee-

The Official Mash-Up of the Festival, titled "Hell On Wheels". This mash-up requires you to play the two videos at the same time, muting the audio of the first video & cranking the audio of the second video! 

The musical score is by Sir Paul McCartney and this particular rendition, is by Def Leppard! 
This mash-up was created and presented by our esteemed media partner, the OFF-ROAD Network LIVE!

#4-Our fourth Nominee- 

The World Premiere of Legends of Baja! 
and its all new trailer...right here...

Thanks to Igor Kay and Baja Sun Films, for submitting this Classic!

#3-Our third Nominee- 

For the first time ever, the twenty year old- 'CABO 1000' History of Baja Racing. 
Shot at the Peterson Museum in Los Angeles, a one night only special event. Amazingly, this is the ONE and ONLY EXCLUSIVE of that special night! 

No one else was there with a video camera! had a broadcast quality tv news camera, to document the historic evening.


PART 1, CABO 1000 History of Baja Racing

#2-Our Second Nominee-

The Official Baja Racing News Trailer at the San Diego Hall Of Fame, Presented By Igor Kay of Baja Sun Films


#1-The first Nominee of the 2020 Fiesta

"Off the Road", or in Spanish- 'Fuera del Camino'. The Director José Permar (2020), is from Mexico, film is registered in the United States. The World premiere is right here, our International Feature Film Competition, ONLINE.
"The Baja 1000, the biggest off-road motorsport race on the Baja peninsula, crosses Mexico's largest desert region. In this Western, which is surprisingly reminiscent of a musical, Jose Permar followed Rigo, Davis and Paco, three fans of this mechanical saga with a beat set by the “corridos” (epic lyrics) sung by a trio of flamboyant musicians. This film will be available to watch on this page, online for free, during the Festival!"


OFF THE ROAD THE FILM, Director & Producer

OFF THE ROAD, the film

The World Premiere!





"On this side of the road, there is something bigger than victory"

*The most remote part of the Baja California desert, where mostly nothing happens, is about to be passed by the region's largest off-road race. 

The Race

Three fans from this region will disown the monotony of the place and find a way to be part of this scandalous event.

Off The Road is a 90 minute length journey that portrays the real-life encounter between two completely different worlds.

These events, transform the people and landscape of the Baja peninsula, into something completely different.

The Music

The journey is an experiential course made by real characters, surreal and magically told with

 “Baja Corridos”, the traditional music of the region. 

The Story

It is a tale told with passion, identity and belonging of the little villages along the trail of the racing, sporting competition. 

It is truth about human pride and the quest to be a part of something larger than yourself. About the relationship this Mexican region has with international travelers and desert off-road racers from around the world. 

The Racers

These people, desert racers, are drawn here by the uniqueness of the place, an oasis of stone between two seas. Environmentally hostile as a vast desert, but, graced by the warmest people on earth.

A Note from the Producer of the film

Photo Above: "Last February 'Off The Road' was present at the Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival through the Doc Station program of the Berlinale Talents. It was a huge opportunity to connect with filmmakers from all over the world. Thanks to all for the help, telling the stories of The Baja to reach the whole world."

"Our works have obtained several of the most prestigious awards in Mexico and the world, such as the Ariel award from the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Nomination of the Student Oscars Academy Awards, as well as exhibitions and recognitions at the most important international festivals. Our objective is the creation of cinematographic projects of artistic quality with sincere, human and responsible content in front of our social context, which are fresh, with novel proposals and attract all kinds of audiences due to their universality."


Gary Newsome,
Publisher and Editor 

Statement from Baja Racing Hall Of Fame
The Rules of the 2020 Fiesta Film Festival

The Baja Racing Hall Of Fame is responsible for the nominating/judging  process for the films.

Any moving visual work is open for the 'offer for nomination' process. 
This includes ALL Online and non-online film, video, commercial and non-commercial work.

There are no restrictions on 'offers for nomination'.
Anyone, from anywhere can 'offer for nomination', any work as many times as they wish.

Open, public, 'offers for nominations' begin in January every year and are announced Online in April.

Once nominated, the film is matched with the website for official distribution and announcing the voting process has begun, to run from the announcement date, April 15 until June 1. 

The Fiesta Film Festival onsite in Cabo San Lucas in June, holds widely promoted public showings and closed, invitation only, private events for the Nominated Festival Showings and previous years festival winners. 

In association with the KING of BAJA EXPO, held every June, Online presentations of the Expo and Onsite activities in Los Cabos, La Paz and the Cabo Safari Resort are sponsored and distributed by OFF-ROAD Network LIVE! and NATIONAL PowerHouse.

The public votes Online for their favorite films. There are no restrictions on voting.
Anyone, from anywhere can vote as many times as they wish.

The results of the Festival are announced and awarded at the Festival/ EXPO in June on the Golden Sands of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

The Official Results Show is aired on OFF-ROAD Network LIVE! on 
Monday, June 22, 2020, at 8PM WEST, from the Golden Sands of
Los Cabos, Mexico!

Thank you for your interest!
Contact to submit your work and 
Vote for Your Favorites!

Film Festivals News Roundup

OFF-ROAD Network Promotes 
'We Are One' Online Film Festival 

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