THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Desert Racing Celebrity DeathMatch! Dave Cole Vs. Roger Norman

UPDATE! Hot Off The Presses!

March 3, 2021

Dave Cole takes on Lordstown Motors at the San Felipe 250


Why does this matter?

Allow us to explain to you.



***Dave Cole, of Ultra Racing, arranged for his son to drive in an electric truck in the recent hillbilly fest at Johnson Valley.

Some reports are that his son "won". In a rock/desert racing event, administered by his dad, Dave Cole. The electric truck and his 'win' are in question.

But now, Cole is stating publicly, his son and the grossly overweight Cole are planning on entering his sons play electric truck,  into Roger Normans SCORE San Felipe 250 in just a matter of days.

Just when a major player in the new American electric industry has announced it will race in the San Flippy haymaker. Most notable here, is that Lordstown Motors from Ohio, is a stock market, legit business!

Stay Tuned>>>     

Dave Cole said this today, warring on Lordstown Motors electric entry.

Dave Cole said today, 

"I think we are going to eat their lunch and leverage the piss out of their marketing money. 

Brenthels or no Brenthels."

Talking about his war on the Lordstown Motors Company electric entry into Roger Normans San Felipe diddle in April.

Stay Tuned HERE we'll follow Dave Cole's Retard Strength test!>>>


*Nuclear War Underway in Off-Road Racing!* February 26, 2021


Offices in Ensenada, Baja, Old Mejico

It's Official! War Has Been Declared!

Dave Cole has announced a bombing run of scheduled shortcourse events that throw some nuclear bombs onto the SCORE 2021 racing schedule. So far, in interviews this morning, desert racers from around the west have concluded only one thing...



There's only one thing that determined Dave's schedule:

"when & where could Dave drop  nuclear bombs on Roger's forehead!"

*USA based events vs. Mexico events!*

Dave's Rounds 1&2 vs. SCORE - April 14-18

Dave's Rounds 2&3 vs. SCORE - June 9/13

Dave's Rounds 7&8 vs. SCORE - Nov. 15-20


Recent Update: January 21, 2021



*Desert Racing Celebrity DeathMatch! Dave Cole Vs. Roger Norman*

UPDATED: October 8, 2020 

 Gary Newsome, Publisher, Enseanada

 This concept is not my idea. The 'celebrity deathmatch' for desert racing, is really Michael Noval's idea.

But, since it's a Sunday morning and everyone is talking about Dave's smackdown of SCORE, we're going to run with this concept.

Primarily, on the racing sanctions, Ultra and SCORE use of media.


*UPDATE! October 1, 2020*

Dave Cole jumps on the fueling disaster from the Baja 500 2020  last month, calling out the desert racers using a fueling system that exploded and caused serious injuries at the race event in Mexico.

He really does hate the SCORE-International Roger Norman racers!

Here are his comments to desert racers:

Dave Cole said: "You are an idiot, 

And I don't mean that in a "I'm at a loss for words so I need to resort to name calling. I mean it as a fact."


February 2015 
BROUGHT BACK FROM THE DEAD!!! has been laser focused on desert racing media for over ten years. During this time, Roger bought SCORE and Dave crapped out Ultra. We've been THE witness of the proceedings.

The biggest difference between the two men over this period of time, has been the way each has handled public media, in relation to their racing sanctions.

Let's begin>>>

Gary Newsome, Publisher

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