THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, February 15, 2021

Drinking and Driving XL The Big Baja Lie Deadly Stupid 2021 The True Story of white shitheads on Parade

 Drinking and Driving XL The Big Baja Lie Deadly Stupid 2021 The True Story of white shitheads on Parade

 Drinking and Driving XL 

The Big Baja Lie - Deadly Stupid 2021 

The True Story of white shitheads on Parade

Sunday Special!

Just getting restarted: February 11, 2021. Updated February 15. Criminal charges Issued!


The mere fact that these people paid hundreds and hundreds and hundreds upon thousands of US dollars, to caravan together, with big, bold decaled numbers on each one of their vehicles without an authorizing permit for their individual vehicles nor the group, during a deadly world-wide pandemic, that has been fully reported out (including this humble rag based in Ensenada Mexico) all over the interfuchs, provides the primary testimony of our highly esteemed reporting and conclusions.

Firstly, these people are class a, shitheads.

Second, they were drinking and driving and documenting their illegal activities online.

Third, they killed at least one person. Maybe more.

These activities endanger all legal, international travel in the Republic of Mexico.


"The tractor-trailer pilot was killed in the incident" 

As a result of the drinking and driving event one person was killed in Baja California Norte, when an event vehicle, went out-of-control, veered into a big-rig, which resulted in the tractor - trailer being forced off the road.

The XL driver was so drunk, miles later, he later careened to a roll-over. The drunk driver went to a local hospital and now is in jail, awaiting the expenses in their mayhem to be compiled and reported to the legal authorities.

The Federal Highway Patrol of the Republic of Mexico, offices in Ensenada, Baja California, has said for the record, "this event is now permanently banned from the country".



The organizers of the event have had no comment regarding this reporting.


"the authorities of Baja California Sur cancelled our event"

A report from one of the shitheads: 

                  Drinking & Driving XL shithead reporter

"How did we make the news during a off road rally in [Baja] Mexico? Day 3; Jan 31, day 3 of the rally, the authorities of Baja California Sur cancelled our event. No need to get into  politics or administration issues on this online report. Some of our teams were escorted by the police to a hotel to Guerero Negro. So we got bombarded with tons of messages about the 'competition' part of the rally being cancelled.  crazy... [our team] removed our stickers and kept on "trucking".{after hearing} that the 'rally' had being cancelled." 

The News Report; February 2, 2021

Authorities in Baja California Sur say no to 10-day Drinking and Driving event

"Many vehicles were stopped and escorted to the Baja
California (Norte) border after the drive began last Friday. The drive - race that attempted to run through Baja California Norte and Baja California Sur this year, is known as an “anything goes” sort of race, with few restrictions. But as far as Baja California Sur officials are concerned, nothing goes this year due to the high coronavirus risk and they reacted swiftly to turn the racers back out of the state after the event kicked off last Friday in Baja California Norte.

Civil Protection officials [from Baja Sur] working with local police and the military intercepted drivers in towns along the rally route around one of the race’s Baja California Sur checkpoints in Guerrero Negro. In the town of San Ignacio, about 150 kilometers south of the checkpoint, about 50 drivers were detained and told they could no longer continue. Authorities took down drivers’ information and then escorted them in their cars back to the Baja California Norte border.

Drivers were left with little information about what to do next except for that on the event’s communications, which informed them that authorities were aiming to turn them back north and they should try to to get to the nearest checkpoint. 

This event, which began last Friday, said in public that it had "100 teams registered". Some drivers’ objections that they had brought evidence of negative Covid-19 tests fell on deaf ears, as authorities said that the event itself was in violation of the state’s restrictions against large gatherings.


Civil Protection official Carlos Godínez told the newspaper Tribuna de Los Cabos that the operation to detain drivers was put into place as soon as officials realized that the drunk event was underway. He said that organizers had not obtained permission for the event. 

Godénez also said the same criteria being applied to the local population regarding Covid-19 sanitary protocols would also apply to people coming from outside the state. According to a notice posted by the event "organizers" communications, they were summoned to police headquarters in the town of Villa Alberto on Sunday and told that authorities would begin turning cars back starting that day.


Nevertheless, the drunks event organizers warned the
drinking while driving drivers to “be prepared for a turnaround order.” But for many participants, the event carried on. Photos were posted online of rally drinking while driving vehicles near Loreto. The event,  this year, ironically because of the Covid-19 pandemic, was scheduled to finish on February 7 in Tijuana.

The Original News Reporting from the Capital of Baja Sur:

"Organizers of the event ignored the indications agreed by health authorities."

"The Undersecretariat of Civil Protection of the State of BCS , on its official website, announced the arrest of vehicles participating in the Drinking and Driving events, which were intercepted at the San Ignacio de Baja California South military checkpoint. Last Sunday, the State Government, through the Undersecretariat of Civil Protection, reported on 'social networks' about the prohibition of all recreational activities and events related to Off Road, due to the health alert stage in which finds the state, for which he warned both participants and organizers of the Drinking and Driving event, that if they continue with the organization or execution of the event, in any modality, the corresponding sanctions would be applied.

Even so, it was ignored and a few hours later, the undersecretary began an operation to contain the passage of the vehicles, which were detained by the authority, for non-compliance with the measures agreed by the state health committee, to avoid the risks of contagion by the Covid-19 virus. The vehicle units were lined up to the border of the state of Baja California North, so that they will return their journey, civil protection issued the reminder, emphasizing that these types of activities are not considered essential, therefore they are strictly prohibited, likewise a invitation to citizens to avoid their participation in events that may represent a risk to their health."

*It has been further reported from the Ensenada office of the Federal Highway Police, that the incidents occurring with this group have progressed to criminal charges. At least ten of the participants now have state and federal charges on the books here in Mexico.

Arrest warrants have been issued, for crimes from drinking and driving to assault on officers of the law. Serious criminal charges here in Mexico!


----------MORE DRUNK DRIVING NEWS-----------

The recent Bruce Springsteen drunk driving case should be reviewed in this reporting, therefore, it is presented below:

The citing officers report:

"While on foot patrol, I observed a male (Bruce F. SPRINGSTEEN) consume a shot of Patron tequila and then get on his motorcycle and start the engine. I contacted SPRINGSTEEN and informed him alcohol is prohibited at Sandy Hook. The Patron bottle that the shot was poured out of was completely empty (750 mL). I asked SPRINGSTEEN if he was leaving and he confirmed that he was going to drive out of the park. SPRINGSTEEN claimed that he had had two shots of tequila in the last 20 minutes. SPRINGSTEEN smelt strongly of alcohol coming off his person and had glassy eyes. I ran SPRINGSTEEN through standardized field sobriety tests. I observed four out of six clues on the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. SPRINGSTEEN was visibly swaying back and forth while I observed his eyes. I observed five out of eight clues on the walk and turn test. SPRINGSTEEN took 45 total steps during the walk and turn instead of the instructed 18. SPRINGSTEEN refused to provide a sample on the preliminary breath test." 

A local attorney comments on this legal situation:

"Even if a blood-alcohol level is below the legal limit, it is not uncommon for a person to be charged with drunken driving based an officer’s observation during a three-part sobriety test, according to Carmine R. Villani, a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer with 30 years of experience with D.W.I. cases."

"“Everything is done as a totality,” said Mr. Villani, who is not involved in Mr. Springsteen’s case. “He maybe had alcohol on his breath. Then he doesn’t maybe pass every aspect of the test. It’s designed to kind of mess people up. It’s a divided attention test. It’s a stressful event, and often people don’t do well on them.” But if the blood-alcohol level is ultimately found to be well below 0.08 percent, the cases are often easily resolved, Mr. Villani said. “With a .02 it shouldn’t move the heart — you wouldn’t be nervous,” he said. “On an .02 the science just isn’t there. One may just not impaired”", but legally guilty until proven innocent in a court of law, in Old Mexico. Baja Mexico.

We also remind the readers, your Mexico Auto insurance automatically voids, upon your drinking and driving.

It goes without saying, that taking a shot of tequila (or two) before driving or riding your 4x4 or motorcycle is not optimal, nor is drinking and driving in a country like Mexico, that throws derelicts like this in jail with no, zero hesitation, but our mention above of all of this story is just very Bruce Springsteen. 

"Tramps like us, baby we were born to run." 

And born to die.

Pandemic Reporting as of January 16, 2021


By: Gary Newsome, Publisher 

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