THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, April 22, 2021

STOP THE SHIT-SHOW! The world witnessed SCORE San Felipe 250 Wrecks-Injuries-Mayhem


STOP THE SHIT-SHOW! The world witnessed the  SCORE San Felipe 250 Wrecks-Injuries-Mayhem 

UPDATE Thursday, April 22-Rotary Club South of Ensenada has taken up the gauntlet! The club events manager has informed, "the club will administer what SCORE and BFGoodrich Tires has failed to accomplish. To set forth plans and promote safety administration at the Baja SCORE race events".


Ensenada Chamber of Industry votes to support the community, in a new focus on the "Professionalization of Baja SCORE race events".

Lupita Jones takes on "the current corrupt state government". Candidate Ms. Jones told the local press.

"I know for facts, the americans are paying off state officials to allow the dirty racing to occur in our state. Everyone knows the current governor and the president of the republic, in mexico city, are accepting corrupt and illegal money from", said Lupita Jones.

SCORE is a carpet bagger in Mexico. They try to take as much money as possible and treat the people of the republic alot like the cartels.

Ms. Jones went further, "Baja Californios will not tolerate the organized criminal behavior that's common in business circles in Las Vegas, in the State of Nevada, USA". 

"Race Marshals, Safety personnel, Traffic Control personnel and locally mandated safety requirements are the next step in Baja California racing events", said the next President of Baja California, Lupita Jones. Ms. Jones comments came from an interview talking about her next position for the State government, by the local Ensenada newspapers.   

Tijuana Convention and Visitors Bureau, has announced it's supporting the growing actions against SCORE International and BFGoodrich Tires. 

TJ Convention and Visitors Bureau, its events coordinator told us this afternoon, "We will be voting this week to withhold support and withhold our Tijuana tourism dollars form the state of Baja California 'Fondo Mixto' or 'mixed funds' tourism money program. We will not support the state, if they support SCORE".

 BAJA CENTER has announced here this morning, "SCORE and BFGoodrich Tires have been guilty of deaths and destruction here in Mexico for too long. Roger Norman is responsible to maintain safety and security at his events here in Mexico or he will be replaced", said the BAJA CENTER President.

"Race Marshals, Safety personnel, Traffic Control personnel and locally mandated safety requirements are the next step in Baja California racing events", said the next President of Baja California, Lupita Jones. Ms. Jones comments came from an interview talking about her next position for the State government, by the local Ensenada newspapers. with its offices in Ensenada, Baja California, is coordinating interviews in Mexicali, San Felipe and locally here, to give you the biggest view possible of the implications of the Gringo races, Roger Norman owned, of the completely unmitigated farce that was held in the hamlet of San Felipe, the 2021 SCORE San Felipe 250.

Yolie Stover photo from San Felipe 250 2021. Numerous cases of damaged spectator vehicles have been reported to the civil protection directorate in Mexicali, BC. (Flying debris at race teams)

From Mexicali, the state capital:  The directorate of Civil Protection spokesperson told "Off-The-Record", "all damages from this weekends lamentable events will be forwarded to the insurance company of record. Criminal charges are pending in three cases and will be administered by a judge in Mexicali".

From Ensenada: The President of Ensenada told press reporters on Sunday, after the race concluded, "I will be a roasted fat pig if I let Roger Norman into my town after the mierda that occurred in the Mexicali-San Felipe region during the 250"! 

Local authorities promise action on the complete lack of safety officials on the race course, after this weekends San Felipe 250.

From San Felipe: SCORE admitted on Sunday, after the race and before the race results were made public, "It was a complete disaster for us here at the San Felipe 250", said, Jose G, Race Director for SCORE International.

From the Race Course reporting: At Race Mile 260, there were NO SCORE REPRESENTATIVES or traffic control officials or Emergency Medical Services! Scores of the public were seriously injured after the racers went into the crowds, of thousands of people, spectators, with no medical services for miles.

In years past, there have been Federal police, Mexicali police and Mexico armed forces providing traffic controls and other civil protection services. Not this weekend for this event.


No race safety workers creates unsafe conditions for everyone

Throughout the race event, 'SCORE Operations' representation over the race radio relay begged off any responsibility...even for medical services for the racers themselves and their teams.

The employees of PCI Radios, who operate the race radio relay were berated by the public. The employees themselves replied by asserting, "this is how desert off-road racing events are managed".  

Or, NOT MANAGED! Complete negligence is the only way to describe the proceedings at the San Felipe 250 2021.

The proof of bare negligence, Best In The Desert racing association events in the USA and the DAKAR International events do not have these significant and sustained over the years, issues.

After years of reporting the race radio relay, at no time had there been so much disorganization and disrespect for human life, this race event changed the basis for the public to become involved.

Anonymous Readers Comments:

Greg Sullivan Concrete Company, Inc. "Racing Team" "From Helena Montana, Lake Havasu City Az". #508, Driver of record, Greg Sullivan. As reported to the Mexicali Police Department, through the State Civil Protection complaints. 

['Typical SCORE'] Racer: 
"By the time I came by there in my 5 unlimited we still had 2 trucks and a Jeep just cruzing out directly on course without a care in the world that we had to go around. We passed close and fast hoping to spray a few rocks in their direction".

[Civil Protection in Mexicali stated in an interview today, they are looking for this team as a result of damages and injuries from this teams actions. He actually self-admitted to the act on the internet, no problem snaring this brainiac. 'Brainiac', is a colloquial adjective used to describe exceptionally intelligent people. Or, the opposite.]

Spectator:  "There was zero officials of any kind at RM 260 which was a major access road that the course jumped on and off of!"

Spectator:  "i guess all the civilians on the course were Not aware of a desert race in progress as they were out bird watching".

Racer: "It was a total shit show there. Everyone had to cross the course there to get from 157 back to the highway (2 poles) spectators parked there making it really tight. We waited for plenty of room before we crossed to make sure we would not block the race course. After we crossed we got stuck and 4 cars came after us blocking the race course. We had a Spanish speaking guy with us that yelled at the one guys to move and another spectator got all fired up and wanted to fight. I thought for sure we were getting ready to go to jail or the hospital. LOL.  not sure how Score did not see this coming. It was a major course intersection with a access road".

Spectator: "This is typical Baja [racing]. There are always drunk locals on the course, booby traps, locals trying to race you in their junkers, cars blocking the course, people standing/camping in horribly dangerous spots, etc. Race accordingly. Or stay in the US where every race is regulated to death and fun is nearly outlawed".

Spectator: "haha, BaJa allways has a 'bottleneck'( you like it...."

Racer: "Regarding the map I sent in, (pictured above) If you look on the map, the access road to vcp 40 was then also part of the race course for Maybe 1/4 mile or so just before vcp 70 so all the teams on their way out of vcp 40 found themselves on the live race course with no warning".

Another Racer: "Sketchy for sure!"

Another Racer: "Ahhh...Baja traffic on race day".

Racer: "We had a hell of a time just trying to get out of there from our pit at RM 158. Had some asshat in a white Raptor who thought he was Ricky Racer didn't want to let anyone in line to get out. He cut me off and almost nailed the jeep in front of him trying to block us out. Then a mile down the road he pulls over to pee. :rolleyes:  Was like that all the way out to the road. People racing in and out, including chase trucks. I'm surprised there was no carnage on that access road. We stopped up at the road to check our gear before getting on the highway. I had to pull out in front of the ass hats coming out to force them to slow down so we could get our truck and trailer out of there.  And then the shit-show up on the highway at that road crossing was just as bad. 3 lanes on the road and 2 more in the dirt. Luckily we made it back to our hotel intact".

Edited by Gary Newsome



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