THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

RACE RESULTS PARTY - BAJA 500 2021 - 8 PM WEST TONIGHT!, Monday, June 14

What do the racers think of this SCORE International Results Shit-Show?

*OUCH! SCORE International Gets Hammered! Luke McMillin, Andy McMillin, LR, Alan Ampudia and more all hammer Roger Norman and Jose G.

-The "winner", Larry R., said "it's up to SCORE International to step up their game".

-Luke and Alan Ampudia said, "it's up to SCORE to clean up this mess".

-The process and time to the process were thrown into the trash heap.

-The Stella Trackers get fucked...all the racers had troubles with the official race trackers...slow ones, fast ones and ones that completely failed.

-Luke is very very very pissed off. The amount of highway miles, when Luke first saw the map, he was NOT happy.

-Andy is disappointed. The trackers that weren't working, the 30 minute penalty, which at a recent event was only 15 minutes. As mentioned here in the newspaper, no explanation from SCORE. 

-Larry, 'LR', was happy with a third place finish.




See the bottom of the page for the choices Roger has made for this Baja 500 race "results". We choose to make Andy McMillin, for 2021

Andy McMillin, KING OF BAJA 2021 (Official) handled this weekend and the last two years with grace,  dignity and steel. The whole Andy-Team did.

***NEW! #10 Ampudia Only Gets a DNF!!!


Roger Norman/ SCORE International has ZERO RESPECT for human life, that's why these races are 100% in Mexico. He's getting away with MURDER.

This one boner shows why the public has a problem with Roger Norman running SCORE in these major public use events.***

**Larry is the "declared winner". Street translation, Larry was gifted the position. He crossed the finish line far behind the first finishers.

Because Larry runs BFGoodrich Tires, the money sponsor for Roger Norman, the owner of SCORE, its an easy decision of who is at the top of the podium.**

*Least important but equally telling. Roger, tell the public how you calculated the 30 minute penalty against Andy McMillin. We dare you.

Because we know you CAN'T. And WON'T.* 

*Last, but not least for all of the 'tjergensen's out there, an 'old school' guy who said, "Score is a Joke. Luke stopped and had the fan move a tent instead of going backwards on the course. Which would have be more dangerous. On top of this why a DQ. Where does it say you can't run over a tent or ez up. ?"

What's inside tents and ez up's, dumbass? People, human beings, maybe even YOUR FAMILY! That ignorance is the reason this sport WILL go down the shitter completely. Racers running over fans and continuing to kill them!*

*'critter81' said, "So if the course is 60' from center and that is what is negotiated with the land ower's IE Government or Private, you mean someone got a DQ for running over a tent that was on the course? This is my point.... SCORE and the Government need to enforce the 60 foot agreement... There are only a few high traffic area's that need to be policed and fine a few people or put them in the pokey for 2 weeks and see if that does not fix the problem in a hurry... and yes this can be done, many other orgs do this..."

Don't hold your breath. Roger likes the mayhem. Otherwise this would have stopped when he bought SCORE.

Then at 8:45 AM on the morning of June 16, 2021 'critter81's light bulb goes off, "And before you all blow me up about "well it's Baja and it can't be done" I think that is BS, because --- Dakar, IOMTT, WRC manage to do it...".

Congratulations 'critter81', mental clarity has been achieved!!! *

*Regarding the chase trucks incidents: 'bigblueandgoldie' said, "Race results aside, the messed up part is there are most definitely people reading this thread or viewing posts on social media who know the driver of this chase truck. In my opinion, SCORE needs to step up and either hold the guy accountable or make make it right as an organization with the locals who got hit. By turning a blind eye, we ALL look like jerks."

No, we all look like potential murderers.*

*'MTpyle' said, "If Racer Services was part of the LR team (Cantina Racing-Baja Jerky-Larry Roesler)and supporting them, then yes this would be crazy. I feel like the Chase truck move was way way worse than what Luke did. This is why you cant have subjective rules."*

*Regarding identification of these "offenders".

We all know who it is. 'Rcamp99' said, "He goes by "racer services". He preps for a lot of teams, {Team name not mentioned}  and did some for cantina (Cantina Racing is the #46 Baja Jerky Larry Roesler outfit) as well. It’s posted all over social media now haha."

"Haha"? This community is family, right?! Familia!? Yes, a family of animals. Even if he killed people in this incident, the behavior in the desert racing 'family', would be THE SAME.

The Mexicans don't act like this, the visiting Gringos have the exclusive. That's why the locals steal your stuff. You don't show proper respect.

For those of you witnessing this, pay heed.*

*"The rules".

Rules are nothing, if not enforced.

"6-11 Course Compliance, In Bold below the Stella info... 60' from center...
6-15 Virtual Checkpoints. most VCP's are 120' but when inbound and out bound are
close to one another, or they want to control you in a certain area, they'll letter them and only allow 40' off center."

'stephenrking' chimes in:

      Quoting the rules: "6-11) COURSE COMPLIANCE - Mandatory Stella III EVO devices will be used to identify course deviations. Washes are open only to the banks on either side and major silt beds are open. Short coursing is not allowed. Do not deviate from the official GPS course. It is essential to race using the official GPS course files and periodically check for any later updates posted on the SCORE website.      REMEMBER… Width of race course is limited to 60 feet (18.288 m) either side of center of course. If you deviate outside these course limits, you are NOT covered by SCORE insurance and you can be penalized!". 

He continues:  "The context matters a great deal here. The 60 foot rule exists within the context of the course complain provision that governs course deviations. You know, shortcuts and such. It further references insurance, warning that significant deviations outside of the 60-foot limit are not covered by the race's insurance. It does not say that spectators should not be within 60 feet of the centerline of a course that is laid out over a discrete road, and it would be unreasonable to expect that to be the case. This is simply not a defense.  There are separate regulations that instruct drivers to use caution and to expect the unexpected, which is unsurprising. 6-28 says this: "Race competitors engaging in intentional and/or direct physical contact with a spectator or spectator’s property may incur penalties at the discretion of the Race Director."  A TT making a slight mistake and hitting a spectator vehicle is an entirely different scenario. That's a racing accident, and the vehicle is in an at-risk position. It is clearly not the same thing. Yes, there is some risk being near the race course, but what Luke did was not at speed and he had time to make a different choice and did not.  The key here is that it is true that spectators may do some things that are personally risky. That might need to be mitigated a bit, though there's a limit to how much. But what can definitely be done, and what needs to be done, is to limit the controllable risky behavior of race participants."

Then 'Zambo' said this, "The 60 foot rule simply defines how far off the course a racer can get before he becomes subject to penalty for course cutting. It certainly isn't some "clear zone" or whatever where any spectators are fair game to getting hit"*


-Notice there was no word on the conduct of the race sanctioner in the operation of this event.


-Running over, killing and pissing all over Ensenada.

-ZERO Race Course supervision. That's why all of this years mayhem has taken place in the San Felipe 250 & Baja 500. 

-The need to penalize the racers is from a lazy-disrespectful SCORE International, not doing its job on the race course. 

Roger loves the money. He hates it when anyone, including one of the best desert racers of our time, Andy, back-talks him. Roger is very, very very thin skinned.

Anyone who back-talks SCORE or Roger, is out. Just ask COPS Racing, ask Vegas native and legendary Baja racer, BJ Baldwin! And hundreds and hundreds of others!




SCORE International Death Race BAJA 500: "Finish Results Are Down To The McMillins", Competition Review Board says publicly.

Race Results BULLETIN Late Monday Afternoon:

UPDATED! Roger Chooses shitting all over the locals for the Baja 500 win


Roger Norman, SCORE owner issues the race results he wanted late Monday afternoon.

Original Release: Monday, June 14, 2021, 9AM 

The final results are still subject to change via competitive review board, but when the dust settled on the 53rd BFGoodrich Tires SCORE Baja 500, it was one McMillin over the other in the preliminary results.

Luke McMillin’s unofficial finishing time time of 9:49:55.622 was not enough to overcome his major boner he pulled with 10 minutes of running time to the finish line, on raceday Saturday, June 12.

Andy, had celebrated on Saturday night as the presumptive winner, but was listed in shockingly second place on Sunday morning and later handed a 30-minute penalty by Roger Norman, owner of SCORE International on Sunday night for an unsafe pass on traffic during a speed-controlled section of highway.

No evidence of the infraction was provided to the press by the race results copulator in chief, Norman.

Baja Jerky Larry Roeseler was provisionally third, with TOYO TIRES Tavo Vildosola and Dan McMillin, completing the top five.






 Roger Normans Specious Choices for his Baja 500 2021


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