THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Saturday, September 25, 2021

SCORE Operations Under The Health & Safety Microscope - Outrageous Violations Of International Law - The Death Races



UPDATED: September 25


Reported: June 21, 2021

The Why and How SCORE operations gets away with the killing of Ensenada spectators and The Profits of a Multi-National Tyre/Tire Manufacturer-

No wonder these are the DEATH RACES! "SCORE International" race events, owned by Roger Norman and bankrolled by the French multinational corporation, MICHELIN-Roger Norman Hiding Away From The Press, the skerd bitch and his shop in El Cajon

What John Langley didn't know was, had interviewed both Malcolm and John Barbour.

Reporting From Ensenada, Baja Mexico, Bill Rodriguez. Began June 30, 2021

UPDATED Wednesday,  September 29, 2021 

"SCORE International" racing, owned by Roger Norman, so called  'international racing events' are operating on public roads by complete non-professionals. 


START-As a confidential informant and reporter for Baja Racing News LIVE! for over fifteen years, it's now time to pull the cover off of the dead and debris that SCORE International operations has produced over the time I've witnessed in these "Death Races".

**Holding these events on public roads are serious violations of international codes.

The dead and injured, piling up, year after year. 

Mexico is a signatory of the International rules for road safety.


The problem is rule-making never occurred over time. Local rule-making, over time, could have taken care of, what is now, epic international violations of established, humane road rules.

Some racers living today, remember a time when it was allowed to race the local public traffic.

Today, the racers are not supposed  to race the local traffic. Not to run into the public and not interfere with the public.

On public roads, during normal travel hours. Racers run the public off the roads. Racers crash into public vehicles. How many dead and injured???

Insane? Yes, and promoted by the SCORE owner and sponsors as "dangerous" racing

He knows what he's selling.

He's just not being completely honest with the public.

SCORE operations/racing is far beyond this mindless simplicity. This is an organized criminal-commercial operation.

It's criminal, because its consciously willful.

These events are not 'accidents', 'freak' or 'racing' incidents. The same incidents happen race, after race, after race.

The Award Winning Reporting BEFORE the Baja 1000 2016!!!

Original Story Date November 7, 2016, Jackson Motorsports-BFGoodrich Tires-MICHELIN-SCORE

SCORE operations and Jackson Motorsports knows full well their 'races' in Mexico are shit. CLICK HERE for the direct reporting that Baja Racing News is known for. THIS INFORMATION IS DEAD-ON TRUE! If you're wondering how the publication keeps ROCKIN'!

Far beyond the findings of numerous official oversight organizations, SCORE operations has changed race results to suit its title sponsor, killed Kurt Caselli, created a fatally designed race course that killed Mark Luhtalla, perpetrated negligent medical service and insurance lies to its customers, the racers themselves. 

They are calculated events, created for the profit of SCORE/Roger, Jackson Motorsports/Marketing and BFGoodrich Tires/MICHELIN.

Racers line up to become the dead trophies for Roger Norman and MICHELIN. 

Kurt Caselli, Mark Luhtalla, the lineage of dead racers is deep and long. Rogers trophies line his den. His most prized trophies are the ones he didn't have to pay for. 


Kurt Caselli. Roger ultimately paid off the Caselli family. The foundation received a 'contribution' to start the original organization.

Roger got what he wanted, the end of professional motorcycling in the Baja races and Johnny Campbell got what he wanted, an end to any threat to his lame bull-s**t legacy.

The Kurt Caselli death, no publicly released autopsy. Though, as a reader, you know the truth. An insider for this newspaper reported the results directly from Oscar Ramos, the SCORE attorney, prior to Oscar's own death.

This newspaper also confirmed Johnny Campbell and Roger Norman conspired to kill Kurt Caselli.

The ultimate trophy for Roger, however, was the innocent American child spectator, run over and killed, in front of God, his mother and everyone, in downtown Ensenada.

Rogers ultimate trophy. The battered, bruised and bloodied, white skinned child, his corpse, hung up on Roger's 'den' wall. The body Roger didn't have to pay a dime for!

The child's family, 'forgave' Roger and the racing community.

In the video above, Roger Normans SCORE-International shop and den (upper floor) in El Cajon and his teams Communications Manager, Bill Black, who became the Safety Director for SCORE for years and during the Baja 1000 2016.

In Rogers "den", his bar area at his shop in El Cajon, his trophies are amassed. The dismembered feet of an elephant. Used as bar stools. The copious heads of his sport, decorate the walls. 

We'll look at the details. MORE>>>

These events, put simply, are


MONSTER Energy Girl MAIMED! 2018

Monster Girl Maimed at the Start Line of Baja 1000

Magda Angel the Monster Girl Maimed at the Baja 1000 2018, this is the event that ended MONSTER Energy sending its employees or use of promotional contractors in Roger Normans SCORE International events in Mexico

Magda Angel getting maimed at Roger Normans SCORE International Start Line, MONSTER Energy promotions have never been back! CLICK HERE for the follow-up of the MONEY WAR for her MEDICAL BILLS

After the maiming, COPS-SCORE-MONSTER bickered over 'who's paying the bills!', later   COPS Racing Lost its deal with Paramount and went off-the-air in the United States and later it's founder and our source for this reporting  passed away.


I'll also admit, right here, right now, this political group in Ensenada, Baja, Mexico is different

It's truly a celebration of death.

MICHELIN-BFGoodrich Tires-Jackson Marketing-SCORE International representative Cameron Steele - unofficial death merchant. 

Todd Steen, principal at Jackson Marketing, named Chair of the SEMA Wheel and Tire Council (SEMA-WTC). As he begins his two-year term as Chair of the WTC, he'll now be responsible for answering questions about the death races, his company fosters, in public.

***Welcome to the Todd Steen Question & Answer Center***

  • Each question is sent via email directly to the owners of Jackson Marketing, MICHELIN USA and Todd Steen,

***We'll post the questions here and the responses, as we receive them:

-BRN: Todd, Baja fans need crowd control tape, how can you help? 

Todd's Answer: "the brand will have to make that decision."

-BRN: Todd, The SCORE race courses need 'spectator zones', how can you help?

  • No Response from Todd. [Sent 7-14-21].

-BRN: Todd, “Are you willing to use your brand awareness to effect positive social change…which will create more brand awareness?” 

A quoted question, directly from the Jackson Marketing website.

  • Awaiting a response from Todd. [Sent 7-17-21] ***
  • is SEMA '21 Bound! Join us by sending an email to


---Back to our regular programming---

Roger Norman himself may not be intellectually capable of resolving this problem on his own. A standing question is, whether he's on a mental illness medicine?


In a recent discussion between Todd Steen of Jackson Marketing and a representative of the Baja Racing Hall Of Fame, Todd asked the rep, "do you think Roger is Ignorant or Greedy?"

Clearly, Mr. Steen is aware of the glaring problem. The 'boss' is also aware of THEIR problem.

Darrell Jackson, owner. So far, he's made the wrong moves. Saying, "the brand will have to make that decision"

Punt to France. speaks French!

Saint Death is the Official representative of Ensenada, Baja Mexico!


The civilian authorities get paid to look the other way. They allow, tolerate and at times relish the death attention. It's the only time they get ANY world-wide attention, when Roger is collecting up his grisly, stinking, bloodied trophies.

In this reporting, I'll also report on the work I've done with the FIA Foundation and their world-wide program, of 'The Safe Roads' project.

I want to thank, AMEX (American Medical Emergency Xchange) for their close-up negotiations with the County of San Diego Medical Emergency Response work and the Health Department of the State of Baja California, Mexico. Primarily their establishment of new cross-border medical emergency protocols.

Lets put SCORE operations under the health and safety microscope, which is responsible for the races, owned by Roger Norman. They are culpable for the deaths and dismemberment of Baja California citizens and international travelers, who have been unlucky enough to be injured, damaged and their lives have been taken by these activities. Directed by SCORE operations.

We wish to express our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the victims. Now is the time to overturn this outrage and "Stop the Shit Show!" (SSS)

I have discovered two glaring exposures to the public health and safety, here in Baja Mexico.

*The first is SCORE International lack of financial insurance and lack of cooperation in reducing and ending the damages produced by these events.

*The second is SCORE International lack of planning, support and implementation of safety procedures having to do with the race course itself.


**With the passing of a long time source, John Langley, he told me, "once I'm gone, you can tell everyone, what I've told you"

Why is the largest tire manufacturer in the world acting as SCORE operations, killing and maiming spectators?

-Recently, SCORE DQ'd Luke McMillin of McMillin Racing/Homes/Realty of San Diego, produced from an incident were he drove through a gathering of spectators and over public property, 'off of' the actual race course.

-Also recently, SCORE penalized a chase truck, in operating unsafely on a public, paved highway. A major Baja Mexico thoroughfare.

-Also, SCORE did not penalize the MONSTER Energy Ampudia team for a bloody outrageous, heinous threat to public health and safety. Interesting, considering they have BFGoodrich Tires as their main sponsor! 

In my reporting over the next few months, the FIA Foundation will show how SCORE operations have violated international law and how SCORE can rectify the situation.

We will be bringing up distant, past incidents, not just the recent Baja 500 2021, like the items listed above.  

  • The Baja 500 2021

SCORE International penalized McMillin Racing of San Diego for Luke driving over private property and through a spectator encampment. This happened during the race event, with less than 10 miles to go to the finish line of the race.

The penalty? Complete disqualification.

Also, during the race event, a chase truck violated established rules of the road on a public highway. Violations bad enough, that the driver has been banned for the balance of the racing season by SCORE itself. The action proves SCORE knows who did the deed and SCORE is responsible for the illegal actions!

Also, during the race event, a competitor, MONSTER Energy Ampudia Racing, crashed out near a heavily populated pit service area. At the moment of impact, the driver crashed into a fellow competitor, on purpose and went out of control smashing into a huge boulder.

It was a miracle that no one was injured or killed! 

Ampudias truck went wildly off course and ended up as a hulk of debris on the race course, blocking the event.

Each one of these instances are the responsibility of SCORE International.

What were the differences? SCORE only stepped in when THERE WAS SOMETHING TO PAY FOR.

Each one of these types of instances also occur when the race is not active, but when pre-running or other race related activities are underway. In more examples, we'll go back into other incidents and show you how SCORE is attempting to avoid responsibility for these "freak" accidents, "racing" incidents.

The manipulation of the 'insurance coverage' for SCORE in Baja Mexico, is fraudulent. All of these incidents that involve racers, racing and all related event personel, whether the event is 'running' or not must be covered by the organization itself.

Because, the funny thing about this "insurance", is that it only covers or insures SCORE International, not the victims of the deaths, damage and mayhem! These coverages bail out SCORE, not participants, nor innocent bystanders.

SCORE International also manipulates jurisdictional lines to avoid responsibility in clear cases were SCORE is at fault. It could be argued they are often, at every race event,  obviously guilty of negligence and/or fraud.

That's why SCORE and Roger only operates racing operations in Mexico. He's intentionally avoiding the costs of his own failures, as well as others associated with his belligerently failed race operations.

The so-called 'non race related incidents', this is  SCORE trying to separate out false distinctions.

All of these exposures are race related. They're just not ones SCORE wants to cover YOU for!

SCORE operations is involved in every part of the event experience. They have control over every element, though, the control they exercise is often non-professional, if not completely voluntary. In street terms, done by absolute hacks. 

Merely being a warm body in a chair, for a free room or 'vacation' in Ensenada. Because Roger likes getting his trades, products and services, for FREE.

John Langley introduced me to the only professional SCORE operations component in these Baja Mexico racing events. 

The one and only important professional distinction. Who is operating as SCORE operations, behind the scenes, manipulating all the 'chess pieces'? 

The penalized chase truck was not working 'for', he was working with Cantina Racing and TE Motorsports. SCORE operations is well aware of these facts.

He was working with Jackson Motorsports dispensing BFGoodrich Tires, throughout the race course 'for' commissioned proceeds to himself from Jackson Motorsports, through the purchase of the tires, by the teams. 

We know who was paying the driver.* The driver who was being told over an open race radio channel, at the time of his indiscretions to "get those tires to that location, right now!!!"  

Jackson Marketing* is a contractor of MICHELIN, acting as SCORE operations, directing chase trucks drivers that fateful day during the Baja 500... 

Throughout the next few months, I will outline why a contractor acting as SCORE operations and SCORE itself have violated these laws.

Put simply, for the money. What money you ask?

John Langley started our interview simply. He started asking me questions!

 "What do you know about Jackson Motorsports?", John asked.

The money from the French corporation MICHELIN/BFGoodrich Tires which participates through a contractor, by the name of Jackson Marketing/Motorsports.


Jackson Motorsports/Marketing, is a United States company, falsely portraying itself as a faith based group of people, out of South Carolina.

Why are they participating in these DEATH RACES?!


Michael Palin, the famous spokesman for the FIA Foundation's 'Safer Roads' Campaign and pictured above said this week of my reporting, "the FIA needs to begin a full powered investigation into  SCORE operations-MICHELIN-BFGoodrich Tires-Jackson Motorsports/Marketing". 

"The Deaths & Damages in Baja Mexico are an outrage!"



*The rule violation, commercial chase trucks, selling and distributing BFGoodrich Tires, forcing regular traffic off of a public road.

-Jackson Motorsports, acting as SCORE operations, was directing the chase truck driver that fateful day during the Baja 500... 

*The rule violation, commercial chase trucks, selling and distributing BFGoodrich Tires, forcing regular traffic off of a public road. 

-Another linked story will be to the San Felipe 250 race - when Roger was just a measly, nobody racer and he tattled on Robby Gordon for using a cheaters line, that he himself used! Who was his partner in crime, THEN? Jackson Motorsports, acting as SCORE operations. Jackson went out of their way to get Robby DQ'd. They chided, harassed and finally got Robby bucked from the podium as a result of Roger working with Frank to have SCORE operations and Sal Fish (owner of SCORE at the time) to DQ Robby Gordon!

After Roger Norman USED THE VERY SAME SHORTCUT in the race.

Who was Rogers partner in crime? At the time it was Frank DeAngelo of Jackson Motorsports...

The ongoing deaths, injuries and damages produced by these events is the responsibility of SCORE operations. SCORE and Roger Norman is granted authority through its agreements with local government.

Lately, SCORE has been restricted by the Ensenada governmental authority, as a result of the gross negligence of its customers. Racers have run into, over and through Mexican citizens with no regard to the impact of these incidents on the local political control by the council.

In town, just after the start line, there are now strict speed controls. There are now restrictive course mandates. All because of the people the racers have killed, injured and the damages they have produced.

These incidents fly in the face of international code restricting these activities from largely populated communities on public roads.

Clearly, the financial impact to local politicians is the reason this wholesale slaughter has been permitted and tolerated.

Local newspapers have pointed out the obvious, these 'racing proceeds' DO NOT make it down to the community level. Roads are destroyed, real estate properties continue to pay the larger bills and the people see nothing to benefit their daily lives.


We've talked about the commercial chase trucks and the racers produced law breaking. 

The sanctioning body (SCORE) and (MICHELIN) title sponsor/commercial tire marketing damages go far beyond simple law breaking. Because of the fraudulent insurance and medical framework set up for these events, the laws applied to these violations are severe.

Add shitty race courses and zero race course community support and you get criminal fraud.

In the United States its called organized crime.

Buckle Up People-I'll continue my writing thru the next few months!...  

 >>>Story LOADING HERE>>>



Additional Photographs of the Baja 500 2011 Johnson Incident



Edited by Gary Newsome Wishes To Thank The FIA Foundation for the research and assistance in establishing this line of activism and reporting in Baja Mexico.

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