THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The "Race Incident" Mental Midget Roger Norman didn't want you to see! Driver Luke McMillin's Boner of the Year, So Far!

McMillin Racing Luke McMillin was disqualified from this race event, the Baja 500 2021 for pulling this boner. 

Even Scamster Cameron Steele admitted, he voted to DISQUALIFY LUKE FROM THE RACE RESULTS OVER THIS BONER!

Scameron, who is responsible for making the race course safe & sane??? Not Luke!

What SCORE doesn't want you to know or understand, is that this is SCORE/Roger Norman/MICHELIN-BFGoodrich Tires/Jackson Motorsports-Martketing,  Responsibility. Not Luke's!

At 7:45 PM Luke was leading Andy by seconds. At a location, 10 minutes from the finish line, Luke missed a turn and decided to RUN OVER FANS CAMPING AREAS to get back on the race course...Council of Ensenada, SCORE and Roger Norman are GUILTY of RACE COURSE NEGLIGENCE.

10 Minutes from the finish line, there are no race course markers at this location to assist the fans, nor assist the racers.

Mental Midget Roger Norman is at fault.

As stated by the video poster, "Luke McMillin [runs over a tent and pop-up] takes home camping in Piedras Gordas 10 minutes from the finish line. In his desperation to [stay ahead of Andy], he [missed a turn on the un-marked race course]  and not wanting to waste time, he ran over the camping houses of these fans.

This "race incident" was glossed over in the SCORE cable emission, (cablecast 7-25-2021) as was EVERY other 'incident', which were completely ignored.

Stay Tuned HERE at Baja Racing News LIVE! for the REAL STORY! And the explanation WHY.

Very Simple. It's a business, not a sport.

Gary Newsome, Publisher

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