THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, August 02, 2021

EXPOSED!***From November 2016 BEFORE the baja 1000 2016*** Dec 20 SCORE-International/Roger Norman Race Rescue Fraud? The shell game "Gambler" Roger Norman plays with racers lives in desert off-road racing, in Mexico

SCORE-International/Roger Norman Race Rescue Fraud?
BFGoodrich Tires-Michelin
supports continued death racing!

UPDATED! December 20, 2016 
Gary Newsome, Publisher 

***EMT Raymond Gray relates his story of the Baja 1000 2013, operated by Roger Norman. 
The events that clearly tell you what Roger Norman is all about! SEE THE UPDATE BELOW

** has interviewed the SCORE involved helicopter companies. MORE>>>


UPDATE! December 4, 2016 

We did not receive a call back from Ivor at Corporate Helicopters.

He wants to keep his account with Roger Norman!

One company, trying to get $200 from each and every SCORE customer, told us that the trip to the Kurt Caselli foundation event earlier in the year was merely to bring a 'band member' to the event. It WAS NOT to market its new pitch to racers.


And about the actual service...they said...
"It's Better Than Nothing!!!"
Meaning, racers got nothing, no service, NOW.

And about how the money is handled...
"All money, all payments must go through SCORE!!!"

So, Roger doesn't want to pay for legit chopper service. But, he'll allow companies to pitch SCORE customers to PAY FOR IT, THEMSELVES!


More chopper service interviews this week>>>

Saturday, December 4, 2016:

So, what started this recent discussion about SCORE use of rescue helicopters?

The glaring open wound, the racers who die, because SCORE refuses to apply correct air resources to the emergency medical needs of the races in Baja California, Mexico!

Then- the recent death of a racer, who needed appropriate emergency medical evacuation service.

No statement from SCORE about the death, came out until a San Diego TV report came out.

Roger stated in the press, in response to the TV report about the recent SCORE deaths, "SCORE has a better service than in the past". Meaning the one operated by Sal Fish, the previous owner.

This statement is false. The service may cost less to the owner, Roger Norman himself, however the service in total, is inferior to the service provided by Sal Fish.

The one component of the service that is the most expensive, is also the component that most clearly can save lives.

***UPDATED December 12, 2016*** 

***Roger Norman has butchered the helicopter rescue response service of SCORE International.

During the ownership of Sal Fish, emergency medical responses through the races, improved over time.

During the ownership of Roger Norman, emergency medical responses through the races has declined in quantity and quality.

One example of Roger Normans direct supervision over the system comes from EMT Raymond Gray, during the Baja 1000 2013. In violation of direct orders from SCORE owner, Roger Norman, Raymond Gray ordered a SCORE hired chopper pilot to assist in an emergency medical landing during the race event.

Gray was using his fully outfitted 4x4 based out of San Felipe when he received the call of a disabled/injured rider from Mark Prince's Team and that both rider and bike where being brought in via land vehicle. 

Once Raymond assessed the injuries he ORDERED the SCORE Helicopter to land and take the injured rider into San Felipe Airport. SCORE argued through the Helicopter pilot, they COULD NOT and WOULD NOT take the time out, to assist the badly injured rider.

EMT Gray then yelled over the 151.625 frequency (Weatherman Channel): "No! We are not going to wait for one of your "meat wagons" to pick up this injured rider, you will come and land right here and right now!"

SCORE Operations and Roger Norman directly ordered the chopper, with EMT Gray to NOT ASSIST a racer in danger of losing his life and limb.

The racer had four fingers severed. His fingers were mangled in the rear sprocket.

Near Coco-Corner, just north of Checkpoint 2 in the San Felipe area, a Class 50 racer was calling out for help after having four of his fingers severed during racing in the 2013, SCORE sanction Baja 1000. 

After 50 minutes of arguing with SCORE Operations, EMT Gray countermanded SCORE, who was ordering the chopper to NOT ASSIST the racer. 

Finally the Chopper pilot landed against SCORE's wishes and Raymond made sure they took the racer/rider to the airport at which time he called the States and made arrangements for the bike to be picked up and taken home.

During the following SCORE event, the San Felipe race in 2014, EMT Gray offered to SCORE a complete Search and Rescue EMT based response team. SCORE responded, "we don't need you".

Gray hasn't been back to a SCORE event since. EMT Gray went further, once the Norman era is over at SCORE, Gray said, "he has 20 EMT professionals that want to contribute to greater safety at the Baja races"!

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From earlier reporting...

When interviewed Corporate Helicopters after the death of Kurt Caselli, they said, "we were ordered to stand down, by Roger Norman".

The Corporate Helicopters revelation is important. It confirms Roger Normans own admission and relates directly to the beginning of using choppers for safety and medical emergencies.

When Baja Safari (the original parent of this publication) was located in San Ysidro/alongside the SCORE insurance company at the time, it was Baja Safari who referred SCORE to Corporate for race services!

Since the origin of SCORE using choppers for 'Safety' purposes, Baja Safari originated the relationship between the owner of Corporate (Ivor) and the owner of SCORE at the time, Sal Fish.

For seven years, Baja Safari worked side-by-side with SCORE. Sal Fish's first working satellite phones were originated by the service people support services company, Baja Safari.

Original Story Date November 7, 2016
The "claimed" "new" SCORE Rescue Helicopter during the September Rosarito Challenge. Corporate Helicopters

Gary Newsome
Publisher, Baja Racing News LIVE!

Update: November 8, 2016

The continuous shell game of "we have this chopper for rescue" (not actually used in rescues, but used for the TV shoot) played during the Baja 500 may be the reason the moto racer deaths have been discussed as "never receiving any medical care".

The chopper promoted at one time during the 2016 racing year by SCORE is now replaced by a corporate helicopter bird out of San Diego. Obviously, the helicopter is cheaper on 'standby', as a rental or lease, rather than it is being 'owned' and used for medical emergencies, full-time.

Delivery of appropriate services is not the strong suit of SCORE International. Roger Norman, the "President" of the outfit, after the death of Kurt Caselli told a
reporter, he was more interested in the pricing of the helicopter services than the actual service delivery-quality.

From May, 2016:

Before the Baja 500 Roger Norman claimed: "SCORE is stepping up the rescue capabilities for all race drivers, co-drivers and riders. SCORE has also doubled the medical accident insurance for all banded team members to $50k medical, $25k AD&D and full coverage aero-medi-vac. The insurance is now available for all crew members and media through on-site or off-site race registration. All of this has been done without raising prices, in fact entry fees have been reduced for all classes. This new rescue helicopter is capable of carrying a larger rescue crew and more patients. It is powered by an 1850 hp Cobra turbine and has a 500 mile range under optimal conditions. It will carry rescue tools including jaws of life and will use radio, push to talk iridium and ptt MSat for communications. This helicopter will be on call for life and death situations around the course and will be stationed at Ensenada airport and race mile 83 at the BF Goodrich pit. The Aero-Medi-Vac King Air B-200 will be stationed at Ensenada airport on standby. The SCORE Cruz Roja rescues assets will be stationed all around the course with seven 4x4 rescue units and five ambulances. The medical helicopter SCORE has traditionally used for life saving rescue will be following the lead trophy truck during the race. Since we have had zero chase fatalities in the last 3.5 years it is imperative that continue to drive responsibly on the highways. All racers please remember that if you are the first to come upon a big accident it is ok if you stop and check on the racers involved and offer assistance if needed. Report it to the Race Director Abelardo Grijalva with details and he will verify it and credit your time. Racers need to be careful to use the "helping hand" life and death call on the SPOT 3 devices only for life and death situations so you are not the reason another racer in real need could not be saved."

Why would Roger need to "step-up" capabilities if those services were equal to "the need".

SCORE was failing at rescue capabilities!

Of course we all know what happened at the Baja 500 this year!

In September, the story changed, again!

Roger Claimed: "Just stopped by to check on the SCORE Medical Rescue Helicopter. Ivor, Russ and Tom are ready to rock." And after the event, said, "Fortunately, they were never needed at this race.

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