THE KING OF BAJA Gary Newsome, Publisher. Offices 23090 Ave. Cardon, Ensenada MX

Monday, February 28, 2022

Dave Cole's Ultra Racing Pulls Public Desertz Bonerz 2022

Brian Levi Shirley kills spectator at San Felipe Ultra4 spectator, found guilty of gross negligence, by San Felipe Police Department

UPDATED!: Tuesday, February 28, 2022

Ultra4 Driver Brian Levi Shirley of Dodge City Kansas, KILLS bystander 

Dave Cole Found Guilty of Negligence in Mexico  




Just because he blames JT Taylor, ('Race Director' that day) for the incident occurrence, doesn't mean Dave Cole is off the hook.


Dave Cole's Ultra4 Now has a reputation.

After this article was printed, the truth comes out! Dave Cole is a bald-faced liar, who couldn't care less about SAFETY and LIVES 

Yellow Brick Head Dave Cole!

For years, Ultra4 used the yb trackers, yellow brick. The reason, they were FREE! and they sucked.

Today, Dave used the Clay Bricks, now things are better, right?

Wrong. Dave Cole never gave a shat about anything but the money.

And the psycho-image that he has of himself, being smarter than everyone else. 

Stay Tuned, it's gonna go bad for Dave, soon.>>>

All the lip service about safety, efficiencies, the rest...all BS.

The Proof! The 2022 Dave Cole CF. Out of control, grab ass, hillbilly BS 

First posted Feb. 6

The video above explains it all. If its not clear to you,

 Baja Racing News LIVE! will explain the issues.

The racer in the video had no penalties  for pulling this desert racing boner. High speed, in back of a lower class racer.

How stupid was he? A Helicopter is following the other car. The dust plume following the other car.

Maybe he's not stupid, maybe he wanted to crash into the guy?

And reports today from his friends, it WAS intentional!

How else to explain Dave Cole allowing the crashing and general mayhem and not following his own written rules?

So this is what the BLM has turned into, a cash machine. You put in the cash, mucho-lots, you get to crash  across the public lands, the deserts of the USA...

We suppose the BLM considers it a win if only 7 people die in the next event. One fewer than the California 200 BLM DEATH RACE



The 'DeZert Destructo' is named for a reason. It's an unadulterated demolition derby in the deserts of the United States. Public lands badly administered by the BLM (Bureau of Land Mis-Management).


Racers Expose Dave Cole: "There was essentially zero penalties last year and this year".


Ultra 4 Racing allows wide spread rule violations exposing the public and racers to death, injuries and widespread damages

Dave Cole Exits Public Lands Laden With Questions

The Ultra racing narrative Breaks skin, blood pours out in the public sphere. 

Out in the open - Racers Smash Into Each Other and spectators die driving drunk, Putting Legal Challenges onto the racing community and Cole's mis-managed disorganization.

First Update:

Here we go, the racers chime in and confirm the reports! "We can do anything we want", the RETARD MANTRA is Back In The USA...David Clay of the Racingtrax company dragged by his tracking 'technology' into the mess...

A bystander: 

"Was anyone else here at RP1 during the limited race, first lap, when a race vehicle came through the pit at 50MPH, and actually passed another race vehicle IN the pit as they accelerated. They actually were accelerating and up shifting through the pit, no slow down at all. Hope they got DQ'd. The pass was actually close, and i THINK it was directly in front of Katie V's [Katie Vernola Team, Past Miss Mint 400] pit, with her and the crew standing there. Would have been BAD if the cars tangled up....Someone tell me they got DQ'd for that, that was nuts."

Racers try to explain Dave Coles CF:

"don't think spoon fed is the ask, but simple details would be nice i.e race miles, pit locations, VCP. LOL. Again, not that it mattered what I thought, but when the rank/random/internet retribution draw came out, I didn't care, but the thing was that big $$ were invested to race and a proper draw, random or properly ranked was fair to ask. Same with the details IMO, my UTV budget for this one was smaller than SCORE b/c [because] we had the car prepped, and closer to home, but it wasn't free to race, respect the racers $$ and give basic info before hand. It was COLD AF, dusty, no internet, and hard to get information. It was "eh, prologue doesn't matter, just run it", it literally counted towards your race time and dust sucked, it definitely mattered. Just lots of "you do you" and "use your judgment" which doesn't really work. LOL."  "one of the challenges Dave Cole has is dealing with desert racers expectations. Ultra4 seems pretty lax and anything goes. Kind of wild West just get the job done kind of vibe.  Desert racers need rules and want all the rules to be spoon fed to them. Desert racers need locked in schedules, all details outlined, and things to plan.  I heard a few desert guys say they needed more details on the race course earlier. They didn’t like the format changing at the last minute. Desert racers get good by planning and Organizing. It’s not just brute force. Not saying Ultra4 guys don’t plan but it seems like a different level of planning.  There was essentially zero penalties last year and this year. I just think once the race is over and the winner is crowned they move on to the next race. I was standing there talking to David Clay when he noticed a racer speeding every time he was in the speed zone. David Clay was looking for Dave Cole to tell him about it. Never heard anything else about it. So either David Clay never got the message to Dave Cole, or he decided it didn’t matter." 

Another Racer:

"Same happened to us on the pole line speed zone. No signage at the beginning, no notification from the racing trax either. Ended up bombing down it at 60 (Ecotech 4800 car) until we came up on a car doing the 30mph. Pretty disappointed in the lack of consistency in the racing trax zones, after we were told in the drivers meeting that we "only need to follow the speed on the tracker" in the speed zones."

Another bystander:

"I can just hear all the pit people now' what an idiot , hope he crashes' (few minutes later, word came in,they got their wish)' geee, hope he's ok'....."

Mike T. Pyle, Racer:

Haha yeah for sure. Baja is different.  But KOH seems to be the closest race in the states to Baja racing.   It’s hard to judge what people do in a race car too harshly. It’s a different world and you are in race mode. Things don’t work the same and your brain is in a different mode. Easy to stand by and watch a racer do something and negatively judge them.  I am always amazed at the things we will do in the race truck that we know are not 100% cool.  Even on Monday when I was driving our truck after the race I kept passing people like a jackass. Was no reason but I could not help myself. Coming back into hammertown I was driving like there was a race or an emergency. So stupid. LOL. But when you strap in a race car half your brain shuts off."

Jon Coleman Racer:

"actually it was a good warm up drill for San Felipe".

The Racers Cluster Fuck each other and the public:

"It really is so comical. I could literally run someones EZ UP over on ZOO road and as long as no one dies its all high fives and tecates...."

Typical Racer:

"Same happened to us on the pole line speed zone. No signage at the beginning, no notification from the racing trax either. Ended up bombing down it at 60 (Ecotech 4800 car) until we came up on a car doing the 30mph. Pretty disappointed in the lack of consistency in the racing trax zones, after we were told in the drivers meeting that we "only need to follow the speed on the tracker" in the speed zones.  Weird. There were multiple course workers, huge stop signs, course worker vehicles, and racingtrax informing us of the 30mph (and pit zones) during the Thursday UTV race. GPS file had it too now that I think about it. I don't know how it could be more informed unless you had a huge flashing sign lol".


"lol", Laughing Out Loud 

This is how and why exists. To expose the desert racing community and its excess. Killing, maiming and damages.



Specific Examples of Race Event Mismanagement pointed out by racers, themselves: 


"Blyler finished the course in 2nd place physically, But Jason Scherer beat him on corrected time." The reality Jason finished physically 2nd and in 2nd.

"If Raul Gomez did not beat Jason Scherer by at least 30 minutes or so, Scherer could take the win on corrected time." The reality, Jason started on the front row. This scenario is impossible.

Luke McMillin was gifted re-entry back into the Desert Challenge event, all other racers were eliminated from the race. Taking thousands of dollars from the grift. 

Brian Deegan was gifted first pole position, in which he won thousands of dollars, after not qualifying for ANY placement within the existing rules. 

Our reporters are just back from the drunkfest. Lots to unpack.

Gary Newsome, Publisher Ensenada Baja Mexico

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